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Futuristic ParaCom: Adversary Uncertain


Nietzsche reader

Before we start, I'll post RP specific rules so we can all enjoy the RP.

1.) No power gaming or "god modding" because we want a modicum of logic.

2.) Game play and story will be integrated, so let's not try to break either one.

3.) No auto-hitting or called hits so we can be fair. This describes a fighting action whereby a character is attacking another character and ASSUMES to have hit them without the other characters response being considered. Do wait for the GM to confirm hits.

4.) Dedication is key. Don’t leave us hanging. Besides, I’m the type who stubbornly refuses to leave people behind.

5.) Have fun during the RP!

How the combat system shall work: Like in XCOM, it is turn based. Game play mechanics will be lifted from XCOM such as cover, damage, etc. Dice rolls are behind the scene and we will use a bit of reality and common sense. An example is that if you are aiming at a ghoul in low cover, the low cover reduces your chance to hit by fifteen percent. High cover is double that of low cover, and the accuracy depends on range and weapon. Skills will be added to make game play unique.

Any specific questions? Give me a holler.


  • Will we reverse engineer paranormal tech?

Yes we will. After all, no self-respecting XCOM derivative would neglect that.

  • Will we get powers?

Only if we unlock them

  • What’s the recommended character set up?

Soldiers will do most of the action. So if you are an active/aggressive RPer, focus on soldiering up. Science and engineering are the people behind the scenes. Research can be done without science or engineering characters. It’s that the two act as a catalyst for the behind the scenes jobs. Tabs will be done to host the projects the team undertakes.

  • What level of posting and speed do you expect?

If you like high-adrenaline and high-speed, post quickly and often. But I personally recommend checking around once every one or two weeks. I always have an idea or two. For paragraphs, I recommend three paragraphs, give or take one. No less than two and no more than four. Also, walls of texts are eyesores. Please don’t do it.

  • What if some potential players don’t know how XCOM works?

To put it briefly, always do your research and/or homework on the matter. Though the GM can help, the GM is less than likely to hold your hand across.

  • Will the RP be character driven?

It’s up to you, but it isn’t forced and it should not be forced at all. However, if anything disrupts the experience for most players, the GM will have to step in.

  • How realistic will the RP be?

The RP will have some realism, though consider that most of the elements of the story violate (at worst) or bend (at best) the laws of physics just by existing.

  • How will the magic work?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Clarke’s Third Law.

  • Will there be augmentation? If so, how much at a time?

Yes, but one at a time only. Details will be revealed in the story and gameplay.
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I've lost most of my prepped character data, but I remember a little of it, so expect CS's in close to an hour, if I'm lucky. Two if I'm not.
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Elephantom said:

Are we supposed to include all the extra details that were listed in the PDF into our respective character sheets?
You don't have to. Besides, a more succinct version is in the character sign-up tab. I'll take care of the more detailed materials.
Okeez, now since that's off of my worries, I'll get to making a character. Hopefully, he'll be up by tomorrow, because I want to claim a squaddie. Mwahahahahahaha!!!!
The rank of Squaddie is the gateway to power. Taking in mind the bonus, once can become a sergeant rather quickly. Being a sergeant is the first officer rank in the ParaCom. And the kicker is that while anyone can die, squaddies have a better chance of surviving than rookies.
@Fezzes: So far your characters are doing great! Though keep in mind that I can definitely see the scientist character as an "idiot savant" type. Your soldier will be a squaddie.

ADDENDUM: I'm not voting in the poll to be neutral. But what I CAN do is give all the perks and quirks of the choices.
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Just submitted my CS, Will most likely make another soldier in the case of his death(God forbid).
Once the latest is complete, I will take a look. Now I'm predicting a sniper might come around.

EDIT FOR CLARITY: @Elephantom: Once your CS is complete, I'll take a look. You may also make up to three CS's if you wish for now.
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Looking at the sniper from @Splat. Sure he is a genetically engineered human being, so keep in mind that the stats for rookies and squaddies are fixed, with gives and takes for stats.

But that's a foreshadowing plot device.
The ones I provided in the basics are averages. Snipers will have good aim, but especially with elevation and due to their equipment. Heavies are more of big boom and rapid fire, taking some aim away. Assaults and supports do not have aim changing. This is because of the effective ranges. Point blank shots with any weapon though will be 100% accurate no matter what.
Thank you, Uber. Team This lacked female characters, so here's some reporting for duty!
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Alright, I'm going to give the poll half a week before deciding and getting the show on the road. By the end of the month, it'll be decided.
I'm just going to reassure everyone that while my CS's might not be amazing, especially compared to nox's, I'm not going to be half-assing this. Just not great at CS's.

Also, it amuses me that nobody has voted for the same thing. If we need a tie-break, I'll roll a die.
Aw, @Fezzes, thank you, but it's not much, really. It's probably full of typos and things.

Also, yes, it's amusing but it also means that whatever the outcome, someone is bound to be satisfied.
ADDENDUM: Since I am a frequent user of Discord, we can use the application in order to perform rapid-fire communications. I believe that I often communicate with some interested players on the program too.
Hanzax said:
I have it up & running hit me the server link & I'll join it
Have fun. Hyperlinked it.

EDIT: It's also available in the Site Chat tab on the very top, on the right of the dice tab.
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For the near future, I think I'll start to demand some assault troopers and supports. The RP should start by April 3rd, give or take a day.
Hanzax said:
I can conjure up another assualt or support if need be.
An assault would be great, just in case our would-be one won't complete or kick the bucket. Because assaults are the first ones in and last ones out. Our front line fighters. Also, you may make up to three characters without Africa's bonus.
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