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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

"Ow, never? Come on. That's a bit harsh!" Ronan sulked, looking like a little kid. "You would never even consider dating me?" He asked the girl, doing his best puppy dog eyes.
"My boyfriend." She replied, glancing over at Ronan. "You can take up the issue with him, I suppose if that's what you want." She grumbled, shifting from foot to foot as she stared down the hill.
"Oh. OK." Naman said with a smile. He turned to the twins, and said, "Just some dude my sister knows" with no emotion on him.
"My boyfriend" she calls over Namans shoulder at the twins. "Asher is my boyfriend."
"I'm sure someone is willing to date the flirtatious son of the King of the Titans. Hey, wait a minute, why didn't he eat you?" Teasing, she nudged him with her arms. "Asher's probably busy, I have some time to kill."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.fc549c894226b1ba5230e4339cdce44e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.fc549c894226b1ba5230e4339cdce44e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Bonita walked over to the group of campers, "Hey guys." She said sweetly, "Are these new campers?" She asked looking at the twins. "Hello girls! I'm Bonita, daughter of Poseidon and head counselor of the Poseidon cabin." @MaddyRoleplayGirl @Altaynna @Ethan Hart @ghost of past



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Bonita giggled at the nickname, she decided to just go with the joke, "That's me" she said before looking back at the girls, "Sisters?" Her blue eyes lite up with excitement, "You both are daughters of Poseidon too? Yay! I was getting lonely in the cabin all by myself" she said to the girls. @MaddyRoleplayGirl @Ethan Hart @Altaynna
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"Indeed it is." Ronan softly rested her hand on his as he went onto one knee before kissing her hand. "Seeing you is a rare gift, my goddess."

Bonita blushed pink when Ronan kissed her hand. "Gee Ronan, do I really not come out of the cabin that often?" She said. "The cabin? Oh! Yes, I'll show you guys now. Then I'll take you on a tour of the camp." She said to the girls, "So your Annie. What's your name?" She said to Hallie. She headed off with them, but she turned back to Ronan, "Hey Roran? Meet at the Campfire tonight?" She asked. @MaddyRoleplayGirl @Ethan Hart

Bonita blushed again, "See you then" Then she turned back to her sisters, and nodded, "Okay. So Annie and Hallie. Great, our cabin is this way." She said. When they reached it, "Im sorry for the mess, but I was kinda the only child in this cabin for the past 6 years." She said, although the cabin didn't look messy at all. It was mostly blue with green, it was also the nearest cabin to the lake. @MaddyRoleplayGirl
BOOOOOM . That's the noise Asher created when he shot out form the ocean. He had his trident, and his swords of his back. "Damn those guys can pack a punch." Asher said this as he hit the beach and made a trail of sand behind him. He got up and dove back towards the sea. "Come on Poseidon can you please give me a harder training monster." The sea just bounced at Asher's question. Then a giant sea monster came up form the sea. "Hell yes this is what I am talking about. Asher then summoned a hurricane and and had it surround him. Asher then started to smash waves into the sea monster.
(Ronan has been hitting on both Elizabeth and Bonita xD And two new campers arrived.)

Ronan turned around swiftly to find Astra in cat form. "Oh, hey girl."

@Echo Dreamsong
Looking up, Elizabeth grinned as she saw Asher fighting a sea monster in the ocean, farther in the distance. Grinning, she pointed her sword and a lightning bolt struck the monster, stunning it.


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