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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]


The voices outside grew louder and sounded confrontational. Demetra looked over at Jaxson worriedly.

"Are they fighting? Why are they fighting?" Demetra looked around the room and saw Jocelynn's marshmallow stick propped up in the corner.

"Jax, Jocelynn is weaponless and there's fighting," Demetra slowly maneuvered herself into a sitting position.

"I think you should go find her. She can't be out there alone and defenseless," Jaxson nodded and went to the other side of the room to retrieve the marshmallow stick.

"I'll be back in a little bit with her, okay? Sit tight," He hurried out the destroyed door.

@femjapanriceball @Opium @Elephantom @Everyone else really lol
Wayne took Viktorija up in his arms before she managed to proceed further within the motel.

"Arrhh you're an adorable little thing! Let me show you the mutilated people," Wayne spoke in a calmer more complex tone, his voice restful and smoothly deep, as if affectionate. He let her crawl over onto his back and she hung her arms around him as Wayne gave her a piggy back through the dense vegetation, displaying the fluorescent array of feral and undomesticated existence. He marched on further, momentarily pausing to retrieve a stick for her to use and swing around. They approached a minor body of water, a compilation of rocks and stones jagged to form a complex formation. Wayne rest, claiming a pebble and propelling it across the reservoir. He launched another that jounced and ricochet from a tree, recoiling through the air and evidently striking a salient in the head. The walker stiffened and grumbled, shambling toward their position. Wayne relaxed with Viktorija on the rocks, letting her fuss over and frolic with his machete, the blade still ripe with syrup from the undead.

I stumble down the hall and out the front door, my body still stif from the uncomfortable sleeping position. I push open the front doors and am met with a gathering of survivors outside, they all turn to look at me.

"Uhh, hi," i begin, "lovely weather we're having, what's going on out here then? I mean, have fun whatever, I just gotta get going..."


She hears cracking through the bush, startling her escapade to the motel.

"H-hello?" She calls into the dark.

"Is anyone out there?" Silence.

She turns and her light casts a shadow of a frigid being with long,menacing limbs and a giant knife like sword swinging. She lets out a squeal and the thing... Giggles?

It steps out of the darkness and into the clearing by the river.

"Oh," She mumbles. It's just a little girl. A little girl with a... Machete.

"Hi there! What are you doing out here all by yourself?" She asks the girl.

@CrystalGoblets @Opium @ anyone and everyone I guess lol

The guy that gave me the gun came barging into the room, investigating the gunshot. Jaxson quickly ran out of the room, ignoring him. I smiled at him sheepishly and put the gun down.

"Sorry, and thanks for the gun. There's no need to worry or anything, it's just when my bandages were getting changed the gun... Accidentally... Went off," He regarded me sternly.



Viktorija swung the machete at the woman who appeared.

"Tori is on an adventure!" She squealed. The woman jumped out of the way of the swinging blade, and Viktorija giggled.

"Oh, Tori sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Don't worry pretty lady, Tori won't hurt you. Tori just having fun!" She swung the blade again, accidentally wacking a nearby tree.
Thunk. The blade got stuck. She huffed and tried to tug it out, but it wouldn't move. She turned to the nice man who brought her out here. He was laying down on the rocks lazily watching her. Viktorija's bottom lip jutted out.

"Tori got the sword stuck! Tori sorry! Can nice man help Tori? Tori want to keep playing!" The woman was closer than the nice man so she made her way over to the tree and tried to yank the machete free. Viktorija came up behind her, reached for the still stuck machete, covering her hand in some gore that was still on it. She flattened her bloody hand on the woman's forearm and smeared it over her whole arm. The woman froze and stared at Viktorija.

"Pretty lady should smell like dead things. Helps to survive," Viktorija plucked a chunk of flesh out of her hair and flung it on the woman's face.

@Opium @SeaSkies
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Wayne sauntered from his restful slumber, meandering over to the machete and swept them both aside before effortlessly tugging the tremendous blade from the oak. He merely even staggered despite how extensively the laceration had penetrate, he waddled over to the woman taking Viktorija by the hand.

"Ohhh-hrm..." he mumbled convulsively, "and who is this fine specimen?" he glanced at the woman tilting his head as he handled the machete. The blade dropped and swung loosely by his side as Viktorija curiously observed the landscape and nearing corpse. It drew closer though Wayne fixate his stern regard on the woman still. Until finally the 'shambler' had adjoined the proximate area, Wayne lethally swung the machete and it jammed in the corpses neck, he began sawing it back and forth before it subsided, terrifically crumpling into the forest floor and slumping over, settling in the dirt. Viktorija giggled, so did Wayne.

