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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika put her books away and stretched. She can finally go home and get some sleep. She yawned again and sighed. She got up and went to her shoe locker, when she opened it she found a letter in there it said:

"Meet me at the tv area in Junes right after school. It really important and I need to tell you something"

The letter didn't have a sender or anything on it. She sighed 'I hope it's not a confession...' she put on her shoes and left for Junes.

Adara nodded. "Yup~ Let's go. Oh but I'm paying you back afterwards!" with that she spun around. "Now lets go." she began to walk before stopping. "Um...you should probably lead the way."
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Yukaze listened to what very one was saying thinking of his own possible ideas. Yukaze got up as the bell rang and headed out of the club room. He walked back to class ready for the day to be over. I hope I can go with them this time into the tv world he thought I'm sure the place is not great but I'm sure I can take it. He sat down and listened to the teachers lecture for the rest of the day.

When the final bell ran kazuto got up and started walking outa class. He went down stairs and to the shoe locker, as he did he looked for Raika. After a bit he was still unable to see her "I'm sure she went home" he thought a little down. He shrugged and walked out the school door towards home.
Cyrus laughed, "I told you one day i'm going to give you a tour." Once again the small town of Inaba makes it easy to get to Junes and soon they already made it to Junes, "So what movie are we going to watch?
It took raika 20 minutes to get to Junes. She went to the tv like she was asked to and she waited in front of a huge tv. She stood there and waited for about 30 minutes and every minute she got more and more sleepy. ' where is he?' She thought and sighed in annoyance. She turned around and looked at the tv, where she saw her reflection. 'Wow....I really do need some sleep....' she rubbed her eyes and yawned. And in about 5 sec she was pushed from behind and towards the tv. Her eyes widened and she couldn't react fast enough. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact but instead she passed out and went through the tv into the other world where she will meet her shadow. The person who pushed quickly left the area and pretended to be another shopper at junes.

Adara looked around a bit nervously, wondering if Oaley and Hank were still here. When she didn't see them she calmed a bit. "Shit um...I don't even know what's playing. I really don't look into that kind of stuff." she pondered over to where the movies are displayed. (time to make beautiful movie titles)

"The Hikikomori Lolicon Goddess Tales? Yeah I just remembered why I don't watch movies anymore." She kept looking on. "The legend of Shiro Okami (OH MY GOD THIS IS AN OOC REFERENCE @Shiro Okami ) Ever Meets Never, The Sun Bear God...eck, do you see anything good?"
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Riku stood up after hearing the bell and went back to class. He didnt pay any attention though, which wasnt a good idea since it technically was his first day of school. After the day ended he walked home alone, carrying his jacket over his shoulder. 'This investigation club....' he thought 'it IS interesting... but i'll need some solid evidence of these strange events to make my decision." He walked into his house.
The bell rang while Kuro was still on the phone, so Grace reluctantly returned to her classes. Once school was over she headed home, glancing at her phone every now and then. She wanted to stay as informed as possible, even if she wasn't able to help inside the TV yet.
Cyrus looked at the movies, "I guess we'll watch The legend of Shiro Okami. " Cyrus walked up and paid for Two tickets and handed one to Adara, "Here you go." he also brought back some popcorn.

It all started when our (former porn) star, Shiro Okami, woke up in a fanstic pumpkin patch. It was the ninth time it had happened. Feeling alarmingly puzzled, Shiro Okami deflowered a ninja star, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Heart filled with earnest fortitude, he realized that his beloved chocolate was missing! Immediately he called his vicariously jealous friend, Robin. Shiro Okami had known Robin for (plus or minus) 2,000 years, the majority of which were eccentric ones. Robin was unique. He was plucky though sometimes a little... funny-smelling. Shiro Okami called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

Robin picked up to a very angry Shiro Okami. Robin calmly assured him that most venomous koalas belch before mating, yet disease-carrying chipmunks usually exotically panic *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Shiro Okami. Why was Robin trying to distract Shiro Okami? Because he had snuck out from Shiro Okami's with the chocolate only six days prior. It was a enticing little chocolate... how could he resist?

It didn't take long before Shiro Okami got back to the subject at hand: his chocolate. Robin shuddered. Relunctantly, Robin invited him over, assuring him they'd find the chocolate. Shiro Okami grabbed his hammock and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Robin realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the chocolate and he had to do it skillfully. He figured that if Shiro Okami took the neighborhood-terrorizing crotch rocket, he had take at least ten minutes before Shiro Okami would get there. But if he took the bike? Then Robin would be abnormally screwed.

Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Robin was interrupted by eight oafish giraffes that were lured by his chocolate. Robin turned red; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling relieved, he deftly reached for his gerbil and aptly slapped every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the foxy forest, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief. That's when he heard the bike rolling up. It was Shiro Okami.


As he pulled up, he felt a sense of urgency. He had had to make an unscheduled stop at Texaco to pick up a 12-pack of potatos, so he knew he was running late. With a inept leap, Shiro Okami was out of the bike and went explosively jaunting toward Robin's front door. Meanwhile inside, Robin was panicking. Not thinking, he tossed the chocolate into a box of gerbils and then slid the box behind his hippopotamus. Robin was relieved but at least the chocolate was concealed. The doorbell rang.

'Come in,' Robin explosively purred. With a calculated push, Shiro Okami opened the door. 'Sorry for being late, but I was being chased by some dimwitted zealous...zealot in a pimp fresh, candy-painted 'Lac,' he lied. 'It's fine,' Robin assured him. Shiro Okami took a seat just under where Robin had hidden the chocolate. Robin belched trying unsuccessfully to hide his nervousness. 'Uhh, can I get you anything?' he blurted. But Shiro Okami was distracted. Just as zero people expected Robin noticed a abrasive look on Shiro Okami's face. Shiro Okami slowly opened his mouth to speak.

'...What's that smell?'

Robin felt a stabbing pain in his scalp when Shiro Okami asked this. In a moment of disbelief, he realized that he had hidden the chocolate right by his oscillating fan. 'Wh-what? I don't smell anything..!' A lie. A pestering look started to form on Shiro Okami's face. He turned to notice a box that seemed clearly out of place. 'Th-th-those are just my grandma's dull pencils from when she used to have pet South American hissing sloths. She, uh...dropped 'em by here earlier'. Shiro Okami nodded with fake acknowledgement...then, before Robin could react, Shiro Okami recklessly lunged toward the box and opened it. The chocolate was plainly in view.

Shiro Okami stared at Robin for what what must've been eight millseconds. Just as zero people expected Robin groped earnestly in Shiro Okami's direction, clearly desperate. Shiro Okami grabbed the chocolate and bolted for the door. It was locked. Robin let out a enticing chuckle. 'If only you hadn't been so protective of that thing, none of this would have happened, Shiro Okami,' he rebuked. Robin always had been a little funny-smelling, so Shiro Okami knew that reconciliation was not an option; he needed to escape before Robin did something crazy, like... start chucking carrots at him or something. A few unsatisfying minutes later, he gripped his chocolate tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.

Robin looked on, blankly. 'What the hell? That seemed excessive. The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Shiro Okami. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame six days ago...it never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Shiro Okami. 'Oh. You ..okay?' Still silence. Robin walked over to the window and looked down. Shiro Okami was gone.


Just yonder, Shiro Okami was struggling to make his way through the foxy forest behind Robin's place. Shiro Okami had severely hurt his fingernail during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength. Another pack of feral giraffes suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the chocolate. One by one they latched on to Shiro Okami. Already weakened from his injury, Shiro Okami yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of giraffes running off with his chocolate.

But then God came down with His congenial smile and restored Shiro Okami's chocolate. Feeling relieved, God smote the giraffes for their injustice. Then He got in His wannabe go-fast Civic and bolted away with the fortitude of 20 man-eating capybaras running from a teensy pack of long-haired sea monkeys. Shiro Okami tripped with joy when he saw this. His chocolate was safe. It was a good thing, too, because in two minutes his favorite TV show, Two and a Half Men, was going to come on (followed immediately by 'When man-eating capybaras meet ebola'). Shiro Okami was relieved. And so, everyone except Robin and a few bloody glove-toting long-haired sea monkeys lived blissfully happy, forever after. 
As Adara stared at the movie, she was dumbfounded. " They're REALLY running out of ideas here...hmph I should make a movie. It'd be a great movie. People would write fanfiction on it and make crack pairings... I'd be rich too. It'd be great...I should make a movie. Make it about the midnight channel, yeah that'd sell..."
Riku looked for food in his cupboards. Anything would've sufficed. Anything at all. But there wasn't any food to be found. Not there, in the pantry, or the fridge. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair "looks like im going out" he said to himself. "Now what was the name of that one place? June's? Jane's?" He never did remember the stores name no matter how long he lived in Inaba. He shrugged it off. He'd go out and find either one. Whichever one he found must be it. He grabbed a thin, purple long sleve shirt and left the house, wrapping his scarf around his neck.
Yukaze stopped at the middle school to pick up kotori as he normally does. She came running over happy to see him then looked around. "Where's Raika" she said curiously.

