Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Your Accepted!!

Sylus awoke early and raced to Thalia's tree and nodded at Maggie "So, who else is coming?" he asked as he stroked the dragon's head.
"Rosa should be coming. I talked with her last night, I am certain that she will be a valuble asset to the mission. She's tough, I believe in her," Maggie nodded. She remembered the condition of her arm while they were sparing, she seemed to be in good condition, healing well.
Rosa visited with Rella for hours before finally falling asleep in the stall. She awoke just as day broke and she was forced to rush to the tree. The climb was a little tiring but she did not mind the exercise it took her mind off the task at hand. The fact was she had no idea what the task at hand really was, she had been asked to go on a quest and she had just accepted.
Jezzabeth woke up with messy hair and tired eyes. All of the other aphrodite campers where staring at her as they where actually wearing pajamas, while she was wearing just a bra and Big baggy pj pants with piggy slippers. "What?" She said then shrugged her shoulder's at their smug looks. She slipped a shirt on and made her way to the lake, taking her book with her.

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Name: Damon

Nickname: Xaphan

Age: (19 and under.) 18

Gender: Male

Son/Daughter of: Zeus

Bf/Gf: None, yet.... *evil laugh*

History: Is Jezzabeth's Step Brother, He is really nice, But he doesn't trust anyone with his sisters life or love, If you wan't to go out with Jezzabeth you have to prove your loyalty to him. He is very strong, very handsome, and hates it when people test him. He lives, in the zeus cabin alone of course.


Other: He is very protective over jezz. (and like long walks on the beach jk) xD
Your guy is also accepted.

Sylus waved at Rosa and nodded as she met them "Hey, Rosa, um...I'm Sylus from yesterday." he said and pointed down hill to Argus at the bus.
[QUOTE="Xx-Katherine-xX]Your guy is also accepted.
Sylus waved at Rosa and nodded as she met them "Hey, Rosa, um...I'm Sylus from yesterday." he said and pointed down hill to Argus at the bus.

As jezzabeth walked to the river she saw sylus and rosa.... She pushed her hair out of her face and the Aphrodite necklace showed... "I wonder if their nice...." she said as her blonde hair got messy with the wind.
Oh ok... Jezz had always liked sylus, she thought he was sweet and kind, despite the fact the had never met and he had a girl friend, she really liked him. She passed by them and smiled and walked towards the river.
"Right then," Maggie smiled to the little ensemble, "If we're all here, guess we should get going!" She set off down the hill towards Argus's van, playing absent mindedly with her dog tags. The sun was just breaking over the horizon, alighting the sky in comforting oranges and pinks. Saying hello to Argus she climbed in waiting for the others to follow. They traveled into New York City and Argus let them out in front of Central Station and Maggie thanked him. She cracked a grin climbing out, "Welp, lets not get lost, kay?" The place was bustling with commuters and busy business-people, "Stick together, we have to buy tickets yet," she instructed.
Sylus nodded and followed Maggie keeping quiet and not speaking of their quest until they were safe on a train car that had only a sleeping little old lady in it. He kept his voice down "So what's the plan once we get there?" he asked.
Jezzabeth sat and read when 3 ares children walked up, all girls. "Hello pretty girl." Isabell said slapping the book out of her hands. She looked up and stood firmly. "Hey!" Isabell and her two friends growled while isabell spoke. "Awww, the poor diva has no protection! What is she to do?" They all laughed. She wasn't afraid until Isabell pulled out her sword. What was she supposed to do? Her brother was on a quest and she was the forest...
Maggie leaned forward on her knees, she eyed the old lady quickly--she seemed harmless, but Maggie would have prefered if they had gotten their own car. She kept her voice low, "We'll it's a diplomatic mission. We have to go to the 'other camp' and make peace with them. I'm not entirely sure how, the Romans are a brutal and highly speculative people..." Maggie realize her mistake, and tried to quickly cover, "I--I mean, they're not all impossible, they can be reasonable..." she sighed, "My directions were very vague and very simple and exactly like I said: 'Find the Romans and make peace with them'. I have no idea why this came to be, but when Rachel gave me the prophecy...I think it was the next Great Prophecy...I've been thinking, and I think that something big and bad is gonna go down...and soon," It wasn't entirely answering the question, but it was good enough.
Jezz flinched when the river had grabbed isabel and her little friends, Lightning had shocked them to death, And fire burned the bodies to ash.

