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Overcoming Struggles (Luthor & Terra)

"Want me to ask him to join us?" He said in a bit annoyed tone as Kat had her attention on the waiter as he left. He sipped from the wine while closing his eyes, enjoying the taste. Kat sure liked to drool over other guys which got on his nerves sometimes. "I love you too." He said though in bit bland tone. "Well one thing is for sure, you know your wine. This dinner is gonna be costy, we better enjoy it."
"You don't need to act all jealous, Roy. I was just looking." Rolling her eyes, she took another sip of wine: it frustrated her when he acted jealous, whether jokily or not. Another thing that annoyed her was his forgetting of important moments or times. "You do remember this wine, right? We drank it the night you proposed? A lot of it?" Tension was visible in her voice, which she so desperately tried to keep calm and quiet. It felt to her that he didn't care as he never seemed to try to remember these things.
"Hey when my wife is a beauty queen I get to be jealous." He flirted. "Sorry honey." He said as he flashed her one of his smiles. He took a sip from his wine as she talked again. He held his breath as she revealed to him the fact that this was their engagement. He truely didn't remember, he was never good at remembering such details and Kat always made a fuss about that. "Oh that's right. It was a great night. One of the best we've ever had."
Kat scoffed at him,"You don't even remember! One of the most important nights of our life, and you don't remember the wine, which you spent the whole night gushing over. I bet you didn't even remember that I wore this dress that evening too." At this point she just sounded dejected and hurt, although she managed to keep quiet enough so she didn't cause a scene. Looking down, she shook her head at him, and took a bigger gulp from her wine, massaging her temples with a hand.
Roy felt anger start to build up in him at her outburst, he took a deep breath to calm down. Why did it matter if he remembered she wore this dress that night!? Kat gets so sentimental about all the wrong things. Is it really such a bad thing that he didn't remember the wine year and the damn dress? "Honey can we not do this right now." He said in a low voice as he looked around. "We came here to have some good time and have a special dinner. So lets just do that alright?" He finished as he took a big gulp of wine.
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"It-It just hurts, okay?" She wiped her eyes as she felt herself begin to well up- she wasn't usually so emotional, but everything he said and did stung. Breathing deeply, she regained her composure, and finished her glass of wine, before pouring herself another and topping up his. Focusing on the wine helped her to hold back the tears for a while, until she began to tink about that night. It was a sharp, sudden contrast to their relationship now, and caused her to choke up slightly.
He reached out and held her hand. "I know baby, I said I'm sorry. That was a very special night for us and I should've remembered these details. But with how everything is going at work I'm just stressed out a bit." He sighed as she got so emotional and at the verge of tears. This dinner isn't going as he planned, it was becoming unbearable how all the little things matter to her. He sipped form his wine as the waiter arrived with their food. "Thank you." He said to him as he sat the plates on the table.
Absent-mindedly she rubbed little circles on the back of his hand,"I'm sorry too, I'm just under a lot of pressure at work, I think. I shouldn't snap." She smiled at him apologetically, not even aware of the waiter bringing their food until a plate was placed in front of her. Immediately, she dropped her husband's hand, and picked up her cutlery, after neatly placing a napkin onto her lap. Her stomach growled softly as the delightful scent of lasagne wafted up into her nose, enticing her to begin to eat.
Yes, you shouldn't. Roy thought as he took a bite from his lasagne. "It's alright honey, we both are having some rough times." He was so happy and in a very good mood as they headed here. But now all that happiness is gone and he just wanted to get this over with. though his hunger spoke volumes as he dug into the lasagne. He had to admit that the lasagne in this place was amazing, the taste is just beyond great. "Tastes as good as it always has." He said to lighten the mood as he took a sip from his wine, he didn't want to give up on this night just yet.
The lasagne on her plate was gone in fewer than five minutes, as she'd been craving this for a long while. Her skin paled slightly, as a nauseous feeling draped over her, yet she simply put it down to eating too fast. Trying to shake off the feeling, she sipped at some wine, but it remained with her, if not intensifying. Why did she have to feel like this, she wondered, especially on the first special night out in ages? This food was too expensive to throw up, so she was determined to keep it down. "Are you glad I chose the lasagne for us? It's always been wonderful." By focusing on conversation, she hoped to take her mind off of her feeling ill.
Roy smiled inwardly as he watched Kat devour the lasagna, she loved it even more than he did. He finished his own plate also quickly. He glanced at Kat after the finished and he noticed that she looked pale and a little ill. "Yes, it can never go wrong with lasagna." He said to answer her but concern was on his face as he looked at her. "Honey are you feeling okay? Is something wrong?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"U-um I think I'm okay...just feeling a little bit ill. Probably just ate too fast." Smiling, she realised that she couldn't hold her illness at bay,"I'm just gonna get a bit of fresh air." Once she stood up, she felt even more peculiar, so headed to the bathroom at a fast pace, returning a few minutes later, after throwing up the contents of her stomach. Kat had spent a bit of time fixing her appearance afterwards so it wasn't as obvious, and had a mint to clear her breath. "Hello again, love." She smiled and sat down, sipping her water instead of the wine, and placed the napkin back on her lap.
Roy's concern increased as he watched her stand up and rush towards the bathroom. There was something wrong and thought she was feeling worse that she was letting on. But it cant be the food, he ate the same food and he was feeling just fine. He downed his wine and then refilled his glass. He was starting to feel a little light-headed. After a few minutes Kat returned and sat across from him. "Kat seriously, if you're feeling sick we can go to a doctor. Be honest with me baby."
