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Overcoming Struggles (Luthor & Terra)

Through a series of invasive questions, the doctor had decided that she was probably pregnant, yet Kat had made him check for other things. Eventually, the doctor handed her a test in a box,"Now these are about 99% accurate, just head into the bathroom and follow the instructions in the booklet." She obeyed, so was back in about five minutes, setting the test on the table. Her heart raced with nerves, so she seized Roy's hand, looking up to him with slight fear in her eyes.
Roy's mind turned into a tornado as thoughts rampaged through it as Kat went to the bathroom. Could it really be true? No... they weren't ready for this. He rubbed his head with his hands as he took deep breaths attempting to calm himself down. As she came out and put the test on the table he squeezed her hand as she held his and kissed her forehead, but he couldn't get himself to say anything. After a couple of minutes the doctor checked the test and a smile appeared on his face. "Allow me to congratulate the both of you, you're pregnant."
Grasping for words, a horrified expression fell upon her face,"Uh...a-are you sure?" Almost aggressively, she grabbed the test from the table, and tears filled her eyes- the pink plus indicated that she was definitely pregnant. After slamming the test back onto the table, she held her head in her hands. Kat couldn't even believe that she was pregnant. It made sense, but the relationship was falling apart, and she wasn't sure whether it would drive them further apart or cement the cracks. More tears rolled down her cheeks, but she wiped them away to look up at the doctor,"Wait. That means no alcohol, if I choose to keep it." She cussed under her breath: she was really looking forward to that wine.
Roy backed to a chair and sat down as the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. He felt a hundred different emotions rush through him. Happiness,shock,confusion,denial,sadness. All were rushing inside him at the same time. He had always wanted to be a father but now was not the right time. He looked at Kat as tears steamed from her eyes. The doctor said. "I thought the news would make you happy." Roy stood up and walked to stand beside Kat. "We are, we're just shocked by the news, we weren't expecting it." He then stared at her as she complained about not being able to drink alcohol anymore. "That's hardly the biggest problem right now. Are you ready to go home sweetheart?"
Kat nodded,"Yeah, I'm definitely ready to go home. Thanks for the help, doc" She dropped a smile on her face, as she stood up, wiping her face with a hand. Feeling a bit tense, she headed out, taking Roy's hand to bring him with her. Could they cope with raising a child together? Biting her lip, she looked up at him, assessing his face to try and work out how he felt- she wanted to keep the child, but didn't want to force him into anything. In silence, they walked to the car, and only once in the car did she begin to speak,"What do you want to do about this?" Gesturing to her mostly flat stomach, she looked back into his eyes.
As they got into the car she asked him the big question. When he had woken up earlier today he never expected, not in a million years that something like this was going to happen. He was silent for a while as his mind roared with thoughts. After a few minutes he slowly opened his mouth. "I... We're not in a good place for this... I have so many conflicted feelings right now, so many. But the most dominant one is happiness. I've always wanted to be a dad and this is a chance to make it happen." He held her hand as he looked into her eyes. "I want this child, our child. I don't know how things will work out but I want to take this chance." He said with a smile.
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Nodding, she choked back tears,"I feel the same. We can surely find some way to make it work, because I want to take this chance with you." Breaking their eye contact, she pressed a kiss to his hand, before simply tracing circles onto it. Okay, maybe it wasn't the best time, emotionally, for them to have a child, but they were at the perfect place in their marriage; they had a nice house in a good area, a decent combined income, and had known each other to know that they had trust. Kat wondered if a baby could improve their relationship: after all, she knew Roy wanted children, and she had originally only put it off for financial reasons. It could work. But only if they made it the duration of the pregnancy.
Roy's dizziness was not gone and he was wide awake after the news that he was bombarded with but the headache was still there. So he drove them home, they didn't do much on the way beside exchanging a few glances and careful smiles. As they arrived home he unlocked the door and they entered, Roy went straight to the couch in the living room and sat down with a sigh of relief. "Well today turned out to be more eventful that I thought it would be." He said as he rubbed his forehead. "Honey where did you put the pain killers? I need something for my headache."
Kat slipped her heels off as soon as they crossed the threshold, neatly placing them against a wall. "In the medicine cabinet, I'll go grab you some." Smiling to herself, she headed upstairs to the bathroom, where she grabbed a jar of paracetamol and a jar of ibuprofen. After shaking out two of each into her palm, she headed back downstairs, where she got a glass of water. Then, she returned to the lounge, sitting down beside him to offer him the pills,"Nurse Kat, at your service!" She grinned cheesily at him.
