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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Penelope Harper:

"I'm Penelope. But my friends call me Penny, or Pen if you want." She grinned, a few gaps filling her white toothed smile. Really did show the innocence this disease had taken ruthlessly. "Jackie makes you sound like a girl" Penny giggled, hiding the lower half of her face. "Do you like fairies." She questioned, raising her eyebrow impressively. "I don't think fairies are as cool as elves. Elves have bows. Dad said you can get different species. I don't know what species meant, but thats how I learnt about this guy called Doorwin." Penelope chattered on, her initiative shyness dissipating. Timothy butting in once to correct her. "Darwin, honey. Charles Darwin"

Timothy Harper:

Chuckled, watching Penny get a little too animated with her rambling discussion, continuing along the road at a smooth pace. Alas, it all changed whence he saw the mutilated pulp of bodies upon the road. Timothy glanced at Penelope, then Jack. "Penny, close your eyes." He murmured, undoing her seatbelt to place her in the back of the land rover beside Jackson. Nodding to him. "Make sure she don't look out the windows." Tim warned, twisting back to slowly plow through the pieces of flesh that had once been human. Infected or not.

"Okay, we'll go there, then." Arthur said, walking north. He held his shovel up, preparing to hit as many zombies as possible. As he walked, he noticed a bunch of survivors on the side of the road, mortally wounded and twitching. "What the hell?"

"Beware........the farmer....." One of them said. "He's.....crazy......hit me with his truck......"

"Oooookay, then." Arthur bit his lip and kept walking. He saw a fallen sign ahead. "Motel". The only question; were the people there alive?

@Solemn Jester @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @anyone at the motel :P
Jackson was about to comment how it depended on which fairy from which culture around the world, since he personally did think certain fairies from old folklore were pretty cool. But before he could even start talking, Tim pretty much handed him Penny and told him to make sure she didn't look outside the windows. Jackson pulled her into some sort of weird hug and with his arms, he sheltered her line of vision so that she could see him but not outside. He knew full well that it'd would be pretty fucked up to let her see whatever mangled mess was outside the vehicle. "Don't worry about it." Jackson said a thing to Penny that his little sister had told him countless times whenever he needed it the most. The phrase seemed simple enough, but how a person said it was the most comforting part about it.

"Wonderful a psycho farmer, let's hope he isn't in the habit of killing everyone he sees." Striker said as he followed along watching out for zombies and the crazy farmer."Hey shouldn't we have maybe helped those people? They were still alive after." Strikers words were cut short by the sounds of them screaming as three zombies began eating them alive."Oh never mind let's go before those zombies decide we're next." Striker suggested moving quicker than before. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"That's just it," Juniper shook her head, following the woman as she headed back to the station. "I don't know. Things were rather rushed when we made the plan, so my father never managed to decide on a single place to meet."

Sitting down on an overturned desk, the girl let her backpack slip off to the floor before rooting around. Tape, cans, ukelele... And finally water. Straightening up again at the mention of introductions, Jun unscrewed the cap and took a quick sip.

"My name's Juniper." She answered, then as an afterthought added "Nice to meet you, ma'am. Did you work in this station...?"

@Shimakage Thunder
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"Alrighty... Lemme' check outside to see if there are any leftover zombies looking for the next big meal which will probably be his own leg once I shove it down his throat." He said checking the bullets left in his rifle, which was probably about 3. While he had 5 spare ammunition left in his backpack. He should probably take care of his bullet reservation more, never know when you might need it.

So, when you were talking about the leg-in-the-throat thingy, were you strictly referring to zombies or you were loosely implying that you'd do that to anyone who came across your path.

"Would you please stop talking, it was a simple and figurative joke. I don't even have anything like a hacksaw or something to cut human tissue." He annoyingly thought to himsepf as he increased his walking speed into a smooth yet brisk pace. Yep, the motel was more maze than an actual hotel. Guess that's why they call it a 'motel'.

He finally found the exit before slightly pushing it so it remains ajar. It was a safety precaution he took unless said zombie or survivor had a lightning gun or something similar to that. But what he found was much, much worser than his original assumptions. It was a deranged serial killer with a large shovel with him.

"Oi, come over here, mate! It's a zombiefied disaster out there, and we're having a rendezvous of all socially concerned citizens and former denizens of this motel.