Yukaze shrugged as she said it "she probably went back to her house I'm sure she wanted to sleep in her own bed for once". Kotori looked sad at this thought and Yukaze quickly replied "I'm sure she'll be back again". Kotori lightened up a little and nodded. They walked back to there house not saying very much when they got in kotori turned to him.

"Yuki we need some spices for dinner can you get some right now" kotori said looking at him.Yukaze sighed "alright I'll go to Junes make sure to lock the door and all that while I'm gone". With that he headed out towards Junes in thought.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
As Riku was walking along he saw someone he recognized. "Hey, Harukami!" He said raising his hand into the air and waiving it around.
Yukaze looked at the sudden call out. He saw Riku frantically waving his hand Yukaze waved back and waited up for him. "Hey surprised to see you out here were ya going" Yukaze asked.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"June's, er Jane's... I don't remember its name and i've lived here a whole year. Pretty pathetic huh?" He laughed a little after that statement. "What about you? Where are you heading?" He asked back to Yukaze
Tillman wandered off from the school leaving his wrecked bike from this morning there to rust. Well at least I gave some effort to get the school, even if I was late. I deserve a reward. His thoughts rushed through the possible rewards he could grant himself. A movie... maybe. They are usually stupid enough to entertain me. The theater it is! he began to waltz his way away from his apartment down to the nearest theater. He now stood their in his now already worn out school uniform What movie should I watch? the Sun Bear movie was digging itself into his skull as he withered away in place, but for once he needed to get away form his side hobby of adoring his one and only lord. The Legend of Shiro Okami... Looks stupid enough. His lazily flailing bottom limbs carried him to the box office and her purchased the ticket with his last bits of change.

Tillman placed himself in the back of the auditorium and view all the people in front of him whilst they stared at the blatantly dumb movie, until a certain couple caught his eye I swear I saw those two on TV last night!! The rows were sparsely populated so going up to the wonderful couple wouldn't be much of an issue considering he was an expert at going unnoticed. Like a dolphin Tillman dived through the rows until he was right behind the tanned protagonist of his show (Cyrus). "Psst, You guys are from that show right? I'm really interested in it, but I'm assuming it was live so I really didn't catch the name of it." he whispered, his breath reeked of soda and toothpaste.
Yukaze chuckled a little" same place I gotta get some spices". He also added "it's pronounces Junes by the way"

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Rei got home and immediatly removed the bandages that wrapped around her chest. "Ahhh..." She exclaimed in relief. "Freedom!" She was suddenly hungry. She looked inside her cupboard, inside was nothing but cup noodles. "...I guess I'm going out to buy stuff then..." She dressed in casual clothes and headed out. On the way she saw Yukaze out of the corner of her eye and subtly scooted away to June's.
Dan got off the phone with Kuro and decided too head too Junes. I need to pick up some toilet paper for the bathroom. I think Junes should have some. Dan walked out the door and left to Junes on bike.
Cyrus turned around looking at some kid he had never seen before, " Show? what on earth are you......Ohh" he turned over and Nudged Adara, "Guy behind me saw us on the midnight channel what do we do?"
Riku laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks" he said with a smile, "and thats quite a coincidence isn't it?" He walked on in silence for a few moments before he remembered his decision about the Investigation Club. "By the way," he started, "I've decided i'd like to join this Investigation Club of yours. But i'd like some evidence of the events you've talked about first." He thought he might even join if there wasn't any evidence. Give him something to fill the time with at least. Not like there was anything better to do in this small town he called home.
Adara jumped a bit and swung her head over to see ...some...guy...with ...breath..ugh she had bad smelling but that was strong.

Wait, TV show? eh? Her eyes widened.

Holy mother of-

"Oh...so the whole Inaba saw that little show. Heh, greeattt." her voiced drooped with dreadful sarcasm. I just want to puke and die and puke again in purgatory and stay a recluse their too and wade away and never be seen again. Each thought made her sink further down her seat.

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