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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

As soon as Asher hit the lake he laughed. "Aww you looks so cute when you laugh. You also forgot who my dad was." Asher his the water to boost him in the air. He went over to Elizabeth, and pulled her close, and kissed her lips. "That was for caring about me, and this is for being there for me." Asher leaned in for another kiss, but used some water, and dumped it on Elizabeth's head.
She laughed and patted Ronan's shoulder,"Just get over her.." She laughed again and smiled. "Awww..im sorry Astra,he's all yours." She backed away and sighed,"But I'm all alone! Who ever shall help me?" She said sarcastically.
Hunter glanced on the kitten on his shoulder and started to scratch under her chin "Well what's this cute little ones name?"
Elizabeth gasped, the feeling of Asher's lips on hers before gasping again as she was dunked in cold water. "GAH! COLD!" She shivered and pouted, poking Asher and sending a small electric shock into him. She leaned in close before whispering, "and you forgot that electricity just loves water." She smiled and snapped, jumping back as a tiny lightning bolt hit the water inches from Asher, shocking him.
Hence why you like me so much. Why don't we go dry off and we can watch the stars together?" Asher asked as he went over to Elizabeth, and started to hold her, and spin in the air with the water. "The reason I ask is I kind want to cuddle with you." Asher said while looking down, and blushing.
"Yeah yeah,you can thank me later kid." She smiled a bit. "Anyway,care for some training techniques?" She asks as her hands glow a bright orange before fire appears in them.
"Astra, if you really want to stay with Hunter, go ahead. Whatever you want is best for you." Smiling, he watched as Astra warmed up to the daughter of Hades. "Well, you all get to know each other. I'll just be on my way to my cabin. Have fun guys."
"Stop being so adorable, it's distracting." Elizabeth fake pouted, before hesitantly leaning upwards and pressing her lips to his.
Asher accepted the kiss. He kissed back gently while putting his hand on Elizabeth's hips. He continued to spin with her in the air. Then all of a sudden music started to play from his pocket. He didn't check what it was, all he knew was it made the moment better.
Elizabeth pulled back slightly, her forehead resting against his as she laughed softly. "Wow. I've known you for two days and we're already acting like this." She pecked his lips before moving back slightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And I would love to cuddle with you on the beach as long as you promise not to get me drenched."
She makes the flames dissapear,"I need time to think for a while..Astra,Hunter." She runs off into the woods. She can't be feeling That..it won't happen,she won't let it.
I promise on my moms chocolate chip cookies." Asher said playfully. He lowered them to the beach. He had already laid out an blanket. "So Sparky, will you do me the honor of being my cuddle partner tonight, and forever?" Asher asked as he laid on the blanket, and patted the spot next to him.
"Forever is an awfully long time, Ash. Give me a little time. But tonight? That, I can do." She chuckled, and sat down next to him before leaning into his side and looking up at the sky above them. She was silent for a moment, then said, "isn't it ironic that you're the son of a sea Titan and your name is Ash, and than er? Than more ash than you?"
Yeah I guess it is." Asher wrapped his arms around Elizabeth. " I think I am gonna fall asleep." Asher said as he started to yawn. He then pecked Elizabeth's cheek, and pulled her close into his warm embrace.
Hmm...that caught his interest. He said he was heading back to his cabin...he never stated which way he would go. Ronan decided to walk through the woods, after all, he had all the time in the world. But, then Phoenix came running by. What was up with that? Follow? Well, he wouldn't be much of a teen if he didn't...so he did.

@Misuki Tatsumi
"Don't worry about it, I am too." She whispered, sighing lightly into his chest as she nuzzled into him. "Can you tell me about your family? Or your mom I suppose, if you can't remeber your dad."
Hunter looked down Astra before picking her up, and started scratching her chin again "Welp, it's just you and me now I suppose"
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Yeah. My mom was a daughter of hades. She loved me more than anything I could ever imagine. She even taught me how to play with shadow dogs. She was the most caring person I had ever known. Well that was until I met you. You are my only concern right now, besides my lil sis. I just hope it stays this way for a long time." Asher then wrapped the blanket around listened to the sound of Elizabeth's heart beat.
Elizabeth laughed. "She was a daughter of Hades and makes great chocolate chip cookies." She laughed again. "Now I'm just picturing Hades wearing baking mitts with flowers on them, cooking cookies." She tried to stifle her laughter and shook. "Oh my gods, I'm going to be smited. He's gonna pull me into the ground and roast my ass over the lava river." She chuckled and stilled, before looking out over the river and smiling lightly.. "staying this way for a long time sounds nice. I like that idea, having things being this peaceful."
She sensed someone following her so she turned around and got her sword out,"Oh..its just you.." She lowers her arm and looked at him. "Why are you following me?" She questioned fiercely,she needed alone time,and urgently.
"Yeah, just your friendly neighborhood Ronan." He informed the girl wielding a sword. He didn't look threatened whatsoever. In fact, he was smiling. "Why? Well, that's simple Phoenix. I'm in love with you." Suddenly, Ronan winked at her with a look that showed her just how comfortable he was. "That, or I was bored. You can't just be going leaving the others like that, people will get seriously worried. Especially me." Ronan continued to tease the girl as he tried to get closer to her.

@Misuki Tatsumi

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