Shoot him up, Hugo! Riddle him with holes!.

Hugo ignored his cynical self before suspiciously inspecting the person in the distance.
Penelope Harper:

Alike any child, she believed it to be somewhat a game or thirst for a glance at something only adults could see. Yet there was something about this situation that made it sincere. The look of her fathers features becoming stern and steely, the awkward embrace of the teenager as he prevented her from reaching the window. "What is it?" She whispered loudly, glancing at Jack with wide blue eyes. "Is it those monsters again? Daddy calls them Walkers. I don't get why though. He said they're really sick and the sickness makes 'em really weird and different so their soul goes away but the illness makes them look alive." Pen, haphazardly and breathlessly explained.

Timothy Harper:

He couldn't understand why survivors could have become the victims of such a heartless attack. Surely they were just like them, trying to get to safety. Up ahead he saw another vehicle, more bodies and a half fallen 'Motel' sign. Very welcoming. Not to mention walkers decorating the front with their shambling corpses. He slowed the land rover down, nearer to the entrance before stopping the car. "Jack, get Penny out carefully. Watch yourself too. Make sure you stay quiet. I'll carry her for now, till she gets actual shoes, instead of her bedwear. You alright with that hun?" Penelope nodded, face paling as the thoughts dawned on her. Timothy hesitantly opened his door, grasping his helmet which he pulled upon his features along with the mask that protected his lower face. Fire axe grasped in hand.

@burninglog @Anyone
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Jackson slowly nodded. "Just keep your eyes on the crystal sky." He gently tilted her head upwards as he cautiously got out of the vehicle, carefully handing her off to her father. Blood drained from his face as he finally saw the scene himself. Gore, guts, brutality, and the majority of it seemed to be caused by one of the living rather than the Walking corpses that littered the streets. Jackson reached into the vehicle and shouldered his duffel bag as his bright blue eyes darted around to check their surroundings. He placed his hand tenderly on the hilt of his sword, ready to unsheathed it if necessary since he had some sort of dark feeling that made him wonder how much longer he'd actually hold out if they came by crazed survivors of a horde of monsters.

Timothy Harper:

Penelope clung to her father as if a life line. Eyes shut tight, burying her face into the fireman's uniform. Motel up ahead, he remained as quiet as he could manage, thankful for the dead flesh as a distraction rather than themselves. Or perhaps still alive, judging by the vanishing screams. Alas, it didn't matter anymore. He couldn’t save them. He had people to look out for. Timothy clutched Penny, jogging towards the opening only to pause at a small group gathering of survivors. Glancing back to make sure Jackson was still with them. "Hey-" Tim called out, voice muffled slightly. "You got any space? Anything?" Now looking around at the possibility of a shit storm involving the undead or even the survivors attacking them. It wasn't as if he wanted to be stuck in such a situation, especially not with his daughter whom made a small whimper of fear. He couldn’t stop her from listening. Listening to the growls or hungered snarls. The sharp tones and screams that remained an echo.

@femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester @Elephantom
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Jae groaned. He was literally mentally berating himself for being with a weird ass group. And now out all of the fucking thing that has happened today, there's some fucking cannibal out there. Great just freaking great, the world was ending and now even people were turning on each other. Maybe he should separate from the group and head out alone. He knew he could survive alone but if supplies run out, that was when he was done. He had his guard up as they walked and raised an eyebrow when he saw the sign for motel. Well shit, they were trapped if they decided to go inside. @femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester @anyone else in the motel
Jackson wanted to somehow comfort Penny as he heard her whimper, but he didn't know quite how. He could tell she was a tough nut to crack but not entirely indestructible either so he just hoped shed manage to do a better job at ignoring the dreaful sounds than he had been doing. He stayed around a yard behind Tim and Penny since he didn't want to invade privacy but he didn't want to feel too alone either. A low demonic growl could be heard from just behind him instead of off in the distance, sending the boy twirling around to be nearly face to face with a disfigured monster. He leaped backwards and unsheathed his sword, decapitating the monster within moments but still in a little shock. You know, the kind of shock that's like 'I'm alive but holy shit I'd be dead if I'd reacted a second later....' and he could feel his heart thudding practically out of his chest. He kicked the corpse away from him and turned back around to see what people Tim was calling out to.

