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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

The woman just stared at Cyrus, "A lieutenant huh?" then looked over at Adara. "How much trouble did you get in?"

"I didn't."

"Dammit and I was almost hoping that was your boyfriend."


"But no I'm sorry he's not fake or 27 to 35!" she sighed, giving up. "....Thanks for bringing my daughter back."

John looked at her as he brushed away her tears. "Don't apologize for having emotions. I can tell you've been downtrodden, neglected, forgotten. But that's okay because im here for you now. So don't hold back and don't worry." John said as me smiled. "It's alright if you have to go home. It is getting rather late. "
Cyrus smiled, "No problem mam" he turned to Adara, "Oh um..I'll have the device ready tomorrow for you, Bye" he said smiling. He turned around and walked away. Time to check out the Midnight Channel
To those watching the Midnight Channel they would've seen a woman with blonde hair and a black dress sitting on a throne with piles of items next to her.

(To those who missed the earlier post, this is what Rei/ Her Shadow looks like)


"Hello everybody! My name is Rei!" The girl stood up and took a short bow. "Why don't you all come over and have some fun with me? Let me see what I can...take from you...hehehe" The girl said. "I hope you get here soon...I'm really impatient and sometimes do bad things when bored. See ya!" She gave a wink before the tv blips off.

After a lecture on 'devices and her phone being in the river' Adara was in her room and she stared over at the screen of the TV until the midnight channel came on and who appeared on the screen was...

Whoever the hell that was.

She was pretty though.

"Hell everybody, my name's Rei!" The attractive lady bowed as she said this.

"Still not ringing a bell." Adara muttered as she kept watching.

"Why don't you all come over and have some fun with me? Let me see what I can...take from you...hehehe. I hope you get here soon...I'm really impatient and sometimes do bad things when bored. See ya!" She gave a wink and the TV cut off.

"The hell..?" Adara asked, trying to get the metaphors of it. "Ok so lets see here a bunch of items...what I can take from you? So she's a theif slash kleptomaniac then? But what about that outfit...was that last part an innuendo of sorts? So she'll seduce you and take your things. Maybe." Adara shrugged as she thought it over. She looked over at the TV. "Am I supposed to go into the TV world..?" she asked herself, timid and not sure if she even wanted to.

"I-I mean it's not like I know her or anything!" she pouted. "Is Raika or Cyrus going to be in there? What if they get hurt? But..." she began to fumble with her thumbs, anxious.


"AUGH! What the hell does this mean!?" A drunken Oakley slammed his fists on the TV after it cut off. "Ok lets see...Rei...Rei...who the hell is Rei?" he asked but when he couldn't come up with an answer immediately he cursed and punched a hole in the wall. "Dammit! What the hell is this midnight channel even about!?"

Yukaze looked at the food on the table and couldn't help but feel happy. "Thanks you guys again I could really get used to this" he said as he started to dig in.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Your welcome" raika said with a smile and started to eat. Chirpy said " thanks for the food" and started to eat.
Yukaze dug in and as usual it was very delicious. He slurped his noodles fast and finished them instantly. "It was delicious" Yukaze said out loud. Kotori nodde smiling and finished her noodles slowly enjoying them.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika giggled and ate her food " you should eat slowly or your going to choke" she said to him with a smile.
"Then I will die with a full belly" Yukaze said patting his belly. Kotori finished her food and leaned back "sooo good, nice job Raika".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika smiled " thanks, you also helped so you should also get credit for it" chirpy and raika finished their food a few minutes later. " delicious" chirpy said.
Kotori smiled, "thanks Raika and Chirpy" she said happy. She pushed back from the table,"well it's late I'm gonna head off to bed night everyone see you tomorrow" she waved bye as she headed up the stairs to her room.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika waves " night kotori" she took everyone finished bowl and washed them. Chirpy went and sat on the couch and waited for the midnight channel.
Yukaze helped Raika wash the dishes so she would finish quicker. "You know I really appreciate what you've done for kotori and me it means a lot" Yukaze said to Raika meaning every word.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika smiled and kissed his cheek " and I am so happy I met you two...you guys always brighten my day...and thanks for helping with the dishes" she said cheerfully.
"No problem I enjoy hanging out with you, but we should hurry it's almost midnight" Yukaze said in a rushing voice as he did the dishes.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika put the last dish away and chirpy yelled " it started!" Raika rushed to the living room and her eyes widen ' oh boy...'
A few Noises came from Cyrus Watch as he got home, "Oh it must be the midnight channel" Cyrus looked over at his watch as it played the midnight Channel, "Hello everybody! My name is Rei!" The girl stood up and took a short bow. "Why don't you all come over and have some fun with me? Let me see what I can...take from you...hehehe" The girl said. "I hope you get here soon...I'm really impatient and sometimes do bad things when bored. See ya!"

"That was...odd wait......That's the girl who was throwing shadows yesterday." T.K. ran down to his house and got into the T.V.
Yukaze rushed in and was surprised by what he had seen. The person on the television was the girl that had slept on the couch. "My god how did they get her" Yukaze said bewildered.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika somehow expected this " we need to go now!" She stared at the screen " umm....we just step into the tv?" Chirpy sighed and nodded " but that's weird!!" "Want me to push you" "nope I am fine you go first" chirpy sighed and entered the tv. " creepy....." raika took yukaze's hamd and entered together "ok...that felt weird...."
Dan saw the midnight channel but couldn't recognize the person on the screen. Dan grabbed his phone and called Yukaze and waited for him to answer.

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Yukaze entered was suddenly grabbed and once again was in the tv work. Raika and chirpy were standing there with him though this time. Suddenly his cellphone started to ring, "Um hello nows probably not a good time" Yukaze said to the person not even checking the number.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Chirpy was a bird and raika was petting him " you have soft feathers...." chirpy laughed a little " thanks..."
Yukaze shrugged and put his phone in his pocket. "All right why did we jump in here, wouldn't it have been better to talk to the group first" Yukaze said to Raika.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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