Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

>>Nightmare and myself submitted characters and rped using them while they were pending approval. The new suff just begins at the first of page twelve, to nothing major. Nightmare introduced Jezzabeth mostly and her other two charries got in a fight and my new charrie, Bristol, broke it up, I've been introducing Bristol for the past three posts--otherwise the quest members are still on the train. Sorry about that :o <<
Jezzabeth, smiles at damon " You like her don't you....." She smirks again. Damon looks at her and his eyes widen.. " WHAT, no......" I look at him and smile. "You guys would make a cute couple...." She walks away.
Bristol was walking off towards the arena to let Abenzio visit with Mrs. O'Leary, they loved playing together--Bristol would throw a long stick and watch them race each other to bring it back to her. Abenzio told her about that last bit of Jezz's conversation with Damon, a tone of slight disgust in his voice. Of coure Bristol was the only one who could understand him, it was a natural gife of Hecate since she created the animals 'dogs'. She forced back a giggle, unable to help herself, deep down at heart she was a girlie-girl; but she never really thought of anyone liking her, she hadn't considered it since she last went to a high school about year and a half ago--despite being the daughter of a minor goddess, her gifts were powerful, making it hard to go to school even in the city.
Jezzabeth walked up to bristol with her pet. "Abenzio, this is StellaLuna, My familiar" In normal apearance, she apeared as a white german shepard with gold eyes. In familiar form, she looked like Black and white cat with violet eyes. Stella looked into abenzio's eyes, speaking to him through mind. "Hello, abenzio." her eyes smiled at the Handsom dog.
>>wait, so is Stella Luna just Jezz's pet, cuz she doesn't have sorcery?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Abenzio tilted his head and flicked the end of his tail out of curiosity, "Stella, how are you?". Bristol smiled, "I had no idea you had a pet! And Stella-Luna. Was it?.." she mused, "Very mystical, I like it!" she bent down to let Stella smell her fingers before rubbing down her back how all cats like and scratching her head.
(ya sorry for the long wait forgot to check the next page xD )

Stella smiled, and looked at abenzio " Nice to meet you abenzio"

Jezzabeth looked at bristol, "I think stella likes abenzio" She smiled then giggled, and stella looked up with her ears down.
"I don't doubt it, Abenzio is a handsome boy," she bent down and scooped him up in her arms. Abenzio silently protested and let himself be pet. 'Nice too meet you too,' he grumbled, feeling embarised in front of his new lady-friend. He eventually made his way to laying himself around Bristol's shoulders seeming how she didn't want to stop giving him attention. Which was absolutely find with Abenzio.
Stella, gazed into abenzios eyes and her violet eyes shined. "I think they would make a cute couple too.... oh and I take it you, or I mean abenzio, heard me and damon's conversation..." She smiles raising an eyebrow..
Bristol bit her lip and smirked, "Well..." she sighed sticking to the truth. She scratched behind Abenzio's ear and he started purring. "Abenzio did, and her told me. But I think he's jealous, he didn't tell me much of anything,"
((M'kay that's fine and Nightmare's charries are accepted as well as Bristol.))

Sylus frowned as the old lady woke up and his eyes grew wide as she transformed into a Fury. He pulled his sword ready to fight.
Rosa was about to answer when she saw something out of the corner of her. Something was different about the old lady, she was changing. Rosa had to hush a squeal in her throat so that all anyone could here was a small gasp. She shook her arm so that her bracelet feel to her hand, with a twist of her fingers the beautiful sword was before her and she was standing beside the boy called Sylus ready for a fight.
In a fluid motion, Maggie pulled the dog tags from her neck elongating into her sword and jumped from her seat. She kicked the Furie in the stomach, it flew against the wall, and Maggie held the tip of her sword to the monster's throat, "What do you want from us?" she snarled.
"Jealous? Hmmm, well I think abenzio, has a dog who has a crush on him" She winks. Just then Damon walked in and had a bloodied nose then he announced "WE HAVE MINATAURS! And adam is injured severily!" Adam busted through the door still, barely shooting flames out of his hands. He was bleeding excesivly, and had little energy left. "ADAM!" Jezzabeth, screamed when he fell to his knees. Then an arrow came flying in and hit stella in her side. Jezzabeth, ran up to adam trying to help him up.
Bristol summoned her sword, a hilt emerged from the palm of her left were there was a tattoo of a structured circle of delicate and minute ancient Greek inscriptions. Bristol pulled on the hilt and her sword grew from the tattoo. The sword wasn't actually in her arm, but it was being teleported from a sub dimension via the summoning circle. Bristol was ready with her sword at a moments notice, the whole summoncing taking about five seconds. "What the hell is going on?!" she demanded. Abenzio jumped from her shoulders, and with a swipe of her hand, he changed back into a German Shepard that was larger than the average size, his head coming up to Bristol's waist--it was his attack-dog appearance.
Jezzabeth was leaned over adam when suddenly, damon looked up and the minataur threw him back. "DAMON!" Just then, stella forced her self up when a arrow was shot at abenzio, she forced her slef to run and she took the shot and fell in front of abenzio, wimpering.
Abenzio jumped when Stella ran in front of him, he whined and ran over to her, his ears flat. He pulled the arrows out carefully, Bristol told him that German shepards were bred for thick skin and lean tight muscles so the head of the arrow hadnt completely impaled her, so it didnt cause even more damage when he pulled them out. He licked the wounds, the blood flow was soon clotted by German shepards tendency to have thick corse hair. He then gently dragged her by the nape of the neck over to a safe quiet place. He promised her he would return with help and ran off to find Bristol. Bristol ran over to Damon and helped him up his wounds didn't seem too bad, none were life threatening, "Where did they come from? How many?"
Damon was walking next to bristol. " Thousands, no, MILLIONS OF THEM. Hades is mad at adam, he doesn't know why...... Me and him were at the poiseidon cabin, and hades apeared in front of adam, I quote, " Son, you have failed, me." Then he threw adam into a minotaurs horns. He is really injured sevearly... WAIT, WHERE IS JEZZABETH?" he looked around and saw adams body gone and bloody footsteps running towards the zeus cabin. "Look bristol, my sister has a gift, she can only use it once, but it can kill a god..... A REAL GOD. Hades wants it to kill zeus.... Poiseidon and zeus are trying to prevent him from getting it....." Damon is talking while running. Stella gets up and tries to stand but falls....

