Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Sylus frowned "You know what I mean. Me and Rachelle are head campers around here." he said and pulled her to the side. "Maggie, you need to understand how things work around here. Chiron wanted me to let you know to go up to the the Big House in about..." he glanced at his watch "2 minutes." he said.
What a perfectly good way to spoil her good mood.Maggie narrowed her eyes and she ground her teeth, more than anything she hated people telling her what to do, especially a boy. She was about to say, 'I've lived here for four years, you'd think I'd understand how things work by now," However, she bit her tongue and fought the urge to fight back. Sylus was a head camper, he gave the order, and there was nothing she could do about it. She grimaced then said tightly, "Affirmative. I'll see you later, Rosa."

Maggie strided across the lawn towards the Big House, her mood soured, grumbling, "Who does he thing he is...Ordering people around...Not even my cabin...If I had a lightning bolt right now, I know where I would stick it...." She reached the porch, her combat boots making hollow thuds on the wood deck. She walked in the house, waited a minute, then proceeded through the house. "Hellooo...? Sylus told me I had an appointment...?" She called, embelishing with just a hint of animosity.
Rosa watched the whole scene unfold, a look of confusion spreading across her face. There seemed to be tension between the campers and it seemed best for her to stay out of it. When the two people walked away, "Come on Rella," she whispered walking towards the cabin. The mare followed snorting softly shaking her mahogany head.
Chiron turned in his fake wheelchair "Ah, Maggie. Come. Sit." he said waving her over to the chess board. He smiled "Yes, I need to speak to you."
"This better be about a quest," Maggie grumbled quietly under her breath. She walked over and took the seat across from him at the chess table, she sat attentivly, then prompted respectfully, "Sir?"
Chiron nodded "Well, tonight is a very big night for you. Seeing as it is your 5th year at camp I'd like to send you on your first quest." he said.
Maggie froze, her stomach gave a flip, and her heart leapt in her chest. Noway, noway, noway! She chanted in her head. Then finally after a moment she said quietly, "You're serious, aren't you?" For years she had begged for her own quest, but Chiron always told her, "In due time," and Maggie always noted that he never said, "When you are ready,". Maggie was so excited, she could barely hide it, so she started with a volley of questions, "What for? Why now? What's going on? Where? Is there anyone else? When?" There was a grin creeping to get across her lips and she fought to keep from bouncing unprofessionally in her seat.
Chiron chuckled "Now, calm down. I have a few rules for you first. You can't take any Ares, Aphrodite, or Hades children with you." he said. "Now, you'll leave tomorrow morning. The reason you're leaving is to find the Roman camp."
Her heart was pounding excitedly. She interlaced her fingers to keep them for trembling. Slowly she gained control until she had her expression under control, kept loosly by a mask of serious and polite attentiveness. "Sir, if I may? What is our objective in going to the Roman Camp?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, "Should I go visit the oracle as well?">>Er, um, about the oracle...I'm not good with that stuff, do you want to skip it and say Maggie did. Another question--well two--but is this with Rachel as oracle? And what time period is this in, like the period when Percys gone when Jason's there, or after the warship leaves with the seven, or after the war with the giants is over? and do our characters know about Percy and Annabeth?
Name: Rook Willow

Nickname: Butt Monkey/Pretty Face

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Son of: Apollo

Bf/Gf: "No, just no."

History: Rook got claimed by Apollo right after Percy made The Olympians vow to claim all their children. He is a natural born healer, but prefer archery than it. Because he can't stand the sight of blood, he always vomit when someone showed him their wound. He still made some potions and balms for them though. He chose archery because at least he won't see the blood of his enemy up-close.

Appearance: The Universe (or rather his father and Aphrodite) seems to play a joke on him by making his face pretty. He hated it when a guy hit on him because he looked like a girl. "I know you are laughing up there Dad..."

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Other: Butt Monkey is how he called himself. He feels really unlucky because of his face.
Lazuardi:No anime/drawings.