"Well I guess we should head inside." Striker said raising the razor blade."As always be on guard. Don't know what kind of psychos we could encounter,hopefully they aren't zombies though." Striker muttered as he walked towards the Motel. After all of the zombies and craziness he hoped he could find some more sane people. Although after seeing those people in the state they were his hopes were low. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII (anyone else in the motel)


After a good 10 or 20 minutes of walking, well she guessed that long, she had no way of telling the time since she didn't think of taking a watch and what good was a cell phone with no battery charge to her, she eventually arrived near the motel. At first glance it seemed decent enough, it didn't look raided, so chances were there might still be some good stuff, exhaling a short breath through her nose in a way that she was relieved to find the place, she continued to approach the building until she could hear voices. She immediately froze at the sound her eyes widening...well great. There was others here, and she was not prepared to almost get robbed a second time. She turned on her heel and took cover in some bushes in case these people were like the others she met at the start of her journey, or well, attempted to...On her way to her chosen hiding spot, Nina's foot had landed on a twig, making a large snapping noise, making her almost cringe in response to such a clumsy mistake, she knew that she would have been seen now....


@Solemn Jester

((Since you seem to be just outside from what I can gather and I'm trying to join in ;v;))

@Anyone else at the motel

Jae turned around holding his knife ready for any attack. He had heard a twig snap so he had consider it was one of them but it looked like it was a squirrel or something. He blinked when he though about that, why would squirrels be around here? He took a step toward where he heard the twig snap, holding the knife on his right while the Machete was on his left. @Nonalaka


Nina remained huddled in the bushes, hoping no one heard, she'd just move onto somewhere else once they'd all leave, yeah, that would work, nodding inwardly as if agreeing with her own plan she then looked towards but...oh no, all Nina's panic stations were all go when she saw one of them had heard her and he was on his way over, knife in hand. She could feel her heartbeat accelerating like crazy as she began to freak out, no she was not dealing with this again, she could run...but her back was already against a wall, she just closed her eyes, biting her lip nervously as she held her penknife close to her chest.



As Hugo inspected the rest of the people from the safe distance of the motel, he pondered on what they a tually were, maybe they were some raiders, but he wasn't too sure about it since they didn't actually look like it, they looked rather gullible in some aspects. He saw that the number of people were slowly increasing as people flocked to this motel like if was some established safe haven or the only functioning Mexican restaurant. And there was a guy who was probably wondering on invading his temporary home.

He silently peeked out before assuming that it was the perfect time to greet them or something, since they were aggressively discussing something. He raised his pistol before muttering something inaudible, then pushed the ajar door open with a energetic grin, as he stepped outside in a zealous method.

"Welcome to our humble abode! What is it that you guys want." He said before checking his pistol a bit before looking back at them, awaiting an answer from any one of them. That was, until he saw one of them with a knife in his hands going over to the bushes and another guy coming towards him with a razor blade. He sighed a breath of utter frustration before strongly glaring at the armed duo.

"Hey, stop their you creeping fuck, nobody's killing no one. Zombies don't hide and neither does my gun. Get out from that bush, and you there, if you fucking provoke me, there's gonna be blood on my hands. Drop the knives." He said as he aimed his pistol at the supposed bush-man and the guy coming towards him.

He lowered his gun before looking at the guy who had a kid. He was also the one of the people actually bothering to ask for some space in the motel, one which he would gladly provide if they don't try to invade him and slit his throat.

Shoot them! Shoot them! Shoot them! S-H-O-O-T T-H-E-M!!!

"We got some space here, enough for all of ya, that is, if you don't try something funny." He said as suspiciously looked at everyone with a tensed posture. Before finally relaxing his posture and his hand a bit. He was quite weary and tired of suffering all this complications, and he really needed a break.

"Everybody lower their weapons, cause I really aren't sure if we can come to a conclusion if bullets are bound to fly everywhere." He said with a frustrated tone before trying to message his temples. He was having a bad headache, that was for sure.
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As the audience of miserable and distraught survivors emerged from the filth of the mire that was the dirt road, Wayne ruptured through the door way, the hinges rattled tolerantly, less bloodied as before as he reformed his trend. Yet he still had the psychotic, tyrannical and despotic look that was vehement to his drowsy expression. There was a faint, dried rufescent (tinge of red) and sanguine appearance that stained his exposed skin, which was heavily tanned due to laboring in the fields beneath the blistering sun each day at his farmstead. There was a deranged enthusiasm about how he walked, looked and spoke. In his right hand he clutched a blood-coated machete, an assemblage of carnage and cruor ran down his arm where his veins bulged, signifying he was brawny and robust yet with despising words could be rendered to a self-loathing, despondent detestation. Yet his feral expression and indigenous guise proved a man whom was robbed of his civilized manner. Wayne strolled up though remained at a respectable distance.

