Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

"What do you mean something has to be done about her?" Blake asked then he caught on. "Oh you mean pull the warm water trick on her this time!"Blake said amused in an evil sort-of way. Derik saw the conversation between Maggie and Blake. "He's so hot when he's evil. And the fact that he wets the bed still is so adorable I just want to pinch his cheeks," Derik thought out loud not realizing that's he's said that out loud.
Maggie shrugged, "Weeellll...Doesn't just have to be warm water, sure that would be giving her a taste of her own medicine, but we're talkin' about Clarrise here...she's as dense as mountain cyclops, momentary embarisment wouldn't really make stop next time and question consequenses. We gotta go big. Got any ideas?" She put a finger to her lips and thought, "Shaved head is going too far--though she could use a new style, plus i know that the Aphroties are looking for some pay back for the food dye she put in their shampoo...But the question is....What is Clarisse most afraid of...?"
"Uhhhh," Blake said dumbly. The he got it.

"Losing Daddy's so called 'love'," he said triumphantly.


"Your never going to get him. If you want to try maybe you should put him under a love spell," One of Derik's sisters said.

"No. Love spells aren't real love. Got it! I'll beat him in a fight in the arena," Derik said.

"How? He's a son of war and well, your a son of love," Derik's sister said.

"They always say opposites attract," Derik said,"Now hand me my hairbrush."
uhh my computers being so slow....

--- Merged Double Post ---

Maggie laughed, "Of course! So for that....hmmm...we'd have to talk to the Hepheastus' about projection and voice changers or something? Trick into thinking Ares is scolding her about dishonoring her lineage?"
Derik's sister handed Derik his hairbrush and he left the Aphrodite cabin and approached Blake. Blake turned to face Derik.

"I challenge you to a fight in the arena," He said confidently.

"Really you think you could beat me," Blake scoffed,"Your an Aphrodite camper I'd bruise your pretty little face and you'd cover it up with that Cover Girl stuff or whatever its called.

"I thought Ares campers never declined a challenge," Derik said.

"Fine I will at noon right before lunch. Now away with you," Blake boomed.
Maggie doubled over laughing when she stood up she nudged Blake in the ribs, "Does he even have a sword?"
"Don't know maybe he'll use the power of love," Blake said sarcastically.

"I do have a sword," Derik said.

"Oh really then show us," Blake mocked. Derik flicked the bristles of his brush and the handle got longer and the bristles grew long and turned a silver color and flew up to the top of the handle and coiled into a blade.

"Impressive. But can you use it?" Blake asked.
"Quite manly. Brush-sword, mightier than deoderant-sword." She said with a false nod and a double thumbs up.
"My deoderant's my shield," Derik mocked.

"Derik, why do you ant to fight me? There has to be a reason," Blake said.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Derik replied.
"What? Are we back in second grade again?" She inclined. "I'm gonna go check the news, cuz if Aphrodite's are actually wanting to fight, there must be an imbalence of nature somewhere so there's probably a hurricane over Paris right now or something." She walked in the cabin, plopped down on her bunk and started to reread 'The Art of War'.
After a while Maggie's boredom took over and she couldn't keep her focus, she was too jittery. So she got up, slung her sword over her back and went for a walk. Maggie was heading to train a bit, but she spotted a pegasus out of the corner of her eye. Maggie always liked horses and took a fascination with them rather than all of her siblings them and thought of them as only machines to pull the chariots; however, pegasi most times didn't really like her so it was hard finding a pegasus that would let her ride without throwing her off. She crossed over anyway, and saw that there was a new face among the group.

