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Fandom Peace Sign Academia Q&A


The Pun Tyrant
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This is the place to ask anything you need. Questions and answers alike will be registred on this post.

Classes would be mostly left to the teachers themselves, but they would have to get approval from me if they wanted to do one of those more exciting things like a pratical exercise or test. However, most classes would not be like this. Most classes would be, well, normal classes. We don´t get to see a lot of it in the anime or manga, since naturally they only focus on the best stuff, but we do have clear information that most classes even in UA are still normal classes. And the same would apply in the PSA.
As for schedule, that will indeed be provided, in the announcements and in the lore section, when the IC opening day of the PSA comes.

That depends. If they were given that permission in the character´s backstory, then that´s acceptable. However, if you mean a simple OOC discussion, then it is not.

While a teacher can hold multiple functions in the school, they cannot have two subjects they teach

At specific times, namely after a field trip or intership, a student can submit a petition to change into a different course or even to specialize in one of the extra courses, dropping the hero course entirely. In extreme circumstances, exceptions may be opened to allow a transfer outside of the appropriate time.

Quirks come in many varieties, countless in fact. One cannot predict what will or not be enhanced. As such, the power of and how acceptable a quirk is is determined not on a comparison to people with quirks, but always assuming no quirk, the only exception to this being quirks that affect other quirks directly.

As stated in the CS, student age ranges from 15 to 16 years old

Damage is measured by the expected blow or the effects of said blow, depending on what you are measuring it for:

If you are trying to measure it for the durability of something, then you go by the expected impact of a blow. The thing in question is more durable if it supposedly can resist a loaded truck than if it breaks from the swing of a sword. Of course, there are heavier swords or thr truck could be loaded with cotton candy instead of heavy stuff, but the point remains that if you hit someone whose breaking point is "loaded truck" if you hit them with a force greater or equal to that, that person´s defenses WILL shatter.

If you are trying to measured how much damage a blow deals, the expected blow is also the usage for measuring. What can that particular blow break and what it can´t. This is also true for indirect attacks such as poison or mind attacks, as their expected effect, even if it can have slight variations, should still be upheld to a general standard.

Lastly, when a blow has already been used, one measures damage by the effects it produced. The damage of having punched a wall is determined by the changes in the wall and your hand.

Fights are roleplaying directly like any other IC action. You make posts and fights occur. Sometimes I may set a post limit for each fight, or other extra rules but those are extras not constants. Most fights will simply be roleplayed by the players involved.

However, I do encourage players to cooperate and coordenate their fights. I would like players to plan out their fights to make things more dynamic and interesting, but this is not mandatory.

QEP stands for "Quirk Evolution Points". I recommend going to the mechanics section for more in-depth details about this, but essentially quirk evolution points are points you gain by contributing to the RP's well-being. Simply being active, helping out your fellow players or making propositions and planning things can earn you QEP. Heck, you can even earn QEP by the simple action of not breaking the rules!

With QEP you can then purchase special bonuses. The main ones where the name comes from, are incremental improvements to your base quirk. Basically your character's training starts to pay off and their quirk gets a little stronger or even develops a new special move etc... But there are other bonuses purchased with QEP too, such as cameos from cannon characters and many others :)

Apart from restrictions preventing anything deadly, there won't be much in the way of consistent rules throughout fights, as a lot of this is left to individual teachers with individual classes and different exercises that will naturally demand individual rules. I would like to offer more helpful information about this, but unfortunately this is one of those "we'll see" scenarios.

Gunpowder was not an expected or predictable discovery. It's origins date to experiments with fireworks in Asia, and it wasn't until much later that the idea of using it as a weapon came about. And when it did, it changed the very meaning of war. Suddenly wars were not matches of skill anymore, but a contest of stats: ammunition, troops, position and destructiveness of weaponry.

This is the danger of any form of ranged attack. Things like agility and combat prowress pretty much cease to matter. The threashold for what is acceptable in ranged attacks versus melee ones comes from this: for example, while small blades are allowed, guns are outright banned.

Projectiles are permitted, however, some may even pierce te skin. However, besides following the basic rules of any move , AKA , there must be a way to avoid them and they can't kill or cause permanent damage, a ranged attack should also not be able to create such a state of affairs in which attacks become unavoidable. For instance, a ranged attack capable of paralyzing and opponent is a no-no unless it's given proper limits (moreso than time), because then the person could just be sniped out. A poison dart suffers a similar problem. A rain of ammo would prevent response by hitting from the distance while making non-ranged retaliation impossible once he innitiavie was ceased. These are a few examples but I hope you got the gist of it.

Until the entry in the PSA, the roster of characters was a simple matter to handle: if you were a teacher you were a founder in the PSA, if you were a student you were an applicant like any other in the exam. Simple, easy and universal to handle.
However, once the initial group is set, adding new characters may become a logistic nightmare in terms of continuity. Hence my inistance on calling people before the PSA entry. The reasons to be allowed to join later, as a student or worse as a teacher, will be hard to handle and will require a deep talk with the person prior to making any such character.
I will detail this better later, but for now, the simple answer is, probably not. I did intentionally leave measures to help potential onlookers that come in later and just barely missed the deadline, but those can only last so long before it becomes too much for me to handle.

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A question about teacher characters: Would you PM the curriculum to those, who play teachers, or would they have freedom of making their classes what they want them to be? It would be nice if you'd clarify the tasks and responsibilities of a teacher character.

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A question on the use of Honorifics: If someone has been given permission to drop the Honorifics outside of IC, is that Still acceptable?

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Can a teacher be responsible for 2 things? For example Combat/General Studies? Is there a PE teacher?

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Is it possible for a student to transfer a course to another by choice, unfit for the style of the teachings or by teacher's recommendation?

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As somewhat of an extension to the damage question, how durable are most people here? Something that may hurt one person may just sting to most. Ex:So many of the characters in the series. Half of them demonstrate increased durability as a power, including dealing with other things such as going into shock. Being stuck in ice could easily send a normal person into shock.

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What's the youngest a student is allowed to be?

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How would fights be done? Would they be roleplayed out or done in PM?

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What does QEP mean? I noticed it on the table with all of our characters and was kinda pondering what it could mean

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What rules does the school itself have in place for basic fighting? Like ground rules for everything.
Stuff like no aiming for the eyes etc.

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Standpoint on nonlethal projectiles?
Since swords and daggers are apparently something people can buy...

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Later in the RP, will teacher characters be accepted after certain events? Such as due to under-staffing should some non-player character teacher dies?

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Would you consider explaining upon the map of the school(from the lore)? Such as floor plan/layouts for the buildings and/or photo's to show the idea of what the interior looks like?

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