"Oh look, an adorable little intruder!" his eyes darted to Penelope, "Ohhh-yah, yah yah yah yah," his voice grew frantic.

"A roving band of bandits! Well you pieces of shit, you ain't takin' me alive!" he bellowed, slamming the flat side of the machete against his head. He paused examining their bewildered gaze before doubling over and growling.

"Arrghhhhh FUCK I'M NOT FUNNY!" he staggered, "I had a rough upbringing oka- my friends, were not nice to me!"

Wayne stumbled away, impelling a corpse into the dirt that had barged into his path,

"MRGHHH ASSHOLE!" he turned facing the group, "ASSHOLES!" before smashing back into the motel.
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'Hamburger' Hill,

A Shau Valley,

Hill 484,

Vietnam 1969

A vast trail of darkened smoke distribute into the warm winds, the vague outline of the hill scowled as it towered above. There were decomposing bodies littered everywhere, contorted in uncomfortable positions, awkwardly malformed and angled in the bushes in elevated veld and greenery. Wayne gaped at the environment an unoccupied trance present in his eyes, his helmet loosely strapped, face dirtied and ridden with filth and uniform mildly torn. It was the aftermath of a brutal and unforgiving conflict, the coarse voices that hoarsely beckoned for help or medical assistance were silenced. All was tranquil, serene. The leaves gently rustled in the winds and the glass blades leaned over in the adolescent breeze.

He staggered forward, using his HMG-M60 as support in the coarse dirt. Wayne limply swayed forward taking a moment to comprehend what was left in his wake. His astonished gawk contort into painful expressions before finally he fell to his knees, his left arm swung next to him, right hand elevated on the butt of his M60 as its muzzle was pushed into the dirt. Wayne lurched forward, tears swelling in his eyes, he screamed, bellowing as his wailing cries filled the air. They were warm, stinging his face as they streamed down his cheeks and settled in his mouth, they taste sour and the muscles around his jawline tensed, his mouth was open in a stupor as his eyes were tightly shut. He pushed over his machine gun and began pummeling the ground with his fist, pounding the rigid dirt with a throbbing hand. It harshly trembled, quivering as he leaned forward resting his head against the ground and knees behind him on the dirt. Wayne tumbled on his side, crawling in the fetal position and bawling, hitting himself.

"FUCKERS!" Wayne rose, stomping his foot into the ground, caterwauling out loud.

"YOU FUCKERS!" Wayne tightened his fists, his shirt was dampened with his stream of tears. He collapsed once more. The distant, muffled and resonating rotating of chopper blades muffled in the distance drew closer, softly vibrating the ground, soothing him. Wayne was carried aboard, he sat on the side, his legs dangling freely. His eyes fixated in one position, the 'thousand-yard stare'.

There was silence, nothing to be said.

Only memories thought.

"There must be some kind of way out of here,"

Said the joker to the thief,

"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.

Business men – they drink my wine,

Plowmen dig my earth,

None of them along the line,

Know what any of it is worth."

Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
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I slowly peel open my eyes. What time is it? I turn my head and look out a grimy window. Pitch black. Must be close to morning by now though, right? I turn the other way and see Ari laying in the bed, a bloodied bandage wrapped around her forearm. One more glance around the room and I see that Joce and that farmer guy are no where in sight.

Ari turns her head and looks at me, blinking slowly.

"We should probably change that bandage soon," I murmur and rise from the chair, stretching. Wow does my body ache, we should find a Leon's or IKEA soon, much better places to sleep. And those IKEA meat ball things are to die for.

I begin to wander across the room look for a medical kit.

"Your boyfriend better not get mad at me for doing this, I mean I'm the one going to school for nursing." I say to her.

