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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika's face turned red " e-eeh? W-well..uh...well..." she laughs nervously at the loss of words " it's been a while since I last dated" she said as she shyly


" I dont have anything else to do so I am all ears"
The woman gasped and started hugging at him suddenly. "OH MAH GAWD YOU ARE SOOOOO CUTE!!! I'll totally buy you all the pizza rolls you could ever want! Ah~ Why didn't you just say so sugar?" she said, her high pitched voice a serious ear sore.


"Well I've never been on a date myself." Adara shrugged shyly when she suddenly winced at hearing a high pitched squeal down the lane they were currently beside. Looking over Adara gawked at seeing some lady- she was pretty sure she saw her at the movies yesterday - hugging all over Cyrus. Giggling Adara walked closer over to them. "Aw look Raika isn't that adorable? Cyrus made a friend! Or~ maybe it's his girlfriend!" she giggled at the thought of Cyrus dating the George Hamilton fangirl.


"W-well..." Hank thought over as he walked into the living room and sat down on the couch- making himself comfortable for story time. "Just don't laugh at me...ok? it's kinda typical and cheesy."
Raika looked at what adara is watching and tried not to laughed " this pretty funny....you can how uncomfortable he is...." raika said to her. She looked over and found pretty white dress. She grabbed it and showed it to adara " what do ya think?"


Chirpy sat down " I wont laugh at you...we're friends right?"
Cyrus was very uncomfortable now, "Um.... Let go of me?"

"Aw look Raika isn't that adorable? Cyrus made a friend! Or~ maybe it's his girlfriend!" Cyrus grew red in the face he pushed himself away from the lady gave her the money, took the pizza rolls and put them in his shopping cart, "Um.....Hi Adara.....Yeah uh....no that's not a thing" he walked up to the cashier and started getting all of his food scanned

Rei woke up. Her vision was very blurry. "Well well well...if it isn't me." A voice that sounded like her said. She tried to stand but found herself strapped to a chair with chains. "Don't bother struggling Rei." The voice said. Her vision cleared and she found herself staring at...herself.


Her copy leaned towards her. "I can't wait to tell them what you really are...you selfish brat." She then found herself taking an impromptu nap once more.
Adara chuckled as she looked over at the dress Raika picked out and opened her mouth in awe. "Oh my god! Go put that on it's beautiful!",

"Yup, it's defiantly her color.." a familiar voice observed carefully from behind Adara. Adara turned around and almost fell backwards from being so close to Oakley. "Ah-H~~Hi~~!" she squeaked, her face red. When Oakley tilted his face at her she shook her head and began to laugh nervously. "S-sorry! I-I'm just surprised is all! haha~!" She made herself laugh as she spun back around and tried to busy herself by urging Raika to try on the dress. Dammit Adara it's so obvious!! YOU'RE SUCH A SICK IDIOT!!!


Hank took a deep breath before he started. "Well you know...I looked up to fighting crime and justice and though It may be hard to tell- I'm just a total sucker for the well being of people. I care about them and worry way too much for strangers but that worry comes out as harsh words or even verbal abuse...but that's just kinda how I can be." He breathed lightly, shrugging.
John nodded, "I'll go ahead and walk around the mall some more if you have something you need to do. Unless you want company, then by all means I can tag along."
"Well..." she hesitated, biting her lip. In truth she would very much like for him to accompany her; it wasn't often that she found someone who was willing to listen to her. However, she didn't want to be selfish and inconvenience him either. "I wouldn't mind if you came with me if you really have nothing you need to do."
John shrugged, "Gandpa said I needed to get out of the house and that I wasn't allowed to help out at the restaurant, so I'd be more than happy to accompany you." He said getting up smiling.
Raika smiled " thanks" she then saw the cop and smiled "....hi I am raika" 'why do I get the feeling I am gonna see him again....' she saw how adara was acting. She looked around and found a purple dress that would look nice on her. She grabbed it and gave it to adara. " alrighty!!! Lwt go to the changing room" she looked at the cop " unless your a pervert I suggest not to follow us" she grabbed adara's wrist and walked of to the changing room.


Chirpy nodded " I know how you feel...it's same for me..."
"Thank you." Grace said. She picked up her empty food wrapper, threw it away, and then walked into the main section of Junes. "I only need a few things, so it shouldn't take too long." she stated, glancing over food items before picking up one.
John nodded as he put his hands behind his head, "Hey take your time, I got nowhere to be and all day to get there. Not sure if they have that saying in Japan, but it's pretty popular overseas."
Cyrus paid for all of his food and left, "Never again." he kept mumbling to himself, "Nidoto" He made his way back to his house unpacked everything, "Well i might as well go back to Junes and find something to do." and on that note hel walked back to Junes grabbed a smoothie and sat at an empty table outside.
"I don't recall ever hearing it before, but it is an interesting saying." Grace commented. She walked around a few other isles to pick up some more items, which she decided to carry instead of getting a shopping cart. There weren't enough things to bother with finding one. After getting everything she needed she went to the checkout, paid, and grabbed the plastic bags.

