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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

The shadow chuckled " it's nothinf really shocking juat some stuff from her old school and her house and her first break up...nothing to serious" she looked at raika " isnt that right?" Raika gripped the bed sheets.
"Well then spill it! Stop trying to scare Raika! You're really damn annoying...thinking you're all high and mighty cuz you have some secrets up your sleeve? Well aren't you just a damn original! Now stop with cliffhangers and get on with the story!" she yelled, doing her best to stand her ground for the sake of Raika.
Cyrus walked looking a bit angrier then usual, "You better hurry because my persona is hungry."
" why dont you shut the hell up!!!" She said angrily very annoyed by adara. " you think I am acting all high and mighty? She is not scared of the secrets she is scared of what will happen afterwards" " just get it over with..." raika said. " of you say so...so which one home? Or school?" She asked adara and Cyrus
"Oh just give us all of it! I can handle it all and nothing will fucking change!!" she said taking yet another step forward, shooting a death glare at the shadow, who was really getting on her nerves. Hell, a lot of things were really pissing her off about this whole TV world fiasco.
Cyrus ignored the shadow he just wanted this to be over with, Sheesh look at this shadow this is why i hate them they take secrets and spit them out like nobodies business. Still.......I can't let anyone suffer like this.
"My my dont you have a temper" she giggled " we shadows dont hope secrets hostages...all we want is our person to accept us" she sighed " I already accepted my past..." "yes you have but yojr still living in it sweety....that old school of yours all your friend deserted you just because a rumor went around saying you defeated an entire gang by yourself, when in reality you just beat the entire karate club. The karate werr full of boys and were your so called friends." The shadow sighed " they could handle a girl being st the top so why just destroy her reputation by spreading a few rumors." Tears were starting to fall as raika remembered " every was scared of you and avoided you. Your friends left you and boyfriend left you because he didn't want to deal with with since you had a such a bad reputation at school. You were all alone and too top it off your parent don't come home much which add to the loneliness...but what really pisses me of is that your acting like an innocent brat!!! Weak and pathetic just like your is right now" the shadow crossed her arm "makes me want to kill you right now!"
Dan saw the class coming towards him and dodged it. He looked at the shadow and called his persona. "Alright get ready for this shadow. I'm gonna give you a taste of my lightning. Ziodyne!" Dan's persona let out a powerful shot of lightning towards the shadow.

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"Just fucking stop it!!!" Adara ran over and pushed the shadow. "Don't fucking even touch Raika!" She turned over and looked Raika in the eye. "Raika it's ok! The past sucks, I know...and so do people. People really suck. But I know how it feels for friends to abandon you! All mine did after they learned I was nothing but a good for nothing dramatic fake! In my desperate time of need I was also abandoned but..." she stepped forward. "Raika I won't abandon you! It was because of you that I'm here right now and not cowering at home with a bunch of creeps sexually harassing me. It was because you decided to be my friend!! Don't let this bother you!"
The blast hit the shadow causing him huge pain. He let out a growl as pain filled him, "YOULL PAY FOR THAT, AGIDYNE". The shadow shot a huge blast of fire at Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
The shadow looked very annoyed and grabbed adara by the throat " that's what her other friends said! That's what her god damn boyfriend said!! And look what happened she was alone..." " stop! Let her go!!" The shadow glare at raika and threw adara away from her. "Like your the one to talk...you dont trust them yet your still thinking they would leave you" " no...I dont..." "dont lie to me I know i can see in your heart..." " shut up!! What- who are you!!" The shadow smiled " I am you" "...this cant be..." oh it is..." " no it isnt your not me"
Adara fell onto the ground and had to gasp for breath- had to calm her trembling body down. She was so terrified she was going to die by the hands of that shadow just now that-that...

And as she struggled to calm her own self down Raika went through her own battle with herself until she finally said it..

"You're not me..."

