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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Yeah it does." Asher then proceeded to protectively wrap his arms around Elizabeth and said, "Just so you know I will do anything in my power to protect you." Asher the took his hand and intertwined it with Elizabeth's.
Elizabeth blushed. "I...thank you." She breathed before muttering, "and I've got your back. Promise." She smiled, glancing up at him happily. "And that's something I can promise for forever."
Asher just kissed Elizabeth's forehead, before drifting off to sleep." He even dreamnt about him and Elizabeth hanging out." Asher then woke up and decided to go sit on the beach and look out at the sea. Hoping that one day he could meet his dad.
Tee sits staring at the weights with a frown...

He had been at it for hours now and hadn't even broken a sweat

He sighs audibly

"So I guess this is as strong as I get

No more heavier weights than the world"

He shrugged "oh well"he says in a big voice "might as well practice with breaker then"he heads to his dorm

To fetch his heavy spear

Now it wasn't quite unweildable...but like everything else he did you had to be very strong as it weighed over 200lbs
Astra hopped off of Hunter's shoulder and went looking for something else to do. She particularly wanted fish... But that's because she's a darn cat. Not knowing her way around, she managed to get herself lost. So she found the training area. Seeing a person, she ran forward and pawed at his leg in an attempt to get his attention. "Mrew!"
Astra mentally cursed and tried to scamper away, failing miserably. Trembling, she looked up, fairly sure he would squish her. "Mrew?" {Don't kill me giant human?} (Translations are fun)
Tee beams as he gently holds the kitty

But he seems unsure what to do next

After a few seconds of deep contemplation (as deep as he can get at least) he begins dragging his cigar like fingers across the cats back

Nodding contently he mutters "fuzzy" before dropping the kitty (not very gently) and resuming his walk to his cabin...what was I getting again.

He thinks to himself as he walks into his cluttered cabin.
Astra squeaked in annoyance and pain, hissing slightly before following the large camper. She still needed direction... Meaning she probably forgot she was still a cat. So she took off after Tee and darted into his cabin. "Meow?!"
Finally remembering what he can for T grabs his lance and wanders back to the training fields

Seeing the cat still follow him he says

"Kitty must be hungry" so he sprints excitedly to the edge of the lake

And he throws his lance hard just a few feet from the shore

It becomes a blur streaking like a bullet through the water

It collides with the lakebed with an effect similar to that of a dynamite stick

Several fish float to the surface killed by the pressure wave he waded into the water and scoops them up

Then he holds his hand over the surface and looks as if he is concentrating really hard

Breaker(buried under several feet of lakebed)unsheathed itself from the mud and flew strait into his hand

He drops nine fish a few bigger even that the cat itself and nods contently
Astra looked up excitedly, her tail twitching a bit. Without really waiting, she began to try and eat the fish...

Remember, this is the girl who survived on a cracker a day for quite some time. By the time she finished the first fish, Astra couldn't eat any more, so she curled up in a ball and drifted off to sleep. Hopefully not to be stepped on or dressed up.
Hunter was sulking slightly after he was left alone, and walked around trying to find something to do, until he found a giant of a man with Astra laying asleep and walked over to them, "well that's were Astra went, oh and hi, names Hunter nice to meet ya" he said holding out his hand for a shake hoping it wouldn't get crushed
Elizabeth watched as Asher fell asleep and smiled. She glanced up at the sky, confused. Why would her dad, the king of the gods, fall in love with her mother? And why would he let his daughter run and encounter all sorts of monsters without ever saying hello once? She pondered that before drifting to sleep.

It started out as a peaceful dream. She was with her mom during one of the rare happy moments, both of them smiling. But then the dream turned sour. The dream fizzed, as if static was being disrupted. Suddenly, a huge mister roared, shattering the previous bliss. It was huge and angry, but she couldn't quite see it correctly in the dark fog. It snapped at her, the teeth missing her face by inches.
The giant nods and grabs hunters arm nearly ripping his arm out of socket as he shakes his hand excitedly

"I am Tee"he shouts his name when it comes up then he asks much more softly

"You know kitty?"
Hunters eyes bulged when he felt his arm almost ripped off, and mind you that was the arm he had injury already from punching Asher, when he was sure his arm was still attached, he picked up Astra, "Um, yeah I know Astra, and that is some Hercules on steroids type strength you have!" He said
Tee smiles a big friendly smile

"Tee am strong,tee hold world for long time,used to be smarter"he shrugs As if to say oh well

It was true though tiament used to be of average intellect but mind numbing agony had dulled the man from up close one can see the scars and stretch marks of such a burden
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Altaynna said:
Elizabeth watched as Asher fell asleep and smiled. She glanced up at the sky, confused. Why would her dad, the king of the gods, fall in love with her mother? And why would he let his daughter run and encounter all sorts of monsters without ever saying hello once? She pondered that before drifting to sleep.
It started out as a peaceful dream. She was with her mom during one of the rare happy moments, both of them smiling. But then the dream turned sour. The dream fizzed, as if static was being disrupted. Suddenly, a huge mister roared, shattering the previous bliss. It was huge and angry, but she couldn't quite see it correctly in the dark fog. It snapped at her, the teeth missing her face by inches.
(Is this a dream or nah)
Hearing something coming from the lake, Ronan thought Phoenix wanted to be left alone. "Phoenix, if you ever want to kiss, you know where to find me. Right now, I'm going to the lake. I wish you would come in a bikini, but I know you want some alone time. See ya later." Waving to the child of Hades, Ronan turned away and made his way to the lake. Of course, he made sure he would get there a lot quicker by slowing everything down except from him.

As he lake came into view, he fixed everything. "Yo, Hunter? Ah, you've met Tee. Son of Atlas, another Demi-Titan." That made three. Ah, Ronan had an idea. "So, you all know about the big three, correct? Well, why don't we make our own big three. We have time, brute force and pure power. We would be the strongest group in the camp." With a smirk, the shortest out of the three human shaped creatures walked closer in. "I, would of course be the 'captain' of our crew, as it was my idea. And, I'm kind of the most powerful."
Tee grumbles at the mention of the name atlas

"Papa is a douchbag" he says seemingly proud of putting together such a phrase

His brow furrows as he thinks

"Big three?"he starts to look frustrated

What are big three,hmmm tee knows this,why can tee not remember.

After a few more moments his face softens

It's ok tee not care anyways.

He then smiles and nods fervently

"I like the sound of big three"

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