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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"I'm going to be the best video game designer there is out there, i'm also gonna be a part-time mechanic with my uncle in the military, i'm also going to be the first member of my family not being full time in the military." Cyrus smiled as grabbed more food, "I'v got big plans for the future."
"Your in my house, my big brother Yuki carried you here and you were asleep for some reason" Kotori said to Rei.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Oh..." She said. "Can you tell them I said thank you and I've returned home? Raika knows where I live." She said while she head for the door.
"Lets run away from this guy..." she said. It was ok as she still was wearing her nice dress clothes from yesterday and seemed to have fell asleep with them and thankfully Hank wasn't creepy enough to 'politely change' her. Sure her hair was a wreck- sure she probably lacked in makeup but you know what? She didn't give a flying fuck at the moment!

"Phoenix? Like the mythological creature?" Hank asked as a sudden odd glint was caught in his eyes. "They're really cool." he said casually, but you could tell he was holding back his true feelings on the matter.


"I see.." Sure they were a lot of ideas all at once but- Oakley had to hand it to the kid, he could dream. And that was endearing. Oakley actually envied that as he was older and grown and all he could focus on was something that should be dead in his past.

Oakley rustled up Cyrus's hair- it was a habit he had towards younger boys. "Atta boy, you keep those dreams passionate." he urged with a genuine smile.
"Wait don't you want breakfast or something you look really pale" Kotori said to Rei worried.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika snicker and said "sounds like a plan....but what about chirpy?"


Chirpy smiled " I love phoenixs they are my favorite" he said happily. He was happy to find someone that like birds since because he is a bird himself.
Cyrus smiled back but then he was a little annoyed, "Oakley i need you to help me find the jumbo pizza rolls i can't find them anywhere."
John smiled as he arrived at his grandparent's house and set his things down and got to work unpacking until his grandfather approached him and said, "It's Saturday! You're young and it's a nice day outside! Go play and do things that young people should do. Go out, make friends, do something, you can unpack when you get home later tonight. Now shoo, out with you!" John looked confused, "Uh, grandpa? Where do you want me to go?" His grandfather shrugged, "Don't know, don't care, now get out there!" John ducked out of the house, wearing a Rush shirt from their Time Machine tour, clearly marking himself as a foreigner. He decided to walk down the street whistling as he passed various other shops. Looks like his family's restaurant was in the middle of town, but their house was in the residential area.

He decided to scout out the area around his grandparents' restaurant and found a medium-sized shopping mall. He shrugged as he thought he might as well try out the local food. He made his way to the food court and got himself an early snack, not caring about the stares he got from being an obvious outsider wearing an American shirt with a pair of shorts. He ordered himself some Ganmadoki and decided to sit down and eat, munching on the fried tofu.
"Well i'm doing well considering what happened last night in the t.v. How about you? You holding up well or is this persona thing sort of bothering ya?" Dan continued to jog with Yukaze.
Adara looked over at Chirpy and Hank- Hank whom was having some type of mythological creature rant now. Adara quickly looked over at Raika and flashed a smile. "They'll be fine. Let's go!" and with that she ran off towards...well nowhere. Because she couldn't remember where anything was but whoa! For once running was actually fun! It just screamed FREEDOM! Screw the fact she wasn't wearing shoes! Screw the fact she looked like she just woke up! Screw the fact she still had that cut and evidence of being strangled from last night. All that mattered was getting as far away from home as possible.

...Raika could catch up.


"Yes!! They're really awesome!" Hank finally lost it as he felt the strong passion between phoenixes burst forth and there was a connection. "

In terms of physical appearance, the phoenix, when pictured or described in antique and medieval artwork and literature, will sometimes have a nimbus (a physical feature that emphasizes the phoenix’s connection with the sun).Quite often, the oldest images of phoenixes on record would have nimbuses with seven rays, just like Helios (the personified sun in Greek mythology). Pliny also describes the bird as having a crest of feathers on its head and Ezekiel the Dramatist compared it to a rooster. The phoenix is also commonly associated with royalty and the color purple.

The phoenix was, generally, believed to be colorful and vibrant; Tacitus claimed that this was one aspect of the bird that made it stand out from all other birds. Some thought it had peacock-like coloring, although there was no clear consensus about the mythical bird's coloring in antiquity (although Herodotus' claim of a red and yellow theme is popular in many versions of the story on record). Ezekiel the Dramatist claimed that the phoenix had red legs and striking yellow eyes, but Lactantius claimed that its eyes were blue like sapphires and that its legs were covered in scales of yellow-gold with rose-colored talons.

In terms of size, according to R. Van den Broek, Herodotus, Pliny, Solinus, and Philostratus describe the phoenix as similar in size as an eagle, while Lactantius and Ezekiel the Dramatist both claim that the phoenix was larger; Lactantius wrote that the phoenix was larger than the ostrich. IT'S TRULY AN AMAZING THING!!!"

Holy shit!!! Hank just became a human phoenix wikipedia!!!