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Jezzabeth was in the zeus cabin looking for healing potion when a minotaur threw her into a bunkbed destroying the cabin it self.
Bristol jogged beside Damon and Abenzio galloped along next to them, "You mean they're after Jezz?! Gods this is crazy! I mean, you can't kill a god forever, they will come back eventually!" she smacked her palm into her forehead, the three greatest gods...fighting amongst themselves, "They need to get over this sibling rivalry thing they have going."
"They, well HADES is the only one that wants it......" Damon stops when he notices the minataurs are gone.... " What the hell?" He walks to the side when he sees jezzabeth sitting there her eyes glowing black. "H- He killed them all....." She looks up at bristol, when behind jezzabeth lays adam healed but asleep. " Jezz.... what the hell happened...?" He looks around and stella limps up to abenzio. "Who killed them all?" Damon says, when jezzabeth passes out.
Bristol knealt next to Jezzabeth, "Jezz!...Jezzabeth, are you okay?! Jezz!" She shook her shoulder, then gently pulled back an eye lid, her eyes weren't glowing anymore but she was still unconscience by the way her eyes were unfocused. She turned to look at Damon and mused, "Who is 'he'?" Looking around the cabin, there was only Adam who too was unconscious.
Damon looks at bristol "I don't know who HE is...." Adam slowly get's up and looks at bristol and damon. He then spots jezz. "Jezzabeth?!" He looks around and sees Damon and bristol. "What happened?!" Adam hesitates, and then he sees somthing in Jezzabeth's hand. He opens it and it is a Judis coin. while this happened stella sat weakily in front of abenzio. "What happened?" Her violet eyes gleam and shine with tears of utter pain.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(He is confused thats why I had to see them twice.)
Abenzio whined softly and nudged her to stay still, he told her she was shot by two arrows. Abenzio looked around nervously and spotted a confused looking Apollo boy around the age of four--he shook his head and reminded himself that dog years were different from human years--around 15 Abenzio ran over to him and pulled him by the hem of his shirt over to Stella, "Abenzio?! What are you doing? Where's Bristol?" the boy exclaimed until he saw saw Stella wounded on the ground. Abenzio nudged the boy forward with the flat of his snout.--Bristol looked at Adam, "You tell me," she sighed, "Jezz mentioned something about ''him' killing them all' and her eyes were glowing black. A sign from Hades?" she swiveled to look at Damon, "Why was she in your cabin? Shes a daughter of Aphrodite."
"I don't know..... She had a Judis coin.... I don't know what to do...." Damon turned to the mumbling of adam; "I'm going to kill you dad...." Adam had his fist clenched and was looking down at the ground. Damon walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Adam why was hades so mad at y-" Just then adam whipped around and pushed damon back. "GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled, enraged at what his father had done. His eyes were spwuing fire, and he picked up the judis coin and crushed it. Stella whimpered afraid of how much it was going to hurt to be healed. "It's going to hurt..." She looked at abenzio, adam only hearing a small whimper.
(what's a judis coin? Or do you mean drachma?) Bristol stood and glared at Adam, and demanded, "What is this about, Adam?" she gestured around to the quarter of the damaged cabin, to Jezzabeth, to the fragments of the coin, "I know this has something to do with you and your father, Hades," -- Abenzio shook his head and told her it would feel better. The Apollo boy started to heal her, murmuring in comforting tones for Stella to relax.

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