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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika took out her phone and brought up a picture of a roller coaster and showed it cyrus " this is a roller coaster. It goes super faster and does loops that makes you feel dizzy. The wind blows against your hair and you can hear people scream! Its very fun....we're riding the roller coaster first!"


' age...what did raika say when she gave me her dad's clothes....' wow chirpy you look like you 20!' ' he looked at hank and said " 20"
Cyrus looked at the picture and studied it a bit, "That's quite the fascinating piece of machinery."
Adara nodded. "Yeah! So we better be on our way then! Lets hurry with it!" she said as she ran out of Junes and down the road...but it didn't take her long to stop. "Well, first..." she spun around, a bit embarrassed. "Anybody know where it even is?"


"Really?" He lifted an eyebrow. "So you don't attend high school with the others then?"
Raika laughed at adara, she took out her phone and used a gps to find the park. "Found it!"she started following it. "oh and by the way are you gonna be a mechanic or something?" She asked cyrus.


" yup I don't go to high school" chirpy said.
"Really?" she asked looking over at Cyrus, a small smile played over her face. "Yep..that suits you all right~" she cooed.


"You actually look younger." he admitted. "Hope that doesn't offend you or anything, I was just surprised."
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Raika smiled "I wanna be a detective when i grow up...if not then a martial arts teacher" she said happily as she the group was getting closer to the park.


" really? i look younger?" ' but i think i am much older than 20...' he mentally laughed
Cyrus smiled as well,"That does doesn't it." He turned his Attention to Raika after, "A detective or a Martial arts teacher those sound quite delightful."

Adara smiled at the two of them as they seemed to be getting along. It was endearing and she just couldn't help but to watch the two, a swarm of emotions warming at her insides. Right now, these were the top two people she could count on. They've already proven that within this last week...the most wacky and memorable week of Adara's life and she had a feeling this was only just a small portion of what was to come and for some reason, that didn't scare her...not one bit.


After some time walking, the two of them had arrived at the amusement park- only to be greeted by a really creepy animal mascot.


That voice though was to not be mistaken however.

"Real cute get-up Oakley..." Hank mumbled , slightly agitated as he walked past the creepy animal mascot that was Oakley.

Raika smiled at cyrus " thanks! A mechanic also sounds like fun! Maybe I'll come to you to make all my gadgets when I am a detective"


When churpy arrived at the amusement park with hank. They were greeted by oakly. When he popped up out of no where he was about punch him, but gladly he didn't. he stared at him for a few seconds then followed hank " .......he is weird...."

"AHHH!!!" A sharp squeal escaped from Adara's mouth as she clasped her hands over it. "You just said friend! You made another friend!" she said- her smile just couldn't get anymore childish or bigger. Or at least, lets hope not.


"Take into mind that's the creep who Adara has the hots for..." that thought STILL gave him shivers. "...And I have to work under him."

Raika laughed at adara " yup! Which mean I made another friend as well!!" Today turned out to be a great day. They were almost at the amusement park.


Chirpy laughed and patted his back " you'll survived....you have survived this long...just hang in there"

"Haha sorry sorry~" she said, dismissing it with a fan of her hand


"Yeah I guess so..." he sighed when Oakley ran over to them and put an arm around the both of them- still wearing the suit. "So...boy, we have a mission to do." Oakley said, an unsettling determination in his voice.

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The group arrived at the park "here is it~" she chimmed. She couldn't stop smiling, she was having so much fun! She giggled


Chirpy removed oakly's arm around his shoulder and took a few steps back " yeah..." he grabbed hank's arm and started walking towards the park.

"Oh wow! I haven't been in one of these in years~!" Adara exclaimed- her eyes filled with excitement. "So the roller coaster first, right!? Lets go go go!"


Oakley quickly caught up with them again. "So even with all that's said and done we're still having to watch her you know Hank?" he said, his mascot head bobbing. "So we find them and watch them intently throughout the day, ok? Just don't make it obvious- act like you're on a date."

Hank jumped back at that. "Wh-what the hell are you trying to say!?" he yelled in defense before shaking his head. "I don't have to do all that. I get what you want us to do...so we'll watch them, ok?"

Raika went to the ticket plance and got wrist bands for cyrus, herself and adara " now thr we are all set lets...go!!" She grabbed their worst and started to walk towards a roller coaster.


' a date?...where have I heard that before....' he wondered as hank suddenly seem flustered at the mention of a date.

Adara followed obediently and eagerly.


Oakley looked around and spotted the three already in the amusement park. "Ok..they're probably going to the roller coaster or something!" he said as he turned the two around and pushed them forward. "Go now! Mascots aren't allowed to ride roller coasters but I'll still be around. Now head on!" Hank was about to say something so Oakley added "This is an order!"

And so Hank dragged Chirpy towards the rollercoaster.

Raika giggled and got in line with adara and cyrus to ride the roller coaster.


Chirpy let hank drag him ' date...date....where have I heard that....'
Cyrus was a little Nervous he had never been to a roller coaster before, "This is larger then in the picture it seems."

"It's a major trip!" Adara exclaimed as she looks over at Cyrus. "Well...ok I admit it's a little scary...but it's really fun too! It'll be fine just don't chicken out!"


They got in the line and were a few people behind the three. But they were so into their fun little conversation with each other they should be left unnoticed. Or at least, lets hope.

"So...you're ok with rollercoasters, right?" he asked, looking over at Chirpy. He had hoped Chirpy wasn't weirded out by Oakley's sick little comment. What was he even thinking? Hank had many girlfriends before.



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