Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

well the trains go through chicago, they can be attacked, wander around somewhere for a day or two, then meet up with them there in chicago...? they get a ride to detroit and find another way to cali or join them until they get to diablo and they part ways?
Sounds good! I thank you for being so helpful. :D

Piper sat on the train to Chicago next to Leo, who was fast asleep and murmuring about different parts of machines, she chuckled and looked out the window.
Jason yawned then sighed, "How much longer until we get there, do you think?" He leaned back in his seat, starring at the ceiling.
Jason glanced at Leo, he was knocked out cold. Jason looked back to Piper and raised his eyebrow with a small smile on his lips, "You wanna go get some food or something? We can always bring something back fro Leo,"
Name: Arthur Barren

Nickname: Barracks

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Son of Artemis

Bf/Gf: None yet.

History: Artemis met Arthur's father is a war-torn country in Eastern-Europe, who was wounded from a gunshot wound. At first it didnt look so bad so Artemis was about to walk away, but not when they began talking, and learning of one-another. Obviously Artemis didnt tell the soldier she was a goddess, so she just played along with his assumptions, which were rather flattering to her, all things considered. Days passed by and eventually they joined with each other under a starry night, and in the morning, the man died in his sleep. Artemis found out later that she was with child, and asked the aid of Apollo to help her give birth in secret from the rest of the world. A year passed, which Artemis was thought to be slaying a great and elusive beast, but gave birth to a boy she named Arthur. Rather than keep the boy, she left him in a craddle in the wilds of the Central Park, waiting to be found, and forgotten from her memory. Painful though it was for her.

Raised in the dark parts of New York, he grew up during his childhood in an orphanage, which was rather abusive towards him. His past was unknown to him. All he knew was that his father was a military man, and met Arthur's mother in Europe's wilderness. Arthur himself was left outside in Central Park, and found by the police. He learned some basic education from the teachers at the orphanage, but he always got into fights because of the abuse he took from the kids and staff. Eventually he escaped into the streets of China town, and lay in hiding from the authorities. He then met an old man who was once part of a Japanese special forces unit, and decided to take him in as his own. Over the years he learned a great deal from him. Kendo, Karate, and by his 12th birthday, he received a package from an unknown sender, which contained a black bow etched with silver greek letters, and a set of arrows. Soon he found himself face to face with a monster, and used the bow out of instinct to kill it. Shocked from what he saw, he dared not speak of it to anyone else. By 16, he was a top Kendo swordsman in his guardians dojo, a black belt in Karate, and his skill with a bow and arrow was considered second to none. At times in his years he crossed paths with certain greek monsters, one of which was a Cyclops who challenged him to a duel. Arthur won and took the Cyclops' sword as a trophy, which shrunk into a peculiar rod. All Arthur had to do was twist it and it would grow back into the two-handed blade once more. Though how or where the monster got it was a bit of a mystery. Eventually, Arthur wanted to find out more about his mother, and set out to follow what clues remained. Yet with no knowledge of the camp for demi-gods, no the existence of the Olympian Gods.

Appearance:Black hair, athletically built, pale blue eys.

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((I know the weapons are bigger than the character but hey! nothings perfect :P ))

Other: ((if im wrong about these things, please let me know)) because of being born of Artemis, Arthur can command certain wildlife, hit almost any target with an arrow or spear/javelin and possibly catch one in mid-air.

Jason stood and they quietly exited the compartment, walking down the hallway and crossing between the carriages to the restaurant car. Jason polietly held the chair out for Piper then took a seat himself. He looked through the menu on the table, "Jeez, I'm starving, I could eat all of this.." he mused, hoping they had enough money to pay or if it was covered by their tickets.

Maggie was feeling confused, her head started to hurt, and the cramped space was begining to make her jittery with hypertension. She needed to splash some water on her face, "...I-I'm gonna go find a bathroom..." But what she mostly wanted was some time alone to think. Maggie ran her thumb down her blade and sheath, turning it back into her dog tags, then strung it around her neck. She slide the door aside and stepped out.
Piper nodded and began eating. She didn't even bother to use a fork, she was so hungry.

Sylus nodded "I'll stay with Rosa." he said and played with his necklace

Arthur was having a hard time carrying his duffle bag with his bow with the rod attached to his belt, and and an even harder time not hitting anyone else who asks if he was a star wars fan. Still, he had worse. Passing through the hallway, he looked at his ticket and saw his seat was taken. Everywhere else seemed packed, so he had to make due with the nearest compartment. He opened the door, and saw Sylus and Rosa sitting there.