>>Er, um, about the oracle...I'm not good with that stuff, do you want to skip it and say Maggie did. Another question--well two--but is this with Rachel as oracle? And what time period is this in, like the period when Percys gone when Jason's there, or after the warship leaves with the seven, or after the war with the giants is over? and do our characters know about Percy and Annabeth?

Rachel is oracle. This is just before Leo, Jason, and Piper arrive. Yes, they know about Percy and Annabeth.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chiron moved a chess piece on the table "You are to try to make peace with the Romans. Rachel should arrive in a few hours. Then you shall go see her." he said.
>>okay, so I'll just assume Percy is not kidnapped yet--howevr they don't actually find out about the roman camp until Jason--so Chiron must know about Heras plans of Jason so he sends an eliate team on a top secret mission to ease the transition between Greek and Roman.

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Maggie stood and saluted him respectfully, "Affirmative, I won't let you down, sir! Thank you, sir!" She pivoted on her heel and walked out of the Big House. She thought about what had just transpired. Maggie had heard the rumors about another camp, she knew there had to be one. In fact, Maggie admired the Roman culture, their warriorship, and their military traditions. Deep inside, she wasn't surprised there was a Roman camp full of Roman demigod; she was just shocked that she was actually going to go there! As Maggie strode across the lawn she pulled the dog tags from her neck, lengthened it into her sword, and twirled it in her hand by the hilt absentmindedly. She tapped her chin with her other hand. 'Who should I pick...' She understood why she couldn't take one of her siblings, power would be imbalenced, cause discrepancy, could end up messy--it would look assertive if you had two experienced warriors in a team of three. Of course, if she was going on a diplomacy mission, she wished she could bring along a charm speaker, but that was out. And children of Hades just have a bad rep, not good for peace-making. Didn't leave her with many options, she supposed Apollo where the next best thing to a charm speaker, child of poetry god and all--they would be able to make things sound prettier at first approach--not that she thought the Romans where stupid enough to buy that crap. But from a tactical standpoint, a short distance and a long distance fighter would benefit in battle. She sighed, 'This is going to be harder than I thought...' she thought to herself.
Krisaline had finished speaking to Lyra and was running back to the Hades cabin when she ran into Maggie. She narrowly missed the tip of her sword "Sorry, Maggie." She said with some nervousness. Maggie had never really liked her but she still thought of the girl as a friend.
( I have been having trouble describing the wood that the cabin is made of but here it is:

Upon entering the cabin Rosa took any the empty space. There were multiple hammocks hanging each held a blue or green blanket with a white pillow. The pillows either had a sea creature or a horse stitched into the right corner. It was all very welcoming but so empty. Rella nudged her forward before exiting in a clatter of hooves. Despite her ability to talk Rosa's guardian didn't speak much. Sighing she set her backpack in a hammock closest to the water. The cabin back up to the water and the dock was part of the cabin, oddly enough wind didn't chill her.
It was almost noon when Selene appeared out of nowhere and Maggie just about near clipped her. "Selene! I'm so sorry!" she said sincerely, shocked out of her mood. "I didn't mean to kill you--"she stopped herself and rephrased, "--I that sounded bad...You aren't hurt are you?" She knew she didn't hit her, she didn't feel it, but she couldn't help but asking.*
Krisaline just nodded and ran forward. She jumped over some of the Hermes kids and ran into the Big House. She had a quick conversation with Chiron. She grabbed Maggie's arm and tugged her into the Hades cabin. There sat Rachel Dare, the orcale.

Rachel looked up at the two girls "Hi." she said quietly then took Maggie's hand and her eyes went foggy and smoke rolled out her mouth "Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall. An oath to keep with a final breath. And foes bear arms to the doors of death." she said and collapsed.
Maggie stood in silence, eyes wide, thinking about what she had just heard. Finally she shook her head and went over to Rachel's side. She knelt beside her and propped her head up, nudging her arm she said, "Rachel--Rachel," her eyes flickered, "Rachel, are you alright?"

