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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Ryan looked stun a Wayne near the horde like that. Ryan sighed and took out his golden eagle. Ryan has shot the pistol before, and knew how to aim. He took a step forward, a golden eagle in one hand and a metal bat in the other. Every step he took he took another shot into the horde. Pow, pow, pow, pow. Three were done while one was shot in the neck. He keeps advancing and shot into the horde hoping to catch some of their attention and yelled at the farmer, "What are you doing?!?!"
"Stop trying to be alpha male, I'm the lion here you motherfucker!" Wayne shoved the man before revolving around to meet Ryan's apprehension.

"Y'andd you! You!" Wayne point, trying to fathom what to say. He lost himself again and shook his head, ignoring the horde and charging past the kid.

"Two days ago, I was watching TV and drinking some glass of martini while trying to think up a story. But now, I'm 1.5 miles away from my home, having a fucked up argument with a fucked up man while I myself am getting more fucked up than I ever thought it would be. You wanna survive. Gather what's left of your balls and shoot those bastards." He said as he aimed his pistol at him before shooting as the gun vertically recoiled high up into the air, giving a zombie behind him a wee big hole in his eyes. Effectively putting it out of its miserable existence.

"You there! I don't know how you got a heavy hitting pistol but I don't care, you know how to shoot some walking meat bags? Then please do help us cook up a big concerto for this audiences. For its Showtime!" He sarcastically exclaimed before inserting to pieces of .44 lead into another zombie. He then put his pistol back into his holster before drawing out his rifle and going bat-shit crazy upon those zombies with some gunfire and some good old punching.

Now we're talking! I knew you'd listen to me. I just knew...

For a brief moment, he realized that this weren't merely his own thoughts. It was simply his insanity. His own fucking insanity, who's unfortunately, extremely cynical and high-spirited.

And then the guy ran away again while blabbering like an old idiot who's, undoubtedly, gave in to his inner insanity.

Well, of course, why not... And you do realize that I can hear your own thoughts, right?
Ryan watches as the man runs by, leaving him and the horde. He watches the farmer running away and turns around to see the horde advancing. Ryan cursed and looked around to see the motel. Ryan ran toward the motel letting the horde follow him. He climbed the stairs and turned around and watch as they try to climber over each other to get to him. Ryan aimed the pistol and begins to shoot into the horde again till he ran out of ammo.

As the last bullet hit the skull of one of the zombies, Ryan watch in fear as they begin to advance again. The horde only minimzed a little. He begins to turn around and dart down the motel. The stairs should only let two or one zombie through at a time. ,he thought to himself. Ryan sprints as he gained ground between him and the horde, praying that no one was in the rooms
Demetra woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of gunfire. She was alone in the musty room, but could hear the thudding of footsteps racing down the hall. She tried to sit up on the table, but hissed in pain when her injurd arm once again gave out.

"Fuck, fuck... I need to get up... I need to help," Demetra gritted her teeth and slowly rolled over onto her right side, and then put her right leg over the side of the table. She managed to shimmy until both feet were firmly on the ground, and then stood straight. A sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed her and she bent over, holding onto the table for support.

"Not good... Not g-" Her stomach clenched as she emptied its contents onto the floor.

"Fuck," She groaned.

"Now my shoes are going to smell like vomit, as if the fucking end of the world wasn't
already bad enough," She straightened her spine and took a couple deep breaths. 'Okay so, I'm super freaking weak, I'm weaponless, and alone. What the fuck do I do know?' She started to slowly try to hobble towards the door just as a groan came from the other side. 'Oh no. Oh no. Oh no please don't be what I think you are' A corpse banged into the door again, effectively knocking it off its hinges.
Three men turned the corner, one in between the other two being carried along, coughing up blood. His tag showing R. Bias, the man on the right having his show D. Jackson, and on the left showing K. Zumwalt. "Jesus Christ. Richard is losing a lot of blood, man. We need to get him to a god damn medic now." Shouted Dustin. "We can't. The radio is fucking broken and when was the last time you saw a living Marine. We're cut off and alone. Just set him down here. I need to take another look at the map." Kristopher replied. They set down their friend. Dustin putting pressure on his wound. Kristopher pulled out his map and compass, setting it down. He ran his finger over the map, trying to track their progress through the city. "Richard is burning up, Kris. Do you think he-..." Dustin was interupted. "I don't care. We're bringing him home.We're not losing anyone else. Rich's gonna make it. It's showing we need to move up about six blocks that way, take a left, and continue about four blocks down. We'll reach a clinic. We can help Rich there. Let's go." Kris said, setting the map and compass away. Both Kris and Dustin picking Richard back up, carrying him along again.
As Ryan passes the room he sees a zombie banging on a door. Within seconds, the door came down with a big crash. Ryan give his last bolt of energy and rammed the zombie with his bat in the head. The zombie went down as he kept sprinting down the hall. He stopped and turned around, noticing a girl in the room. Ryan looked down the hall to see zombie approaching the room. Ryan sprinted back toward the zombies. As soon as he was in front of the door a zombie lunged at him. Ryan held his metal back horizontal blocking the zombie from lunging and pushing them back. Ryan strained as the zombie's mouth was getting closer to his face. He turned to see a girl who looked weak. "Hurry! I can't hold them off for long!" ,Ryan screamed at her as he pushed a zombie away and slammed the bat into one of their heads. It fell over the side with a sickening smack. Ryan kept defending off the zombies, but they were pushing him. The girl only had seconds until I have to run. ,He thought to himself.
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"Careful there woman, the ride's only starting. And for some safety precautions, please take this pistol." He humorously said with a very bleak tone, before shooting a zombie that just burst through the door. The bullet piercing through its skull. He emptied the rest of the clip onto any follow-ups before ejecting it and dumping it into one of his pockets. He then proceeded to insert another clip in it before handing her the gun.

