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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus just face palms and mutters at reasonable volume, "Biggest idiot in existence." He picked his face back up and thought for a moment, " Where is the Amusement park anyway? I've never been there."
Raika laughed as the cop left " Let's go!" She said happily to cyrus and adara.


Chirpy also gave him a genuine smile " thanks and I am syre you'll be able to help adara and make a great cop in the future"
Dan and Yukaze finally arrived at Dan's house and went inside. "The dojo is down the hall to 3rd door on the right."

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Yukaze walked into Dans house still feeling wowed by how big the place was. When Dan told him where the dojo was he nodded still looking at the place. He walked towards where Dan said the dojo was, opening the door he was impressed even more when he saw the dojo.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
(Yeah...I fell asleep ;u;)

Adara nodded and kept her hand in Raika's- trying to force her blush to go away, now that Oakley was gone. She continuously scolded herself in her head but that still didn't help any. Dammit, I'm hopeless..I'll never change. she sighed to herself- frustrated on so many levels.


Whoa now...those words he just said: they held so much more belief in Hank in them then Oakley had ever. And this just made him want to childishly jump up and hug Chirpy...but that was crazy. But oh how it was tempting to do so.

Before he could act on such a thought though- his phone rang. "A-Ah!" he jumped up, grabbing his phone and noticing it was from Oakley. "Sorry...it's my boss." he answered it. "Yeah? Is Cyrus abusive!? You caught him red handed didn't you!?"

"Boy! Leave the house right now!"

"So you did catch Cyrus!"

"I know you're not watching Adara. I saw her at Junes."

"Ah..." shit, he was caught. "Eh-heh...w-well you see here.."

"Come on! We gotta hurry!"

"What's going on!?"

"We're going to the amusement park!"

"W-Well...they just make me a bit nervous." Grace responded, hoping John would accept that answer. She didn't want to have to lie to him, but she would if it came down to that. Oh well, at least Grace knew one thing now; it seemed that the others were alright after last night.
Raika held her hand and paid for adara's clothes and her dress and walked out of June's 'hmm.....I saw some really cool videogames here...I should come back again later....' she started leading the two to the amusement park. She looked at cyrus " so...whats your name? "


Chirpy looked at hanks puzzled face " what's wrong? Did your boss say something weird?"
Cyrus just followed from behind half asleep,"Huh oh Names Cyrus Quinton, Nice to meet you Raika." He said with a smile.
Adara looked over at Cyrus, a bit worried. "Hey...did you stay up? You can go home and sleep if you want.." Finally, did that do the charm- as such a distraction cleared her face from any pigment of red.


Hank hung up the phone...not really sure what to think. He looked over at Chirpy, a bit confused. "So...um...want to go to the amusement park?"

Dan then walked into the dojo room with karate wear and he was wearing a black belt. He looked at Yukaze and then smiled. "Now then. Shall we start the training?"
Cyrus shook his head, "Like i said, I don't sleep, I'm like this because Oakley bored me to death."
Raika giggled " that old was pretty weird....so whats your name?" Raika asked cryus again.


Chirpy smiled and nodded " sounds like fun"
Nope, never-mind. That didn't help any as just the name itself put a blush right back over her face. She jerked her head up and started laughing nervously- the best mechanism of defense (it really wasn't..) "Hahaha~~" she giggled wayyy too nervously it probably came off to creepy to some. "That's totally fine!" she squeaked. "We'll all have lots of fun at the amusement park then you won't be so tired anymore! Don't you worry!" yep, she was making a total fool out of herself.


Hank smiled at that. "Awesome. Ready to head out?"
Cyrus just looked at Adara puzzled, "If anything i need to ask if your alright." He turned back to Raika, "It's Cyrus" He said once again with a smile.
Raika smiled back and then giggled a t adara's weird behavior. ' she really must like him...'


Chirpy smiled " yup!" Hebthen realize he didn't have any money "uh...I kind of dont have any money..." he said rubbing the back of his head.
Adara hid her face-For somebody to notice her flustred state only instigated, well, more blushing. It was truly something else. "I-I'M FINE!" She squealed. Ok now she was just attracting unwanted attention over to her. "Totally fine! ahahahahaha~!" she kept on, her voice high pitched and her words fast and her laugh just plain out awkward.


"Don't worry, I've got you covered." he said, patting Chirpy on the shoulder in reassurance. "And we can always just mooch off of Oakley too!"
He walked to his side in the dojo then turned around. Yukaze took his stance, "definitely give me everything you got" he said determined.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika tried to hold back her laughter 'calm down raika calm down....' " hey adara what ride do you want to ride first when we get to the park?" She asked with a smile.


Chirpy smiled " thanks, your a great friend"
Adara's arms left her face and she looked over at Raika- a perfect distraction. "U-um.." she thought carefully. "I don't know...I can't even hardly remember the amusement park..b-but!" she exclaimed quickly as she looked over at Raika only to get a flustered face again. She cast her eyes to the ground as she mumbled her words. "...I've always had a strong infatuation for ferris wheels..though I've never been on one..."


"Yeah..you as well." Hank said, a bit on the embarrassed side. He walked out the door. "Should we be on our way then?"
Raika grinned 'perfect!' " we can ride the ferris wheel in the afternoon or when it's alomost dark" she suggested. " why dont we ride a roller coaster first...then we go to a haunted house..." she started listing.


Chirpy nodded and followed hank.
Cyrus was a little confused, "Whats a Roller coaster?" He had never heard or seen one before so he was a little facinated
"A-ah...Haunted house...?" she asked quietly, suddenly a bit anxious. Adara could hardly sit through a horror movie, much less a haunted house...she didn't know if she could. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even heard Cyrus's question.


"So chirpy, how old are you?" Hank asked him,glancing down as he continued to walk towards the amusement park. Unfortunately, lazy Oakley took the vehicle- so it was all walking from here..which Hank honestly didn't mind.

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