She helped her sit up, "Ye-yeah...I'm okay, Maggie," she said her voice back to normal but sounding a bit scruffy, "That was heavy. What did I say? Must have been an important one--I usually don't pass out like that,"

Maggie recited it back to her, "Rachel...I think you just predicted the next Great Prophecy." she told her in shock.

Rachel got up holding her head, "I--I gotta go talk to Chiron," She patted Maggie's shoulder then said with a weak smile, "Thanks again, Maggie. If I don't see you later, good luck on your quest!" before exiting the cabin. Maggie stood there in awe for about five minutes before remembering where she was. She looked around Hades' cabin, it was dark and gothic, the dark curtains were drawn over the windows, and the room was lit only by cast-iron braziers set into faucets in the walls and medeival-looking-ish fixtures with long pale candles dripping with wax. She was getting a creepy sort of out-of-body feeling that she didn't belong there, almost like the cabin was pushing her subconscious and telling her, 'Get. Out.'.

She stumbled out into the daylight in an effort to get out of the place. Maggie shook her head again to clear all thoughts. She started thinking about the prophecy again, making her way back to the arena, she checked her watch--however the action was pointless, because at that moment a short horn sounded through the camp--lunch time. So she spun around and headed off in the direction of the pavilion. Maggie got her food, a portioned it into the fire. 'Um, Dad...I don't know why all of a sudden I got this quest, but thank you, I know I've been bothering you about it for a while. I wish only for a blessing, just that my team is successful, and we all return to camp safely, I won't push my luck further.'

Maggie saw Rosa sitting alone at the Poseidon table. She made a u-turn and set her plate in the setting across from her, she sat down on the bench and grinned, "Hey Rosa, your table looked pretty sad from over there, so I decieded to keep you some company!" She said enthusiastically, "How's your arm? Go to the Infirmary? Get any nectar--ambroshia? It'll fix you right up...just, don't eat to much or you'll die!"

>>Meanwhile, to save time. This is later after she comes back from talking to Rosa<<

Maggie went to sit at the Ares table with her siblings, sitting next to Blake. She leaned over, "Yo, Blake, 'sup. I just got assigned a quest, kinda high priority-slash-importance, didn't know who else to pick, are you in?"
(Rosa decided not to go to dinner :)

Rosa wandered out of her cabin taking one glance at the group of campers around the fire and making a beeline away from them. She had found a few rules inside the cabin and one said you had to sit at you cabin's table. Along with the rules Rosa had found a few granola bars some crackers and a water in the room, it would be enough to hold her over. She had removed her arm from the sling re-wrapping the bandage so that it was less obtrusive.

It was like the camp had expected her because the drawers were all filled with clothes that fit her perfectly. She had thrown on a simple green sweater and kept her jeans. however she had swapped out the sneaker for some combat boots. Underneath the sweater was the snake bracelet that after a few moments of toying with she had discovered turned int a beautiful sword with a golden hilt. The most striking part was the emerald set in the hilt. Sitting under a tree,her back leaning against the trunk so that she faced away from the bonfire and her body was hidden, she pulled the bracelet off and twisted the snakes head. The sword unfurled straightening in her hand balanced perfectly.
>>So nevermind the second part of my post, this is after she talks to Blake

