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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Adara frowned nervously. She didn't get to see exactly who it was, if any, was kidnapped into the TV but according to the talking bird- somebody was in here and about to face their shadow.

Swallowing, Adara tilted her head slightly, and forced herself to ask. "Who's in the TV this time?"
Cyrus thought for a moment,"Hmm...... She sounds familiar, Adara do you have any clue who she is?"
Adara thought for a moment, but not for long as an early memory of a pleasant young girl that became the catalyst for her newfound future and present sprung into her personal view.

"It's...oh god..." she clasped her hands over her mouth, stunned over the sudden and sickening possibility. "IT'S RAIKA!" She yelled and began to dash forward blindly.
Cyrus sighed and ran after Adara, "Watch your step we still need to look out for...." A number a shadows apeared in front of Cyrus immobilizing him, "You go on ahead i'll deal with these clowns" a card appeared in Cyrus's hand as he prepared for battle.
Chirpy nodded and flew off after adara. After a few secs she flew next to her " do you everln know where your going?"

(and I'm still rping to this? because when this dies it's going to feel my heart has been ripped out...)

Adara stopped and looked over at the flying talking bird thing. Normally this would be enough to give somebody a panic attack but now- this might as well be the little normal around here. Plus, it was kinda cute. Though it's voice was enough to give one a headache.

"I..." she stopped herself as she scanned the area. I should've stayed back and helped Cyrus. She thought as she looked behind her where he had disappeared off some time ago to fight those TV monsters. But Raika is in dire danger... she thought that as she looked ahead of her and bit at her lip. So I'm going have to trust that Cyrus has this...so dammit prove to be a typical tough male.

"No..." she admitted to the bird as she shook her head. "Do you know?"
Chirpy landed in the ground and sighed 'humans they run of with out thinking' "yes I know where she is...follow me" he flapped his wings and began to fly of in the direction of the castle. " if you get tired tell me!" He yelled
Dan finally made it to the castle and looked inside for Raika. Suddenly shadows appeared and Dan fought each one of them. (Sorry I'm sort of caught up in stuff for summer)

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Adara was never much one for running as she never was very physical- being a recluse and all. But in this situation, whether she liked it or not, Adara had to force herself to keep going.

"Ah~" she stumbled but quickly regained her footing. I also have to force myself to not trip.

And with that she continued to follow the bird.
Cyrus broke the Card having his persona appear in front of him, It looked over at the Enemies and spewed magma melting the shadows. Cyrus tried to move forward but two more took their place, "Sheesh this is a pain."
Adara and chirpy arrived at the castle " she is in here..."


Raika woke again and her body ached. She groaned a little as she sat up and looked around. " I cant believe your already awake!" Her shadow said as she leaned against the wall " and your friends are so slow..."
"Ok...so..." she started, purposely taking her time to say what she needed to say. "I just...have to go in there? ...Right?" she knew the answer to this but...doing all this attempting to be hero by herself? She was so dependent on people like Cyrus but now she was on her lonesome and it was like an entire thick quilt- layered on top of layered with nothing but a burden, was now cloaked over her shoulders firmly and she just couldn't simply shrug it off.

This was Raika though...a girl hat had showed her kindness and was the catalyst towards this whole unlikely predicament. No matter what, she had to act. But she just couldn't force herself to.

Pansy pansy pansy! Adara you're such a fucking pansy!!!! You're hopeless! She could die if you don't act right!!!

That's right...

Raika...her and her life included- was dependent on her, if not entirely. And not only that- but Adara was burdened by the fragility of her own life as well, and all this had surged her with her seemingly omni-present anxiety and she began to tremble once again.

Act act she had to act but....it was so, so hard.
" I am also going in to that human out of here so you guys can leave already...." chirpy said to adara as he looked at the dark and gloomy castle. "...you know....this castle is a reflection of her heart..."
"Wh-what...a reflection of her heart you said?" she looked up at the castle - in which was so eerie and desolate. "But it's so dark..." she said softly as she stared at the castle. It was so pretty, but to know this was at level with Raika's feelings, it became pitiable.
"A human heart hides alot of things....You should know that..." chirpy said.


Raika was sitting on the bed. Her knees to her chest and her head on her knees. She was scared put of her mind what her friends are going to think of her after they heard her secrets. The shadow just glared at her, hating to see her like that. ' hmm...I should tjink about where to start once they get here...' it thought.
Adara looked away. Even after all that accepting and the like it still hurt to remember it.

Raika was going through pain too...and it hurt knowing that. Even if she didn't even know her that long, it still was sour to hear. Still made her hurt for her as Raika was such a kind person and was nothing but kindly towards her.

"So...are...we ready?" she swallowed and looked up at the bird, ready to force herself to find her.
I'm so not ready... or at least that's what Adara so much WANTED to say. She just wanted to go back home..but..

she couldn't.

She wouldn't.

Fists clenched and forcing herself to have a spur of moment that she'll immediately after regret she forced open the doors of the castles and dashed into the castle.

"R-Raika!" she desperately gasped out the words.
Chirpy followed adara " what it like having friends? " chirpy asked. He has always been living here for as long as he can remember, so he never knew the feeling of having a friend.
Adara stopped from her frantic running as the bird asked an unexpected question. And for a moment, she just stood there and stared up at the bird- not sure on what to say.

"Friends...huh..." she scoffed lightly as she carefully planned out her choice of words. "I don't think I'm the right one to ask...as I'm getting new to making friends again myself. Real friends I mean, at least I hope." she began to ramble on, her face slightly flustered for such ramblings as she thought she was going to be able to say something heartfelt but instead here she was- screwing up her words. "I'm a bit awkward. Before this whole TV mess I was a hermit. I refused to leave the house or anything and ...I didn't really have any friends to talk to. I mean, not real ones. I just had a bunch of guys that wanted to use me, if you remember correctly from last night." she shrugged slightly as if it was nothing but the fact and having to think about it still tore at her and she had to excuse the pain.
Cyrus noticed the Girl that he had never seen before throw a shadow, Cyrus though for a moment, his persona still melting shadows, "Um..... Thanks? It's quite odd because I have never seen you before. Wait...... Your that chick from the river bank."
Chirpy listened and kind of sweat dropped at her. "Ok..." he said awkwardly and started to fly again " lets go" he said as he stsrted to lead again.

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