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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Do you need advice with her?" he asked, an entertained smile spread across his stubbly face. "You can hide it from me! I know you have the hots for that gal~!" he declared happily, as if he had just stumbled across something nobody else has yet to have done before.


Adara sighed in relief. "Thanks Raika, what would I do without you?"


Hank just shook his head. "She's a mystery. Not even her own mother knows what to do with her anymore. Right now we're trying to find out if she's getting abused...though I don't know what to think. I thought that guy was her boyfriend but it's obvious she has the hots for Oakley.." he shivered. "That's damn creepy...he's like more than twice her age."
Cyrus frowned a bit, "There is no Advice you could give me that would help me go out with her, As much as i would like too i'm not so sure it would happen." He cheered himself back trying to hide the pain.
Raika smiled "just stay as my friend and we'll calk it even" she said with a smile as she helped adara out of the dress.


" she probably has a bad experience with guys..."
"Now you're just being depressing..." Oakley said as he pointed at him. "What's up with that attitude? What are you being so down about? Why do you say those things?"


Adara was helped out of the dress and she put back on her normal clothes, relieved.


"What? But what would that have to do with liking older- oh..." he stopped, understanding it though. "Well...shit.." was all the could say, left entirely speechless by it all. He never even thought about it that way.
Cyrus looked up, "I'm not being Depressing i'm being truthful, We'll lets say i was going to try what would you tell me?" Let's see what has to say about this now?
After raika helpedbher out of the dress. Raika went and changed herself. She went back to adara " alrighty! Let find you something normal!" She said happily.


' that and the fact I had seen her shadow....' chirpy thought and nodded.
"Right now?" he asked as he took another sip from his slushie. "Right now I'd say don't even fucking try." He thought over how he was going to explain this- he didn't want to say 'oh hey, I've realized she has the hots for me right now' because frankly- that'd be horribly awkward on both ends. Shaking his head slightly he continued on. "She seems to have ...per say, difficulties with that sort of thing right now, right? So there's no way in hell she could last a relationship. There's not going to be anything going for that girl unless you can be patient."


Adara nodded and exited out of the dressing room- she realized the two of them were still talking and sh wondered what it was about, but she was here for shopping and that's all that mattered right now. So she began to follow Raika again.


Hank shook his head. "Hell I don't know..I can't relate with those kind of problems..." he sighed.
Cyrus chuckled, "You know hiding anything from is wrong right? Look i know what you were going to say and yeah it's a little weird but i'm going to stand by her no matter what. I'm her Knight and that's it's gonna be for a while. If there is anything i'm good at it's waiting."
Raika hummed as she looked around with adara ' purple.....blue....and .....red!' Shenlooked through the clothes and found a purple top, blue pants and red shoes amd handed then to adara " go try now!"


" if you want to help her you should try and understand her..." ' how the hell am I giving this type of advice?!'
"Well shit...at least you knew that much." Oakley said..a bit awkwardly. In all his years of weird things Oakley had never had somebody underage fawn over him like Adara did. So he wasn't used to it- of course he had no kinds of intentions or advantages with it as that subject was something he dared to never go near. It was messed up on sooo many levels for him.


Adara was suddenly thrown an outfit- all in rather mixed match colors. "Ah-um.." she faltered but Raika had already demanded she try it on. Nodding, Adara ran over into the dressing room and began to replace outfits.


"How in the hell do you suppose I do that?" he asked, eyebrow raised.
Raika waited outside for adara. She hummed ' it should look good on her...'


Chirpy thought for a minute "uh....Try being nice and listen to her intead of her mom? I mean you guys are here because some of the stuff ber mom say....have you ever tried listening to adara?"
Cyrus stared up into the sky sighing, "I've been with the military long enough to tell what anyone is thinking. Because i look around and see all these masked faces trying to smile when something is wrong in their life, It makes me sick. I guess that makes me a hypocrite as well." He chuckled, "So..... any leads on the murder case?"
"Sorry kid, that's classified information." Oakley quickly said. He offered a smile as he pointed behind him to wear the dressing room was.


"Ok!" Adara stepped out of the dressing room- mismatched were the clothes, yes...but oddly enough it was very becoming on the petite little girl. She twirled around without really thinking to show it off to Raika. "So~? nice?" she asked wondrously.


"I don't know..I guess not really." he shrugged. "Like she would even listen to me though."
Cyrus was a little confused, "What are you pointin....oh" Cyrus grew red in the face and looked down, "Why would you even...."
Raika put a thumbs up " nice!! And that your outfit for the amusement park!"


"Just apologize and asked her...I guess" 'where are all these coming from...'
Oakley laughed. "Because you're a hoot to tease kid!" he exclaimed- applauding himself.


Adara twirled around once again. "Awesome!" she glanced over at Cyrus and Oakley who seemed to be having a good time..well now actually Cyrus looked embarrassed. "Should we invite Cyrus to come along with us?" she asked Raika.


"I-...I guess I could..." Hank nodded slowly, not even believing he was agreeing to all this.
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Raika looked at adara and then at cyrus "hmm.....sure why not" she said happily "by the way....do you like him?"


Chirpy smiled " good"
Cyrus put his head up, "I'm a hoot to tease huh? Sheesh your something special." He took another sip from his smoothie and sighed, "Some way to spend a Saturday."
"Come on! Spending your Saturday with old Oakley is the best there is!" he exclaimed in exaggeration.


Sadly, Raika didn't clarify who 'him' was and so when she asked such a thing, all she could do was glance over at Oakley- whom sat with Cyrus and looked away in a flustered fit. "Sh-shh!! Don't say it so loud! I-I don't want him to know!!" She stuttered anxiously.


"O-oh um..." Hank offered his hand. "I'm Hank by the way. Hank Anderson." he said with a delightful smile.
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Raika laughed at adara " I see....j wont leave you two alone when we get to the amusement park then" she started walking " come on and lets get yoir crush!"


Chirpy smiled and shook his hand "...my name is chirpy..."
Cyrus chuckled, "Old is a word for it." He took another sip of his smoothie, "You also move too much."
"Move too much?" he asked but the girls had already made their way over to them. Smiling delightfully at Raika and the way too flustered Adara he said "Hello ladies~ you're both looking like princesses today. Is there something you need?"

Adara- in which we thought couldn't blush any more- did indeed,until even her ears were red and she tightened her grip on Raika's hand in a clingy way. "R-raika..you say it.." she mumbled before looking down at her shoes.


"chirpy, really?" Hank asked, surprised by such an odd name- but quickly did he smile. "That's really cute...a bird name. That's really amazing."
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Raika gave adara a reassuring smile and looked at cyrus " we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us. We are going to an amusement park!" She said happily.


Chirpy blushed " thanks.... adara called me a bird brain because of my name..."
Cyrus looked up over at Raika, "You wan't me to go to an amusement park. Sure that sounds like fun." He said with a smile he looked over at Adara, "Cute clothes you got there."
Adara nodded shyly. "Th-thanks.." she said quietly as she silently mustered up the courage to glance up over at Oakley-

Whom suddenly and at the speed of light jumped out of his seat and pulled out his phone. "Hank!! Is our arch nemesis really out there!? And we have to go quickly now to stop him from destroying the world!? I'll be right there!" And with that he hangs up what was never really a phone call and smiles at Cyrus. "Sorry...emergency." and with that he sped out of Junes.

...What an idiot.


Hank laughed and shook his head. "Isn't she just a charmer? No you're name if fine, don't listen to her." he reassured him while offering his own genuine smile.
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