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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Uhh..." She mumbled. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?" She responded before eyeing an incoming Shadow behind him. She shoved him aside, caught the Shadow and threw it back back.
"O-oh!" the bird didn't keep up conversation and began to fly off again. "W-wait for me!" she called towards the bird and followed after it. I'm going crazy, absolutely crazy! Talking to a bird and trusting it in a life or death situation! That's it I've crossed that line! There's no going back now!
Chirpy looked at adara " quit panicking...you have me and a persona...you get into a bad situation use it and as for me I can set things on fire" he said to her calmly.
Cyrus looked over when she threw the other shadow, "Don't shove me. I can handle myself" He pulled out a Katana and cut up a few shadows, "We need to keep moving. We cant waste our time here."
"Great fire, fire's wonderful..." she whimpered sarcastically as she tried to catch her breath as she ran. I'm in nowhere near physical shape for this! You don't make recluses run like this dammit!

But she forced herself to progress for the sake of Raika.
Dan kept on killing shadows as he was running looking for Raika. He then saw chirpy and Adara and ran over to them. "Hey you guys! Find Raika yet?"

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Adara halted to yet another stop when some guy she noticed from her school made his way over to them..he was also somebody who got to see her shadow revelation yesterday and help weaken it. Gasping for breath, she shook her head. "N-no..." she breathed as she looked up at him and decided to not be so sexist for once. This was a life or death situation, and she wasn't one for dying, so she could kindly use him. "We're following the bird though..it knows."
Rei suddenly tumbled away as a swarm of Shadows tried to attack her. "I need some help here!" She shouted as she zipped to the right in an effort to dodge an ambush.
Cyrus turned his attention over to the girl then looked at his persona,"Melt them." The persona screamed and fired a ball of magma and melted the shadows chasing the girl, "Can't waste any more time." Cyrus said to himself and with that he began to run in the direction of where Adara went.
"I have a name and its chirpy little girl" chirpy said to her with slight annoyance in his voice. He sighed and a shadow on fire that was trying to snuck up behind them " lets just go..." he started to fly of again.


Raika's shadow hummed " they are getting closer~" she giggled. Raika became stiff and the shadow laughed.
Adara sighed and began to run after the bird again...she hoped Raika was close by.

(eck sorry short post)
"By the way...there should be another person with you...the boy with the scars on his cheek...Where is he?" Chirpy asked
"Huh?" Adara thought about what it was she could possibly be talking about when she remembered a guy that Raika was talking to during the morning they walked to school together- the guy Adara didn't treat much too friendly.

"That guy? I-I don't really know..." she shook her head. Was he supposed to be here too? She looked back over at the guy that joined them (Dan) "Um..do you know?"
"Well there was a guy named Yukaze with me but I don't know where he went. I'll go back to look for him." Dan started running in the opposite direction.

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"W-wait!!!" she called after him but he was already on his way. "Dammit...there goes that backup.." she said miserably.
Yukaze woke up suddenly lying on a floor he wasn't familiar with at all. "Where am I" he said out loud. He walked over to the door and it was locked,"what the hell" he slammed into the door trying to open it.

"Your all alone that's where you are " a voice suddenly whispered into his ear. He looked around jumping at the sound. Suddenly a thing appeared in front of him, he couldn't believe it the figure was himself. The figure smiled "what suprised to see me". Yukaze couldn't speak as the figure got closer. "Well get use to it the way you are making friends being distant with people I'm the only one you'll ever get to talk to" the figure laughed. "But I guess that's just how you are after your poor sisters accident you won't let anyone in anymore you just shut everyone out like the pussy you are, pathetic that's what you are" he chuckled some more.

Yukaze yelled "shut up" he swung his fist at him. The figure dodged and kicked him in the stomache sending him flying. Yukaze hit the wall and coughed catching his breath.

"Your weak you'll never be able to protect anyone" the figure kept laughing. Yukaze tried again but to no avail flying right into the wall again. The impersonator just kept laughing .

Yukaze yelled "shut up you know nothing about me, your not me".

(Sorry been busy with work so haven't been able to post also not sure if I should of started the persona thing but just went with it).

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Dan finally found Yukaze but saw a figure looking just like him. "Hey Yukaze are you alright!? We need you to find Raika!"

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"You don't think I should follow after him do you? He could get into some trouble..." she looked behind her. "But Raika..." she knew Raika better, but that was hardly an excuse. Nobody needed to die here. She swung around and looked up at Chirpy. "Birdy! What the hell do I do!?" she shouted anxiously.
Yukaze didn't hear Dan as the figure who looked like him laughed at him. "Look you have help you can't even do anything by yourself" he swung a punch at Yukaze knocking him to the ground. The shadow Yukaze finally stopped laughing , "well this is getting dull time to finish this". He let out a yell as he suddenly morphed into a giant beast. He let out a howl, "now let's take care of your help". The shadow Yukaze swung his giant claws at Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"D-Dammit I don't even trust my own self!!!" she screeched as she held her hands over her head.

Think Adara! Think! You have a brain! Use it!

Ok, so that guy just left- and he was one of the ones that helped her yesterday- so he was more experienced with persona usuage than she was, and if she hesitated even slightly she was left for dead. So maybe...

"Ok Raika bear with me for a little longer..." she mumbled as she began to dash off in the direction the guy from earlier went. If she could just team up with him then they could save Raika!
Cyrus noticed Adara run away from a very scary looking castle he attempted to yell out to get here attention,"Ummm....Adara!!"
Adara nearly tripped over as she heard her name being yelled. She stumbled and caught her balance. Catching her breath, she waved over- relief flooded over her face at realization of who it was. "Cyrus...sorry. I was trying to find that-" she didn't even know his name, and if he told her- hell if she could remember it. "That guy..." she looked up at the bird- whom she couldn't remember the name of either. "Do you know his name?"

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