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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Naman stepped into the food hall, and looked at all the most delishous food there is. Know he HAD to be polite, he nicely asked, "Could I please have some food? It's been about three days sence I had anything to eat."
Bonita had showed the girls around and left them at the cabin to settle in. Then she decided that she should go by the river for a swim. She saw a girl, who obviously couldn't swim. She acrobatically dived into the water, and grabbed the girl; taking her to the shore. "Are you okay?" She asked.
Astra froze, looking around in terror. "I-it's nothing! Nothings with the hood! What hood are you talking about anyway?" She asked, laughing nervously.
Looking up, he saw Astra climbing a tree. Then, suddenly, it broke. Judging by how far the tree was, she was at the lake...and she couldn't swim. He found that out earlier, during the day. "Crap!" Ronan couldn't help but run to her aid. Sprinting at full speed, he tried to get to the lake before she got to the water. He was too late. Someone else was already there. "Oh? Astra? And Bonita? The two prettiest girls in the camp...and one of them is in a bikini! Score!"

@Echo Dreamsong @CelestialBunny
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Bonita nodded, "Okay, it's a secret. I'm sorry" she said, she didn't like pressuring people into telling her things. "Here, dry off with my towel" she said kindly. Then she Ronan, and rolled her eyes in a friendly matter, "I was just going for a swim." She said.
Astra smiled at Bonita before turning to glare at Ronan. "I still hate you..." She sighed, placing the towel on the ground. "I'm going to go dry my ears and tail... I'll probably be back." Astra frowned at Ronan before sprinting off to Cabin one. Inside she pulled off the hood and started drying her fluffy kitten ears. "Darn Ronan... One's never enough for him. Jerk." She muttered, drying off her tail now.
Bonita heard what Astra said, "Tail? Should I be concerned?" She asked, standing up to look at Ronan as Astra ran off. "Sometimes I feel so lost in this camp." She said, "I got two sisters today" she told Ronan.
"Any excuse works for me. I get to see the goddess in her natural habitat now. A once in a life time opportunity. The beauty of the lake will add to yours, making you rival Aphrodite for looks and Hermes for wits." As Astra sulked once more and said her typical line of 'I hate you' she left Ronan and Bonita alone. "I know what you mean." He admitted, no jokes. "And I watched those two get claimed...I saved them from a Minotaur to. Even let them pet him! I'm happy for you Bon."

Naman ate his food, and felt a bit cool. "Maybe the sun will warm me up" He said putting his dish away. He saw the lake and knew that it was the only way to warm up. "Rrrg. Stupid water." He said annoyed under his breath.
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Still bitter about Ronan, Astra marched herself to the dining pavilion and grabbed a pie. She then marched back to the lake, not caring that her hood had fallen off. Seeing Ronan flirting only made her more angry. Stomping up with her tail wrapped around her leg, Astra smashed the pie into his face before trotting off with tail wagging. Of course she smacked into Naman, falling over again. "Fudge!" She hissed, her ears back against her head.
Bonita laughed, "Me? A goddess? Don't go spreading those lies and angering the gods at me. The last thing I need is my grandmother punishing me" she said, tying her hair into a ponytail and diving into the water. She saw Astra come back with her hood off, she saw cat ears That's what was under the hood, good reason, she thought. She saw her smash a pie into his face, and could help but giggle at the situation. Once Astra left she asked, "What was that about?"
Suddenly...pie. Just...pie. "Well...Bonita, want some? It's still fresh." With a sigh he tried to remove some of it off. "And to what it was about, I have no idea." Walking over to Bon, Ronan had some pie on his finger and he offered it to her. "You want?" He asked her, tilting his head to side in an attempt to look cute. But, he still had all pie on his face.

Bonita giggled, she got out of the water completely dried. "What flavor?" She said joking around, she used her finger to wipe some off his cheek, and tasted it, "Cherry. My favorite" she said sitting down next to him. @Ethan Hart
Elizabeth chuckled as she entered the lunch pavilion and heard Naman yell at the sky. "Yup. Dad's been busy lately, I dunno why." She chuckled, plopping down next to Astra. "Hola, sister. I'm Elizabeth."

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra frowned, glaring at Namon. "What do you mean another one. It's not like I've only been around for a week! I've been here for more than that." She muttered before turning to Elizabeth. "Um, hello. I suppose you heard everything...."
"Hey...not the cheek...the bit on my...you, my friend, are cheeky." With a sigh, he looked Bontia up and down. "I can say I'm impressed. Nice...sizes. Good figure. Cute face. Perfect, really. It's not fair. I wish I had those looks..." With a sigh, he looked out onto the lake. "You know, this is like, the perfect date. You, the lake...and some pie."

"Course I did!" She held her hand up for a high five. "And, might I add, not only is that awesome, it means dad fooled around with a cat. And I find that hilarious."

@Echo Dreamsong

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