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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Grace sat back with a relieved sigh. Everyone had seemed to gotten out of tv safely, thank goodness. She glanced away as the tv in her bedroom turned dark once more.

She wanted to speak with the others again to get the full details, but since tomorrow was the weekend they didn't have school. There was always her phone, but when she looked down at it she hesitated. She didn't want to bother them if they were doing something important. She closed her phone and put it on the floor beside her, staring up at the ceiling.
Raika amiled and hugged kotori "of course I am back. I love spending time with you guys" she said with a smile. She looked at yukaze. She whispered in his ear " can you give chirpy aome of your clothes....he is human...and in the bathroom."

"Um what do I do about this girl" he said holding Rei still. Suddenly he thought about what Raika had said, "wait chirpys in my house " he said bewildered.

Kotori smiled happily then looked over to Yukaze. "Yay your home yuki.....wait who's that girl and why are you holding her" kotori said as she walked towards Yukaze.

Yukaze tried to keep her at bay, "oh it's nothing she's just sleeping she was exhausted. Kotori glared at Yukaze not believing it.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika nodded and then said to katori " I found her collapsed and asked yukaze to bring her over" she then said to yukaze "put her on the couch"
Dan kept on thinking to himself in bed and just kept getting confused. What is a persona? What is it's purpose? Why didn't i see my shadow and why do i keep asking these questions? Dan then just decided to go to sleep after that.
Yukaze nodded and set Rei on the couch making sure she was comfortable. " kotori I think it's time for bed so get ready make sure you brush your teeth", Yukaze said dodging kotori's question.

"But.....Fine" she said pouting. She walked upstairs to the bathroom looking like that.

"Hey don't pout" Yukaze yelled upstairs. Kotori stuck her tongue out and was gone. Yukaze sighed tired from what happened.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Yukaze nodded "right" he ran up stairs and looked for something. He came back down and gave the cloths to her, "here it's just a shirt and other things but it should do".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika took them and went to the bathroom and game them to chirpy with her eyes closed. Raika left and waitedd. After a few minutes later chirpy walked out of the bathroom, with his shirt not buttoned up right. Raika giggled and buttoned it up properly for him. " there ya go!"
"Well looks like I'm going to have a bunch of guest tonight" Yukaze said sighing as chirpy came out.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Chirpy sighed " I can turn back to Phoenix if ya want" "yes! But no" raika said " lets go to bed....I am sleepy..."
Dan woke up at 6:00 in the morning and noticed it was a weekend and decided to go out for a morning jog. I can get a lot of my mind from exercising. Wonder if i'll see anyone during my jog.
Yukaze nodded and headed up to his room exhausted from today, "night Raika glad your safe". He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes falling asleep.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika smiled "night yukaze" she washed up a little and wondered where she should sleep. " chirpy why don't you sleep on the couch tonight. When I get home I lend you a room" "alright" he kayed down on a couch and fell asleep. Raika took a deep breath a went up stsirs to kotori's room and knocked to ask if she can sleep with her.
Kotori heared a knock on her door. "What is it " she said with a bit of a pouting noise in her voice as she thought it was yuki.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Kotori saw it was Raika and smiled with glee, "of course you can"she said happily. She moved over and pated the bed, "here I made room for you".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"So..." Oakley started as he was parked in front of Adara's home. Hank was shooed inside the house talking to her mother on new procedures that should be forced into action in the house hold. Ah yes, Adara was in some deep shit but she didn't think of the other things that Oakley had already noticed. He watched her intently from his rear-view window- watched her reactions, to see if she would falter. "That cut on your cheek and the fingerprints on your neck..what've you been getting into?"

Adara looked up at Oakley, a gasp escaped from her as she realized she had forgotten about the scars. She clasped her hand over her cheek in defense but it was already far too late.

He kept watching her however, and he was determined for an answer.


"You know..." Oakley said as he passed a paper back at her. She hesitated for a moment but finally took it and stared at horror at the image on the paper. It was inked and obviously printed out...it even had a date in the lower corner. It was from earlier today and it showed her and Cyrus running. They were at the theater.

