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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Well I guess we'll just watch what's on now." A show called key and peele was on and Dan just started smiling. "Man, I love this show.

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Cyrus just laughed, "I have no idea." he looked over the ending credits to see if he could find out who made this movie.
Yukaze looked at the show that was playing. "I've never seen it, I don't watch much tv normally I'm usually training all the time" he said frowning to Dan. He felt bad not being able to relate in some way with him.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Mostly kendo but I also keep up on my martial arts, don't wanna get rusty" Yukaze said with a little chuckle.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Hey maybe we could spar sometime. We could go to the training room in my house if you want. Would you look at that. The clocks about to turn twelve.

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"Yeah I'm always up for more practice" Yukaze said with a happy smile. He couldn't believe Dan had his own sparing room. Yukaze had to admit he was a little jealous of the fact.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
At the stroke of midnight the tv lit and revealed a blue hair wearing a black crown like thing on her head, with a short black dress and knee high combat boot.


She looked at the screen with and innocent smile. "...um..hey everyone...I am Raika Sakurai...and.." she said shyly. Then the next thing you know her expression went from innocent to annoyed "and I hate speaking like this!!" She yelled in annoyance " I can't believe you people were able to put up with me when I talk like that..makes me feel weak and vulnerable...." she glared at the screen "if you think I am weak then go to hell"

She took a deep breath and looked at the screen again with a sarcastic smile "Sorry...Let's try this again shall we~" she giggled a little "Ladies andgentlemen boys and girls I am Raika Sakurai and welcome to my dark castle~" she laughed a little as the camera showed the viewer the castle. It looked dark, lonely and abandoned. After a minute the camera went back to her " i know right...it's soo depressing right" she giggled again. "Don't worry...things will liven a little...with a little game of princess and the prince..." she took out a knife and played with it a bit. She smiled " we have a princess~" she giggled "wonder if her prince is gonna come~" she hummed the last part. She looked s the screen again "you better hur-ry~" she laughed and threw the knife at the screen and it went blank.
Yukaze looked at the tv screen and couldn't believe it. "Why is Raika on the tv...why is she dressed like that....what's going on" Yukaze was confused. Then he grew worried "Is Raika the next victim" he looked at Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Riku having finally finished his God forsaken homework sighed and walked downstairs. He went to get a late-night snack before he went to bed. He reached for a box of cereal when suddenly the tv lit up and he was faced with something that disturbed him, causing him to drop it. "I just saw her earlier today..." He could feel his belief in this strange happening increasing. He put his elbows on the countertop next to him and rested his forehead in his hands. "What is this?" He asked as the event kept unfolding on the tv. "She seemed alot nicer when I met her even though it was only for a short time." The tv shut itself off after she threw a knife at it. He decided to go train... for some reason it always made him feel at ease. He grabbed his spear and began to train.
Dan replied to Yukaze's question. "I think she is. Let's get in there. But first I'm gonna call Kuro." Dan got out his phone and called Kuro.

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(It’s not long enough…but I tried ;~; sorry don’t haatteee meee because it’s too short! >~<)

Shiro Okami struggled his way through the forest- the trees all morphed and contorted and shaped like beautiful women. Shiro had to struggle to keep his eyes focused on the lit entranced front of him, for he knew if he lost sight of it for even a moment, he would be stuck within tantalizing forest and surely die without saving the chocolate he had ever so strived for and loved.

Why did Robin even own such a ridiculous forest in his backyard? Really, he could’ve bought a hot tub with this and what does he waste his luxurious dollars on…A FOREST FULL OF FAKE WOODEN WOMEN!

This was no good though…Shiro winced as he held firmly onto his fingernail. He should have made a tourniquet for this. Why didn’t he…? The desperation of chocolate, oh how the chocolate pushed aside all his logical reasoning so easily. Where were his morals now? But how did that matter now, it didn’t. He could feel his strength fading away more and more. He had to find a priest to heal his fingernail quickly or else….

