Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Adam lit the res of the candles at everyone was in there places. Adam then sat down, "Ok bristol, you ready?" he looked straight across the circle at bristol sitting in front of him and jezzabeth sitting right next to him, "Wait who has the pearls?" Jezzabeth exclaimed. Damon raised his hands holding them "I do!" He threw the pearls over to bristol.
Bristol caught them in one hand and laid them in a smaller sub-circle on the outer ring of the main one. She sat stood in a medium sized sub-circle and began another incantation and the chalk lines began to glow with her coloured light. Her own eyes started to glow, her pupils, irises, and even the whites of her eyes glowed, at the end she said the original greek word for, "Poseidon". The glowing brighted and she whispered to everyone, "Close you eyes, he might appear in divine form,". Bristol turned her head away, but she could still see an even brighter white light through them. When the glowing finally dimmed, Bristol opened her eyes hesitantly, "Poseidon," she knelt, he was standing in the middle of the large chalk circle he glared at Bristol with a frown on his face as if contemplating whether to burn her to ashes where she stood, "That was awefully foolish, Daughter of Hecate, to summon a god,"
Everyone backed up, when jezzabeth was about to back up Posseidon turned to face her. " Daughter of Aphrodite, do you know how much danger you are in, here?" He crossed his arms and waited for a reply. "I know, but, don't blame bristol for summoning you It was my Idea.... Not her's..." Jezzabeth actually trembled with respect... She was in the presence of a god. " I will take you all to Olympus, if you wan't to speak with the gods then you may do it there." Adam stood up. "That isn't all, Jezzabeth mentioned someone.... but she doesn't know the name... She referrs to It as HIM, or HE..." Adam shrugged as the god raised an eyebrow. " Again, we will disguss this in olympus."
Abenzio pushed himself closer to Bristol. She rose and looked at the god, not knowing what to do next, she was in shock. She wasn't really sure she 'could' summon a god, let alone that she had the ability to do so. Not shocked but stunned. Slowly her eyes returned to normal, thought the whites of her eyes had returned, well, white, her irises still retained a glow. Bristol stroked her hair behind her ear on one side.
The Fury snarled at the girl and looked at Sylus "He wants to know where you are going and why." she screeched.

Sylus rolled his eyes "That's a lie." he said as he thrusted his sword through her chest.
Maggie lowered her sword when the Furie exploded into dust, "Let's all agree to get an empty compartment next time," she said, her eyes still narrowed in suspicion, "How much do you think the old bag heard?" She opened the door to the compartment and leaned out into the hall, looks like they hadn't raised any alarm or else people would have been storming down the hall and peaking out of their doors annoyed by the commotion. Maggie leaned back and closed the door, frowning a bit at the floor that had a pile of fine dust now sinking into the carpet and melting away.
Rosa had simply mimicked everything the others done. But remained silent, her face was grim but a little pale from shock. "What was that?" she asked looking at the two other campers. The women has gone from slightly creepy old lady to full out monster in a matter of seconds. What had they done to it, had they provoked or offended the monster in someway?
Sylus nodded and looked at Rosa "That was a Fury. Somewhat of a servant for Hades." he said as he sat back down. He switched his sword back to the chain necklace that had a lightning bolt on it.
"No way that was for real..." Maggie mused, "If Hades wanted to know what we were doing, he would already know I guess, gods are all knowing aren't they?" She was confused, wondering if Hades had actually sent the Fury or it had another master it worked for...
Sylus nodded "Hades would know where we were headed. This one had to be working for something or someone else." he said.((So do we want to create Piper, Leo, and Jason now?))
i'd kinda like to be will they meet them on the way going into camp or what? whats the concept :3
after please, but jason and company wont be going to the roman camp for another year so maybe they should just cross paths on their quests? quick question, how did they travel on from king minos's palace? i completely forget, didn't Jason fly them by releasing some of the wind or something?

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