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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"No, I'm not alright." She said. "God has been jinxing me to these events, first the stairs, then the tree now the shelf." She took a deep breath. "At least my Mountain Dew is still ok." With that she started to push the cart but suddenly grabbed her arms and gringed in pain.
Riku went to stretch his arms out just in case so he'd be ready to cath her if she fell. "Whoa there, you should take it easy. That looks like it hurts." He said concerned. He was a bit surprised by the events she mentioned but decided to focus on her health first. "Do you need anything? It'd be no trouble I could go buy something if you needed it." He said with a half smile, still watching for the indication she might fall over.
Dan looked over at the other people Yukaze was with and they already were up. "I'm sure those two are fine. So how'd school go for you?"

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Yukaze looked over to see Riku helping the girl up he smiled. Then turning to Dan he answered " school was the same as always how come you weren't there". He thought it was suspicious that Dan wasn't at the club today like normal. Yukaze thought maybe he was sick or something possibly to do with the midnight channel.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Rei blushed when Riku put his arms on her, and even more when he smiled. "I-I-I'm alright." She stuttered. "Just a little bruised."
"Are you sure? You seem a bit flustered, your face is all red." He put his hand on her forehead to see if her temperature was hot. "Your temperature seems normal enough. Just be careful from now on ok?" He said with another smile. "By the way, my name is Riku, Riku Ikasawa. And who are you Miss?"
"Well I guess it's hard to rap my head around it" Yukaze said. "I want to go with you guys next time so I can see the place for myself" Yukaze was determined not to be left behind this time.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Their episode, huh? They wouldn't make a movie out of a show they play in (The starting comment she made when he jumped in) and they definitely wouldn't whisper it like that... Tillman looked over to the girl who let out the most suspicious of the two sentences "I don't know I thought the part where your characters are hugging and sobbing around was so cheesy especially the things they said.. Some stuff about accepting herself, blegh, I think the show could use less cheese and more action, you know?" He squinted looking at her down in her seat. "Even if it is all impromptu it's kinda silly.. Not that I could do any better. I think!" his view shifted to Cyrus as he built up a smug smirk showing the clear fold in his cheeks..

(Making it hard for me hey.. STEPPING ALL OVER HER EMOTIONS. WAM WAM WAM!!!)
Adara didn't even look up at the guy, her cheeks were flushed. "Yeah maybe it was chessy...but...but...." damn he's right, thinking about it ...that was so horribly cheesy, she'd have laughed if she saw that on TV. "yeah...the fans like cheesiness, no matter how unoriginal...sorry."
Dan let out a frown at Yukaze. "Are you absolutely positive you want to do this Yukaze? Because if you are I want your honest opinion. Are you willing

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Rei felt sad when his arms stopped touching her. "Wait!" She said. "I'm sorry for your shirt and I want to make up for it. I would like to treat you to dinner tomorrow."
"Yes I want to help you guys" Yukaze said. "I want this murderer stopped just as much as you guys, if it means keeping inaba safe for my sister, for everyone then yes I'd be willing to die for it" Yukaze said with little hesitation.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Riku was shocked at this. He wasn't sure how to react. "U-uhm it was just a s-shirt... it's no big deal really. You don't have to do anything special for me just for that if you dont want to" he said nervously "but sure... if thats what you want ill be there." He smiled and began to turn around but turned back and rubbed his head. He laughed "I probably shouldve asked where you wanted to meet"
Cyrus chuckled a bit, "You didn't see it from the beginning which would explain more from last nights episode. " Cyrus just wanted the kid to leave he could't spend a nice time with Adara if he was in the way.
Yukaze was happy he suppressed the small bit of worried ness he was having. "Alright I'll come over" Yukaze said smiling. He looked over to Riku but he seemed to be busy at the moment so he left him alone. "I'll just pay for these then we can drop them off then we can go, is that alright" he asked Dan.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"You mean Raika" Yukaze said. "I don't know I haven't seen her sense this morning" Yukaze said to Dan. " I think she went home right after school I didn't see her in the hallways so that's what I assume" he really wasn't sure what had happened to her. Yukaze hoped she was alright though.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Alright let's go buy your things now. Oh I need too go get toilet paper for home." Dan left and came back with some toilet paper. "Alright let's get a going."

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Yukaze bout his spices then waited for Dan to buy his supplies. He and Dan walked out of the Junes towards his house. Yukaze walked silent most of the way getting anxious about going into that world. As they reached the house Yukaze nocked on the door as kotori had locked it like he told her too. Kotori came and asked who it was "it's me yuki" Yukaze said. Kotori unlocked the door and peeked out. "Here's the spices I'll be a little longer so don't wait up for dinner"Yukaze said to her. Kotori nodded then shut the door. Yukaze looked to Dan "alright are we going to your house now".

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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