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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Kuro took a deep breath. "It's just a hunch, but I think the culprit could be a male police officer. When I got hit on the head. It felt like a gun, and his grip and body were very masculine." He awaited their opinions on this.
"Actually~ if u want u can come w/ me, or u mite want 2 b alone. That's ok 2. Jst sayin u can if u want " was her reply.
"If it is a police officer, then it would make sense for no one to suspect him of doing anything strange." Grace commented. "No one would think anything of seeing a cop around."
"hmm~ How bout the river bank or somethng? is that close? Yeah it needs 2 b. I need 2 go 2 water. I'll explain when we get there. Can u go there?."
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"That does seem like a likely option for the killer with that job they'd be next to all the murders" Yukaze muttered. He couldn't believe the thought didn't cross his mind before. But who would go around and do this Yukaze thought to himself.
Kuro heard the phone ring and answered when he saw it was Dan. Where was that beast of a man!? The meeting was halfway through, and he's yet to show up! "Where are you!? The meeting's halfway through, and I got a lead on the killer!"
~alright i'll meet you there.~ Cyrus put his phone away and got dressed , as he made his way for the door, "Well this will be fun." He said to himself as he walked out the door Luckily the riverbank wasn't far.
"Right, I will now recite the Periodic Table of Elements." He took a deep breath. "Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, OXYGEN!" He shouted. "That was the element of surprise."
Adara smiled and shut the phone. "Wonderful~" She looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath before applying on a red colored lipstick to finish up her little makeover. The red was of the same shade as the one her shadow.

Maybe it's just me but...I swear that shadow could manage to look way more attractive than me, yet it was a complete mirror image. She frowned at her thoughts while she brushed her fingers through her for once tidy hair.

Look at me all dolled up...and I'm going outside to? That's it the world's ending.

Adara held her phone close to her pocket and exited the bathroom, her mother nearly in a panic when she saw her.

"You're wearing makeup...and...nice clothes?" she asked, having to pause from stirring whatever delicious contraption she was preparing. "Is everything ok?"

Ouch. "Yeah. It's cool." she nodded stiffly, ready to head out the door. "Listen...I'm going out ok?"

Her mother was silent, her jaw tight, contemplating her options.

"I'm not running away. Promise." Adara couldn't look over at her and from the awkward atmosphere, she just wanted to bolt out the door and go.

"We'll need to talk later. Be home soon. A-are you going with anyone?"

"A friend..."

"Why is your friend not at school?"
when the thought dreaded over her mother, she swung her head over to look at Adara- eyes a mixture of panic and anger.

"N-no! He goes to my school! um...I can introduce you...one day? Um..." Sighing, knowing she would regret this later on, she nodded and made a run out of the house. There's no point in arguing or trying to reason. I know what she's thinking and she has every right to think such, considering What I've done. But I have to do this...this may not be the best move to do things but it's part of my decisions and my baby steps!
Rey was waiting at the river bank. It looked like he was there first. "Well, this'll get real boring real fast." He looked around and seeing no witnesses removed her wig and wiped her forehead. "It' really hot in this wig..."
Cyrus had made it to the river bank wearing a nice leather jacket, "Hm.....his jacket flowed like a cape in the wind his hands in his pockets just waiting......But then someone caught his eye, he couldn't tell who she was but he didn't really care at the moment.
Rei froze, 'Just when i think I'm alone, there's alway someone there!' She started to walk away to find a place to hide again. There goes her plans on fishing. She puts her wig on and goes back to the roof, she had just realized that he had dropped his phone there. He finds Raika there. "Oh hey Raika."
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It took a bit, as she quickly got lost - having no sense of direction at all, even in the small town of Inaba.

She somehow ended up at Junes and let out her frustration.

"Dammit! He'll think I stood him up or something!!!" she hollered at her self, stomping her right foot into the ground as she tends to do when frustrated or agitated in some short manner of speaking.

"Stood who up? A boyfriend? You're not running away again are you?" A voice called from behind, startling Adara. She looked back and had to look away again when she saw the bad cop good cop duo (or more mainly of who caused her embarrassment - Officer Oakley.)

"H-hello officer...h-how are you?" she stuttered as she tried to comb out her hair with her fingers, though her hair was fine. In fact, it's the best it ever looked in a matter of 6+ months.

"By the way you're dolled up like that. It must be a boyfriend...you look cute." Oakley said, giving a thumbs up as he drank from his coffee.

Hank just focused his attention on his sandwich, caring less about the two of them.

"NO! IT'S NOT A BOYFRIEND!" She snapped, much to her dismay. Dammit Adara! You're an idiot! Don't...you're supposed to change yourself! But now... she looked at the ground. "Sorry."

Oakley laughed. "I get it, I knew a lot of high school girls back in my day. They were always just as flustered as you are now. It's endearing." he dismissed her with his hand. "You stay out of trouble you here?"

"Y-yes sir!" she nodded quickly before running off....only to back over to their direction again. "Wh-where's the river bank at?"

Adara finally made her way to the river bank in full dash. I'm so late he's probably not even there anymore! But miraculously he was. She smiled and almost tripped in the process of running over to him. She caught her balance and stumbled over in front of him.

She had to struggle to catch her breath...damn this is what being a recluse does to you...

"S-sorry...I got lost..."
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Raika was enjoying the view and that peace and quiet. After a few minutes she heard her name, she turned around and saw rey "hey rey"

"...I need to get something off my chest." Rey said with seriousness. "The things I'm about to tell you you must not tell anyone else unless needed."
"Well..." She removed her wig and bindings. "My real name is Rei, it's nice to finally meet you Raika." She said while smiling.
Raika starred at him or should she say her. She was relieved that it was the other thing she was thinking of. She smiled at her "nice to meet you rei"

"Again, don't tell anyone, I don't want them finding out what I really am." She said as her hair blew with the wind. "I don't wanna get in the way of someone else's romantacizing." She started to put her bindings back on.
"Thank you." She said. "Now i need a favor, there are times where these would slip out." She said while pointing at her hair. "Or my wig slips a little or my bindings break, I wan't you to distract them everytime it happens, please?"

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