"That was... Pretty cool actually. Your skill in hitting an almost lethal blow without looking was awesome. My dumb brother stole my only weapon. I'm Jocelynn by the way." I say to him and hold out my hand. The gruff looking man just stares back into my eyes, before slowly reaching up and peeling the piece of dead thing Tori left on my face off. He pulls it back towards his face, sniffing it momentarily before flicking it away. He then spits in his hand, using it to rub the bit of blood of my cheek.

"Can't have that messing up a pretty face like yours," he grunts before Wiping the side of the machete on his pant leg, which just transfers the blood from his pants onto the metal and vice versa. Tori makes grabby actions at it and he hands it to her. She starts walking back along the river, swinging it high out and above her, somewhat like an emperor leading her troops into battle. The man turns and followers her.

"I guess it's not just mothers spit that's good for cleaning," I mutter before following them. The dawn light refracts off the machete with each swing, most of the time hitting me in the eyes with the glare. Well, if it keeps her happy, I guess.

Viktorija continued along the river, marching while swinging the machete happily. The other two followed her quietly. After a few minutes of walking, she stopped and turned towards them.

"Tori's hungry. Can Tori and friends go eat something? Tori likes many things. Tori likes cereal, Tori likes soup, Tori likes..." She trailed off and giggled.

"BITING FRIENDS!" She pounced on Jocelynn and bit her shoulder. Jocelynn screeched and fell backwards into the mud of the riverbank with Viktorija on top. Viktorija burst into uncontrolled laughter.

"Tori just kidding! Tori no eat friends, that'd be mean. Tori wants to keep friends alive," She patted Jocelynn's face affectionately, then rolled off her and ran over to the nice man and held her arms up, asking to be picked up by him. He leaned down and gathered her into his arms. Corpses had been attracted by the commotion, and were slowly starting to saunter towards their location.

"Tori's friends take Tori back to go eat now?" She asked.

@SeaSkies @Opium
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Wayne suddenly revolved on the heels of his combat boots then inclining forward and spreading out his arms, receiving Tori.

"Mrhh where are my manners, huh?" he grumbles at the woman, leaning over and allowing her up, "Mrr'im Wayne and this adorable little cutie is Tori," she waves gleefully then continues maneuvering the blade ferociously above Waynes's head, he barely flinched. As they traversed back toward the motel Wayne firmly struck any corpse that approached with his boot sending it sprawling back into the vegetation and slamming into the dirt, as Tori chortled a howling laughter. The trio eventually emerged from the vacant treeline and promenade into the motel. Wayne rest Tori on the counter as he shuffled over the corpses repossessing his Kalashnikov and forcefully yanked back on the charging handle, engaging the weapon.

Wayne scratched the side of his head with the muzzle as he contemplate what to do next. Then realizing he hadn't eaten since the farmstead, least any legal sustenance.
Striker had momentarily been in a daze after seeing all the survivors. Especially the adorable little girl names Tori. He stood their just watching and shaking his head not saying anything. When the crazy farmer said something about taking her to see mutilated people Striker just smiled and waved at her.......until."Wait what! Why the hell isn't anyone stopping the lunatic farmer from taking the precious little girl!" He quickly ran after them his razor blade In hand. Striker like a mad man wasn't letting anyone stop him. He stabbed walkers straight in the membranes as they came towards him. Then as he saw Tori and the farmer he roared then like a tiger pouncing on its prey tackled Wayne.

He then snatched Tori away and held her close."What's wrong with you man!.....you know what never mind I don't need to know that." Striker decided figuring this guy was screwed up long before the zombies came."Look no more taking the little one to go see anything undead anymore! Not until she's old enough to actually use that machete. "Striker said grabbing the machete from her." Oh great no I'm going to have to clean you up. Also you shouldn't cover you face in that stuff you could get infected." Striker pointed out as he wiped the stuff off. @CrystalGoblets @Opium
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Then as he saw Tori and the farmer he roared then like a tiger pouncing on its prey tackled Wayne.

Now you're fucked.
"Yeah I used to work here before the world went to hell. Sadly now my Maternity leave is permanent though." She said as she grabbed a paper towel and wiped her mouth. "It's nice to meet you Jupiter. Glad there are people in this world that still have a heart."

As she finished her canned meal, Tiffany grabbed her Water Canteen and took a sip out of it. Of course she had to drink more because it was super important for pregnant women to stay hydrated. A few minutes later, she took a deep breath. "I hope we do find a doctor soon though. I'm not sure how hard it will be when it's time to have the baby." She said sadly, looking around as she held her belly. "Hopefully we can find your family soon." She then had an expression of discomfort as she felt a sharp pain in her belly.

