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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Yukaze nodded "right behind you Dan. He took off in the direction everyone was going Yukaze hoped they weren't to late.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
As chirpy flew raika looked around she couldn't see anything "I can't see anything...." "those glasses try them on" raika wore the glasses "wow...this place is weird..." chirpy nodded. They soon arrived at they castle "she is in there..." he said to dan, yukaze and shiro.
"wanna fill me in on what the hell I just saw or am I just gonna have to keep guessing at what just happened with my unplugged TV? And what was with that creepy ass face on the tv. She was acting human but she gave me some serious shivers. "John said on the phone.
"It is weird, isn't it?" Grace laughed nervously, her mind racing for an explanation that didn't involve what was going on. But...what else could she say? Despite how crazy it sounded, she was actually tempted to confide in him. Keeping it a secret was difficult, and besides, they needed all the help they could get. "...I can tell you, but you'll probably think it sounds insane."
"How insane we talking, as insane as the angel of death following me, or some weird freaky spirit crap insane? Cause to be honest hun I've heard it all." John said over the phone his voice sounding like he deals with this on a regular basis.
"Neither...?" At least, Grace didn't think it was either of those things. "Basically there's this other world inside the tv. Someone is kidnapping and throwing people inside, and if they're not saved in time they get killed by their Shadow. Shadows are sort of like an embodiment of a person's hidden feelings, but if the person is able to accept those feelings then the Shadow can turn into a Persona. A Persona can be used at the person's command to fight other shadows." She waited for John's reaction.
"Okay I got one question and one question only for you." Johns voice calm and serious.
"The hell we doing standing around here? We go to save her now. I got the weapons just tell me where you want to meet." John said as he packed a backpack full of items including three odd gloves.
"Wh-What?!" Grace exclaimed in surprise. She was surprised that he had believed her so easily. Even if he did have weapons, it would be dangerous to into the tv world without personas. However, the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to do it. She was tired of sitting on the sidelines. "...how about we meet at Junes?"
John said, "Got it, you prefer to blow things up or electrocute them to death? I'll pick your weapon accordingly." He shoved a strange glove, depending on what she said into the bag as well as several plastic pellets that were a few inches in diameter. He ran to Junes. I've definitely faced stranger, I'm not going to let anyone die on me.
Well that was a question you don't hear everyday. "Electrocution?" she decided before ending the call. Grace had never been much of a fighter before, but that didn't mean she couldn't learn. She rushed out of the house and toward Junes.
John watched as she ran up to him, he pulled out a glove that looked to be a strange rubber glove covered in circuitry and had a slot on the top near the bottom for a battery. This slot was filled with two batteries that would normally be found in a taser. He carefully handed it to her. "Slip that on, there's a node at the knuckles that works like a taser, only a lot more powerful whenever you punch someone. Hit the switch where the battery goes to turn it on. I don't know what we're gonna be fighting but this might allow us to at the very least hold them off. Careful though, that's a lot stronger than a normal taser. I could think of a few governments who would love to get their hands on my design for that. We may not have the power of these, "Persona" you're talking about, but I at least know that we can do some damage."

(Hooray for ingenuity and shadows being able to be hurt by electricity in bombs as is seen in the games)
Grace slipped the glove on and moved her fingers to test the feel of it. To think that she could use something so strong; it boosted her confidence in the situation, if only a little. She made sure not to touch the switch yet. "You made this? That's amazing." she stated, impressed.
"Problem is, it's in the beta testing so you'll need these." He hands her a couple of batteries as he gets out his own weapon and puts it on his hand. It's a simple glove that is covered in a sort of clear plating with pressure plate on top of the knuckles and a small what looked to be barrel on top that was made of the same clear material. He strapped this on as well as he put a brace on his wrist and shoulder. "Problem is this is also in beta testing, well let's see how they do in a field test shall we? Where do we go from here?"
Grace nodded and glanced inside Junes. Due to the time of night there were only a couple of people hanging around, so if they were careful they could avoid unnecessary stares. "We could use the tvs in the Junes electronics department." she suggested.
John shrugged, "Eh that works." He said. Thankfully the gloves weren't too awkward and weren't too obviously weapon, to a random passerby they would look like simple toys. "Lead the way."
Grace headed toward the electronics department and stopped in front of one of the larger tvs. She hesitated for a moment, uncertainty briefly flashing through her. She could still go in even without the others, right? She reached out and, to her relief, her hand went right through the surface.

"A-All you have to do is jump in." she stated before going in herself.
John closed his eyes as he held onto her and therefore was sucked into the TV after her. He looked around as he landed, "Sheesh, so Japan has its creepy unnatural stuff too huh? and here I thought it was just America.... Well at least nothing comes close to Slenderman... right?"
"It's a bit different when it's actually happening." Grace commented. When she looked around she was met with hazy and unclear surroundings. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a glasses case. She switched out the ones inside for her regular ones, closed it, and stuffed it back into her pocket. Now her vision was clear and bright, unhindered by the fog.
John looked around at the massive amount of fog, "Only two questions: How the hell do I see and where the hell are we supposed to go?"
"Last time I was here they were just laying around." Grace answered sheepishly. "Let's see...there!" She finally spotted a table that stuck out; she wondered if it was Chirpy's work table or something. She walked over to it and, to her satisfaction, saw a couple pairs of glasses on the surface. "Here. Take one of these and put them on. But as for where to go...I'm honestly not sure."
John puts on the glasses and looks around, "Huh, neato! Looks like these work pretty well. Can't you sense or call anyone? Maybe they went on ahead of us?"
"Good idea. They're probably far ahead of us. I'll call Dan and ask where they are." Grace decided. She took out her phone, searched for his number in the contacts list and waited for him to pick up.

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