"Sorry, do you mind? Everywhere else is packed." He placed his bag on one of the top shelves, and sat next to the window ((if someone took it, ill just seat where it's empty)). "Name's Arthur." he said warmly, "Arthur Barren."
Maggie found the bathroom and washed her face. After drying off she realized she needed a drink, something warm to cool her nerves. Maggie traveled from car to car in search of the one with the food. She found it, it was a nice little place with people sitting here and there at tables, but there was also a bar. Maggie went over and took a stool and ordered a hot chocolate. The bartender nodded, and while she waited, Maggie looked around at the people in the car out of habit. What she saw surprised her. Maggie spun back around and grabbed the counter, a look of shocked contemplation on her face.
Piper glanced up as she saw Maggie. When she spun around, Piper frowned with distaste before realizing this was, oh, what was her name? Maggie! She suddenly remembered and tapped Jason's hand, nodding to Maggie.
Maggie was freaking out on the inside, those two kids were wearing orange Camp Half Blood tee-shirts...but she didn't recognize them, 'No, this isn't right...The other camp, monsters? Are they impersonating us?" Adrenaline started pumping through her veins at the thought of another monster on the their train, what would she do in front of all these people? Maggie had a black fleece jacket on over her own orange tee-shirt, now that she was turned around they would only see her back. The bartender placed her hot chocolate on the counter in front of her. She wrapped her hands around it, and sipped casually, though racking her brains on what she would do.

Jason looked up at the girl Piper pointed at, her back was now to them so Jason didn't see the face, "Who?" She just looked like a regular girl on the train maybe traveling with her family for the holidays.
Poseidon took the Demi gods to olympus. "Here you are, feel free to go straight up. I will meet you there and I will warn Zeus of your arival." He turned into mist and swept away. " You guys ready?" Adam exclaimed. "Yes, and bristol?" Damon smiled as jezzabeth fiddled with the judas coin.
((Hold up, did my character go in the wrong place? i was trying to get him to meet up with some of the other campers to try an establish a small connection before hell would break loose :P ))
(You can meet up with me bristol and adam and damon if you want... :D )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jezzabeth was at home while the others were at Olympus hearing about a new camper named Arthur. (Did you read my persons profile? Her name is jezzabeth... She is a daughter of aphrodite)
>>okay, so we have two separate plots going on right now, theres the group on the quest, which is Syllus, Rosa, and Maggie; they will meet up with Jason, Piper, and Leo and travel with them to cali where they will separate from there to complete their own quests. its cool if Arthur wants to join Maggie's quest. Anyhow, Jezzabeth, Adam, Damon, and Bristol are going to Olympus to speak with the gods, so it may be a bit more difficult to incorperate yourself there since no one in the 'greek' community has known about his existance.<<

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bristol went "poof" and ended up between Jezz and Damon, standing on Olympus. Bristol marveled at the sights, it was absolutly wonderful, everything she had dreamed it would be. Abenzio rubbed against her leg, evidently he had been "poofed" there himself as well. "Its gorgeous..." Bristol mused.
((ok forget my post, i'll just go in arrows flying))

Arthur found an empty cubical on the train and rested himself on one of the seats. As he put his bag on the ground, some bum walked by winking at him. At first Arthur looked at him weirdly, until he noticed the bum's eyes looked almost golden colour. Arthur burst out of him cubical, rod ready in hand. The bum turned to him and looked at the sword.

"Easy Arthur boy. You could hurt people with that." The bum said playfully.

"How do you know me?" Arthur demanded.

"I know a lot of things." he answered, "That question though isnt mine to answer."

"Answer anyway. i hate surprises."

The bum smiled warmly. "You're a lot like my sister. If she would meet you now..."

"I'm not ready for a girlfriend just yet. now answer my question!" Arthur twisted the rod and the sword grew forth in his hands.

All the bum did was stand there. No reaction to Arthurs actions, other than plainly saying. "Some people in the next car. Ask for Artemis. Anyone asks who wants to know, im sure you'll think of something."

out of nowhere, the bum burst into a bright light and vanished. Leaving Arthur confused. Still, whether this nut jobs invite was a trap or a joke, Arthur decided to play along for now. Walking into the next train car, he found himself in what looked like some sort of lounge. A few kids were about wearing strange t-shirts from some camp, and some petrified girl. He didnt know if he'd regret this but what the heck.

