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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika couldn't help but laugh. She nodded and it's almost midnight. "Midnight! " chirpy said " we need to go now!" He looked at hank " thanks again but we have to go!" He smiled at him and grabbed raika's hand and ran off.
Next to the Dunk tank there were a number of stuffed animals that you could obtain, Cyrus turned his attention to Adara, "Pick anyone you want." he said with a smile.

Adara looked over and saw the plushies lined up- all adorable and colorful. She thought for a moment but when a particular not so popular stuffed animal caught her attention she grabbed it.

It was small and moderately cute. Soft and pink.

It was a...


Hank saw them suddenly say goodbye and run off- after saying something about it being midnight. "H-HEY WHAT THE HELL!?" Hank called after them, but they just ran off. "...THIS ISN'T CINDERELLA YOU KNOW!!"

Raika laughed " SORRY!! YOU CSN FOLLOW US!! BUT YOUR BOSS LEFT!!" She yelled " are you crwzy he can't follow us!!" "Oh he won't, so did you enjoy your time here with him?" Raika asked. Chirpy nodded " yeah I had fun" the two continued to run.
Cyrus looked at the Stuffed animal, "That is a squid is it not?" Then he heard running he turned around and noticed Raika and some kid he had never seen before, "That is not Yukaze, who is that?"

"Ick..." Adara scrunched up her nose. "That's her stupid bird."


Hank grumbled and tried to call Oakley. He picked up.

"O-Oakley! What the hell!? Where are you!? Why did you just leave me!?"

"Oh...sorry...thought you would have a ride." Oakley said, his voice sounded off.

"Whoa man are you ok? You sound awful..." he widened his eyes. "Wait man..have you-have you been crying?"

There was no answer.

"Oakley man..where the hell are you? I'm going to come for you.."

"There's no point in that."

"Dude what the hell are you talking about!?"


"Wh-what!?" Hank yelled as he stared at his phone. Did he really just hang up on him?

Chirpy and raika got out of the park. While they were running raika took out the phone " since the mood is good...." she sent the pictures that she took of the two sleeping to hank " hehe....here is a souvenir....and thanks for keeping an eye on him for me" she put a smily face and and a grin then sent it to hank.
Cyrus was a little confused, "That's the baby Articuno? I think i'm going crazy." he looked around for a bit, "Now where too next?"

"Um...." Adara said as she looked around. Finally she looked up at Cyrus and asked. "Can we please buy a snack from one of those stands over there..?"


Hank got a message and- hoping it to be Oakley checked it.

"Wh-what the hell!?" he blushed as he saw the pictures of the two sleeping. "DELETE DELETE DELETE!"

Cyrus nodded, "Man i forgot...I'm starving........" He walked with her to the food stand, "So what would you like. Oh look they are having a sale in Freshly baked Jumbo pizza rolls."
Raika laughed and started leading chirpy back to yukaze's house where chirpy was planning on entering the tv world through. " hey chirpy tell me about that world i was in last night" chirpy looked at her and sfsrtrd to explain.
Adara widened her eyes. "What the hell!? They sell pizza rolls here!? And jumbo sized!? I want some!!".
Chirpy explained and raika listened " ohh...ok...I get it...thanks" raika said to him. They were almost to yukaze's house.A car past them as they ran. She and him didn't have time to look at it and kept running to yukaze's house.
Cyrus chuckled, "I guess we will get some Jumbo sized pizza rolls please." The laddy nodded and came back with a large tray of pizza rolls with garlic and marinara dipping sauce. Cyrus paid for the food and he sat down with Adara at a table to eat.
"Ah man! They actually sell these things!? That's awesome!" Adara laughed as she popped one in her mouth and smiled at the taste. 'It's amazing...ok I see why they started sellling these. They'd make plenty of profit!"
Cyrus nodded, "I agree with you there No wonder my uncle eats these all the time." Cyrus threw another one in his mouth enjoying the flavor
"Oh yeah!" Adara said as she popped another in her mouth. "Didn't you say something about your family's coming to visit earlier?"
Cyrus responded, "Yeah some of my family is going to be here in a few days i believe it's Monday." He grabbed another pizza roll and ate it, "You wan't anything to drink?"
"Dr. Pepper" she said simply without having to think about it. "So are you going to be busy with that company for a while?"
Cyrus walked away for a moment and came back with the Dr. Pepper and some water. He gave Adara the Dr. Pepper, "You mean what my Uncle is doing? No hes here because this place is perfect for Ai testing. I might help him out a bit but not much."
Adara nodded as she drank. "Well-" she said, sipped and started again. "If you need anything, just let me know, ok?"
(didn't see the reply. Sorry. )

John smiled warmly as he side hugged her tight. "I promise. You'll never be alone again so long as I draw breath. I'll make sure you never have to go through anything on your own ever again. I'll protect you with everything I got. "
"Oh wait..." she frowned. She began to ponder matters on what she just said. "Yeah...I'm fine helping you out with whatever it is you may need but..." she stopped and looked over at him. "How would you get in contact with me?"

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