"You do know how to shoot a gun? Right? Cause I don't wanna get capped in my knees. Cause I really just hate knee braces." He finished before drawing out his rifle to shoot some more freaks.

You just have that lady a live gun? Bravo! What a wonderful and well calculated decision. You sir, oughta be awarded fro this fine accomplishment, one which I never expected would happen... You're one ver-

"Shut up." He mumbled to himself before shooting another freak in the chest, momentarily slowing it down as he pulled back the bolt, ejecting the empty casing before pushing the bolt back in. He was about to say another witty catchphrase when he was abruptly interrupted by a stupidly brave guy who just decided to ram some zombies and who looked like some guy who'd lose against a fight with old man Jenkins. Seriously? There was a reason everyone has guns.

"You want my advice, kid? Shoot. To. Kill. Understand?" He unnaturally shouted the answer due to the intensifying groans that came from the throats of the former husks of once sentient entities.
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(I guess both of us did... At the same time. xD . Or one killed the first one whilst the other one killed try second one. Either way, it's a win-win situation.)
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The three Marines eventually reached the clinic, Kris then taking Richard himself. Helping him along. Dustin took point with his rifle raised, they inched their way into the building. Eventually they stopped in front of a door. "In here. Let's get him in and patch him up." Kris said. Dustin nodded and prepared for a moment. He then kicked the door and it flew open. One freak came out, dressed in a doctor's coat. Dustin fired at it, but missed its head. Hitting its chest. The freak tried to bite at Dustin. He wrestled with it a bit before being able to kick it off. He repeatedly slammed the butt of his rifle into its face, eventually crushing its skull. Blood splattering on the end of the gun and Dustin's uniform. "Holy shit. Dust, you good? Did the bastard get you?" Kris asked, inspecting Dustin. "I'm fine. Get Rich on the table and I'll start working on him." Dusting said, standing up with a grunt. Kris nodded, helping Rich in and setting him down on the table. Removing his gear. Dustin set his stuff down walking to Rich. He nodded to Kris and Kris gave a thumbs up in return. He walked out of the room to give Dustin space to work and to guard the door. Once out he shut the door behind him. He looked up and down the hall, somewhat scanning the area. P229 in hand.
(Uh Kirtopher, you need to sign up all three characters in the sign up characters. I know it's not my form, but the owner of this thread wants people to sign up first. I don't wan tto be rude, just don't want you to be in trouble :3)
(The other two are side characters whom were going bye-bye within the next post, actually. I didn't think it would have been necessary for the other two to have one if they were going to die so quickly.)
(Well then the Cs for the one that will survive. :3 Cs=character sheet)
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Wayne strolled back to retrieve his encumbrance he had left with Demetra that contained his survival essentials. His shirt was unusually more bloodied and rotten as a grime of gore massed at certain areas, made more suspicious by the fact he hadn't yet slaughtered many of the "Charlie fuck faces," in this area. A butchered survivor lay writhing, secluded in the bushes moments away. Wayne loomed before the infested motel with his recovered Kalashnikov caressed in his arms, finger faintly rest on the trigger, the butt relaxed against his shoulder as he clutched the fore grip and strained his perception down the iron sights, paying attentive concentration of the frontal sight. His stance barely wavered as he brought up the firearm and lightly pulled the trigger, organized as opposed to him firing from the hip into the amassed crowds. Wayne then barbarously struck an undead clump of shit in the side of its head with his elbow before revolving around and completing the same action with forced momentum. He felt the savagery course through him and he felt uncontrolled, as if being overwhelmed by a supernatural force.

"Ohhh-ho-ho, you motherfuckers!" he austerely thundered, now pulling back the selector lever and un-checking the safety. He hollered out,

"Demetra!" as he closed in on the motel crashing through the front lobby, kicking away and shoving corpses that idly motioned toward him.