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Wayne composedly ascend from the soil that blemished the earth. His hands were bare, free from occupation of the machete, well as the Kalashnikov as it had scattered beneath him in the tackle. The filth was smeared over his features, only the whites of his eyes were distinguishable. Wayne calmly composed himself, resting both clasped fists against his hips, he cracked an uncertain smile.

"Oh..." his voice grew alluring and calm, almost seductive on how low it was beguiled, "Is that how you treat a fellow camp mate, huh? A friend?" Wayne leered toward him.

"Yeah well," Wayne lurched forward, floundering above him and confronting him as the man toppled beneath him, he lay recumbent as Wayne extend his arms grappling Striker around the throat, austerely seizing his hands around his neck. Wayne slammed his head into the hardened ground, he thrust his head again with an adamantine (unable to be broken) expression, then once more, unyielding his grip and brawn. Wayne pushed himself from the man before delivering a kick into his side.

"FUCKER!" he yelled, "do you have any idea who the fuck I am?!" Wayne towered above him.

"Get up! Get up!" he roared before growling at his stiff body, "Fuck you then!"

He retrieved his machete and Kalashnikov then barged into the motel.

@Solemn Jester
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Striker slowly stood up and wiped the muk off his suit. He cracked his neck and stretched yawning."Oh I'm sorry what did I miss? I had the most wonderful dream a elderly woman was smacking me with a pillow. Oh well guess we should go join the others." Striker said smiling and went back towards the motel to get Tori and shove his razor blade in the farmers ass. Depending on how things went. @Opium

Jaxson Rameaux was an impressive explorer, one of the best in fact. So, you would know his rescue mission for his sister would have been a huge success. Well...

After confronting the crowd of people outside, who just glared at him, he entered the forest in search of Jocelynn. But, he only made it about fifty meters before a great winged beast of the apocalyptic night (a crow) attacked him in a great battle (it made a noise) Jaxson had to return defeated (running and screaming all the way back to Ari's room).

Once he got there, Ari was relived to see him and greeted him lovingly (took his metal pole, waked him in the stomach with it, and yelled at him). These events were stopped, due to their growling stomachs. Jaxson found a motorised scooter old people use with some fuel left in it, so battle wounded Ari could join him on his next great quest. Which brings our heros too...

"Score! An unopened bag of Cheetos!" I yell and toss the bag at Ari, she catches it and puts it in the basket part of her scooter with their other tresures (a couple pans, some froot loops, a couple plastic sporks, a loaf of bread, a few cans of random stuff, various left over take out, seven unopened tampons, some shampoo, shower gel, and a bottle of wine).

"I told you motel room theiving would pay off," Jaxson said as he began ripping open a dresser. They were on their third room already, making great time with the sun only beginning to rise.

"Yo! Skittles-" I begin to say before Ari yells 'Dibs', drives her cart right into and almost over me, snatching them out of my hand and ripping them open.

"No need for such aggression," I mutter, rubbing my side where i went down.

"It's candy, this is a life or death situation," she says with a mouth full of said candy. I continue to finish off searching the dresser.

"Hey! Pancake mix, who puts pancake mix in their dresser," I throw them behind me and hear a grunt when it hits something.

"You hit me, you fuck!" Ari yells, smacking me with the pole.

"Hey, I found you skittles and your mode of transportation, be nice," I return. I pull open the last drawer.

"Hey look, a bra, looks pretty clean. You want it? Oh wait, d cup, too big for you. Maybe your boyfriend could use it," She smacks me again with the pole.

"You're such a I'm uncultured," she says.

"But, I'm a cute I'm uncultured," I return sweetly, shaking my bum at her. She wacks me again, this time much harder.

"Ow, kinky," I wink at her.

"Don't make me run your bitch ass over again," She grumbles.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'll stop! Just no more vehicular violence!" I stammer, moving over to the closet. I pull it open and only a hoodie hangs there.

"Darn, well, new clothes for me," I say, grabbing the sweater off the rack and pulling it over myself, it hangs down to three quarters past my waist.

"Hmm, whoever owned this sweater smelled really sexy," I say and reach into the pocket, pulling out the contents.

"Woah! An iPhone six and a Rolex. Daddy was rich," I turn on the phone and unlock it.

"No password, bad call there. Let's look at his texts, maybe we can figure out who he was." I open the app and start scrolling through conversations.

"Hmm, Jimmy, Mom, Bae, and ooh! What do we have here? Looks like daddy was sexting with another girl, and he didn't have a passcode. I guess he was kinda a dumbass. But, wow! He had a big dick!"
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Demetra scrunched up her nose as the phone screen was shoved in her face.

