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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Heh. Is this really your all Yukaze?" Dan did a back-flip avoiding Yukaze's leg. "Hup! That was good but you need to really learn the strengths of your body. Now time to switch styles." Dan leaped in the air and put his foot down towards Yukaze. "Avoid this and we move on." I wonder how long until midnight and who is the next victim.
Raika laughed " dont worry....after this we'll go to a haunted house" she said wirh a wink " and by the way I am not going inti the haunted house" she said as she got into the line with cyrus and adara.


Chirpy laughed at hank and looked st thr next ride " holy shit....that's...wow..." he was surprised how high and crazy the next ride was.

Adara stuttered- she was so shocked about the haunted house part and the fact she was going in said haunted house she didn't catch on to the devious little plan that she had set out. "Ah- why the hell do you get to sit out of it!?" she stuttered, already miserable from having to go on THIS ride as well. It was terrifying!


"You're not scared of heights, are you?" he teased Chirpy.

Yukaze nodded as Dan had said that. As Dan came down at him he waited till the last second then jump rolled forward dodging Dans kick. Now behind Dan as he landed on the ground Yukaze slammed his palm hard into Dans back with great force then kicked the back of dans leg out knocking him down.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika was about to answer when it was their turn to ride the loopty loop. She grinned " tell ya later!" She put adara on a seat and cyrus ride next ro her and she sat next to adara. She snickered and grinned like a maniac.


" me? Scared of heights?" Chirpy smirked " hell no!!" He grabbed his arm " come on it's our turn to ride it"

Needless to say Adara was freaking out. "O-oh my...god...I'm going to die...." she mumbled as she held on tightly to the seat that was keeping her stable.


Hank chuckled handsomely as he was dragged into the rollercoaster and sat next to Chirpy. After being secured into his seat he smiled broadly. "Here it comes!"

Cyrus looked around and prayed that gravity would help him. But before he shut down he turned to Adara, "If anything scares you, you can always grab on to me." He said trying to sound nice
After Yukaze made his move Dan was lying on his back smiling. "Yeah! Now thats what i wanted to see! Good job Yukaze. Now its time for the next part of the training." Dan grabbed Yukaze and jumped through the dojo's television with him. "Woohooo!"
The ride started and it went up and did a 180 degrees counter clockwise turn. It went down did 180 degrees counter clockwise turn. It did a 360 clockwise turn and then went to the top and drop to the bottom and went to the middled and did a 360 counter clockwise turn. Raika screamed and laughed and scream.


Chirpy grinned and when the starts. He laughed ' just like when I am flying except this is more fun!!' He laughed as the ride did it's tricks.

Adara did the same thing she did the last time.


And then she did a little more.

She screamed.

And cursed.

And screamed even more.

Then apologized to some guy name Devin for breaking his hand.

Nobody was really sure...


Hank was laughing away too. He just couldn't contain himself. He was having just way too much fun. He screamed a little too! But his screams only turned into howls of hooting laughter that made his stomach hurt and his eyes water. But hell, that was good too!

Cyrus once again made no noises and watched everything that was going on around him he couldn't hear anything over Adara's screaming. So far he was enjoying the time here but he didn't know how to show it.
After about 2 minutes which seemed like an hour. The ride stopped and raika was gighled and laughing like a maniac " oh god....that was fun...." she sat on the ground and continued to laugh. She then stopped and said "...I need water....but first..." she stood up " haunted house!!!" She grabbed their wrist and dragged them to the house.


Chirpy laughed and was having a blast. He was laughing the entire time. When the ride stopped and he got of. He was smiling and laughing " thst was awsome!!! Lets do it again!" He said childishly.
Dan landed perfectly inside the t.v world and looked at Yukaze. "We're here too train your persona." Dan put on a devilish grin. "Are you ready Yukaze?"
Yukaze landed and looked at Dan. "Yes I still haven't used the thing so it would be nice to learn how to do it" Yukaze said smiling.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

"aw man...but we have to watch them.." he looked over at the three who were walking away. He looked back at Chirpy, who had a childish and cute smile over his face with crazy freaking hair thanks to the wind. Laughing he shrugged. "Oh what the hell!? Lets do it again!" he declared.


"A-Are...you sure...I can't just skip out on this one too?" Adara asked, clearly terrified as she stared up at the haunted house before her. The last LAST LAST thing she'd ever want to do was go in there.

Cyrus was still recovering from the previous ride as he saw a haunted house, "This doesn't seem so bad." He didn't know what this was but it looked like it didn't move so he was fine with it.
Raika snickered " oh dont worry you have cyrus woth you and I cant go in because I will end up hurt the people that work there.....very badly" she said as she rubbed the back of her head a little embarassed. " we' ll ger something to eat after this!" She pushed the two in line and waved at them. She went over and sat down. She laughed at adara.


Chirpy smiled grabbed hank's hand and got into line again with him.

Adara timidly walked into the Haunted House. She couldn't go back. Raika was so stubborn and would never let her..why was she so damn persitant? She just HAD to be a sadist. They walked a little bit (mind you, not that far but it was quite a big haunted house) and nothing seemed to happen. There was eerie music...it was dark...so far so good. She glanced over at Cyrus. "H-hope you're not scared..." heh, what was she kidding? "This is probably a load of crap! No way this place will be scary at all!" she said pridefully. "Pfft, I bet I'll be laughing by the end of this!"


Hank was having fun but...he wasn't quite sure what to make of this man holding his hand. Sure, he was cute and he looked young and childish but each time he reminded himself 'oh hey this guy's twenty and knows better' Hank began to freak out a little on the inside. In a very negative way.

Yukaze nodded a card appeared in his hand, "PERSONA" he said and crushed the card. A giant 9 tailed fox appeared in front of him, it looked at him and bowed it's head. Something inside him felt a sudden acceptance of trust. Yukaze thought he even heard a voice in his head say " finally".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Cyrus was confused about this place he looked over at Adara and asked, "Scared? Scared of what? What is this place anyway?"
Yukaze nodded and the giant fox seemed to had understood what Dan said because it made a ready stance. "Give me all you've got" Yukaze said grinning.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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