She looked up to see the three brothers signs encrippted in the clouds.... Then their voices went throughout the forsests some good and some bad.... Some even demonic. What did THEY wan't from her?
Name: Bristol Lewis

Nickname: Eh, make something up

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Daughter of: Hecate

Bf/Gf: Haha, let me consult with my Magic 8 Ball:....Reply hazy, ask again later

Blake is very friendly, and likes to sometimes break out in acts of randomness. Blake was raised in a penthouse apartment in New York by her father, who was and still is a world famous magician and escape artist. The goddess took interest in her father for obvious reasons, so Blake was always surrounded by the environment of magic and learned to apply her own kind magic to the illusions and invent her own tricks. She also became quite good at playing poker—so it’s probably not a good idea to play with her. She doesn’t mind flaunting her impressive sorcery skills around and showing off—of course not around regular humans—though nobody really knows her true power. Being the daughter of Hecate she can communicate in very brief periods with the passed on, and see and communicate with ghosts in the realm of the living(but she is not a child of Hades so she does not have the kind of access and sight that those children have—such as she is very weak at necromancy while the Hades kids excel at it).

Appearance: Has very ressesive trait--meaning that she has very light blonde hair to the point that looks like she has white hair, while having light violet eyes. Can you guess who this person was before I edited the crap out of their face???

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She can speak to dogs, and keeps one with her as her companion—Abenzio, a two year old German Shepherd, she often refers to him as her familiar and changes him into Savannah cat out of convenience and fun to fit the “witch” persona(and to be honest-Abenzio kinda’ likes it that way!) though the breed is a bit out of the ordinary for the image. While in the city, she walks Abenzio in dog form and in a Seeing-Eye Dog harness, and wears dark shades so she can keep him by her side wherever she goes(if she had it her way, she would have Abenzio walking at her side without any harness or leash- she could trust him to not stray away). She's a bit of a girly girl, corse if you called her vain she would gladly punch you in the face. She doesn't mind doing dirty work as long as she knows she will get clean eventually (so she will start freaking out, say hypothetically, if she was held captive in a prison cell--then she gets obsesive compulsive).

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<--- Ignore. I cant get rid of without adding another pic at bottom. -n-

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>>Gah. So the pics at the bottom is 'Abenzio's 'Familiar' Appearnce" (guess it chose to show up at the bottom instead) and another reference to how this is "one huge ass feline".<<
Damon had returned from his quest wanting to find jezzabeth to greet her.... Yet he couldn't find her..... He suddenly got woried and searched the camp....

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Adam Xaviar Jensen

NickName: Zero

Age: 18

Bf/Gf: None yet, but he has got his eye on someone....

Son of: Hades

History: Very, Bad boyish, Is very mischoveos aswell. Hates most other cabins.... He is very sharp and will kill somthing when he gets the chance... Almost everyone fears him... The problem is, no one talks to him so they don't know how he really acts.

Other: Well, he is really hot, literally since his father is hades.... :|


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MagicPocket said:
Name: Bristol Lewis
Nickname: Eh, make something up

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Daughter of: Hecate

Bf/Gf: Haha, let me consult with my Magic 8 Ball:....Reply hazy, ask again later

History: Blake is very friendly, and likes to sometimes break out in acts of randomness. Blake was raised in a penthouse apartment in New York by her father, who was and still is a world famous magician and escape artist. The goddess took interest in her father for obvious reasons, so Blake was always surrounded by the environment of magic and learned to apply her own kind magic to the illusions and invent her own tricks. She also became quite good at playing poker—so it’s probably not a good idea to play with her. She doesn’t mind flaunting her impressive sorcery skills around and showing off—of course not around regular humans—though nobody really knows her true power. Being the daughter of Hecate she can communicate in very brief periods with the passed on, and see and communicate with ghosts in the realm of the living(but she is not a child of Hades so she does not have the kind of access and sight that those children have—such as she is very weak at necromancy while the Hades kids excel at it).

Appearance: Has very ressesive trait--meaning that she has very light blonde hair to the point that looks like she has white hair, while having light violet eyes. Can you guess who this person was before I edited the crap out of their face???

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Other: She can speak to dogs, and keeps one with her as her companion—Abenzio, a two year old German Shepherd, she often refers to him as her familiar and changes him into Savannah cat out of convenience and fun to fit the “witch” persona(and to be honest-Abenzio kinda’ likes it that way!) though the breed is a bit out of the ordinary for the image. While in the city, she walks Abenzio in dog form and in a Seeing-Eye Dog harness, and wears dark shades so she can keep him by her side wherever she goes(if she had it her way, she would have Abenzio walking at her side without any harness or leash- she could trust him to not stray away).

