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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus reached into his pocket and pulled out some fake blood,"I stole this from the ghost when i headbutt him. So do you wan't to scare him or me?"
Raika giggled and followed oakly " soo care to tell me why your following us?"


Chirpy looked with a what the heck look " huh? Wrong vibes? What the heck are you talking about?" He looked at him " do you have a fever...your face is red..."

Adara grabbed the false blood and observed it front to back. "So...what am I doing with this?" she asked, a fire in her eyes.


The mascot Oakley gave a thumbs up. "My job is to follow you children!"

Yeah- coming from a already creepy and not so cute animal mascot...that just made Oakley seem all the more sketchy.


"Ah-i'm fine!" Hank said looking away so that Chirpy wouldn't see his face.

Raika laughed " cute. Now give me the real reason" she said bluntly


" really? " he makes him look at him and put his forehead against his "hmm....nope your fine..." he backs up " maybe you just need something cold to eat..."
"So when he scared you the last time you fell you almost hit your head but he didn't notice that. So what your going to do is your going to make it look like you hurt yourself and when i find him and he looks to check up on you....you scare him." Cyrus explained

"Good plan..." Adara said as she looked over the blood packet, a bit skeptical. "I wonder if I could even do it...knowing me I'll probably mess up.."


"Well actually that is my legit reason. That IS my job..." Oakley looked down at Raika. "But also I think there's a more selfish reason to it..." he said as he stroked his mascot chin.


"Y-yeah...something cold...would be nice..." Hank said as he looked down to the ground. Why was he letting this happen to him?

Raika sighed fine " but I think adara and cyrus are the people your following. I am just an extra" she said as she looked around " and what the selfish reason?"


Chirpy nodded amd saw a small shack " that should have some food...come on!" He grabbed his arm and started walking there.

Adara opened up the blood packet and started applying it her her head. "Ok...you can go get him."


Oakley didn't even try to hide the fact. "There's something going on with you kids that I'm way too interested in." he said as he looked down at Raika. "Doing the research, Adara had to have just met you both and yet your bonds are a bit too strong...and then...look at the office I managed to get some tapes I'm extremely curious about too. They contain footage from a nonexistent channel." he looks down at Raika. "Anything you want to tell me, princess?"


Hank jerked his arm back from Chirpy. "S-sorry..." he said as he backed away and sat down inside the photo booth. "C-can you just...go get it and bring it back over to me? ...Please?" he asked, not able to look at him.

Cyrus shook his head, "I'm not getting him were going to him." Cyrus picked up Adara bridal style. He knew she was going to freak so he waited for her reaction.
Adara was not expecting this at all what-so-ever. "WH-WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" She asked, face flustered all over again. "I think even with a concussion I could walk!!" she said. What to do? She'd feel horrible if she punched him in the face though...
Cyrus moved his head back a bit because he thought he was going to get punched, "It's just to make it more believable. please don't mover around so much or I might fall."
Adara winced. "Please don't fall.." she mumbled and stayed still. Fine, so it'll be more believable...ok she got it. "J-Just hurry up with it..." she said as she looked away in embarrassment.
Cyrus walked through the area until he found the Sadistic jerk that scared her, "Dude when you scared her she fell over and hit her head. I don't know the exit so can you help me." Cyrus genuinely looked scared was he that good of actor or was he actually worried about Adara to begin with? The man stopped his scaring act and actually looked worried, "Oh s-s-sshit I'm so sorry" his guard was down.
Adara smirked and took her chance. So she was supposed to scare the guy right? She didn't know how she was supposed to go about this, but she decided to give it a go. And perhaps this wasn't the type of scaring Cyrus meant but this was her way of doing things.

She gripped onto Cyrus's sleeve and her voice was rather weak. "I don't feel so good..." she muttered as her eyelids drooped some. "I-I'm really sleepy...but I'm scared to go to sleep..wh-what if I don't wake up?" she was still teary eye from being flustered so that helped her case. "It's really hard to see you my vision's going blurry...I-I didn't think I hit my head that hard.."

The one sadistic man was having a little panic attack here- overwhelmed with a major guilt trip that this chic may just about die in front of him and that'd it all be his fault.
'Shit...' " where did you hear that from?" Raika asked with a smile "the only person who ever called me that was my friend yukaze" she looked at him " are you stalking me too?" She acted all cute and innocent.


Chirpy smiled at hank" sure" he went of to get his food. 
((Will be gine until 5 chow!!))
"I'll admit you are quite the cute one. Despite your lethal acts you have the ability to sweep men off their feet." he said- it was hard to see what he was getting at though without seeing his facial expression as he talked. "There was a lot of interesting things on those clips actually. Adara's little harlot advertisement, Cyrus's military set up...yes there's many things on those tapes I'd like to take into account. There's something sketchy going on but you all seem like perfectly good and content people...who just need somebody to actually care for you and put you in the right direction." he put his mascot hand on Raika's shoulder. "And I'd love to know what is really going on around here."


Hank nodded and watched Chirpy leave.
Cyrus caught on to what Adara was trying to do so he continued, "It's okay i'm here with you i'm going to make sure your safe just don't leave me." This guy was now losing he started running around in circles, "Oh man what am i going to do?" Cyrus was laughing on the inside.
"I-I'm trying not to..." Adara muttered as she strained to keep her eyes open. "I'm sorry...if I knew it was going to be like this I would've been more open with myself..who's going to watch over my little brother now?" she asked, her voice desperate. "Promise me if anything happens you'll take care of him and you have to tell my mother that she can't break down...she has to look out for him too...be there for them, please..." she said as she began with shuddering breathes. "I-it hurts..." she whimpered.

The worker was sobbing by now...
Cyrus was trying so hard to not laugh, "Don't worry i'll watch over them but don't speak that way you'll get out of here alive." He whispered in Adaras ear making sure the guy wasn't looking, "Spook him now?"

Adara began to close her eyes and looked over at the man. "Don't blame yourself for all of this...I know you didn't mean it..." she said before closing her eyes. The man dashed over to her and looked at her, trying to shake her shoulder. "D-Dammit! Stay with me here!" he sobbed but she was quiet. He didn't know what to do and bit at his lip trying not to scream or pass out from shock himself when suddenly Adara quickly grabbed him by the collar and jerked him down. "You bastard I'll hunt you down and curse your family!!!"

The man screamed and jerked out of her grasp and ran away- as far as he could, begging the gods for mercy..

Cyrus set down Adara and started laughing, "Oh man the look on his face was priceless." The best acting ever. Cyrus then realized he was laughing, "Oh I guess I can laugh."
Adara was laughing as well, she had her hands over her stomach and she laughed until she hurt and tears appeared. "Y-yes!" she breathed as she looked up at him. "See, you do have emotions~" she joked.
Cyrus stopped laughing and started to look around, "So lets get out of here."

(I guess we have to wait for Evergreen)
((Back but replies are gonna be slow))


Raika sighed " look....whatever your talking I just got involved in it last night and judging from you just called me a few seconds ago you saw....what I went through and such....I suggest not getting into our business and focus on real world job and not involved with our fantasy work...." she said in serious voice. She smiled happily and said to him as they arrived at the shack " sooooo.....what do you recommend?"


Chirpy arrived and saw oakly and raika talking.

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