It would be bad. Terribly bad. Words could just not describe how bad it would be. Even fatal, but don’t think about that. He just couldn’t think about that. He just had to concentrate on the light. Soon, just soon he would reach the light then he would be in clear site of a priest and he will live. Shiro could not die now he would prevail. He tightened his grip on his injured finger nail, though it was much weaker than his average state. His mind began to null and his vision blurred. His legs were light like lead and it was such a desperate struggled to just walk.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

He had to tell himself this, as a wise reminder. He couldn’t succumb to the pain he had to keep hold of the light in front of him.




He staggered. No! He just couldn’t fail now! He had to stay awake he had to for….

A memory flashes across his face and Shiro smiles upon realizing that this was dear memory…a flashback, they call it.

“And it was getting REALLY bad man like…I’m serious they were about to go all super saiyan if somebody didn’t do something! So you know…” Robin flexes “Me being the suuuppper awesome guy I am, I decided to walk in between them. And I shouted ‘ENOUGH GENTLEMAN! Is this any way to discuss what you would do for a Klondike bar!?’ and they quieted down for a moment, as if they had just dawned upon the absurdity that they were doing. That’s when I… I!” he points at his face, getting all up in Shiro’s grill. “Decide to settle this all once and for all. I smile this beautiful smile that just make the angels cry. I’m serious man. They were like RIGHT THERE, part of the audience beside Batman and they were sobbing! Anyways, with that smile I opened my mouth and these beautiful words uttered like a harmony. I asked them ‘Do you want to build a snowm-“

Upon Robin blabbing away about his dreams for the future Shiro puts his hand over Robin’s mouth, as his attention was now completely focused on something else – something far more enticing than Robin could ever hope to be.

“Quiet for a minute!” Shiro ordered, before removing his hand from Robin’s mouth. Robin – baffled that Shiro had actually touched him for the first time since that awkward moment at band camp – couldn’t speak for the next 2 hours. However, when he finally could they were still standing there and Shiro’s eyes were still boring deep to something in front of him (but it wasn’t Robin/ self-confidence plummeted)

“H-hey man…what is it?” Robin asked a bit nervously, a bit worried about his friend with benefits. His worry became even worse when Shiro didn’t even reply. Robin began to worry, sweat dripped from his body.


Robin nodded to himself and his features softened. That’s right! He could save Shiro! And only he could! BECAUSE HE HAD THE POWER OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

“What is love!? Baby don’t hurt me- don’t hurt me…no more…no more~” Robin began to sing only to have Shiro glare at him – causing Robin to instantly freeze in place.

“What are you doing?” Shiro asked.

“N-nothing. What were you doing?” Robin said in a very stiff, robotic-like way.

“I was staring at that enticing beauty before me.” Shiro pointed in the direction he had been staring at. “Look.”

Oh my…

Robin turned to his right and locked eyes with what Shiro had been staring at this whole time. And Robin could do nothing but glare. Look at that whore! Look at how she just flashes her dark, perfect skin from her red dress! She’s so- so-

“Beautiful” Shiro said, in a daze. And this made Robin furious.

“EXCUSE ME!? She is not that pretty!?”

“What’s her name?”


Shiro looked over at Robin with pleading eyes and Robin had to wince. He had a weakness for those eyes…

“You have to get her name for me Robin.”

“B-but Shiro I don’t think-“

“Please…Robin. Just this small little favor. That’s all I’m asking.”

Robin began to stutter. How could he refuse Shiro? Refusing him…it would break his heart. And then that would break Robin’s heart and boy…that’d be bad. But giving Shiro her name would only mean nothing but bad between the two of them. Robin looked over at Shiro, his eyes pleading –hoping to send some kind of telepathic message between the two of them. Robin concentrated and thought hard and solely on all the good times that the two of them had spent together. He transferred his feelings to Shiro mentally and he knew, with the power of love Shiro would be given these feelings, would be overwhelmed in the warmth of the feelings and begin to cry and beg forgiveness from Robin forever thinking that he could ever be replaced by a dark maiden in a raunchy red dress. That’s when Robin will hug Shiro and tell him all is well that he forgave him and only knew that he would see the light. That’s when they will gaze into each other’s eyes, feel the vibration of one anothers’ hearts. And they will come across an epiphany (or rather Shiro will- for Robin knew this all along) that they were gazing at their one and only soul mates. With that kind of ecstasy flowing through them, making a sense of adrenaline rush that could only be found in dark alleyways they would proclaim their love for one another with great manly force and the whole world will know just how –

“Please Robin. Her name. That’s all I want.”

