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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

The two of them fought for hours without noticing. One fight after the next. Dan laid on the ground tired. "So Yukaze. Do you think you've gotten stronger?"

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Raika was sittjng in a bench with a bottle water and was staring at the sky. She smiled a little. She was having a lot of fun. She strecthed " well I should find us a place to eat. She got up and was about ot walk of when someone put a hand on her shoulder. She turned around " oh....its you 4...." she said and yawned, it was robert and his friends. " what do you want?" She said to them dryly


Chirpy as excitedly waiting to ride the ride again. He smiled childishly as he waited.
Yukaze laid on the ground the persona laid next to him clearly tired. He looked at Dan, "Yep I believe so, thanks Dan" he said to Dan happily. 'Next time I come here to save the next victim I should bring a sword, that would make things much easier' Yukaze thought to himself. The persona nodded almost as if it heard him Yukaze was surprised by this.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

"What? You didn't know? This is a haunte-"

Before she could say anything more a cheap looking monster jumps out of the walls from behind them and roars- of course they didn't touch either one of them as they're not allowed to. However, Adara, caught off guard from talking to Cyrus- screamed as well and latched onto Cyrus's arm suddenly, her face buried into his sleeve. It was a very childish scene.


In his mascot outfit, Oakley casually waddled over to Raika, whom was talking to 4 sketchy looking people. He stopped from his routine of scaring little kids with creepy nightmarish lines and watched from afar on what was going to happen.


"S-so..." Hank started. He had to go ahead and ask. It was for the better of the two. To keep their boundaries and to be good friends!

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Cyrus turned around and noticed.....Whatever he was looking at....."What is this?" he looked over at Adara who was now hiding in his sleeve. He turned around and there was a ghost in his face. Cyrus only did one thing and one thing only......He sneezed headbutting the ghost, "Oh whoops"

(I'm getting kicked of the computer -_- for no reason)
Robert smiled at her " i see you have a change in attitude...what made that happen?" " thats for me to know and you to never find out. Now leave me alone" she said as she was walking away from them. Robert grabbed her shoulder and said " why dont you come and hang with us" raika slapped his hand of her shoulder " no" she started to walk away again " i saw you with your friends...maybe we should go and say hi..." he said with an evil smirk. Raika stopped and walked up to them "you do not want to cross that line..." she said with glare.


Chirpy looked at hank when he was starting a conversation "yes.."

Adara looked up, her face flustered. "S-sorry..." she said bashfully, not even able to look him in the eyes. "Th-that was just an impulse..." she said as she was about to let go a loud sound from the cheesy haunted house audio boomed, causing her to jump again and holding onto Cyrus tighter. "I-I'm so sorry.." she stuttered, the blush apparent in just her voice alone.


Oakley was a keen man, and he was able to tell when trouble was about to start. So he looked around and grabbed a tied together group of balloons from a nearby clown and waddled over towards the 5 of them.

When he reached over to the boys he patted at them (it was more of a painful slap) on the back and asked them kindly in an idiotic mascot voice. "You boys look like you want some balloons~!"


"Well um..." Hank said awkwardly but he had to man up and ask it. Quickly he looked down at him, and was unsettlingly blunt. "Bro are you gay?"

Robert and raika were glaring at each other. He was about to say something when a weird came and interfered. He flinched when he slapped him on the back. " tch...come on" he said to his posy and walked away from raika and the mascot. Raika kept glaring at them and looked at the mascot and smiled " thank you officer" she said with a smirk.


Chirpy looked at him and thought about his question ' what the hell does that mean?' he thought about and then said "......i dont know..."
"Thanks again for walking with me." Grace told John as she stood outside the door of Junes. She had stayed at the store much longer than intended. Apparently she got sidetracked a lot easier than she thought. She was still extremely grateful for John's company, and was reluctant to say goodbye, but she did have to get home to put away her groceries.


Ha! Chirpy!

(Ok Ever~ I'mma wait for TK to log on and reply again before I reply, ok? o3o)

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Cyrus looked over at Adara again "I-I'm so sorry.." Cyrus just smiled and wrapped his left arm around her close to a hug, "It's alright i got you. Like i said nothing is going to hurt you while i'm around." He blushed a bit as he walked with her to get out of the haunted house, "Where is the exit to this anyway?" Cyrus tried to turn a bit but since Adara was on his shoulder and he couldn't anything he tripped and fell backwards. Cyrus was on the floor and Adara sort of fell on top of him because if he didn't move her she would have hit the floor. And they now looked like this (or close to it use picture for reference)


(I don't know how i'm awake right now *falls back asleep* Oh wait......No regrets *goes back to sleep*)

(I don't even know how I'm awake...because I logged in and saw 'oh hey look fanservice .3.'

xD )
Cyrus had his arm around her and even though it was quite the move, she could care less right now in such a dangerous lethal place such as this (totally) and he only meant well as he new she was weak against such dark and deadly forces that lived in this haunted house. S-so...she allowed such to happen as she held onto him and trusted in him guiding her, her eyes squeezed shut, her lip quivering. And thankfully- it was working. She felt a sense of comfort from Cyrus and his words- a nice facade (look people, it's her. Of course she's going to call it a facade) of security and she needed that right now.

But that didn't last for long as suddenly she felt Cyrus trip and she went right along with him "Ah!" he still had onto her as he didn't want to let her fall and the end result was-

"Ah! Are you ok Cyrus!?" Adara called worriedly as she opened up her eyes and gave her a little bit of time for her eyes to dilate. However once it did-

"Ah...." this position they were in.

