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Fandom Persona a new investigation team


((^First thing that popped up in my mind. I don't even- xD ))

"Oh wow you're right!" Adara said in awe as she stared up at the moon- nice and full. "Wow..it's really pretty like this...especially when we're so high up." she sat there and adored the luminescence of it...it was just so entrancing like this. She looked over at Cyrus and offered him a childish and thankful smile.


Oh whoa. She actually bought him one. Finally, Oakley grabbed at his mascot bobble head and pulled it off, revealing his stubbly face- red and sweaty from the costume. "Thanks lass, this is great." he breathes as he drops the head and takes the slushie- taking the cold and refreshing sweet joyously. "Ah~ sweet sweet euphoria."


Chirpy leaned forward and Hank only leaned back. "W-well you should..."

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Raika smiled and sipped her drink as well "You go and wash your face" raika suggested.


Chirpy stared at him " what wrong?"
Grace sat down next to him, shaking her head. It wasn't that she didn't consider the others of the investigation club friends, it was just that...she wasn't particularly close to any of them. "I don't think so. I'm more of the person who people tend to forget about." She stopped, having not meant to say that, but it was too late now. She tried to smile to make up for it.

"I-It's fine though." she lied. "At least I don't have to worry about people bugging me."
(No regrets xD )

Cyrus smiled back and saw the happiness in Adaras eyes. Normally he would see her in a rant or suffering though her problems but up here its like all of that just....faded away, "You know if It would make smile like this all the time i would take you here every night of the full moon, maybe buy you a Ferris wheel or you know what i'm might even....Give you the moon."

Adara blushed at these words- taken aback by it. To see her smile like this he would do such crazy things even give her the moon? She wasn't expecting such lines and it was just so- so...

Adara began to giggle. "Oh my god! Wow~!" she said as she began to laugh. "Th-that's so fucking cheesy!" when she was able to regain herself she caught her breath and wiped her eyes for any tears that tried to escape from the laughing. "heh~ wow~" she said, still looking at him, a small goofy smile on his face. "Nice one! I totally got that reference too!"


"Eh not right now...I'm drinking this amazing mango slushie!" he declared loudly, as if advertising it to the general public. "Plus don't I look manly this way? Sweating like this as if I'm been off working like a real man? Come on now can you smell it? Can you smell me? Can you smell that


Hank couldn't say anything, and just shook his head. "Nothing man...just forget it." he said as he stuffed the pictures in his pocket.
Cyrus chuckled as well, "Anything to keep you laughing." Cyrus didn't mean as a joke though and internally it hurt him a little but he didn't show it.
Raika looked at him with a blank face. She then took her bottle of water and threw it into his face, she then turned around to the person and said " sorry for this man's weirdness but can you give me some napkins?" the person sweatdropped and nodded and gave her some napkins. she handed then to oakly " here ya go" she said as she sipped her drink.


" Oh come on.....you can tell me anything.....what's bothering you?"
John smiled a little as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close, patting her shoulder as he does so, "It's alright. I promise I won't forget about you, okay? I know what it's like to be forgotten. For people to use you and then when they're done just forget... So I won't do that, we'll be friends no matter what."

"Sorry..." she shook her head. "I've never been one for cheesy stuff. Guess I can be too much of a realist." she said slowly, very relaxed with the conversation she was having. She enjoyed the moon and how its light was soft and gave just enough light for them. She loved how slow the ferris wheel's pod was and how it made them feel safe and isolated from the world- which looked so beautiful like this. She looked at Cyrus intently as she talked. "Can you really blame me though? Well, I guess you can..I don't really try to make things different I just hide so that I can be guaranteed nothing may ever happen."


"Pfft!" Oakley spat excess water from his mouth. "What the hell!? That wasn't refreshing at all!" he complained as he began to hastily wipe at his face with the napkins. "Now my costumes all wet..." he sulked.


"Can I really?" Hank asked, looking at Chirpy in the eye. "I just met you..and I'm not that trustworthy. Cop, remember?"

" you stunk and you were acting weird..." raika said casually


Chirpy smiled " You seem trustworthy to me"
Cyrus nodded, "Yes that's true but if you hide your never gonna know if it will turn out for the better. Sometimes taking risks is a good thing."
Grace's face burned from her incredible blush at their proximity. However, a happy smile mad its way onto her face as well. Did he really mean that...? It was so hard to believe it after going through life ignored, but his words were stirring a hope she had long thought extinguished.

"Y-You really mean that...?" she couldn't help but ask in disbelief. "...thank you."

Adara shook her head slightly. "Yeah..I keep telling myself that but then my mind floods with what ifs...and then I'll just lock down until something distracts my attention and then I don't have to think about it anymore."


"That's certainly not attractive..." Oakley mumbled as he tried to dry off his precious stubbly face.


Hank shook his head again. "It's getting late, man...time sure does fly doesn't it?" he asked, trying to both change the subject and make a casual not so awkward conversation.

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Raika laughed at oakly " hey you asked for it"


Chirpy looked at the time " it sure does..." he sat down next to him.
"Your thinking about the Negative what ifs? why not make them positive, what if? Us fighting the midnight channel saved the world. Not what if we all died fighting. It's possible and i know you can do it."

"But..." she looked down at her hands which clenched on tightly to her pants. "Even when we fight in the midnight channel...I'm scared...scared shitless always thinking I could die. But I don't leave because I can't. My body won't move when I desperately want to leave. Because of the guilt. It's all for selfish reasons..." she mumbled, her voice now strained. She hadn't told anybody this and now she was venting to him about it. "What if I just started it because it was different and fun? And it proved to me there are fantasy elements in this world? It made life interesting...what if I really don't care about saving the world. I mean..sure I want you all to be safe but..." she went silent, she was beginning to disgust herself but here it all was: the truth. Sure, if she could get away with it and not feel bad she would leave whenever she felt endangered. She was positive she would. She was nobody to love, put your faith in or praise. It was all just for a selfish cause. She did it because it was peer pressure. She did it because it was different. Never once did she think about saving the world. She could care less about that detail.