WHO HAS THE BEST DONG: NORTH DAKOTA EDITION!" Demetra moved her scooter forward a little, effiectively running over Jaxson's foot. He swore at her and jumped around on his good foot. Demetra smirked at him and slowly drove out the bedroom door, heading towards the kitchen and she popped skittles into her mouth.


Viktorija sat on the counter and looked at Wayne disappointed. She crossed her arms and gave him a hard look.

"Tori doesn't like having her friends get hurt. Especially when it's Tori's other friends who hurt them," She watched as the guy who got beat up entered the kitchen. Wayne smiled at her crookedly and patted her head. Tori hopped off the counter and went and hugged the man.

"Sorry Tori's friend hurt you! Tori gave him trouble, he won't do it again," She smiled at Wayne over her shoulder. Just then, Demetra and Jaxson entered the kitchen as well. Viktorija stared in wonder at Demetra's motorized scooter.

"WOAH. THIS THING IS AMAZING! TORI WANT A RIDE! TORI WANT A RIDE!" Viktorija ran over to the scooter and hopped on Demetra's lap. Demetra looked at her startled.

"O-oh, hey, um, I'm Demetra nice to meet you.. Tori," Viktorija smiled at her broadly and made vrooming noises.
CrystalGoblets said:

Demetra scrunched up her nose as the phone screen was shoved in her face.

WHO HAS THE BEST DONG: NORTH DAKOTA EDITION!" Demetra moved her scooter forward a little, effiectively running over Jaxson's foot. He swore at her and jumped around on his good foot. Demetra smirked at him and slowly drove out the bedroom door, heading towards the kitchen and she popped skittles into her mouth.


Viktorija sat on the counter and looked at Wayne disappointed. She crossed her arms and gave him a hard look.

"Tori doesn't like having her friends get hurt. Especially when it's Tori's other friends who hurt them," She watched as the guy who got beat up entered the kitchen. Wayne smiled at her crookedly and patted her head. Tori hopped off the counter and went and hugged the man.

"Sorry Tori's friend hurt you! Tori gave him trouble, he won't do it again," She smiled at Wayne over her shoulder. Just then, Demetra and Jaxson entered the kitchen as well. Viktorija stared in wonder at Demetra's motorized scooter.

"WOAH. THIS THING IS AMAZING! TORI WANT A RIDE! TORI WANT A RIDE!" Viktorija ran over to the scooter and hopped on Demetra's lap. Demetra looked at her startled.

"O-oh, hey, um, I'm Demetra nice to meet you.. Tori," Viktorija smiled at her broadly and made vrooming noises.
Striker laughed and patted Tori on the head. She was absolutely adorable and so innocent. Everything gets really intense like heavy metal intense in Strikers mind. And striker refused to let that innocent be taken away."Don't worry Tori I'm fine he hits like a pillow being slung by a old lady." Striker said smiling and standing up as Tori ran over to the woman on the scooter. She seemed safe enough so he would let Tori hang with her. He then turned to Wayne giving him a warning look. He held his razor blade in his hand prepared to shove it where the sun don't shine if he needed. @CrystalGoblets @Opium

"Ari come back! We still have rooms to check! C'mon!" I get cut off as Ari and her new plus one zoom past on the scooter.

"Ari! You've replaced me! This is totally uncalled for! At least gimme back my Cheetos!" I run after her, now with a Rolex on my arm and a phone full of dick pics in my hand.

"Arrrriiiiiiii!!! At least come to the enclosed yard thing! There's a pool and some grills! We can at least back breakfast!" With that remark I hear the scooter slow down and begin to turn around, coming back to my hallway.

"I knew that would work."



Hugo was drowning in a pool full of depression as everything was going awry in a very chaotic fashion. He finally got up from his chair before seeing a scooter going past him and into the kitchen, driven by the girl from yesteryear. Before he could even react properly, he saw mister razor blade go in followed by the toddler who always seem to talk in third person. He entered the kitchen with his rifle in hand and out from his strap. He opened the ajar door, only for his eyes to be greeted by the razor man somewhat subtly threatening Wayne. He raised his rifle in a menacing fashion before pretending to shoot him, before laughing it off. He went back to the room he was in as he picked up his pistol, with one blank slot for a bullet stupidly spent, it was unfortunately, his last clip.

What are you going to do now?

"I'm gonna go outside and see what the rest of the people are doing in the yard in front of us. See if they still wanna come in, uninvited." He said as he massaged his temples again. He was really getting too old for this, not to mention that the farmer was already in his 50's and gone crazy. He exited using the main door, rifle on hand, before looking at everyone who was just seemingly slacking around in the parking space in front of the motel.