"Is there someone here named Artemis?" He asked the croud. Though it was then he realised he completely forgot to withdraw his claymore. Though it didnt bother him since he assumed nobody would notice as usual.
Maggie glanced at the boy upon his arrival, but had to look at him again. The mist was affecting her, with a second glance she did in fact see the boy was carrying a sword...asking for Artemis? She got up from her seat, and walked up to the boy and took his arm, "Come with me," she explained simply. Maggie dragged him out onto the platform just outside the train car where people cross between the carriges. She crossed her arms and demaned in a hiss, "What're you here with that? What are doing here, period, and asking for Artemis?" Obviously this boy was a demigod, there was no other, logical, explaination. No regular teenaged boy could walk onto a train with weapons like the ones on his hand.
Arthur was baffled at first. "w-wait a minute, you can see this?" he asked in confusion. "How? Who are y-" He stopped and composed himself, "Alright, i know this is gonna sound bogus, and i have NO idea whats going on. Some bum started talking to me and told me to waltz in there. I wanted more answers but he just blew up in a blaze of light! Look, i dont mean to change the subject, but how can you see my blade and-"

He completely forgot. AGAIN! twisting the hilt, the claymore shrunk back into the rod. "Look, if you can see my sword, then you know more about whats going on here than I do. I got walked on this train heading somewhere, and since then i've been having monster after monster hounding my ass. First a couple of giants with one eye, then flying devil things, some thing with a goats head, a lions head, AND a snakes head, which i had to crush under-"

Suddenly, a roar echoed in the air. it was loud. Arthur's gutt twisted.

"At least i thought i did." In a rush, he put down his bag, and pulled out his black bow. "We need to talk after this!" He put the bow over his shoulder and used his elbow to smash a window. Reaching out with both arms, he pulled himself up onto the roof of the car, and stood bow ready with an arrow.
Maggie stood there, her eyebrows creased in contemplation. She listened to what he had to say but went on guard when the roar of some beast echoed through the air. She drew her sword by sliding her thumb across the face of one of the two dog tags around her neck, then swiftly climbed after the boy onto the roof of the carrige and stood with sword at the ready. "What this that's been attacking you now?" Maggie shouted over the wind. Another roar sounded through the air.
"Yeah things been hounding me since Chicago! After those devil things puffed to dust, this thing came after me after a couple of nights!"

After a couple of minutes, a flying beast came into view. Two heads on the front of a goat and a lion with it's body, wings of an eagle, and a snake for a tail. It the lion had its eyes closed as blood was seeping from them. an arrow rooted in each socket. the torso had a few scars on its sides from the sword, but it wasnt planning on letting up at all.

"Dam thing almost burnt me alive!" He yelled as it came closer. "What the hell is that beast? Is there some kind of teenager hunting season for these things!?"
Maggie frowned, "Its a Khimaira, or Chimera," She didn't particularly like these, but hey, is there a monster that anyone likes the best? Being a daughter of Ares had its advantages in situations when battling monsters, it was just like she knew what to do, where to attack it's weak points and how to do it. "Nice shooting by the way," Maggie commented with a small smile, noting the arrows in the monster's eye sockets. The Chimera landed on the roof of the car and turned it's ear towards them, then spewed a stream of red hot fire. The boy was in the direct fire, she tackled him out of the way and whispered quietly, "Try not to make any sound if you have to,"
"Noted!" He whispered. Drawing his bow and steathfully as he could, he pulled back and prayed to God his aim would be true! As he picked his target, the bow began to grown. the snake shot it's gaze as him. SHIT!

It looked like it was about the throw up, and not in the good way. Thinking fast, Arthur released the arrow and planted itself through the snakes throat. Suddenly, steam came from the hole, and the snake vomited acid over the place, some of it over the goats head. The beast roared in pain, going on its hind legs. Just then, Arthur had an idea.

He faces the girl beside him. "Go for the head, i've got the bottom half!" Pulling himself up, and drew his claymore and ran like a madman towards the beast. The snake tried to snap at him in the confusion, but Arthur rolled down, narrowly dodging it and getting a few acid marks on his coat. Spinning on his knee, he slashed one of the back legs of the beast, sending it crashing forwards close to the girl. Suddenly, the snake struck and sank its fangs into Arthurs shoulder, making him scream from the acid burning his flesh. With a roar of agoney and strength, he raised his sword and slashed down, severing the snake tail. He then fell unconscious, and lay there almost lifeless.

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