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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Riku hesitantly sat down, still trying to process what was going on. "I-i cant believe someone was murdered over a tv program... why would someone do that?" He clenched his fists as another bead of sweat formed. He was nervous and a little afraid of what this 'club' was investigating. He stayed no matter what he heard though so obviously he wanted to be a part of it... but he was unsure why...
Yukaze looked at Riku and his reaction. I understand how he feels it doesn't seem realistic he thought. He sat down waiting for the meeting to begin.
Raika sighed and went back up to the rooftop and continued to eat her lunch. She began to sing a song out loud as she ate her lunch.

Kuro corrected Riku, "Not OVER a TV show. ON a TV show. People who are aired on The Midnight Channel are found dead if we don't save them-" Kuro turned when he heard the thud of Rey's thud. "Goddammit Rey!"
"Ahahahaha, that hurt my face." He said as he stood up and rubbed it. He suddenly noticed of her locks of her had slipped out, he tried to tuck it back in but there were people who might find it suspicious.
Grace couldn't help but giggle at Rey's randomness. It was a nice way to break the dark atmosphere after talking about the midnight channel. She noticed something a little odd about him though, but decided to not comment on it put of politeness.
Riku stood up very quickly, knocking over the chair he was sitting in. He pointed at Rey "I saw him on that show, so why is he alive? You were there too. There were these weird monster things, horrible ugly monsters trying to kill you. Whats that all about? How did you even get there? How do you even KNOW about this stuff?"
An irritating buzz had been going on for about 6 hours now as Tillman sat in his chair, face smacked on the keyboard. The sound had almost become natural, like the crickets and grasshoppers at dusk, and since people tend to ignore natural things Tillman was still stuck in his position drooling onto the numpad as the smell of old soda stuffed his nose. Slowly the buzzing of the nearly broken alarm began to die out, until the silence interrupted the room's fresh ring. In the rush of the alarm's death Tillman shot up, throwing himself back with his chair falling into the soft mountain of clothes piled up behind him. "What!? It's already lunchtime!!!!" A scream of agony emitted from the apartment.

[similar to Edward Elric's scream from FMA when they try to resurrect their mother at the start].

He threw himself into the shower as quick as possible, the last thing he wanted is for people to notice him because of his horrible stench. Dressing himself in the only pair of clothes he washed, in this case the school uniform, he threw his backpack onto himself and made his way through the stairwell and out to his bike he had attached to a pipe on the apartment wall. On the wrecked mountain bike he began to force his way to the school as utensils were flying out of his trashed bag. 3 pencils and 1 library book later he finally reached the school. Finally, I ma- The brakes... Th- As his brakes failed to cooperate with his hands the only stop would either be the approaching car, diving forward and stopping it with his head, or jumping into the rigid bush. Into the bushes I go! he thought as his body flung into the green mesh like a majestic swan.
Kuro laughed a bit and gave a smile. He saw something bright yellow, but thought nothing of it. Must be the sun, Kuro thought. pointed at Rey and commented, "Great comic relief, and Riku calm down. I said they'd die, if we DIDN"T SAVE THEM."
Riku picked up his chair and sat in it and scooted forward. For some reason he was calmer. Intrigued more by the situation than afraid now. He put his elbows on the table for support and leaned forward with his hands stretched out. "How do you save them? What are you even saving then from? Sure theres the obvious death you keep mentioning but what or who is murdering them?"
Yukaze looked around feeling like something was outa place. He looked at the members and realized they were short on one. Yukaze said out loud "were is Dan ?". He didn't remember Dan being here maybe he was at home sick or something .
Kuro became irritated by all the questions, and he didn't want to snap again. "Grace, can you answer his questions?" Kuro widened his eyes at Yukaze's question. "Yeah, where is that man beast?"
"Um, alright." Grace fidgeted for a moment, thinking about the best way to start. "I-I have to warn you, it sounds a little, well, crazy, but it's true. Basically there is a world that can be accessed by certain people inside the TV. Someone--the murderer--is throwing people into the TV. When inside they encounter a darker version if themselves that will kill them when the fog comes. The only way to save them is for those who have already been inside to go in and defeat that darker self with a being known as a persona."
Riku blinked a few times then smiled. "How interesting" he said. "So, those clones were these darker selfs and those monsters the others seemed to summon were personas?" Somehow his personality had drastically changed in the course of a few seconds. Where he was once terrified to some extent, now he was highly intrigued by this 'tv world'. "And this 'investigation club' of yours is really investigating this strange world and beings?"
Kuro nodded. "Yup..." Kuro turned to grace and bowed in his chair. "...and thank you Grace." He leaned back in his chair as he thought about what he knew, then remembered, "Oh yeah. I have a lead on the culprit!"
Riku sat back and put a finger on his chin. He was taking some time to think about this new information. He wasnt fully convinced if he believed them yet or not.
Raika finished eat her lunch and got up and stretched. She looked at the school from the rooftop and smiled as the wind blow through her hair. "Nice weather..."

Cyrus decided not to go too school, "Communicating with anyone right now is useless, He stared back up at the Ceiling, and grabbed his phone and sent a text to Adara ~So hows everything going over there? you hanging in?~ He really hoped it wasn't the worse time to send a message.
Grace waited expectantly, having heard what Kuro was going to say already. Riku had taken all the information surprisingly well so far, she thought.
"What is you lead Kuro " Yukaze asked. He was curious about who could be behind this. Yukaze wanted them stopped as soon as possible so few life's are put at risk.
Tillman crawled from the bush, backpack luckily still in it's previous state (so tattered and not torn). "Why did I even try?" he exclaimed as the wind blew multiple papers from his open bag. When it rains, it pours. ran through his mind as everything was seemingly going wrong this morning. He began to lift himself up and straighten his uniform, still picking branches from his wet hair. Lifting up the papers he began to make his way into the building and walked to his class he had after lunch early.
Adara recieved a text message as she was fixing herself up - for the first time in 6 months. She looked over at the phone expecting to see JC or Rainne's number but instead it was Cyrus. Thank the harvest goddess.

She replied to his text message honestly.

"Hey. Not at school today. Srry. I'm bout to head out...I have something I need to do. It's really important. Sorry don't get caught in class lol~"

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