Robin was pulled back into reality and frowned, having to force the tears not to flow. Shiro was such a…BAKA! How could he have not been sent the telepathic feelings of love. That was impossible. Unless…yes that had to be it. A conspiracy was amongst them. He looked over to the maiden that Shiro had so easily fell victim to and rage consumed his being. She was the conspiracy! Part of the top secret evil organization only known as-

“Chocolate…” Robin mumbled in rage.

And that was the first day Shiro had ever set eyes upon her. Upon Chocolate. How that was such a beautiful memory that he hoped to Cherish forever.

“Nngh!” Shiro gasped out in pain as he tried to tighten his grip on his vile fingernail wound. He fell to his knees and the tears coming out of his eyes burned. No- he was using up his energy. He had to keep staring at the light before him- he was so, so close! With all the energy of a sloth he screamed (because screaming always makes you stronger) and forced himself to stand up.





The beautiful image of chocolate appeared in his mind once again, building up his fiery manly force of determination.

“Don’t worry Chocolate. We’ll be ok.”

Suddenly his enemy had returned- the pack of feral giraffes. They charged towards Shiro in a wild carnivorous horde and began to attack poor defenseless Shiro like the thugs they were.

The last thing Shiro remembered before losing consciousness was the pack of giraffes running away, carrying his beloved Chocolate.

No! I promised I would protect her forever! DON’T GOOOOO!!!!

And with that he closed his eyes…

In the midst of the audience in the theater, there were some stifles and sobs. However, Adara’s face remained monotonous and clearly unamused.

“What in the ever-living hell…” she said. “These producers…really…” she said through clenched teeth. I could do SO MUCH better than this! I could make a movie on the midnight channel! Ha yeah! Defiantly! I’ll show them! It’ll be great! If this can make it into the big blockbusters mine will be the best movie ever.

And Adara proceeded for the next ten minutes in a fit of evil giggles.

In the theater next to them – the ‘lovable’ police duo were watching the Sun Bear movie.

“Remind me again WHY we’re watching this?” Hank said, bored out of skull as he watched the Sun Bears take over mankind on the big screen.

“This is great, don’t ya know? Ah you just don’t understand…you’re too young and serious. You need to lay back and not be so tense!” Oakley exclaimed patting Hank on the back. “Live a little! Only then will you be able to understand the true beauty of the classic Sun Bear movie!” Oakley exclaimed, smiling big and childishly at the movie.

“You sound like you’re saying you have to truly be tripping balls in order to enjoy such a movie…” he mumbled, taking a bite from his popcorn.

“That IS an option.” Oakley nodded in all that lead to dismay for Hank.

“Wait…you’re not…SERIOUS…are you?”

“Shhh this is the best part!” Oakley pointed over at the movie and began to laugh as the Sun Bear extended out it’s 9-inch tongue and swallowed the humans whole.

“….I’m now slightly worried about you.” Hank sighed, wishing he refused Samson’s order of ‘hanging out’ today…

Back with our loved movie dealing with the legend of Shiro Okami.

Everybody thought this would be the last of Shiro Okami but up in the heavenly domain two beings spoke- celestial and deity.

“My goddess!” The young man bowed before the woman with the long ever so gently flowing pink hair (you know the flow that only a deity could own).

The woman stared down at the pink orb beneath her and covered her mouth with her pale hand, to hide her emotion.

“Is it just you?” she asked, ignoring his plea.

The man looked up at his goddess, a bit frustrated and worried and that was clearly visible through his tightened jaw but yet he replied respectively to his goddess.

“Yes..it’s just me.” He nodded.

With that, she removed her hand from her face and smiled childishly. “Hello Koy~! What’s up!? Have you yet to punish those who refuse to make a Tales of Vesperia II with a Raven x Rita canon pairing!?” she asked tapping her foot into the lush pink ground that was…well…nobody was really sure WHAT exactly it was.