"Did I now? I don't think I did.." Oakley mumbled. "Now what am I going to do? This costume might start smelling soon now."


Hank was silent...actually he was getting tired. He did stay up late last night watching Adara so that was a reasonable explanation, aside the fact he'd been busy on his feet all day..worrying sick about homosexuality.

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" Buy some clothes and change?" Raika said to him.


Chirpy looked a hank " Why dont you get some sleep....you seem tired.."
"What if I just started it because it was different and fun? And it proved to me there are fantasy elements in this world? It made life interesting...what if I really don't care about saving the world. I mean..sure I want you all to be safe but..." Cyrus thought about what she said for a moment then replied, "We all have our reasons for going to the midnight channel believe me, i have selfish reasons as well. But that doesn't mean we cant add other reasons into the mix. You want to know my first reason for the midnight Channel? Escaping my fate, it's not like i want to follow my families footsteps i want to do my own thing, then i got a new reason just the other day. To protect you then another reason entered my mind this morning to protect my family, and my new friend."

Adara nodded as she listened to him. He had a point. Sure, maybe they both had their selfish reasons but they still had genuine reasons as well. She was just too busy sulking on the negativity and never paying mind to the positive aspects of it.

"I-Is it ok if I ask another question?" she asked, swallowing and hoping her next question wasn't too much. "Escaping your fate..." she repeated his words with a shuddering breath. Looking him in the eye she asked, "Can you explain to me that?"


"What am I going to do with another pair of clothes?" Oakley mumbled as he shook his head. "Really, wasting my money on clothes I'll never wear again."


"Ha, yeah sleep here? That's how you get mugged buddy." Hank said sarcastically.

" It's either that or wear that smelly suit, plus you can donate the clothes later"


" i dont think anyone is gonna try to mug a cop...." he stretched " just go to sleep...ill stay up and keep a look out"
Cyrus nodded, "My fate is aligned with the military all members of my family the Quintons have been or are currently In the military in some shape or form. My fathers original plan for me was to become the highest ranked personal commander in the army since I am from that tree of commanding officers. But i never told him no and I hated him internally, that's when the accident happened. My uncle was teaching me Advanced Robotic Engineering with the Ai systems until he left me alone for 5 minutes. I found the main control panel for all the Ai Weapons and modified they direct commands i never realized they were operational I was just testing my skills. When i was done I left the room and I heard the sound of a tank round. One of the Weapons were operational and shot down my dad in the blink of an eye. Even though he was dead my mother was still using his plans for me so when i found out about the channel i thought it was place I could hide in for as long as I could. But that's all changed."

"So that's what your shadow meant..." she said softly, recalling the previous scene a couple of nights ago with they had both met their shadows. It was difficult, both of them had their own issues they had to deal with and still may be having to face now.

In comfort she rested her hand atop of his and continued on in their conversation. "But it's different now? You're no longer hiding from it then?"


"Huh..." Oakley thought long and hard about it, as if enlightened. "Yeah no." he said finally, feeling cheap.


"ah-wha.." Hank wanted to deny it but...man, was he tired. "A-Are you sure?" Hank asked, not really sure about this.

Cyrus nodded, "Nothing is a secret now and my mother understands, she will actually be here on Monday with some of my other family members. I've also pushed passed my fathers death and I look forward to the future. But what about you? Don't you think your ready as well?"
Raika looked at him " your not just weird....your heartless..." she sighed " fine stay in that smelly suit"


Chirpy nodded with a smile " yup i am sure"

"Well...I've pushed away the sexual harassment and hopefully stopped that." She said slowly before shaking her head again. "But I'm not different. I only accepted myself, but nothing outside of that has changed. I'm still sexist, still a hypocrite, still hold a strong resentment towards my family and father figures...my infatuation for older men that hasn't-" she was cut short. What cut her short was a memory that just now dared to appear in her memory. It flashed before her eyes and surged her with a feeling of anxiety.

The shadow smirked in a demented way, "Oh this is new, someone is sticking up for you. No one has done that for you before. Especially during your entire life, that's why your so far away from everyone, because the second you don't like someone you go and plan a way for them to get really hurt, that's why you live in japan, to get away from all the insolent fools who dare to mock you."

Cyrus was still shaking his head, "Stop It!!!"

The Shadow Just kept laughing, "Um.....No because i wan't to add one more thing." He looked over at Adara, "So sweetie, where shall I take you tonight for this fine evening?" he stood up and began to walk toward her, "You know Cyrus really did want to get with you, but his self-esteem is so low he was too much of a chicken to do anything."

That was when Cyrus had rejected himself. Right there, his voice quivering. Adara was silent and still. Maybe it had been obvious but she didn't want to possibly believe it. But now that she knew this...what if she took advantage of that. She's done it before with others, and it wasn't exactly because she wanted to but it was because she could.

Eyes glazed, she looked back over at him. Not sure what to really even say...or do...or anything. She kept her hand atop of his for comfort and for a fear of taking it back too soon.


Oakley stopped suddenly. He scoffed and leaned forward slightly, his interest now piqued. "Oho! I'M heartless!?" he asked, baffled.


Hank took a deep breath. He was reluctant at first about it...but his fatigue honestly didn't even give a damn as he slowly but surely drifted off to sleep in the photobooth. Asleep- he looked gentle and younger...even more child-like, surprisingly.


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