"I'm not feeling the best, but I'm not sure it warrants a doctor's appointment. And I'm really looking forward to this dessert.' She nibbled her bottom lip as her stomach churned,"I don't want to ruin our evening. You deserve a nice, fancy meal, you're so good to me." Under the table, she grasped tightly onto the table leg to maintain composure,"Do you want my wine, babe? I'm not feeling up for much more alcohol, sorry." With a finger, she traced patterns in the tablecloth, and sipped water from a glass with the other hand.
He wasn't very convinced but he still nodded. "The desert is gonna be great, should arrive soon." He said with a smile. " We both deserve this fancy meal and there is nothing more important to me than you baby." He said with a bright smile. Even though he was feeling really light-headed now he still accepted her wine glass and sipped from it. "We'll eat our desert quickly then maybe we can stop by a doctor on our way home, you look really pale."
"I can drive us, if you insist on stopping at the doctor's. It's probably just an office bug, though." Shrugging, she watched the waiters sauntering around, presenting food to other people, until ours appeared with two pristine white plates, each with a chocolate fondant. A small mountain of vanilla bean ice cream lay upon each, and a single strawberry perched atop that. "Ooh, thank you so much!" The previous flirty tone had been abandoned, as now the evening felt like a chore. One more course, Kath, then you can sleep it off. "Looks good, right?" She embroidered a grin on her face, directed at him.
"Alright, and yes I insist. I'm worried about you and just wanna be sure everything is ok." His eyes then opened wide as they noticed the amazing dessert. The small ice cream mountain looked like heaven and he couldn't wait to dig in. "Not only does it look good, it looks delicious." As he returned her grin with his own. He didn't wait and started eating the desert right away, barely taking breathes between spoonfuls.
Pushing through her ill feeling,she began to eat the luxurious dessert, alternating the food and water to ensure that it stayed down. This routine kept on until she'd cleaned the plate, apart from the strawberry, which she'd saved for last to cut through the richness. Once the waiter passed by, she requested the bill, which arrived speedily, in a small dish, weighted with dinner mints. "God that was good."
"Yes it was." He then raised an eyebrow as he checked the bell. "And costy! but well worth it." He said as he laughed. He paid the bell and stood up. He went to her side and offered her his hand. "Shall we?" They headed for the car and he gave her the keys. "My head is spinning a little, can you drive us baby? The doctor's place isn't too far." He said as he handed her the keys and kissed her.
Kat nodded, grabbing the second bottle, which they hadn't touched, on their way out. Confidently, she slid into the front seat of his car, adjusting the seat so she would be able to drive properly. "Are you alright, babe?" She arched a brow at him, and began to pull out of the space once he was in and had his seatbelt on. Her driving was more careful and calculated, but not slow by any means, so they arrived at the doctor's office in roughly ten minutes. Once there, she got out of the car, and opened his door for him, worrying slightly about his spinning head.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had too much wine I guess." He said honestly as she drove. She was more focused and careful than him when it came to driving which was something he always admired that. He rubbed his head, trying to make the dizziness go away as they arrived. As they arrived He smiled as she opened the door for him. "Sorry about being in this state, I'm fine honey." They then walked into the doctor's reception area, the receptionist told them to sit down and that the doctor will be right with them.
Nervously, she sat down in one of the unusually plush seats, getting comfortable, before reading all of the posters on the walls, about various diseases and ailments with seemingly harmless symptoms. The hypochondriac in her started to worry; what if this was something serious? According to one poster, she could die in less than a month! Another seemed to insist that she had a medicine-resistant infection that could turn worse in an instant. Inside her mind, ideas spun like a carousel on crack, until she was pulled out of it by the doctor's entrance.
As they sat waiting he observed Kat as she looked at the posters around the place with a worried look. He held her hand and smiled. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about honey. It's probably cold or something." He then put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her. "I love you so much." He whispered. His headache was starting to get worse but that was the least of his concern right now. The doctor finally came and they went into the room for her examination.
Whilst being under his arm, she felt so safe and comfortable, that a smile spread over her face. The smile dissipated as they headed for an examination- she detested doctor's offices, and would do anything to avoid being there. "Okay, so what seems to be the issue? Why did you come to see me?" The doctor asked, her voice gentle from years of experience with nervous people. "Um, well I just felt really ill as soon as I ate today, and I had to throw it straight up. And it's not food poisoning because we share every meal." She gestured to her husband, who didn't seem outwardly ill.

"Hm, okay, did you come into close contact with any ill people recently? Used public transport?" The list that the doctor was spewing went on and on, yet Kat shook her head in response to each question.

"Well, have you...erm..how can I put this delicately...been 'active' recently?" Shifting in her chair, a bright blush settled over Kat's face, and her eyes immediately locked onto the ground.
Roy watched with a worried face as the doctor questioned her. He went down the list of all possible causes but none of them seemed to be the problem. Then the doctor asked his final question. And he saw Kat's embarssed reaction. He took a breath and said. "It's been about a month or three weeks since the last time we were active." He the fully realized what the doctor was suggesting. "My God, doctor are you suggesting that... she might be pregnant?" The doctor replied. "That could be the case." He said as he continued his examination.

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