She led John toward the clothing section of Junes, since that was one of the fastest ways to the entrance. As she caught sight of the changing rooms, however, she stopped in surprise. She recognized Adara and Raika standing there, along with a male wearing a police uniform. She hesitated, unsure if she should turn around and tell John they should go a different way.
"I- I can't walk out while wearing this!" Adara squealed as she stared at her reflection in the dressing room mirror as she had the purple dress on currently. It was a good color on her and as the dress wasn't actually raunchy or particularly revealing- it was more on the tight side. "I-I can't...p-people are out there that'll see me!" she exclaimed, her face a flaming. Of course those 'people' were singularly just Oakley, but that thought brought nothing but shame towards Adara.


"You left me..." Oakley said casually as he sat down across from him at the table. He was slurping on a slushie casually, as if nothing had even happened and chuckled over at the dressing room. "Your little friend has been shouting the whole time in there...she doesn't go out much, does she?" he raised an eyebrow, slightly entertained...but mostly just dedicated to his slushie.


Hank looked up at him. "Same as you..?" he asked, his voice leaked with apparent curiosity.

Hank and Chirpy need to make birdy/human hybrid babies ouo /shot
Raika wore the dress and showed it to adara " tadah!!" She said happily. She then looled at adara " do you want that in a bigger size?" She asked as she looked at the parts that seemed a little too tight.


Chirpy nodded " adara...I do t hate her, I juat like getting on her nerves and teasing her....so I gwt mad and say mean things to her while she does the same...with her other friends I am kind and normal...sometime I am mean....I am getting confused explaining it..."
Grace took a step back. Adara and Raika had gone back into the changing room a long time ago, but the officer was still there. Should she try to help them by distracting him? However, she didn't want to get in trouble either... She glanced over at John as she realized that she had just been standing there silently for several minutes. She didn't want to get him involved either. "S-Sorry, let's go that way..." she said quickly, pointing toward the opposite way.
Cyrus looked up, "Let me clarify what happened you left me your the one who decided to throw me at the girl and walk off." he sighed, "Who you mean Adara? She doesn't remember her way around town so i try to help her when i can, and she does have a tendency of being loud. Whats your point?" Cyrus was beginning to think Oakley being here wasn't just for show, he must have been thinking something and Cyrus was going to find out why.
Oakley set down his slushie, ready to get on with his business. "I don't know..you seem genuine kid, and I don't just say that. I don't think you're really abusing her." he said, watching his eyes intently. "At least lets hope not."


Adara- her face flaming and such a bright shade of red, shook her head slowly. "N-no.." she mumbled softly as she tried to hug herself insecurely even though it was just Raika. "I think it's supposed to be this tight acctually...dresses these days." she sighed. "Sex appeal is all that matters anymore, really...that looks really cute on you by the way." she offered a flustered smile.


Hank laughed softly. "I get what you mean. I worry about the girl as well..but my words just come out as harshly. Hell, I remember having to carry her to bed and tuck her in...she looks cute when her mouth is shut. But you can tell she's stressed. So I need to make sure I can do whatever I can to keep people like her at peace. She's too young to be trying to carry on burdens, get me?"
Raika smiled and twirled in her dress "thanks!" She looked at adara " lets buy this these then!...And then looked for something suited to go to the amusement park" she chirped.


Chirpy nodded " I understand....people carry unneeded and unwanted burdened... you just gotta talk to them and see what's bothering them..."
"I don't know..you seem genuine kid, and I don't just say that. I don't think you're really abusing her." Cyrus looked up once again with a serious look on his face, "So that is what this was about, Let me guess you got pictures of us during the movie theater incident, and i'm guessing hank came to the conclusion that i was abusive." He smiled, "Well you witnessed it earlier, i suck around girls. I freeze up like a statue and that's the end of it." He chucked before his face became serious again, "You don't have to worry about me being Abusive if anything it's more of the opposite. I'm not going to stand there and see her get hurt"
John looked puzzled, "Is there something wrong?" He said as he was drug along, "Let me guess, it's the cops huh?"
Adara nodded shyly. "Um..this may be a little stuck though..." she said, her face still beet red, about ready to die even though it was just Raika. Taking a deep breath she peeked out the dressing room. Oakley was still out there! But he was talking to Cyrus...maybe I'll be able to survive this after all!


Oakley couldn't help but to chuckle. This kid was smart, hands down. And that only entertained him. Actually, everything Cyrus had just said did nothing but entertain him, as he struggled to ever take things that seriously anymore.

"Young love~ isn't that a great thing? Ah, young women blossoming and all that...those were the fine days." he said..more or less to just himself as he drank from his slushie again.


"Yeah.." Hank admitted, a slight shrug with his shoulders as he sighed heavily. "If only there was something I could do..to be of more help to people. I'm really starting to doubt myself.."
Raika chuckled and got into the dressing room with adara. She closed the door and said " I can help you get out of that" she said with a smile.


Chirpy nodded " don't doubt yourself...just try and act nice to her....but not so nice that she gets freaked or...try a talk to her mom about why she is like that.... or something..."
Cyrus looked at Oakley puzzled, "Young love? what on earth are you talking about?" He is just spouting nonsense now. Cyrus said to himself. He didn't even realize who Oakley was talking about.

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