Even though he wasn't really in the mood he managed a small smile at Kat's joke as he took the pills and downed them with the water. "Can you imagine us being parents?" he said as he looked at her. "Well this should be interesting." He wrapped his arm around her as he thought about it. He knew in his heart that they could do it if they could get past their stupid fights. "Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl? Or one of each?" He said jokingly.
Happily, she nuzzled into his shoulder, looking into his eyes,"I want it to be a girl. I've always wanted a little girl- someone to dress up and to follow in my footsteps. But if we had a little boy, as long as he took after you, he'd be really handsome. As long as they're healthy, I'm happy." In an attempt to lighten the mood a little, she joked," Unless it's triplets. If it's triplets I opt out." A wide grin spread across her face, as she pressed a kiss to his jaw,"What gender would you like?" When they sat close together like this, it was hard to remember that they fought so much, because it just felt so perfect, so right, and she knew that they'd make it work.
"A girl that follows in your footsteps huh? That sounds fun, I'll never find anything that belongs to me in this house." He said as he laughed. "And if it's a triplets I'm out of here too, you're on your own." He then kissed her cheek, "I don't really have a preference but I guess I lean a bit towards a girl that is as beautiful and amazing as her mother." He then continued. "Now to lay down some rules, you're only eating healthy food from now on, and if I catch you sneakily sipping from a beer there will be hell to pay." He said jokingly. "Look at me acting like a good dad."
Chuckling softly, she played with his hair using a fingertip and admired him. Yet, when he told her to eat healthily, she faked horror,"You want a pregnant woman to eat healthily? That's sacrilege! I won't drink any beers, but I refuse to eat healthily, what if I want pizza?" Cheekily, she grinned at him, knowing he'd cave at some point and let her eat whatever she wanted, as long as it didn't put the child at risk.
"Well actually beer is fine, but no pizza for you." He said with a laugh. He had always enjoyed it when she played with his hair. He then continued. "I think I need to start looking for a better job with a better pay. A few months in you may need to take an unpaid vacation. I don't want you overworking yourself." He said even though he thought she might not like what he was suggesting.
Kath screwed up her face, arching a brow at his words,"Babe, I couldn't bear it if you had to work a dead-end job. You actually care about your work. I'll just work hard until I get the promotion I've been angling for, then I can just save up to cover time off." Gently, she rubbed her thumb over his cheek, eyes locked firmly on his, to show that she wouldn't let herself be pushed over. She seldom caved in their arguments, being set in her ways and stubborn. Truth be told, she'd have to get the promotion before she started to show, as her boss often flirted with her, and by reciprocating, she'd weaseled into his good books. This pregnancy could jeopardise that.
"No I don't want you to work hard right now, it's not good for you or the baby. I want you to rest and do as less as possible form now on." He said as he turned to face her. And he saw the fierce look in her eyes that meant she won't back down easily. "Leave the tough work for me." He said just as firmly. He held her hand again, still bothered by the ring not being there. In fact now that he thought about it, it had been a while since he saw it around her finger.
"If I don't work hard, I won't have a job to return to once the baby's born. And I didn't spend all that money and time at university to be unemployed." Sighing, she noticed his eyes fixated on her hand, and the lack of ring. Mentally, she took a note to start wearing her wedding band and engagement ring: if it helped their marriage and made her life a bit easier, it would be worth the sacrifice of job improvement. It was a rare sight for her to wear her rings, partially because it allowed her to flirt, but mostly because it made her look more professional.
"Honey you're thinking too far ahead, don't worry you won't lose your job. You're just going to be taking it easy for a few months." He said as he leaned on her shoulder. "And I'm going to be doing my best to share in the housework, thought I probably should stay away from cooking." He then smiled. "Remember when I wanted to surprise you once and decided to make dinner. I bought a full turkey and forgot in the over... It was all burnt. We ended up ordering some food."
Gleefully, she chuckled at the memory, and concurred,"I'll tackle the food, you can work with the toxic cleaning products, in case the fumes hurt the baby. This little thing," With a hand, she gestured to her stomach,"will now be my go-to excuse for not doing things. It's fair though- I can't drink or eat cheese, and you get to bleach the toilet!" Yawning, she buried closer to him, as if trying to envelope him totally, as it would fix their issues...right?

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