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Is that you?! Omg! (wait before i say omg) Is that you?
oh, no. its a famous celebrity (or once famous celebrity that is often in rehab).

lol, is still a lazah person.

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by the way, its okay, you don't have to use the quotes and stuff, I'll know what your talking about :o
Rosa nodded, "I remember," she replied to Sylus as she reached the peak of the hill. Eyeing the dragon for less then a second she decided it looked like kind of cuddly in a creepy reptilian way. Rosa ran her fingers along the scales and realized each one was so different, a slightly different shade or shape than the last but she had no time for further inspection. Sylus and Maggie were heading for van that was being driven by what looked like a hundred eyed creature. Neither of them hesitated and she guessed it must be normal so she got in the van.

As they arrived at the station and entered the bustling crowd, Rosa followed quietly fiddling with her satchel and keeping her eyes slow. She figured it was best to stay on a low profile but who knew maybe that wasn't how to blend in New York. Most teenagers in the station were rambunctious yelling and laughing as they swatted at each other. The elderly woman gave her the creeps.
LOL, welll back to rp.

Damon was running around the camp when he saw adam leaning against zeus's cabin. He ran up and tried to throw adam against the wall when he dodged and drop kicked damon.

"You know, for how smart youre father is, you are very stupid..." Adam smirks at damon as he get's up.

"Well, atleast i'm not going to look as stupid as you after this fight...." Damon relies with the evil eye.

Then all hell broke loose (literally) when they started to fight.
"It's fine," Rosa said rolling her sleeve up to look at the bandage. Last night she had discovered the stitched were the kinds that eventually broke down with time and she was glad she wouldn't have to deal with a doctor to get the blasted things removed.
There was a blast of magenta-violet coloured light between the two boys and they flew away from each other both landing on the ground. Bristol strutted up and stood between them, the palms of her hands glowing slightly in the same coloured light, "Gentlemen," she stressed sarcastically and rolled her eyes, "I would be so disappointed to hear that two eighteen-year-olds resulted to violence in lowest of respect." Abenzio rubbed against her legs protectively, glaring at the two boys, a kind of intelligence in his eyes like he knew exactly what was going on and was daring the boys to lash out so he could claw their faces off--and that was exactly the case.

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She smiled, "That's excellent!" Maggie looked at the both of them, "You get anything to eat this morning?" She feared they hadn't and wouldn't have energy to keep up with the day, wherever the day may take them.
Adam looks up at bristol and smirks. "Whatever you say..."

Damon looks up and smiles " Sorry, Bristol..." He turns and glares at adam and then smiles.

"Troose?" Adam says,

"Why not?" Damon replies as he holds his hand out.

They shake hands but adam burns damons hand severily. Adam chuckles hotly and walks off burning his path behind him.

Damon turns and walks toward his cabin.

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Jezzabeth walks up to bristol and smiles. "Guys..." She holds her hand out and says; "Hi names jezzabeth, you can call me beth if you like...."
>>lol, truce, but its okay, i completly forgot how to spell 'who' once<<

Her lips smiled but her eyes frown at the two boys, knowing they were probably pulling a bunch of bs on her, they hadn't settled anything. She turned to Jezzabeth and realized she had never actually talked to her the whole time she had ever been at camp, "You know, with a pretty name like that I'd rather call you Jezz or something. I'm Bristol by the way!" she smiled politely.
Jezzabeth smiles "Well thank you!... Damon is my brother.... He is older but can be foolish..." She smiles and looks at adam. "He is the camper who has been here the longest...." She smiles at bristol, " My mom is aphrodite" The clouds raise over them...
Bristol's hand glowed as she pointed over her shoulder. Abenzio was laying on the ground behind her cleaning her back paw, in a moment she glowed with magenta-violet light and morphed into a German Shepard. Abenzio looked up at his master and gave her sad puppy-dog eyes wondering why she changed him back into a dog, he prefered to be a cat. Bristol grinned, "Daughter of Hecate, nice to meet you," Abenzio got up and stuck his nose in her hand, she sighed and turned him back into a dog with another flash of light, "Better?" Abenzio's tail flickered in response and he padded off to continue cleaning himself as a cat. "Don't mind him," Bristol shrugged, "He can be a butt. Abenzio's really a dog, but he likes being a cat for some reason..."

>>sorry, gotta go to bed, have school tomorrow.<<

>>>err...crap...*sigh*....just realized i should've had Bristol approved first. :mad: Dammit, I forgot. gah, im a hypocrite--im sorry katherine!!!<<<

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