Demetra watched Jaxson wander around the room until he found the bandages and peroxide. Her entire body ached, she had a booming headache and she felt like she could throw up at any moment. Jaxson came over to her and set the supplies on an upturned box beside her bed.

"He's not my boyfriend," She croaked shyly. Jaxson rolled his eyes and began peeling back the bloodied rags around her left bicep. Demetra looked away, afraid to look at what was happening to her wound. Jaxson whistled lowly.

"Dang Ari... That's going to make one hell of a battle scar. I mean, if we don't have to cut your entire arm off," Demetra's head snapped back to him.

"What? WHAT? CUT IT OFF? IS THE WOUND INFECTED? WHAT'S GOING ON?" She screeched. Jaxson laughed as he picked up the peroxide.

"No, no! The wound is doing just fine! I was kidding Ari, kidding! Calm down and take a few deep breaths because this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch," Demetra glared at him for a moment and then looked away again, setting her jaw. Jaxson poured the peroxide on her wound... Demetra couldn't help but scream and writhe a little.


Both Jaxson and Demetra froze, and looked over at the new bullet hole in the wall.

"FUCK ARI! WHAT WAS THAT?" Jaxson screeched, and then carefully lifted Demetra up slightly, finding a gun beneath her.

"Oh... That's the gun that guy who talks to himself gave me... Forgot it was there... Heh," Demetra smiled at him sheepishly. He huffed and moved it over to the box beside her bed.

"You almost fucking got shot again, this time by
yourself. Be careful you little shit," Demetra blinked up at him innocently as he wrapped her bicep tightly with some clean bandages.

Voices could be heard outside.

"Are more people here?" Jaxson asked quietly as he positioned Demetra so she was comfortable.


The world's a lonely place when everyone you know is gone. Viktorija sat in a puddle of gore, and stared off into the vast nothingness of the surrounding forest. She'd been wandering for days, covered in the rotting flesh of corpses she had used to mask her scent. 'If you smell like dead things, then the dead things won't bother you! Tori so smart! Tori so brave!' Viktorija thought to herself as she got up and wandered through the woods, picking flowers and kicking rocks. Viktorija had been at the impressionable age of five when she saw her mother repeatedly stab her father to death. She'd had to take counseling ever since, but she wasn't affected psychologically too bad... Besides a slight desensitization to death, being instantly drawn and overly attached to any male figure in her life, and only talking in third person. Viktorija finally found the edge of the woods, and stumbled out into a clearing. To her left was a gathering of people.

"Friends!" Viktorija screamed.

"Tori loves friends!" Viktorija ran towards the group, blood and chunks of unidentifiable organs flying off in her wake.

@Anyone :)
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The trees rustled in the breeze. She could hear a stream in the distance. A cricket was chirping loudly to her left. The moon was casting haunting shadows through the trees and across the forest. It was peaceful. Hard to imagine the actual apocalypse was upon them. Not even one of those made up things people went off on because of ancient calendars and stuff, this was the real deal. But what caused it. She remembered about some sort of virus from a different continent, but with camping and having her phone turned off for so long she had totally forgotten about it. Her phone. Did it still have battery? She struggled to pull the thing out of her tight jeans. Once free, she powered it on. The screen flashed as it began to power up. How had she not thought of her phone until now? Well, the Walking Dead: Live Action Edition was a bit of a distraction.

The phone turned onto it's lock screen and she put in her pass code.

No new messages. 1 missed call.

She quickly opened the app to look.

-Jaxson, at 2:47pm (4 Days Ago)

Damn it, just when Jax accidentally butt dialled her when they were on their hike. That felt like lifetimes ago now.

She still had three bars, I guess zombies can't stop Satellites.

I wonder what happened to mom and dad she wondered. Her little home outside the town of Nipigon, Ontario was quite far away from North Dakota. There was all of Manitoba and a few hours of Northern Ontario to get through, or a few states and a Great Lake on this side.

She hasn't seen her parents since Christmas, with University and all she never made it home enough. She didn't even come home for Jaxson's high school graduation. She was quite the crummy sister and daughter at times.

Suddenly the light on her headlamp began to flicker.

"Motherfucker," she mutters. She should have known something stolen from the motels front desk would probably be a piece of junk. She turned and began quickly walking back to the motel before her light gave out, or, where the motel should be. She didn't wander off too far, right?