"We checked the cameras just to spot out what the incident was about...the odd Gerge Hamiliton fangirl, and he spotted you..that guy. I've seen you with him before."

Oaklely had a point when he said this, and it was nerve-wracking- the way he stretched out his words and had long pauses; it was driving her mad.

"Wh-what about it?" she asked defensively.

"You can tell me, you know. If he's threatening you that he'll hurt you- you can rest assured I'll make sure he never lays another hand on you again. I can guarantee it."

Wait...what was he talking about? His words sent Adara for a loop but it didn't take long to gather up the context.

"You think Cyrus is abusing me!?" Adara shouted in disbelief.

Oakley finally turned around from his seat to look at her in the eye- the look he gave her was caring and fatherly, and it just made Adara sick to her stomach.

"It's ok...I know you probably don't want to get him introuble or anything but you deserve to be safe. Don't let him get the best of you. You're too young for this." He reached over with his hand and moved her hand away from her face to reveal the cut on her cheek. Adara, whom's face was flustered and her breathes shuddering, didn't know what to say- or what to do. He was totally getting the wrong idea! But he wouldn't believe her! And the fact he didn't believe her and think she would actually let that happen to her just kinda pissed her off.

"Too young for that my ass!" Adara snapped, her eyes glazed and her whole demeanor rustled and frustrated. "I dealt with abuse for as long as I can remember! That's my earliest memories! And now you want to come here and actually try to care! I can handle shit myself!" and with that she got out of the car and dashed into the house.
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Cyrus looked over his cabinet and picked up a book, "I guess i'll read this today." he said to himself. he got up onto his bed and began to read.
"Sh-shit..." Adara shuddered as she closed and locked her bedroom door. How in the hell could she have forgotton about her cut and bruises? And now that she thought about it...she probably made Cyrus sound like he was guilty. I can handle myself- what kind of shit is that? I really screwed up there! She bit at her lip and slunk down the door and buried her head into her knees.

This was going to be a long night.
Yukaze woke up early in the morning and shook his head. "Gah wasn't able to sleep very well" Yukaze said as he got out of bed and let out a huge yawn, "well at least it's the weekand". Yukaze walked out of his room and past kotori's room, he noticed Raika sleeping with kotori and he chuckled to himself.

He got downstairs and noticed Rei and chirpy were still asleep on the couch. "Wow i wonder what my parents would say if they saw this" he'll he wouldn't even be able to explain it. The sun was bright out he decided to go out and get some fresh air, hopefully everyone's sleeping when I get back. He unlocked the door and took a stroll down the sidewalk thinking of random things.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Adara woke up cozy and comfy in her bed, tucked tight and warm within her covers. It was such a nice and cozy feeling, she just dreaded actually waking up.

Well, only until she realized she shouldn't be feeling so cozy.

Once she remembered that her last memory of last night was sobbing in front of her door she began to wonder what she was doing in her own bed, and her mother certainly couldn't carry her.

She quickly sat up but only to wince in pain as she sun welcomed her pupils in it's usual sadistic way. Adara groaned as she casted her eyes down to her cover and along with that all she could hear was a heavy sigh- a male's sigh to be exact.

"So you finally woke up?" The buttery yet annoyed voice called from a distance that wasn't far off from where Adara was, causing her to jump and whip her head over in the direction of the voice- only to see Hank staring over at her, annoyed.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing!? Do you just like to stare at under aged girls as a pass time you creep!?"

"Shut the hell up. Can't you at least be not so annoying in the morning?"

"Why are you always so creepy!?"

"I've never been creepy you're just thinking way too far ahead of things."

"Why wouldn't I? You're such a- a-..." at a lack of words so early in the morning she threw her pillow in his face.

"Oh and that's very cute..." he said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" she growled in a warning as she hopped up out of bed, her arms crossed and her mood already spoiled. "Why are you still here anyways?"

"Well, princess." he sneered as he threw the pillow back onto the bed. "You're under a firm watch, so you don't run away over to your abusive boyfriend anymore."

"Wh-what!?" she snapped, already getting pissed. "He didn't do this to me!"

"So what did?" he asked without hesitation, already feeling he won this argument and in a way he did- as Adara just wasn't sure what to tell him.

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