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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus was hearing the whole conversation and a bit annoyed by it whoever this new person was swam off the deep end he turned over to Raika who was in the air and yelled so she could hear him, "I honestly feel that this would has a moral lesson for everyone who walks in. But refusing to not accept the problems and refusing to make anything better, their punishment is handled by death itself." He decided to ignore whoever the new guy was because people like him gave Cyrus headaches.
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John looked at Chirpy and stepped forward examining the bird, "Your plumage is absolutely gorgeous, and you act as though you are any better." He looks at Cyrus. "Do not get a holier-than-thou attitude, it will have you wind up being dead pretty quickly. We all have our sins and its best to not nitpick."
Raika looked ar cyrus and jumped of chirpy and landed next to him and started walking " that is true...but people have a hard time excepting themselves unless they know others will also except them...but then again we all have reasons of why we dont except ourselves..." she said to cyrus.
Dan looked at both Cyrus and John. "Enough! We didn't come here to argue. We came here to save a life. So I'm gonna ask you two to cooperate or I'll make sure you both leave."
Cyrus turned to John who was now impossible to avoid, "Ok listen here beefcake i'm not nitpicking i'm am simply agreeing with Raika and Also i don't remember talking to you, holier-than-thou attitude? have to stopped to even hear yourself for a moment?" he turned over to Dan, "Don't even blame me for this i have said nothing to him."
Yukaze stood there and watched as this all went on. "Guys I feel like we have more important matters to attend to then us arguing" he said to the group.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
" chirpy can you come back down so i can get on back again?!" She asked. Chirpy nodded and started flying low. Raika ran and jumped on his back. She giggled " thanks" chirpy started to fly hig in the air again. " your so fluffy" she giggled. Chirpy chuckled.
John looked at the bird take off, "I wish I could fly." He turned back to the group, "Just saying it's kind of harsh to say someone deserves to die when they were thrown in here against their will, and isn't saying that sort of stuff counter productive since we're here to save her. Wait, you guys are here to save her right? Or are we in conflicting interests?"
John yelled back at her, "Then why did that one guy say people who come in here and deny themselves deserve to die? Doesn't that seem counter productive?"
Yukaze was starting to get annoyed, "look does it really even matter right now can't we just put this shit aside for later, there is someone in trouble if you people haven't noticed".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Cyrus just shook his head and walked away. he speedup the pace trying to get to the room and away from the other one.
John shrugged, "Just saying I don't want there to be some massive surprise ending where the guy that we think is on our side but has been dropping subtle hints that he's not on our side ends up totally betraying and trying to kill us like there always is in these types of stories. I mean think about it, name one murder mystery that hasn't had a plot twist, and add that in to his character bio clearly has him disgruntled, also I may have accidentally broken the fourth wall. I'm sorry, that tends to happen a lot wherever I go no matter what story I'm in. I mean seriously I've done that more times than Deadpool. Deadpool exists in this story right? Wait, we're in Japan, would we even know about Deadpool?"
Raika was starting to get annoyed by john. She wants to jumps down and slap straight across the cheek ' I swear... if another words come out that guys mouth I am going to slap him....'
Yukaze was glad the argument was basically over. He ignored Jon's comment, 'does this guy think this is a joke or something', he looked up. "Anymore clues on how far the place is chirpy" he yelled to chirpy.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"We're almost there!!" He yelled back. Raika was smiling and hugging his neck. 'Fluffy' "raika your choking me..." raika loosened her grip "hehe....sorry..."
"What am I a map?" Chirpy muttered. Raika laughed and patted his head " no!! I am only takong you where I sense her!! And we're almost there!!" He answered.
Rei' shadow's hands stopped. She heard someone speak behind the door. "Oh...it seems you're friends have arrived..." She vilently shook Rei awake. "What don't I say hi to your...friends hmm?"

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