"What's going on around these place?" He said, exceptionally unsurprised at both the farmer's loose temper and the lone gunshot which emanated from the motel.

"Anyone fucking shot himself!??!?!" He exclaimed, letting out a bit of frustration. Why was everyone so very vigorously motivated in disturbing the soul out of him.

You gone crazy, you bitch-ass punk? Surely you have succumbed to ze insanity. For I'm totally awesome with it.

Hugo ignored it, before looking at every single guy in front of him and the girl.

"Would anyone care to say anything? Any questions? Want any space? And please ignore the farmer. He's a veteran gone insane with PTSD. Ey, kid? Careful there, everyone here is doggone crazy." He said before looking at the newcomer who was seemingly a toddler, he then switched his gaze to his rifle before slinging it on back to his strap, and looking at everyone with one eye expectantly raised.
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Arthur nodded and made his way towards the motel, only for more people to show up; a man, a little girl and a young adult woman. All alive. He breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded at Striker's suggestion to go inside. "Right." He was about to walk in, when some guy came out of the building. He told them to put down their weapons. Wary, Arthur looked at Matthew. Matthew nodded and lowered his bow. "All right, sir, I agree to your terms," he said, determined. A farmer suddenly appeared and started yelling at them. Arthur only stood there stiffly. After that, the guy who apparently lived in the motel asked them questions about staying there. Arthur ran his fingers through his blonde hair; just this morning, he had been frustrated by how damn messy it was. Now it was streaked with dirt and a little of his own blood. He remembered how, in the middle of class, he had been knocked out by a falling blackboard. He must have been out cold for about six hours. But, on the bright side, those.....things didn't try to eat him while he was unconscious.

As if things couldn't get any weirder, a little girl came out of the bushes. She looked just as shaken as them; she smelt of flesh. Matthew seemed even more relieved to see other kids his age and literally ran towards the girl.

"Oh, my God. You okay?" He mumbled, looking over her. In the past few hours, he had really had to grow up, and just for a moment, he reflected it all. Sitting at home playing video games with his brother. Taking Cheetos from the cupboard and eating them all. Arguing with his brother about what was better; Soul Eater or Fairy Tail. A half-rotted corpse that looked suspiciously like his mother walking through the doorway and eating his brother. Screaming. Grabbing his bow and taking a deep breath. Killing his brother's corpse. Running upstairs. It had all happened so quickly. Tears stung Matthew's eyes. He then hugged the newcomer.

@Nonalaka @XxLuluxX @Opium
Wayne turned abruptly, an unrelenting and illiberal scowl contort easily into an expression of fascination. He witnessed (Hugo) raise his rifle which he presumed was to aim at the 'toddler', Wayne strode forward and grasped the miniature, almost fragile child after scampering forward in a hastened charge. Though he couldn't intercept the little girl before another child did, embracing her in his arms in a hug. Wayne rushed to a halt and observed the group, they all somewhat shuddered, except for the man whom spoke to himself, as Wayne had broke forward.

"Mrghhhmm," he growled a guttural moan, hesitant with his words, he merely made discomforting noises in a scowl.

"You're fucked! All of you! FUCKED!" Wayne punched at them with his fist convulsing in the air, machete clenched tightly in his left. He stomped around unsure how to abscond from them, he lingered within their obligatory mingling session.


"Calm down, farmer. Just checking my gun. And it's like sling across my back right now. If you persist being like this, I may mistake you for a zombie." Hugo casually said before looking at the guy who just spoke.

"There are no terms, man. It's the law of life. You try to shoot me, and I'll try to beat you to it. It's as simple as that. Let's just come on in, I'm sure we'll all come to a fair compromise. We'll introduce ourselves inside, Ok?" He finished before going into the motel and onto where the audible gunshot came from, which he assumed was from that girl's room.

Helloooo? Are you still here, Hugo? Or am I guessing stuff. Or something similar to that.

He ignored his inner voice, before opening the door, only for his eyes to be greeted by a guy, which he presumed earlier was a dead meatbag and there was the girl, with a pistol in hand. From what he could guess, was an accident and a stray bullet.

"Careful with that gun there missy." He said before slumping back into a chair. He was tremendously tired from all that illogical nonsense. Everything was just so very silly. He looked at the guy who was quite very visible in that room.

"Who're you?" He calmly said, eyeing him sternly.
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