"I-I..." her face went red- more so than with the casual sighting of Oakley. She was so shocked and flustered that she just froze in that same position awkwardly. "I...ah..." she kept faltering, finally looking down in embarrassment but all she saw then was.

"I'M-!!!" She shrieked as she looked to side to side of the room. If she would just move but she wasn't thinking straight right now.


"What? An officer? I'm no police man!" he said as he twirled around in his mascot costume. "I'm just your friendly mascot~! I'm adorable!" he said making some kind of cutesy k-pop star pose. "I was simply offering everybody balloons. I'm no officer!"


He. Didn't. Know.

He was in the questioning.

Or maybe bi-curious?

Oh god..didn't that stuff happen in your teenage years?

He's a little late, isn't he?

W-why is he a victim of this.

Hank froze down in a lockdown of homophobia...ok well he wasn't a homophobic just he didn't want to be a victim of homosexuality. And right now he was feeling victim.

Dan got up and looked at Yukaze. "Don't worry I got a weapon for everyone." Dan got out his bag and took out a short sword. "This is for you my friend."

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Raika giggled and sat down feeling tired. " I saw you with hank and chirpy and call tell who you are by your voice ...you don't need to pretend"


Chirpy looked at hank "um....hank are you ok?"
"Ah! Are you ok Cyrus!?" His eyes were still adjusting but he responded, "Yeah I'm fine give me a sec....ond" Cyrus' eyes had finally started working again when the first thing noticed was Adara......and very close to his face at that. "Ah...." "I-I..." "I...ah..." "I'M-!!!" Cyrus couldn't do anything but blush allot as well but he was well....Stuck. He could not move in the slightest, "Um... Adara could you please get off me?" He felt as if someone smacked him in the back of the head, Come on dippy this your chance make your move!
Yukaze took the sword from Dan and weighed it in his hand checking it's balance and quality. "Wow thanks Dan it's great" Yukaze said happily. The fox got up then suddenly disappeared, he heard in his head "if you need me call me whenever".

from the legendary Shiro Okami

At Cyrus's words Adara jolted her head up and accidentally headbutted his jaw. That got her moving. "AH!!! SHIT I DID IT AGAIN!!!" She yelled frantically as she felt at his jaw. "I-I-I'm so sorry!! Are you hurt!? Sh-shit....I'm sorry..." she was red and flustered and about to tear up from the embarrassment. "Oh my god...I-I'm so sorry..." she kept saying, worried her little headbutt hurt him.


"W-wait...you saw us?" Oakley asked, taken aback by it.


"I-I can't!!!!" Hank shouted as he jerked his hand out of Chirpy's. "I-I'm sorry man..." he said as he backed away and ran out of the line.

Raika grinned yup " I figured hank would have noticed adara gone by now and would bring chirpy along, and youleft right after I invited cyrus....soo...I did a quick survey of the area, when i got here and walah!! Here you are talkong to me" she with a smirk.


Chirpy stared at hank run of. " wait...hank!!" He ran after him.
Cyrus could feel the headbutt and it hurt him quite a bit, "AH!!! SHIT I DID IT AGAIN!!!" Cyrus felt some pain but he was still okay, "I-I-I'm so sorry!! Are you hurt!? Sh-shit....I'm sorry..." Cyrus regained eyesight again and smiled, "It's okay i'm fine." but he realized they were still in the same position for the past 2 minutes, but now he really couldn't get up, "Adara Were still stuck here." His voice was getting quieter as time went on.
"I wonder if we'd be on the midnight channel for being in here" Yukaze said to Dan as he thought about this place.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

"AH!! I-I'm really sorry!" she yelled as she was about to get up a sadistic person working the haunted house jumped out of nowhere and howled, scaring her shitless and she hugged into Cyrus.

The sadistic person ran off laughing his ass off.

"D-Dammit!" she let go quickly and fell back down on the ground. Well...at least she wasn't Cyrus anymore. That's progress. But now she just couldn't look him in the eye as she began to tear up from pure embarassment. "I-I'LL KILL THAT WORKER'S ASS WHEN I FIND HIM!!" She screamed, frustrated as she clenched her fists and started hastily rubbing at her eyes. "I'll kidney stone him! I'll castrate him! I-I'll urgh!!" she groaned in defeat and frustration.


"You.." he pointed at Raika. "Are one smart girl...you know that, right?" he asked her, thoroughly impressed.


Hank couldn't. He just couldn't. He tried to get away somehow. He looked around and saw the photobooth and jumped in there. Maybe Chirpy didn't see him jump in here...?

Raika laughed "I wanna be a detective or a martial arts trainer when I grow up." She at Oakley " are you guys taking interns?" She joked "and do you know ant good place to eat?"


Chirpy had his abilities even in hunan and saw hank run into the photo booth. He ran to there amd asked "why the hell did you run?!"
Cyrus had already gotten up, while Adara was having her little rant "I'll kidney stone him! I'll castrate him! I-I'll urgh!!" the second she was done Cyrus helped her up, "You know if you wan't revenge I can help you with that."

Adara looked at him, she wiped at her eyes again before nodding. "Wh-what do you propose?" she asked, still flustered.


Oakley nodded carefully as he patted Raika on the back. "Food you say? Yeah.." he points over to a small little shack ahead. "Despite its looks it's the best food in the park." he said as he started walking with her there.


Hank froze when Chirpy found him. He squeezed into the corner of the picture booth and held his hands over his butt. "I-I..." he faltered, looking down. "I-I'm sorry man...you're just giving me the wrong vibes..."


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