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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika loked at him " want me splash you with water again? cause i can" she said showing her bottle full of water.


Chirpy looked at him and smiled ' he looks so peaceful and childish...' he chuckled a little.
Cyrus looked over at Adara, "Something is troubling you, You stopped mid sentence and froze for a bit are you okay?" He moved his hand from under her's and placed it on top, then he looked over and smiled, "I'm fine don't worry about me." Cyrus felt allot calmer then he ever did. They were almost near the top of the Ferris wheel maybe that had something to do with it?

Adara looked at him, and calmed down. She didnt dare move her hand when he placed it atop of his. He asked if she was ok and...being the coward she was, didn't dare want to confront him about it. Not now at least. Not when things were so...nice. Just how they were.

Yes, everything was nice.

She was outside, not depressed- not feeling like a toy...not alone. This simplicity and change was just...nice.

Nice was just a small word for it but oh how it meant everything to Adara right now.

Answering his question, she offered a little smirk. "Just thinking..." she said plainly and lightly. Deciding to add in more she said, "With all that said and done...I feel like things may change. For the better, lets hope."

She decided to just keep up a good chat with him that didn't concern the anxiety of feelings and the like. She wondered if he caught on to her as well. Caught on to the fact that she had the hots for...


"YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" Oakley jumped up from his table, still in half of a mascot fur suit, and pointed an accusing finger at Raika. "I'm feeling like a cat right about now! Getting reeeallllyyy tired of your shit. With you and your water and all that!" and for show- he decided to hiss at her. Oh, how he could be an embarrassment to bring out in public.

Cyrus responded, "I Don't need to hope i know things will change for the better." They were at the top of the Ferris wheel now and everything looked Beautiful, "This is quite the View from here. I can see why you where so eager to go."
Raika grinned and shook her water bottle "wanna bet on it old man?" she snickered " not so cute and innocent now am i?'

"Heh, yeah~" Adara said as she returned her attention to the moon. "I've never rode one before so I didn't know what to expect..." she giggled lightly. "I guess I know why people find it romantic too...it really is beautiful." she admitted.


Oakley shook his head. "Helllll no...put that thing down. You are talking to a cop missy, ya' know that? When a cop orders you to do something, you do it." he warned.

Raika laughed " alright alright..." she opened the bottle and drank some water " scared of a bottle full of water and girl...that's priceless..."
Cyrus nodded in agreement, "There are somethings in life you have to see, this has to be one of them." Cyrus said one other thing not realizing what he was saying, "To me there a few things that i think are beautiful. they really are Precious in life and i don't want to lose them."

Adara looked over at him when he said that. "Yeah? What would those be?" she asked, her curiousity piqued.


"You..." he said, sitting back down. "Are one hell of a sadist, and I hope you know that.." he said as he called over a waitress and ordered something to eat. "Want anything sadist?" he asked with a sarcastic smile.

" I still have a bottle of water and i can still splash it at you...and a ceasar salad would do" she said with a smile
Cyrus was confused about what Adara was asking about, "What would What be..?" Gahhh I spoke without thinking again, how could i be so stupid. Cyrus was trying to act all Airhead about it acting as he didn't know what she was talking about.

Adara lifted an eyebrow. "Umm...what are the beautiful and precious things in life that you don't want to lose?" she asked, her eyes staying locked with his as she was curious on his answer. Mind you, it was an innocent curiosity.


"What is that your thing now? You get off with treating your fellow police officer slash elder like a house pet? Yeah that's real funny." Oakley said dryly as the waitress went off to get their order ready.

Raika pouted " your the one that started it..." she said as she finished her water bottle and threw into the trashcan " plus it's fun messing with you"
Cyrus chuckled, "Did i say that out loud? Well i might as well give you an answer since i said it in the first place. Well there is my Family, my new decisions in life, And you the First person who ever stood up for me."

"A-am I really? The first? ...Really?" she asked, surprised as she thought that over. "I..wow.." she smiled. "Well yeah and I'm here for you!" she told him, offering him a hug. He needed one. Especially if Adara was his first friend AND the first to stand up for him. That sounded obscure even to her.


"And suddenly I've become comic relief." Oakley stated matter of factly, surprisingly not very entertained by this fact.

The ride was almost over now and Cyrus had just gotten a hug, he felt pretty accomplished, "Well the rides almost over we better get out now." He stood up trying to balance himself in the pod, "Gravity just does not like me today."


Adara giggled as she saw him try and get up. She quickly hopped up and grabbed onto his shoulders in hopes of balancing him. "Haha~! Careful now! Wouldn't want to get a concussion~!" she joked. She was really having fun right now and she felt like this ride was a special one...and though it was sad it was ending, she knew it would've had to at some point in time.


"You...are just too harsh." Oakley said, just about to give up with the young girl.

Raika laughed " the truth sets you free" she giggled " i am sorry...today's adrenaline got the better of me...and i just went with the flow"
Cyrus chuckled as Adara was helping him balance, "Yeah thanks....wait.....How are you on my shoulders?" (Cyrus is like 6''4) Cyrus stepped out of the Ferris wheel with Adara, "Oh man now i am hungry. We need to find some food."

Adara nodded. "Alright lets go get some food!" she declared marrily as she skipped ahead...finally stopping to turn around and nervously laugh. "Know where any food places even are?" she had to ask.


At this, Oakley also couldn't help but to laugh. "What is an old man like me doing hanging out at amusement parks with teenagers? I've really crossed that line, huh? No return now.." he joked.

Raika smiled at oakly and sipped her drink which she is almost done with " you really are a weird old man"
Cyrus thought for a moment, "I saw one while we were up on the Ferris wheel so it should be around here somewhere." Cyrus turned to the left where he saw one of the large tents to get food, "Alright let's stop by here."
"Please stop calling me old you'll make me cry..." he said as he noticed two familiars walk in. "Oh well if it isn't our lovely little couple!" he cheered as he waved over at Cyrus and Adara.

Upon seeing Oakley, Adara's face flustered, her fists clenched and she yelled. "W-why are you here!? We're not a couple!!!"

Raika kicked oakly's knee hard with medium strength under the table. She then smiled at adara and cyrus " did you guys have fun?" she asked hoping they made some progress.

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