“N-no m’am… I’m sorry.” He shook his head.

“Ah that’s ok~!” she said, spinning around in the spinning computer chair that was her throne. “That’s not the most important thing at the moment anyways, is it? You obviously came here for a reason.”

“Y-yes my goddess!” The man nodded with a smile on his face. He stood up respectively and straight and began proceed with whatever it was he was worried about.

“Shiro Okami, my mortal friend from back when I was a mortal… he’s in danger of dying! I-if I may…” he walked over to the orb and tapped on it- the image that played was the flashback of all that happened before his death. “You see, my goddess, he died unjust…and I request he gets brought back in peace and in union with the one he loves so – chocolate.”

The goddess did not respond. She only stared down at the orb as if tainted by it. But the young man knew better- his Goddess was in deep thought and consideration on what would be right to do.

“Yes…” she finally spoke. “I remember back when you were a mortal. You and Shiro were such dear friends…do you ever miss your life as a mortal.” She said absentmindedly and slowly though of course her disciple shook his head and declared that his life was to serve his goddess. She nodded slowly and thought on again.

“So…you wish that I revive Shiro and bless his life…?

“If you’ll please my goddess! That’s all I ask of you!”

The deity thought over it once again, and then made a slight noise in displeasure. “Ehhh must he ended up with chocolate? I was always a big fan of the Koy x Shiro pairing!” she said in a midst of giggles.

“MY GODDESS! Why must you do this to me!?” Koy groaned causing the goddess to laugh even more. Finally she petted her disciple and smiled pleasantly and calmly.

“Alright, alright!” she cooed. “We’ll go and save your mortal friend…only if you’ll help me though~!”

With such a response given, the man smiled and made some kind of heroic pose. “That’s my goddess!”

With a slight nod, the deity pointed to the ground with one glistening pink fingernail and the ground began to create a sort of rippling affect, much like water. But it did not last as water for long as it then began to contort and warp – suddenly stretching and tearing apart in a disturbing motion making sounds of bones popping and flesh being torn. Koy had to wince and the slightly sadistic goddess smiled upon that. “Sorry~ Morgan suggested the guro portal and I thought it was a fun idea!”

And with those words a portal was created. It just looked like a huge hole of flesh though and all you could see on the inside was blood, bone marrow and the like.

“MY GODDESS! That’s vile!”

“Don’t worry! It’s just an illusion! Can we jump inside now? We have to beat the grim reaper after all!” she winked and Koy shivered at the memory of the transvestite grim reaper he had to meet one time.

“Y-yeah…let’s go…quickly…please” he said and upon giggling the goddess jumped into the portal and he followed obediently after.

They entered the mortal world and Koy shivered at the sight of his friend’s paling body, limp on the ground and he had to look away.

“Don’t worry~” the goddess said to her disciple in a reassurance. "Oh yes, do you have the fetish with you?”

“Right…of course I do!” he said, pulling out of his pocket a Dr. Pepper cap and handing it to the goddess. Taking it, she blew into the cap and a glowing pink liquid that glistened a slight transparent rainbow when reflected into the light appeared inside. “Feeding time~” the goddess smiled as she knelt down before the man and placed his head atop her lap. With her fingers the opened up his mouth and fed him the liquid. Afterwards she began to giggle loudly and happily.

“I’m sorry! I just love doing that!” she said, placing her hands over her cheeks. “Feeding people just never gets old~!”

With that Satisfaction, she gently placed Shiro’s head back on the ground, stood up and walked back over to her disciple. They both watched as the strange liquid took effect and warmed the man’s body.

“Warning: Side effects may include awkward arousal, sudden change in sexuality or religion as you would suddenly wish to convert to Raviolism, a craving that you support Raven x Rita and want to write amazing fanfiction of them, and possibly even kidney stones.

“That’s horrible.” The disciple face palmed.

Shiro awoken and the first thing he saw was the goddess Raviael and a familiar dear old friend.

Shiro quickly sat up. “Kazuto!?” he gasped, staring at his disciple- not believing his eyes.