"The jumbo sized pizza roles...?" Oakley thought over carefully, as he looked around. "My this one will be a challenge won't it?" he laughed. Finally he walked over to the frozen section. "Do they have to be jumbo kid?"
"Yeah still getting used to the idea but yeah I'm fine" Yukaze said to Dan. "But I'm gonna do what I told my persona I will become stronger to protect my friends and the people I care about" Yukaze added with a determination in his voice.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"I'm fine with that, thanks Dan" Yukaze said smiling to Dan. He definitely could use something to occupy his time with now a days.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika grabbed some shoes fand ran after adara. She easily caught up with her. She laughed " do you want to atop at my house and wash up a little? "


Chirpy put a hand on hank's shoylder and looked at him with eyes filled with happiness " you and I are going to be great friends" he said as he looked like he was about to cry.
Grace woke up early to her mother insisting she go buy groceries at Junes. Her mom then explained that her, Grace's father, and sister would be leaving for today and tomorrow to go to some special event for her sister. Grace only silently nodded to show that she understood. Of course she was being left behind to look after the house--that was how it always was. That was okay, though...or at least that's what she tried to tell herself.

After getting dressed Grace left her home and walked to Junes. Her stomach growled on her way there, reminding her that she hadn't had breakfast yet. She decided to get some food from the food court before she started her shopping. After buying some food she looked around. Unfortunately it seemed to be a busy time of the day and there were no tables open. She hesitated before noticing a table occupied by a single boy wearing an American shirt.

She timidly walked up to the table. "U-Um...may I sit here?" she politely asked.
"No I wouldn't want to impose." She replied and stepped out of the house and started to walk home. She reached it with no problem but as soon as she reached for the doorknob the worls suddenly went black.
"Nuh-uh" she shook her head. "I already owe you your school uniform back I don't want to borrow anymore clothes from you!" she took the shoes and thanked her friend and slipped the shoes on. After that she looked over at her friend. "So, are you feeling better now?" she offered a smile.


Hank widened his eyes as he saw the tears of happiness about to appear from Chirpy's eyes...good friends huh? "So..?" he asked kinda awkwardly "You're not weirded out by my crazy nerd rant?" he asked, rather surprised.


"A thing huh?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "That's fine..." he looked around and saw a tag. "Oh hey that says Jumbo but..." he frowned. "They're sold out.."

"Oh I'm sooo happy I just got the last jumbo pizza rolls!" a teenage girl sang as she twirled around hugging the bag of said jumbo sized pizza rolls.

Hank stared over at the girl and looked over at Cyrus. "Well..there's that. Any plan of action?"
Raika smiled " I feel free" she said happily " I dont feel like I am being chained down ..." she looked at the cut on her cheek and the bruises "....sorry about the cut and bruises....


Chirpy smiled " nope, I am a fan of birds myself, but you already figured that put right?" He laughed a little
Cyrus was a little puzzled at what Oakley said, "Well she has it what am i supposed to do?" Cyrus thought for a moment, Ugh this is no good my uncle is gonna kill me, and to get that bag it's gonna have to be mean but i'm hear with a cop.
John smiled as he waved to the new girl, "Hell yeah you can. Sheesh talk about luck. My first day in Japan and already I meet an absolutely beautiful woman. My name's John. I'm new here. It's really nice to meet you. " John offered her a carefree smile.
A blush rose to Grace's face at the compliment as she sat down at the table. She nervously glanced away before looking at him again to speak, reassured by his smile. "I'm Grace. I-It's nice to meet you too. ...you said you're new here, so I'm assuming you're from America?" she asked.
Adara felt at the cut on her cheek and smiled shyly. "It's fine." she said, dismissing it. "Anything to help my friend." she said, her smiled broadening into a childish yet genuine one. With that she revealed the scar again, took a deep breath and wondered around. "So...what should we even really do? I just wanted to get away from mr. bad cop." she sighed. Huh...come to think about it I didn't see Oakley there. she thought as a shameful blush lit across her cheeks. She slapped at them and shook her head. That's just ridiculous Adara! Stop with the daddy issues already! It's nothing but a cry for help!


Hank smiled shyly. Whoa! That was rare- and gave a light thumbs up. "Yeah..birds are really cool aren't they?" he asked, defenseless. What had just happened to this well- hated cop?


"No! I won't have none of that!" Oakley declared, standing up and pointing at Cyrus. "Cyrus! It's about time you become a man!" (But really...Oakley just really met Cyrus.) "That girl over there- she looks your age and she looks ready for love! Go and pursue her!" He knelt down and whispered to Cyrus: "You don't legit have to pursue her, just hit on her enough to where you'll get those pizza rolls." he stood back up and reclaimed his dramatic pointing pose. "Now win over that woman for her pizza rolls!!"

(Great quote from Oakley- Part 2)
Raika smiled and started to think "hmm...we could go to junes and get you some clothes....or we could go to an amusement park..."


Churpy smiled back " yes!! they are cool and not scatter brains!"
Cyrus chuckled a bit, "I don't know how to flirt with women, i've never even had a girlfriend" He looked around just to make sure there were no Pizza rolls, "Besides there are probably another bag of them at home anyway. I just need to continue with this list."

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