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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Yukaze watched Dans palm come towards him and with a swift strike he countered the blow, sending dans arm to the side. He then quickly followed up with his own attack at dans chest.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika grinned "your in for a treat today cyrus! " she snickered "adara you can pick the next ride or attraction"


Chirpy looked at hank " well......I never rode a roller coaster before....." he said awkwardly
Dan was amazed at Yukaze's counter and before Yukaze could hit with his attack, Dan quickly backed up. "This is gonna be fun." Dan rushed to Yukaze's side and did an elbow to his side.

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Yukaze saw the attack but didn't have time to dodge the blow instead he took it full on. As Dan hit him Yukaze dropped down and kicked him in the chest knocking him back.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
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Adara swung her hands up. "But I don't even really know what they have here! Really, I'll be content with anything here!" she told Raika.


"Really? Well, I'm sure you'll like it." Hank smiled in reassurance. "Well, lets hope. You'll be fine though." he reassured.
"Well I've been in a martial arts club for like half of my of my life so I'd hope so" Yukaze said smiling. Yukaze remembered when he first joined he used to get knock down so many times he almost quit but he was to determined to protect his little sister to quit.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Hmm.....welllwe could try the loopty loop" she said pointing to the goes up and turns upside down completely.." three took their seat in the rollercoaster. Cyrus was in the middle and adara and raik were in either sides.


Chirpy nodded and sat in his seat on the ride with hank " this looks fun though"

Adara wasn't going to lie. She loved rollercoasters but at the same time they made her anxious. So she always had up and down feelings of dread, paranoia, and excitement whenever she was about to ride on. Though that may just be normal. Or at least she hoped. Then Cyrus spoke. "I-it's ok.." she trembled slightly... Ok, maybe it was normal.


"It'll be one hell of a ride, hope you enjoy it." Hank said, not believing he was even riding on a rollercoaster. It's been years since he last was here, and hell- did he love them but it still brought up a little big of bad memories from a previous break up. Whatever though, he'd enjoy this ride with Chirpy.

"Hehe.....on your mark....get set....goo!!" Raika yelled. The rollercoaster began to move and got to a hill "hehe..." and once it started to go down people were screaming, wind was blowing against her hair, the coaster did a loop it went upside down. Raika screamed a little and a then laughed.


Chirpy smiled at hank and once the coaster started to move 'very slow....' but when it went down the and started to move he was speechless and was having fun ' this is better than fly!' He laughed and enjoyed the ride.
Cyrus was mostly silent since he really wasn't one to scream. When dropped from the hill Cyrus felt as if gravity was not agreeing with them.

(PFFT he's just sitting in that rollercoaster with a pure face of idgaf

xD )
From all the screaming Cyrus wasn't doing, Adara surely made up for...she screamed. A lot. Nope...actually that was a horrid understatement.


Hank laughed as he was enjoying the ride- ignoring all the screams surrounding them. His laugh was fun loving and childish, he was certainly more layed back than usual.

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Raika was laughing and having fun. She would scream when the coaster would drop from a high hill.


Chirpy smiled at hank, happy to see he is enjoying himself. '....he looks better when he laughing and smiling...' he just continued to laugh and have fun on the coaster.
"Well lets keep on going at it! So go your full strength Yukaze!" Dan started moving his palms at Yukaze seeing if he could dodge them all.
(Sorry it took too long Internet went boom)

There were only 2 things Cyrus could Do at a time like this

a) keep his stomach in the right place....and

b)Not lose his eardrums.

By the time the ride was over, Adara was quite dizzy- stumbling about and giggling for no reason in fact she seemed down right intoxicated. "haha~ that was really fun~" she sang, her voice somewhat hoarse from all that screaming though it's surprising she even still had one at all.


Even Hank was laughing when he got off. He was fully relaxed and wore a completely childish smile. "Oh my god! Man, I didn't think I'd miss those rides THAT much!" he said, trying to regain oxygen from all the laughing.

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Raika got of the ride amd was giggling. It wasn't as crazy as adara, but when she looked at her she started laughing. "Next up loopty loop!!" She grabbed their wrist and went to that ride.


Chirpy looked at hank and laughed " you really like that ride didn't you" he said asked with huge smile plastered to his face.
Cyrus was stumbling a bit trying to keep gravity on par with the rest of his organs until Raika grabbed his wrist pulling him to something called the loopty loop.

Adara followed Raika, trying her best not to trip as she kept giggling like a mad man.


Hank, whom kept laughing, nodded when he grabbed Chripy by the arm. "Come on- they're heading for another rollercoaster!" he said and began to drag him along again.

Raika giggled " fun fun fun~" she chimmed " fun fun~" she said as she dragged them along giggling.


Chirpy laughed and followed hank to the next ride. 'This is gonna be a fun day...'
Yukaze nodded and readied himself when Dan started attacking him. He was impressed by how fast Dan was himself but Yukaze refused to lose. He blocked Dans palms as they came at him concentrating as hard as he could. Yukaze kept his defense up as he looked for an opening taking a few blows from Dans palms, he knew he had to find one quickly. Finally going on the offensive he dropped down as Dan swung and Swung his leg at Dans leg aiming to trip him.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

They arrived at the next ride.

"Ah-ah..." Adara backed up. "H-h-holyyyy shiiitttt...." she looked at Raika. "You expect me to ride this thing!?" she asked pointing at the next ride they were about to ride. "I-I don't know if I can do all that now..I-I'll die!" she stuttered, frozen at the pure intimidation of this next ride. How did people even ride that thing!?


Hank was ecstatic about the next ride. "Whichever one of them are picking out the rides have amazing taste!" he exclaimed- an excited fire in his eyes. He was acting so much so like an excited child today.


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