“Wait…” he said, in an overwhelming sense of dread. “This means I’m dead, doesn’t it?”

“No, idiot. Look around you. Does this look like a kind of heaven I would own!?” the goddess stomped her foot and crossed her arms childishly.

Shiro looked around him and saw that he was indeed inside of Robin’s forest. He looked over at the trees that were shaped like women and then back over at the goddess he didn’t really like to believe in.

“Actually…considering your art…yes.”

Clearly insulted, the goddess stomped her foot again. “What the- No it doesn’t! My anatomy is NOT that bad! I know how to draw curves!” she said and the whole forest was consumed in a massive pink and like that – was obliterated.

“G-goddess…he didn’t mean it.” The disciple shook his head in hopelessness but she just smiled in contempt.

From a distance they could now see the thug giraffes running with an enticing beauty.

“Oh wow…is that the one you love Shi?” The woman asked staring a far.

“Yeah…now stop staring at her like that.”

“Alright!” she smiled. “I’ll approve of her…and I’m guessing you want me to save her too~!” With her congenial smile she used her powers and Chocolate materialized in Shiro’s arms.

“Ch-chocolate!” he gasped hugging her tightly. “I’m so sorry! I’ll never let you go again! I love you!!!”

“Hah~! As simple as that! I’m awesome!” the goddess smiled in an egocentric happiness and her disciple bowed down and began to praise her lovingly.

“Ah ah ah~ but I’m not done yet. I saw the thug giraffe’s twitters and I don’t like their #YOLOSWAG we livin’ da’ Thug lyfe posts they always spam so~” she spun around and cast a powerful and lethal force – the goddess smote the giraffes for their injustice.

“Ah great!” Now that that’s done~” she chimed, dusting her clothes and humming a happy tune that more or less just sounded like something played from Avenue Q. “Let’s go hit the Junes! I hear they have a killer Tobayaki there!” she said to her disciple, childishly rambling on and on about Junes Tobayaki until he finally agreed to take her. (Mind you, the goddess has no sense of direction whatsoever and so he always has to take her places when she’s not using the heavenly portals.)

The disciple turned around to face his old friend and offered him a smile. “I’m going to go now…you take care ok man? And remember we’re always here for ya.”

Shiro nodded happily, as he nuzzled into Chocolate’s face. “Yeah…thanks man.”

“Last time I checked I’m a female…” The goddess said matter-of-factly, hands on her hips.

“Uhh yeah, wasn’t talking to you.” Shiro replied and watched as the childish goddess began to whine and complain about all the work she just done to save him and how she lacked credit. The disciple had to put much effort into calming her down and eventually he summoned his wannabe go-fast Civic and they bolted away with the fortitude of 20 man-eating capybaras running from a teensy pack of long-haired sea monkeys.

Upon the both of them seeing this, he tripped with joy. Everything had ended rightfully in the name of justice and his beloved Chocolate was safe in his arms. Checking the time made him even more happy. Chocolate was saved just in time as in two minutes their favorite show, Two and a Half Men would begin to play (followed immediately by 'When man-eating capybaras meet ebola'). and they could just relax and watch it. Shiro Okami was relieved.

And so everyone except Robin (whom was locked in his room having a B.F. while he blasted Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream) few bloody glove-toting long-haired sea monkeys lived blissfully happy, forever after.

The Legend Of Shiro Okami

In Memory of Giraffes that were just trying to live the Thug Lyfe

(Some memorable credits)

Shiro Okami…………………………………………………………………………………………..Shiro Okami


Robin……………………………………………………………………that one guy from Another Gay Movie

Desciple………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Kazuto Tenshi

Goddess……………………………………………..Raviael (We’re too cheap to afford Morgan Freeman)

Giraffe #1…………………………………………………………………………………………….Gerry Spottingson

Giraffe #2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Long Neck

Giraffe #3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Nicholas Cage

Giraffe #5………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Earl

Story…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Free Story Generator


This movie was a non-profit fan-based parody. The Legend of Shiro Okami belongs to really nobody as nobody really cared to buy such a cheap and retarded story but for anybody that were to get offended by such (That’s right! You in the back!) can go take a corn of cob and well….you’ve seen “My Sexual Harassment…” (*cough* It’s a yaoi)


We do not own:

Stupid Anime Clichés (Anime©)

Super Saiyans (Dragon Ball©)

“What would you do for a Klondike bar?” (Klondike©)

Batman (Batman©)

“Do you want to build a snowman?” (Frozen©)

“That one time at band camp…” (American Pie©)

“What is love?”

