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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

John smiled at her, "Damn right I am. From the looks of things you've lived here your entire life. That's pretty cool. In America I don't get to eat fried tofu that often even though I love it." John says as he takes another bite, chews, and swallows. "But here the food is incredible. So what grade you in? You go to the local high school?"
"Hmm~" she thought it over carefully, before she had the idea. "Ooh~! I know! Let's go get some clothes at Junes THEN go to the amusement park!" man that'd be great...wait an amusement park? It was only last week she was a friendless hikikomori. Damn.


"No...defiantly not." Hank said, much more casually now. "Who would even call them scatter brains? They're nothing like that."


Oh but no...Oakley was determined. He stood Cyrus up straight and turned him around to face the woman. "You just got to be sensitive..ladies like that..well" he thought about it. "A good many do. Look just try to get the pizza rolls, a man has to learn some day and this is the perfect opportunity." he said as he lightly shoved him towards the girl whom had yet to notice him.
"I have." Grace confirmed. She took a small bite of her own food and swallowed before continuing. She had had the food here many times before, and so it wasn't much of a delicacy to her. It was still good though. "I'm a junior, and yes, I go to the local high school. I-Is that where you'll be going?"
Raika giggled " alright junes! The amusement park!!" Let go I have a feeling hank is gonna notice your gone soon" she grabbed her wrist and ran off"


"That stupid blonde name adara...called them scatter brains...she even called me a scatter brain! How do you deal with her?!"
John nodded, "Aye, I am going to be a junior as well due to me starting school late and getting held back a year. It will be nice to have a small school this time. Last school I went to had over 20,000 people in it. That's a lot of faces to punch."
Grace blinked in surprise. "Wow, that's a lot of people." she commented. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be surrounded with so many people. Just thinking about it made her nervous. But what did he mean by punch?
John nodded, "Entire damn town of Broken Arrow. Could be worse I guess, could be Tulsa Union, there everyone sucks in their own way, but eh, what can you do? Public schools are kind of a joke in my opinion. I ended up getting held back a year because of the theory of gravity"
Cyrus kept trying to push back, "I'm not putting up with please just let me go." Damn he is persistent but i just can't do it.
"Theory of gravity?" Grace questioned. She was a little uncertain about what to think of him, but he hadn't done anything unkind to her yet, so she decided to think good of him for now.
Being with Raika again was nice and much well needed, and as they ran she took the time to just..enjoy the moment of it. It was one of the much simpler pleasures, she realized.


"Pfft... I don't. She's been one of our main priorities right now though. She has a crush on my boss, Oakley, and it's weird as fuck."
thinking she heard that he glanced over and did a double take. "Of course she left!" he sighed, though he had already half expected it. "Should totally stick a tracking chip underneath her skin."


Oakley still wouldn't accept it. "Be a man and do it already. Just talk to the lady- cry in front of her and lose all your pride. I don't care. Just go!" he lightly moved him closer to the female.
"I was arguing that the theory of gravity is more of a logrithmic function instead of a more linear function that it currently is. This got pretty heated. Apparently my teacher thought otherwise. Mass and force are always exponential and logrithmic, Sir Isaac Newton was on the right track but clearly he was thinking to small." John shrugged. "Eh, what can you do? I'm going to be in the same grade as you, that's something to look forward to at least."
Cyrus was still resisting, "I don't care i just can't do it i'm not a guy who takes advantage of someone. Like i said i probably already have some at home."
Raika giggled and laughed as she ran with adara. She felt really happy. Once they got to junes she said " pick out anything! I have a huge allowance that I never used so I can pay for your clothess" she said with a smile.


Chirpy chuckled " you have a hard job dont you"
Grace nodded, impressed by John's knowledge. She honestly didn't know much about the theory of gravity herself. "I can help you find your classes, or other places in town for that matter, if you ever need it." she shyly offered.
Adara smiled. "Awesome!" she began to walk around Junes, wondering what all she could buy. She wouldn't buy much- seeing how it ewas Raika's money. But she wanted to buy something she'd actually would wear more than once.


"Yeah." Hank admitted, shaking his head wearily. "But- I wouldn't trade it for anything."


Frustrated but determined for a reason- mostly because of the girl herself and not the pizza rolls he took Cyrus by the arm and dragged her over to the girl.

"Excuse me." he said, tapping the girl on the shoulder. The girl turned around- she looked oddly familiar and there was a bandage on visible from underneath her hair, but she was fairly pretty. She froze and gawked when she saw Cyrus.

"Yeah...my boy wants to talk with you, he couldn't help himself.. he's shy..." and with that Oakley turned around and walked a distance away- laughing to himself on what was to come.
Rsika smioed and walked around junes with adara ' what should I buy?' She hummed as she looked around.


Chirpy smiled " so why are you a cop?"
"Beautiful and helpful. You really do have it all going on don't you?" John laughed light-heartedly. "I think I really am gonna like Japan, so what do you do around town when you're bored, just hang at the food court?"
She had to glance away for a moment in embarrassment at his first sentence; she wasn't used to such compliments. "Basically. There's not really much here." Grace said apologetically. However, that wasn't completely true considering the recent murders, but he didn't need to know about that. It would only make him worry or even put him in danger, so it was best to keep that a secret.
John smiled at her, "Getting embarressed at someone commenting about your beauty? Remind me to compliment you more often then until you overcome that." He playfully stuck his tongue out at her. "It really is a pleasure to meet you, I think we'll be good friends."
Cyrus immediately shut down and just stopped moving and talking he just stood there like a statue. before he shut down the only thing he could say was, "Hi." even though he was frozen he was also very angry, Why...........Why would he do this this persistent cop......Ughhh.
Grace gave a small smile in return. "I hope we'll be good friends too." She finished off the last of her food and then glanced at her watch. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I should go shopping for groceries now." she stated, pushing her chair back and standing.
The brunette girl - after staring at him for what seemed like forever, dropped her bag of Jumbo Pizza Rolls and fangirled. "OH MAH GAWD! It's George Hamiliton's kin from yesterday!!!" she freaked out as she covered her mouth with pretty manni-petti'd fingers. She then looked around as if somebody would possible see him and freak out as much as she was. Flashing a smile she asked. "So~~ what brings you over to lil' ole me?" she giggled lavishly.


Adara giggled. "You should totally find something nice and cute for your first date with that you're guy you're into!" she beamed lovingly.


Hank shook his head. "It's a long and boring story, you wouldn't want to hear it." he said, getting rather shy again. Really, what was up with this?
Yukaze turned backwards and kept on jogging with ease next to Dan. "Sure that'd be great it's been awhile sense anyone's trained with me" Yukaze said happily.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Cyrus was still immobilized but he spoke a few other words, "I just wanted the Pizza rolls, I'll pay you for them." He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a 2,000 yen bill does this work?"

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