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It was after dinner, the setting sun making the sky glow a rosy purple. Maggie shivered slighty as a breeze blew in from the bay, she was tempted to go get a long sleeve shirt or a jacket from her cabin but she decided to tough it out no sense in going all soft now. She crept along as silently as a cat. She finally found her, 'Excelent,' Maggie though to herself, 'She's got a sword,' Maggie pulled some spare string she kept always kept in her pocket tied it to a stick and carefully wedged it firmly on both ended with rocks. Stealthy as ever she tiptoed around to the other side of Rosa. She knealt in the darkness behind a tree and drew her sword then jerked the string. Maggie grinned as the sound of the twig snapping filledthe stilled silence. Hoping she startled Rosa to put her on her guard, Maggie leaped out and struck her sword into the tree bark about Rosa head, "There you are." Maggie sneer and expression of seriousness coving her face. "We've got an issue to discuss, Rosa," She pulled her sword out of the tree and raised it to strike.
At the sound of the twig snapping Rosa jerked her head towards the sound eyeing the darkness as she was turning to face the other direction someone swept a sword above her head. On instinct she rolled onto her side before flipping onto her feet. The person had followed her and now the attacked was poised for another attack. Rosa still held the sword but now her grip was more solid and more comfortable as she grasped the hilt. She raised the sword trying to mimic the person as best she could. She knew it wasn't perfect but it was close enough. Looking into the person's eyes Rosa realized it was Maggie she lowered the sword slightly not wanting to fight someone she knew especially when that person could easily disarm her.

"What issue? I have't been here more then two hours and you already have an issue with me?" Rosa asked confused.
Maggie didn't say anything, she didn't have to. She swung her sword and started sparing, testing Rosa's swordsmanship and ethic, courage, etc. She intentionally went easy, making simple moves but throwing in a few 'pizaaz' moves. Gradually she moved into a more complex battle style, to see what kind of potential and raw natural talent Maggie could work with later.
Rosa let out a grunt doing her best to block each blow. At first her movements were clumsy but slowly she began relaxing, acting as if the sword was just an extension of her arm. She was by no means the most graceful fighter at this point but she was decent. She remembered sparing with friends using sticks and how she had always won. Her "sword" always made it to her friends neck shaking a bit from the exertion. Rosa began to pant a bit, the originally light sword started to feel a bit heavy but she fought away the burning in her arms, she danced her feet trying to find the better angle. Her jabs and slices were more focused and less reckless but Rosa knew she would lose eventually. The real question was how long she could last.
Rosa was starting to look tired, but Maggie had to admit--Rosa sent some impressive moves that really made her have to dodge out of the way and struggle to block. She truely was a talented swordswoman and fierce will to fight in her. Maggie remembered Rosa was also recovering from an injury so she would tire faster. She decided to ended it, she slide her sword to the bottom of Rosa's, catching on the hand guard, she twisted and knocked the sword out of her hand. Disarmed, Maggie slid her own sword back into it's scabbard, then looked back up at Rosa, "You have some raw talent there, girl. Serious potential!" she grinned proudly, "You pass with flying colours!"
The sword was wrenched from her hand and rocketed across the field. Panting Rosa faced Maggie confusion and frustration filling her eyes. After Maggie spoke she realized the whole heart bounding experience had been a test. "Well not that I have passed, what now?" she asked looking into the muscular girl's eyes. She smiled a bit thinking of the compliment, she had no idea where the skill came from, probably the same place her ability to read Greek came from.
"That's where I have the issue. You see, I am assigned to lead this quest and as leader I am allowed to take only two other campers with me on a quest of three--because it's a sacred number. Its a tricky one...and I have reconciled that I need someone without any preconceived thoughts so their judgment isn't influenced by anything other than their logical conscience. I also beleive that campers who start out young on their quest have a better survival rate because they learn early how to apply a combat style to the way you fight monsters, and you learn better independency skills, and how to survive for yourself. I didn't have that when I came it was a year or two before I went on my first quest--we succeeded, but nearly didn't. I had my siblings to also "encourage" me on so that I learned an aggressive fighting style. So when I saw you, you looked like maybe you had to live on your own for a while but you struggled because you didn't have anyone to guide you; then you came here and you have no siblings to teach you the things you missed or something. I hope that made sense--because I'm not good at talking-slash-negotiator--and I actually need one for the mission or it will be a failure so I hope your good at talking--that sounded bad, I'll shut up. Anyways, will you come on the quest with me?"

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