“Oh my…” (50 shades of grey)

#Thugh Lyfe (Idiots©)

Midnight Channel (You don’t really see this one because that would create a Paradox in the RP)

Good cop/bad cop

Tales of Vesperia (Project Vesperia©)

Raven/Rita (Project Vesperia©)

Ravioli (Chef Boyardee©)

Dr. Pepper (Dr. Pepper©)




Two and a Half Men

“B.F.” (Mean Girls)

Katy Perry

“Teenage Dream”


Kidney Stones

Avenue Q


"HAHA~ This movie is great! Let's wait for the scene after the credits, I heard it has a nude scene with George Hamilton in it." Says an aroused middle aged man in a dirty orange shirt.

A girl proceeds to exclaim "I love his tan!" whilst pointing at Cyrus and back at George Hamilton's naked body, and faints falling over on the ground hitting her head on the floor. "Call the ambulance!" scream the crowds as they stuff their mouths with popcorn watching as the girls head bleeds out.

Meanwhile in the cinema beside the one that plays The Legend of Shiro Okami:

“WOOOOOTTTT!” Samson screams and claps eagerly as the Sun Bear movie ends. “That was greattt!!!” He yanked up Hank by the arm and forced him to stand.

“Hey-! What are you you-!?”

“Clap! Show how much you support the Sun Bear movie!”

“What are you talking about? I’m still saying we should have watched Ever Meets Never.”

“Nah! This movie is much better!”

“...Call me crazy but I beg to differ…”

That’s when they stopped still when they heard strange screams.

“What was that?” Hank glared, ready to pull out his gun.

“Probably Loki fangirls.”

Without saying anything Hank dashed out the room.

“Somebody call an ambulance!” he head.

“Loki fangirls…right.” Hank mumbled through a tightened jaw and rushed into the neighboring cinema. Samson following close after, as he had to look out for the young prodigy.

They saw George Hamilton on the screen and had to avert their eyes elsewhere and they saw the bleeding fangirl and began to pay attention to her.

Upon seeing the cop duo Adara shrunk in her seat. “Ah man…officer Samson…” she mumbled, a bit blushed up. YOU’RE SUCH A SICKO ADARA! It’d be a different story if you were fawning over a young guy like Hank but ajkfjalfjalkfjakf!! You’re hopeless!
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Cyrus was very annoyed by the end of the movie and was a few seconds away from trying to unleash hell-fire upon the populous, he looked over and noticed the Girl who pointed at him, "Now people are gonna notice me, Peachy just.... Peachy" He noticed the producers name, "T.A.H? That's on my hit list." he turned his attention to Adara who was finally stopped her evil chuckle rant, "If you wan't we can work on the whole midnight channel thing."
(im sorry you guys when I typed the last post I didnt have internet and well im bad at names so when I can Ill change it...heh I put Hank and Samson but lol whos Samson? xD Sorry I meant Oakley! Im about to reply for real though...let me eat first.)

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Adara nodded to Cyrus, looking cautiously over where the commotion was occurring. This is pathetic!

From the scene, Hank stopped some people from trying to leave the cinema. "I'll charge you with a ridiculous fine if you dare try to leave the scene! You must wait until ambulance arrive! You never know when you might be a help to save a person's life!"

He turns to face the rest of the audience. "That's the same for you all! None of you are to leave the cinema! Oakley here will go around and question you all!"

"Shit..." Adara mumbled looking around. "I'm tiny...I'm sure we can manage to get out of here. It's late we should be heading to the TV world!"
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"Raika?" Rei exclaimed as she watched. She then went around the house collecting her disguise. "Okay. Let's do this." He said.

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