One had caught Wayne. He attempt to struggle free as it enclosed on his shoulder. His arm twitched and his elbow fired up, striking the bastard in the lower jaw with a lethal blow that caused it to stagger and waddle back, Wayne thrashed his boot into its stomach and unload a burst of lead into its chest. They surround him. His culmination was nigh, concluding his fate as he began to mentally fragment and shatter. Wayne offered himself to be devoured soon as he heard Demetra scream. As he was knocked the ground a fiery and brutal rigorous resentment and passion for rampage boiled over. He had lost his shit. And his Kalashnikov as it was kicked about by the shambling corpses. His tool belt hung loosely around his waist, retrieving the machete meant he'd lose other essentials that were attached upon it. Obviously he fiddled for the machete as a corpse collapsed onto him, abruptly shoving the blade into where the spine meets the cranium. It grew limp upon him. He heard Demetra scream once more. A darkened, red filter enclosed around his eyes. He went absolutely fucking mental.

"DEMETRA!" he wrestled back the corpses, raising his machete, posed to strike...
It was until the hoarse moaning and groans of the undead had faintly simmered into the breeze had they noticed Wayne leisurely waddling to the wall, placing both arms against it and resting his head into his forearms. He clenched his fists, slamming them into the structure before vigorously pushing himself back, he was fatigued and as a foul collection of blood, sweat and gore had completely showered him. He stood at the doorway as both Ryan and the professional stared.

"What?!" he spread out his arms leaning forward in their general direction.

"Oh I see, is it because I look like a fuckin' tampon? As opposed to helping her and getting into her pants you decide that staring at me would alleviate your sexual desires because I resemble that? Yeah well fuck you!" he thew a punch in the air grunting a heavy cacophonous growl.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" he paced toward them as they quickly divert their gazes elsewhere, he shoved past them and to Demetra.

"I swear to God if anyone fuckin' touches you..." he spoke, his tone more calm and sensual than before. They both glanced at one another exchanging expressions of bewilderment. Not Wayne and Demetra though the two other party members whom stood idly at the doorway. They came to the realisation that Wayne was an unstable, delusion and disturbed psychopath whom had little regard to those he hurt.

@CrystalGoblets @Neuton @Elephantom
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Ryan stared at Wayne who had killed all the zombies that he was holding back. Ryan had already figured that Wayne was...special, but knew he would protect people in need. I mean if it wasn't for him. Ryan wouldn't be standing there. He watch Wayne look at Demetra and looked out across the parking lot. The noise that they all called had dragged more shamblers near the motel ad they needed to get out of their as fast as they can. "Farmer, we need to get out now. We attracted more of them!" ,he said, as he turned around and looked at the two others and the one that shot the zombie as soon as he hit it. "Guess we're a team."
Jackson shrugged. Tim's kid looked like a slightly older, different hair colored sister. It wasn't like he'd have much to lose by keeping her company. "I wouldn't mind keeping her company." The teen looked back at Tim with his usual sheepish smile to answer the last question. "Er... Not really...?.. My grandpa let me drive his tractor sometimes but that's all I've ever driven..." He laughed out of slight embarrassment. Pretty much everyone back at his school could drive by now whereas Jackson hardly had a clue how.

She stopped as he asked if she was alright, also noticing him stutter. As Tiffany turned around, the young woman noted how she was able to handle herself. Afterwards, she interlocked her fingers underneath her belly to lift off some of the pressure on her back due to her spine being curved inwards because of all the weight being in her belly. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Not very many people would bother checking on a pregnant lady to see how she's doing. And if you'd like to tag along with me, I'd love that." She said, looking at the red head. "I used to be a cop, so yeah, I can hold my own, even with a baby on the way. So would you like to tag along? I'd appreciate the company."

Suddenly, Kris heard a loud scream and a loud crash in the room. He burst through the door. "The hell is-..." He stopped as he saw Richard, Pale skinned with dead eyes, having his teeth sunk deep in Dustin's throat. Dustin struggling to let out a scream in pain, but it just came out as gurgled wheezes as his wind pipe was punctured. He gagged and choked on his own blood. Kris freezing for a moment, then shoved Richard off, aiming his P229 and pulled the trigger. A round went straight through Richard's head, his undead corpse quickly falling limp. Kristopher quickly ran to Dustin's side, turning him onto his side, attempting to force any blood that went to his lungs out and to try and get him to breathe normally. This went on for about ten minutes before everything went quiet. "Dustin.. No. No. No. Hey. Stay with me Dustin. Hey. C'mon wake up." Kris said, denying the fact that his friend was dead. He shook her very lightly, repeating over and over. "Dammit, Dustin! Wake the hell up!" He shouted out, shaking his head. After a while he eventually just sat in the corner in the room, staring at the corpses of his two friends. "Why the fuck.. Why did this have to happen. This is just a bad fucking dream, man. This isn't real." He mumbled to himself, his hands on his head. "Are they really dead? Are they all really dead?" He said to himself. A part of him in complete denial, and another trying to apprehend the situation.

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