"Anyone still wanna come in? Last chance, the motel express is leaving the station." He loudly shouted before crazily waving his hands around to catch their attention.
As the party raved on in the kitchen, they heard the muffled yells of "FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" in the few apartments over. Suddenly, a cacophonous and tumultuous boom ruptured the whole motel and the foundations vigorously shook in a harsh manner. The whole room was silent. Merely moments after the deafening uproar, and the silence grew unbearable, everyone perceived Wayne stridently yell,


Everyone awkwardly shuffled, Wayne waddled in as they all stared at his soot-ridden clothes and body, new formations of wounds and cuts scathed him and an open scar over his left eyebrow. He ambled up to Striker, snatching a celebratory bottle of champagne from him and sinking his teeth in the cork before spitting it out, he knocked back the contents taking a prolonged swig before slamming it on the counter. They all stared.

"We uhh, had a little grenade malfunction," he mumbled, "but the plus side is I know that grenade I took from 'Nam still works,"

They all stared at him with a bewildered gaze.

"Grhmm no then,"


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Demetra drove Tori and herself back into the hall where Jaxson stood expectantly.

"What're you planning on making, housewife?" Demetra teased.

"Tori likes food! Tori likes all food! But barbecue is one of Tori's favourites!" Demetra looked over at Jaxson and saw him in deep thought.

"We didn't find any meat though Tori, but I'm sure Jax will try his hardest to make something you'll like," Tori clapped happily and Demetra smiled at her. Demetra was feeling really tired and a little light headed but she didn't want anyone to notice.

As the trio made their way down the hall towards the closed in courtyard to cook breakfast there was a sudden loud boom. The entire building shook, making dust fall from the ceiling. Tori clung to Demetra, crushing her wound. Demetra paled, clenched her jaw and tried to bite back a scream, but as a panicked Tori tugged on her bandages surrounding her tender bicep she couldn't help but whimper.

"Tori, Tori sweetie you need to be careful I'm hurt on my arm," Tori looked where her hand was on Demetra's arm and a slow grin came across her face.

"Oh, Tori is sorry. Tori will kiss it better," She leaned forward to kiss Demetra's wound, but at the last minute decided to instead be a complete jackass and opened her little maw and bit Demetra instead. Demetra screamed and flung the child from her lap. Viktorija landed on her butt and giggled like a maniac.

"Tori sorry! Sometimes Tori does things without thinking!" She got up and this time actually kissed the wound. Demetra glared at her.

"Call me when breakfast is ready!" Viktorija ran off to go find the other children to play with. Demetra growled quietly and looked at her arm.

"I almost forgot how much I hate kids," She mumbled.
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Everything happened so fast. It was just Ryan and a couple of other people then more survivors showed up. Then came the drama. Ryan slowly slipped away from the people and survivors gathering at the motel. He stepped down the stairs and walked to the other side of the motel. Ryan likes people, but every since he meet the farmer. Ryan became anxious around people who he did not know. Especially a large crowd. Ryan walked toward the truck and went inside. He grabbed his bag and decided to put a note for the farmer. Sure, the farmer was crazy, but he had saved Ryan's life. Ryan walked away with his metal bat in hand and reloaded his pistol as he walked down a the road. As he walked down, he just realized he might of left a group of survivors that would help, but he could of also left a group of cannibals as well. It was only the three days into it, but people go crazy after three days. As he walked down the road, hiding from zombies or anything, he wondered what would happen after three weeks. Ryan had read about the end of the world theories and they all say the same thing about three weeks in. After three weeks, people go crazy and hell sets in.

Ryan shaked his head as the sun rose. He decided to go to the town the firefighter over the radio was at. It was a long way, but maybe it was a safe house. Ryan begin to walk as the undead followed him.
Jackson gave Tim a funny look almost as if to signal him, but Tim didn't seem to be paying attention. A person was coming into view, down the road and away from the motel heading their direction. He nudged Tim's shoulder. "Hey, someone's approaching us..." Jackson kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw but hoping that wouldn't be necessary.

@XxLuluxX @Neuton
Ryan kept walking till he saw two figures. He dove behind a deserted car. Ryan begins to sweat and his heart pounded against his chest. He begins to look around and sees a deserted building off of the road, look like a walmart. Ryan peeked behind the car and darted toward the Walmart. He hoped that nothing was inside as he ran across the vast parking lot. As soon as he got to the door, he squeeze in between. As soon as he did he regretted it as he stared into the vast darkness of the building.

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