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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

John thought for a moment, "Well what is there to do for fun around here? We can figure it out while we go to drop off the groceries." John said as he took most of the bags from here to carry them. "Lead the way!"
"Let's see...there's a movie theater." Grace started, thinking as she walked. It was at times like these that she really realized just how little this town had. "The riverbank is a pretty nice place. Oh, and there's also an amusement park nearby, but I've never been so I don't know how great it is."
John looked up thinking. "Well the riverbank sounds nice and so does the park, so it's up to you whichever you want to visit. I'm the new guy around here so im completely at your mercy."

Adara looked at him. "R-really...you don't-" she shook her head and pointed over to one, which wasn't hard to see. "See that? That's the ferris wheel! It's really slow and it's more or less just for being able to see the view and talking really..." there was a weird kind of sparkle in her eye as she looked up at the ferris wheel. "But for some reason, even though it sounds boring and I've never rode one I'm obsessed with them...I've always wanted to ride one."


A sweat drop left the mascot's head. "1) I wasn't talking about you and 2) ...you don't even know what I meant by that do you?"


Hank took a deep breathe. He brought him here and he wasn't about to ditch him. He needed to find some way to ease this awkwardness. Finally, he dug into his pockets and pulled out some spare change, handing it to Chirpy. "Here...insert these into the photo booth. We can take pics..if you want..."

Grace gave a small laugh. "Alright then. If you don't mind, I'd rather go to the riverbank since it's quieter there. I'm not sure how much longer the park will be open anyway." She turned into the driveway of her house and walked up to the door. After using her free hand to unlock it she opened the door. "This is my house. You can set the bags on the table."
Raika stared at him for a few minute and also thought about what he meant "..........yup....i have no idea what you meant"


Chirpy smiled and took the change. He put in the photo booth and took picture with Hank. They were casual, nothing over the top.
"Prepare for the final attack. Final fist lightning." Dan's persona charged at the shadow with a lightning fist.

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Adara looked over at him, giddy. "Can we!?"


Oakley shook his head. "Just...never mind. It's not important anyways."


Hank took the pictures when they were done. There were 6 small pictures all together in a vertical strip and without hesitation he tore it in half- 3 pictures on each new strip. After that he gave one of the strips to Chirpy. "Here's a souvenir..." he said, offering a light smile.

Raika just stared at him " anyways..." she looked around and doesnt see adara and cyrus. ' hmm.....i'll look for them later...' she stretched and got some water from the stand " how long are you gonna follow adara and cyrus around?"


Chirpy took the picture and put it in his pocket "thanks...and thanks for bringing me here...i had a great time today" he smiled at him
John nods as he sets the groceries down on the counter, "Don't like large crowds then I take it?"
Grace began to put away the groceries. "Not really..." she admitted, pausing to rub the back of her neck sheepishly. It wasn't long before she had everything put up and she turned around. She walked back to the front door and waited so she could lock it behind him. "I-If you don't mind me asking, do you?"
John walked out the front door as he smiled at her. "I don't like them when im alone. But when im with other people it doesn't matter who's around, I only notice us. Friends really make all the difference. Problem is I kind of suck at making them."


Eventually they made it over to the ferris wheel and they were just in time to immediately be able to ride.

Once everybody was secure they began to move. The size of the ferris wheel was huge and it would take quite a while before they would be getting off but hey - that was kinda the point of a ferris wheel.

Adara, whom was sitting beside Cyrus, couldn't be any happier right now.

"Ah~! I'm actually riding one of these things!" she squealed joyously.


"Until whenever old Oakley feels satisfied and content with his days' stalking." he joked..and it was clear Raika probably wasn't going to get a honest answer with this guy.


Hank blushed slightly "Uh..ah..." why was his smile so damn cute? The fact that he was 20 was really starting to weird him out now. "Y-you're welcome..." he finally said, leaning away some.

Grace closed the door behind them and nodded. "Me too." she agreed a little sadly. Although he probably had different reasons for it, she wasn't any good at making friends either. She started leading the way toward the riverbank.
Cyrus was Enjoying the view everything seemed smaller and was inside the cart was allot clearer to see, "Wow this really is nice. But is there something else to this whole thing?"
Raika stared at him " i should label you as a stalker..." she looked at the menue and said " One banna smoothie please!" she chirped and giggled


Chirpy looked at him and tilted his head " your face is red again... are you sure your ok?"
"9-tailed flames" flames surrounded Yukazes persona as he charged at the giant shadow. "Let's do it" Yukaze said with a firey determination in his eyes.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

"Well...yeah, kinda." Adara admitted. "Many people liked to take loved ones on the ferris wheel. They find it romantic for some reason or another." Adara thought about it. "I don't know if I ever really thought about it that way..but I can see what they mean by it...ferris wheels ARE quite the beauty to me." she said this softly, relaxing as the ferris wheel moved slowly- seemingly to magically progress them higher though it was so slow you could barely even recognize it until it just magically happened.


"Ooh can I have a mango smoothie?" he whispered to her.


"R-really man, I'm fine!" he choked, hands in the air as a sign. He really didn't know what to say or really do by now.

" and a mango one for a friend of mine!" the person nodded and came back after a few minutes. She paid for them and gave the mango one to oakly and smiled " there ya go"


Chirpy leaned forward " i dont believe you"
Grace glanced around as they approached the riverbank. The only other person there was a focused fisherman who was staring intently at the water. He probably didn't even notice that they were there.

"Here it is." She was surprised that there weren't more people considering how nice of a day it was, but she was more than fine with that.
"So why does this keep stopping?" Cyrus asked They were near the top now but he was staring out the window and he saw the moon, "Hey Adara look over at the moon to the right side, Doesn't it look lovely?"
"Honestly the no friends part I find hard to believe. You're gorgeous, have glasses, and you're quiet. Guys LOVE that like you wouldn't believe. I bet you have tons of secret admirers." John says as he takes off his shoes and dips his feet in the water as he sits down by the river.

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