"R-Raika..." Adara gasped as she regained her air and forced herself to stand up. Sure she was scared- scared she would get hurt and the small wound from her cheek and the fingerprint marks from her neck proved all that but- Raika could in no way defend herself now that she had rejected her own shadow.
"Hmmm you know what? Your right I am not you. I dont lie to myself constantly every single day over every little thing. She grinned and transformed.


Raika eyes widen and she scream. " scared? You should be" raika tried to gdt away but she was still chain to the bed. " time to kill you"
Dan's persona got hit by the shadows attack and was knocked back by it but stood back up. "I won't give on you Yukaze. Fight with the will of acceptance! Show that shadow who's boss! Final knuckle!" Dan's persona did a punch covered in lightning towards the shadow.

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Cyrus moved up and helped Adara, "hey you alright?" He looked up and saw the Shadow that had transformed, "This is something." His persona roared and tackled the shadow.
Adara nodded as he helped her up. "I'll be fine..." she breathed. Sure she was trembling, sure she was scared shitless but you know what? She was going to have to endure.

"M-Mariposa! Bufu!" she ordered and sure enough her persona began to try and ice up the shadow.
The shadow dodged the attack and threw spikes at cyrus' s persona " you are a liar and fake!!" The shadow said to raika. Raika stayed silent " all your ever gonna do Iie!!" The shadow electrocuted mariposa.
The shadow got hit full on by dans attack he yelled in pain. The pain was enough he suddenly turned back into Yukazes shadow. The shadow moved groggily looking at Dan, "why do you fight for this weakling, he couldn't even protect his little sister that day that's why he has those scars". The shadow laughing holding his chest in pain.

Yukaze yelled "SHUT UP", as the memory's filled his head of that day.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Shut the hell up!" Adara screamed at the persona. "So what if she lies! She's human it's a self defense! Pardon her for being a damn person! BUFU!!" she ordered and her persona kept trying to freeze the hell hound- like shadow.
Dan looked at the shadow with a serious face. "I protect him because he's my friend. And even if he's weak he can make himself stronger with his friends. But he can't do that if he's dead." Dan looked at Yukaze and smiled. "Just accept it Yukaze and you'll become stronger."

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Cyrus's persona melted the spikes but began to slow down, "This can't be good." cyrus looked at his stomach he could feel like holes were being poked in his body. "Ow." he said in a monotone voice, "Your gonna pay for that." his persona began to scream in anger, "Agi!"
" this girl is pathetic!!! She alot stronger but she acts weak and pathetic!!!" " shut up!!! Yes I am scared yes I act pathetic....yes I am a god damn liar!!! Yes I hate myself for acting this way and yes I dont trust them!!!" The shadow looked at her. "But I am scared!!! Scared of everything repeating itself like back then....once good friends all gone..." raika said as tears started to fall. The shadow started to weaken.
Yukaze bit his lip as he thought about what Dan said. He couldn't let go the pain the memories caused him. But he remembered right now Raika was in trouble and that mattered more then his accepting this the truth before him own misery. Yukaze nodded " Fine your me I won't deny it anymore, yes I'm weak and lonely but I can change that we can change that". The shadow looked at him and stopped laughing instead a smile went apon his face.

"I'll hold you to that" it said. Suddenly the shadow disappeared with a blinding light and instead was a giant fox with 9 tails a card hovered in front of Yukaze then disappeared. "What was that" Yukaze said.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"If you keep on being scared like that then you'll never know! You'll never be happy!" Adara yelled as she stepped forward once again. "Look- you have to take a chance dammit!! Isn't this time different. I mean, here we are in a TV world risking our life for you!" she said while she took another trembling step. "I mean really, I could be killed so easily right now it isn't even funny...but I'm not running away. Did anybody in your past do any of this!? Say did they!?" trying to hold back the tears she forced herself to continue. "Look Raika you have to move on- take chances...or you'll never know!"
"That was a shadow and is your true self. But now that you accepted it you get a persona. I'll explain more later let's get Raika!" Dan started running to where he came from. (This is my last post until later so night)

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