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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"THIS IS DISCRIMINATION! My memory effing sucks!!" Adara threw the shoe. "Fine! Chirpy are you happy!? Just give me the damn glasses!"
Yukaze put the glasses on the bird threw at him and noticed how great everything looked the fog totally clearing up. "Thanks chirpy" Yukaze said smiling.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Dan looked at everyone and decided it was best to speak. "Everyone i know how to get out so follow me." Dan looked at chirpy and patted him on the head. "Chirpy come to school with us."
"What the hell!?" she snapped at Dan. "That's a bird!!! There's a no pet policy at our school!!"
Raika caught the shoe and laughed " adara calm down" chirpy threw her a pair of pink glasses, gave cyrus a pair red glasses and gave dan a pair of black glasses. He smiled when dan patted his head "hmm....alright ill come along"
"Um I have to agree with her, how could we get a Phoenix into the school" Yukaze said to the group.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Uwah~! and they're pink too!" Adara said in awe as she put on the glasses- her vision finally clear. "Oh my god!!! ...wow, this place is actually kinda cool!"
Cyrus thought for a moment, "My guess would be a club pet of some sort." Cyrus caught the glasses and put them on, "Interesting."
"That's great you'll live with Raika instead of staying here and thank you for the glasses. Don't worry about it guys i got a way of handling things at our school."
Raika smiled " yay!! I have a pet bird!" She hugged chirpy. Chirpy laughed a little and patted her head. He then created a tv for everyone to use to return to their world
(Btw you guys...I've calculated it...today in the rp was friday so...Weekened)

"At least it's not living with me~" Adara said as she observed around the TV world that she could now see. "So...it's probably late right? Should we get going?"
Dan headed through the television and ended up back in his room. Well time for me to go to sleep. Dan laid in bed and started thinking about everything that has been happening.
"Yeah kotori's probably worried about me by now" Yukaze muttered to himself. He was ready to leave this place to and go home and rest.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Cyrus was the first to walk through, "This will lead me to where i was last right? which means Adara you might have to run home."
"Wh-what!?" she thought about it for a moment and remembered that she when through Cyrus's TV. "Oh shit!!!" she slapped her hands over her face in the sudden realization of it all.

"Are you kidding me!? Aw man, I bet my mom's totally freaking out by now and I threw my phone in the river bank too!"
Adara reached for him so that she could jump out herself and then nodded her thanks. "God...ok, I got it. I can go on ahead. It's late so..you get your rest, ok?" she offered a smile.
Raika saw that everyone left. She ran over to rei. " hey are you ok?" She asked as she helped her up.

Cyrus smiled, "Don't worry about me i don't sleep remember? Anyway your gonna need to run its around 12:40 sooooo If you wan't we can hang out later today if you don't mind."
Adara nodded. "Sure~" she backed up and waved. "I'll see you later on ok? I don't really have a phone anymore but...I'm sure I might be able to remember you house...maybe.." she smiled, said goodbye and ran out of the house. 
Adara ran out the house and headed in a direction of...well she wasn't sure where she was going exactly only to run into a familiar car.

"Oh shit..." she sighed as two figures got out of the car. "Hi Officer Oakley.." she said, hiding the small blush that suddenly fluttered across her face at the sight of the older officer. "guess you two think I'm running away again...huh?"

Hank, noticing what was up with Adara, scrunched up his nose in disgust and looked away. "Just get in the damn car."
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Yukaze looked at the portal and back at Raika, "Raika we should probably go now". He noticed she was with the girl who tripped he walked over to help out.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Well here want me to carry her" Yukaze said offering. As he looked at the girl something about her seemed to be really familiar.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika smiled " thanks" she then walked through the tv and arrived at yukaze's house " huh...why here?" She asked herself. Chirpy then wslked through and when raika saw him her face turned red and she pushed him into the bathroom "stay there!"
Yukaze grabbed the girl and carried her with him as he went to the tv. He went in and entered it suddenly arriving at his own house. He looked around still holding Rei, "that's strange I figured I would of ended up at dans house like when we went in" he said out loud.

Kotori thought she heared footsteps and the bathroom door shut. She ran out of her room, "YUKI are you home" she ran down the stairs annoyed. "You know you should of told me you were going to be out this late....", as she got down the stairs she saw Raika. "RAIKA yay you came back" she ran over to Raika happily.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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