"Hey, guys, Sylus," She greeted them, then turned to the new girl, "You must be new. You have that newbie look--the kind thats trying to take in all the sights at once. I'm Maggie," She told the girl with a polite smile.
Rosa turned as the new girl approached. The girl's name was Maggie and she was built like a rock. That wasn't to say her figure was lumpy Maggie just had a confident steadiness, even her stance quietly commanded others attention. However the girl still managed to be friendly. Clearing her mind Rosa finally responed, "Yes I am new my name is Rosalind Faire daughter of Poseidon and Jillian Faire," she said forcing herself to breathe more deepily and relax. Her good hand and arm was still pressed to Rella's warm mocha brown side.
"Pretty name, girlie," Maggie commented then added quickly, "--In a good way, I mean," She decided to change the subject and chuckled a bit, "This pegasus, seems to really like you. I could've sworne she was yours,"
She cracked a smile, "Thanks, well she kind of was mine. Before I knew she was Pegasus, Rella was disguised as a horse that I got for my tenth birthday. I guess that does not work anymore," she said almost laughing as she glanced at the mare beside her. Rella just nodded softly her rich almond eyes gentle and sweet. Rosa wondered what the next few hours would hold for her, right now she probably looked like a mess. Her flaming red hair pulled into a sloppy ponytail wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and the nightgowns they give you at the hospital.
Maggie saw Rosa shift uncomfortably and caught a glimsp her sling. "My gods, your arm, are you okay? Do you need the Infirmary?" She asked worried.
Rosa shook her, "I'm fine everything is stitched up but maybe eventually," she said looking around. She was surprised to see a sword at almost every person's side,"They teach swordsmanship here?" Rosa asked a twinge of excitement in her voice, she had always wanted to learn how to handle a weapon but her mother had balked at the idea. Looking around she realized almost every person was dressed in armor and carrying some kind of weapon. It was almost like they were training some kind of armor but at the same time it seemed too casual for that.
Rachelle pummeled him playfully "It's Zeus, not Ares...." she stood up before helping up Avery as well and punched him the arm for good measure.

Sylus nodded "A safe haven, yes. How long you stay is a choice you make." he said.

Selene nodded "I know. But, a good friend of mine is a daughter of Hades. Hang on and I'll go find her." she said and ran to the Hades cabin.
Krisaline looked up as Selene ran in "Hey!" she said with slight enthusiasm as she was dragged from the cabin to where Lyra was.
"You bet! With our smell attracting all kinds of monsters, we sure can't be defenseless. Monsters are somewhat immortal, but as long monsters are around there's gonna be a demigod to slay them." Maggie reached over her shoulder and skillfully drew her sword, whipped it around, then held it in front of her laying in her palms. It was beautiful in a deadly way; decently long with a flat blade about three inches wide with Ancient Greek letters, designs, and incantation words carved delicately, spidering from the base of the blade in a half oval; and there was a carved circular weight at the end of a leather hand grip. "This is my sword, Shadow Run. All of our weapons are made out of Celestial Bronze, a rare metal found in Mount Olympus that's lethal to Monsters but passes harmlessly through mortals. All of our weapons are made out of it, and some of the older ones have charms on them..." she held her sword by the grip and ran her fingers shortly down the flat of the blade. The metal shimmered and instantly shrank into a dog-tag necklace which she hung around her neck, "The same thing with my sheath, it's optional though." Maggie reached behind her back and ran her hand down the sheath. It reacted instantly and melted into a single dog tag which she clipped to the necklace. She grinned, "perfect when you're posing as a civilian. anyways, we have sparring sessions and stuff at the arena and archery at the range. We can get you a weapon later, it looks like you could use a bit of time to get cleaned up?"
Rosa watched in amazement wondering if her great-grandmother's bracelet might do that. Her mother had said it was Greek and told "myths" about it but she wondered if those myths might be true. "Um that would be nice, which cabin should I go to?" she asked turning to face the cabins. "Never mind," she said holding back a gasp. She had only seen crude interpretations of Greek symbols but now she knew this was the real deal. Each cabin had a sign identifying the God it belonged too. "I can read this?" she said spinning to face Maggie again, question filling her voice.
Maggie didn't have to ask what she was talking about. All the demigods at Camp Half Blood could relate to what Rosa was feeliing, "Yup. All of us can, our brains are just wired that way, to read Ancient Greek, that's why most of us have problems with reading english--doctors diagnose it as dyslexia, but we're really just trying to read Greek out of the letters. Maybe something to do with some of the modern letters are differnet from the old greek...With a little practice, you'll be a pro."
Rosa raised any eyebrow at Sylus's question wondering if he was being sarcastic or if he was actually frustrated. She turned her attention back to the building. "It looks kind of empty are there any other Sons and Daughters of Poseidon?" she asked admiring the elegant carvings in the wood. The wood looked like it had washed up on the shores of a beach somewhere and each mismatched panel was painted a soft blue but the paint was peeling. The paint was also chipped on the creamy white door. The whole thing looked like it had been sitting on the beach but it was frozen at just the right amount of disrepair.

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(I just came up with my character's first quest capture and tame one of Diomede's mares)
Maggie turned to face Sylus, "I beg your pardon?" She said, slightly irritated, she didn't know what he was implying so she kept composure, "What's that suppose to mean,"

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