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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Rei smiled. "Wait for me outside of your school tomorrow, I'll be there in a few minutes." With that she pushed the cart away and walked off.
He rubbed the back of his head and smiled at her when she went to walk away. "Ok ill be there" he said in a less nervous voice than before. When she left he looked around for Yukaze but didnt see him anywhere. He noticed him standing with some guy earlier. They were probably friends. "Huh, I guess he left me all alone." He said. He remembered he had to go back to get more eggs and did. Then he finished uo the rest of his shopping. Vegetables, canned soups, and various other products. Even some scented candles to make his place feel more homey. He checked out and walked home. It was getting late. Later than he thought it was. He went inside his house and immediately deposited his purple shirt in the washing machine after slipping his shoes off. "Hope the eggs don't ruin this shirt..." he said to no one in particular. He went upstairs and took a shower before making dinner. He flipped on the tv. It was only 6:00. "So much time to kill..." he said. The news was on. The murder he had heard about earlier was being covered for what was probably the third time with the way everyone was talking about it. He turned it off and went back upstairs. He sighed. "Should've known I'd behind in my work..." he said as he cracked open his math book. He lit the candle he had set down on his desk and turned on his CD player. He didnt remember what was in it till it played. It was some old swing music that sounded like it was playing off a record, not a CD. He began to hum along to it and did his work.
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Tillman's view shot down between them "Show must be really incognito, if I can't even find it on the internet. I'll stop bugging you now." he surrendered his battle for information and began to throw himself in the back rows once more. I'll find out what the meaning of this stupid Midnight channel is, and I won't have George Hamilton here throw me off. His view towered over their backs as the nonsense played on ahead. For the first time something other then sitting around and doing nothing had caught Tillman's attention and he wasn't going to give up until he carved the truth out behind this issue.
Adara sighed in relief, finally able to sit back up though she was still bothered. Sure what they saw was the midnight channel and her in it, and for all people knew she was just part of a TV show. Or at least she was hopeful on that. However, everything about it still irked her. Surely not all of them thought it was a show. Just like what she was doing there were probably others like her and the gang (who weren't even officially a gang) who were onto the whole midnight channel thing. So that had to mean...others knew her dastardly secret.

Shut up Adara you're just paranoid. But that didn't help her in the least. She needed to stop being selfish anyways. She looked over at Cyrus. How did he feel about all this? Was he also bothered by the fact that others saw the midnight channel, all of his innermost secrets. She bit her lip in frustration trying to think over something that would calm her or at least distract her.
Cyrus just shivered, "That guy gives me the creeps." still..... He thought to himself he knows what I've been through well past the fact that he thought it was a show, Adara is probably shaken up about it, I should try to help her calm down. "Hey after the movie you wanna go practice using our personas? I Just got mine and i'm pretty sure practicing would be a good way to save other people."
Adara nodded her head. "I guess that would help. But wouldn't that mean we'll have to enter that TV world again?" she sighed, thinking about it. "Well I guess we can freely enter the TV now that we have personas...and we don't know how hard other shadows will be when people's lives are at risk..." though wouldn't our lives be at risk by just going in the TV? Shut up Adara, grow a pair. Why don't you stop being selfish. "Sure." she offered a smile. "we can go."
"Alright Yukaze we're here!" Dan pointed at a huge mansion which is his house. "So what do you think about it?"

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Looking at the mansion Yukaze was very impressed. "It looks very nice I feel like someone like me doesn't belong here" he said to Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Of you do Yukaze. Come right in." Dan opened the door and walked in and looked back at Yukaze with a smile. "Would you like anything to drink?"

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Yukaze looked around at all the things inside the mansion. The place definitely looked expensive like anything he touched could break. He kept his hands in his pockets because of that,"no I'm fine".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"You're probably wondering how I have a big house like this. Come sit down and I'll tell you." Dan sat down in a living room chair with a smile.

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Yukaze walked into the living room and looked at Dan. He stood up not wanting to ruin anything. "Yes it does pique my curiosity".

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Cyrus smiled, "Well the movie should be over soon, then we can find a way to get to the T.V. world"
"Well as you can see I come from a wealthy family. My parents were owners of a world wide business. I had lots of older siblings. My brother was the next head of the family. We settled down here to feel big and fancier than most ya know. But one day something happened too my family."

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"They got into a plane accident during there vacation while I was staying home. After that I became the head of the business and worked since I was young. Almost every day there's a meeting but theirs nothing I can't handle." Dan said with a big smile.

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Yukaze was impressed and saddened by this. "That's very impressive Dan I can't believe someone so young could run a business like this...I'm sorry about your loss though"

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Eh don't be. They were always mean to me. My parents neglected me and my siblings picked on me. The only real family was my maids and butlers. So any who you ready for the midnight channel?"

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Yukaze was surprised what Dan had said. His parents might never have been around but they weren't exactly harsh parents. He thought about it for a bit. "Yes I'm ready" Yukaze said to Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Alright up too my room. We shall find mystery and action." Dan went up the stairs and waited for Yukaze. (Last post for me today)

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Yukaze walked up the stairs to Dan. He kept wondering 'what am I going to see there,what's going to happen". He wondered these things as Dan showed him were to go.(by the way Ever won't be on for awhile not sure if you heard in the ooc)

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Dan opened the door too his room and turned on the t.v. "Well we have 30 minutes until 12. So what do you want too do until then Yukaze?"
"Umm I don't know" Yukaze said standing there awkwardly. He looked around Dans room it looked very nice. Definitely better than his room.

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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