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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

"N-no one's going to be getting into my pants," Demetra muttered to herself quietly. She regarded Wayne a little warily, and then sent the other two a sympathetic look. She was starting to grow used to Wayne's outbursts, but the other two looked like they were ready to bolt. 'Well it's not like Wayne is the only unstable one here. That one guy keeps talking to himself' Demetra thought. The living dead continued to gather outside, their moans progressively getting louder as the horde grew. Demetra sighed and slumped a little. She didn't feel like running again, emotionally or physically. She didn't think the blood loss from her injury would allow her to get far anyway. If push came to shove, she would convince the others to leave without her. She could hole up here for a couple days until her wound healed a little more or... Something. 'Or y'know, die. That seems a more likely option.' Either way, the groups' time together at the motel was dwindling. She regarded the trio of men around her.

"Wayne, you should go wash yourself off," She took in the state of his clothes.

"Or... just... throw those out if you have any spares," She said, wrinkling her nose slightly at her gore covered friend. She looked at the other two.

"You guys should look around the motel quickly. There may be some cans of food left, or first aid supplies," She suggested. Hopefully the place hadn't already been picked clean...

@Opium @Neuton @Elephantom
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"Well, let's scram outta this place. Cause I don't think anyone here wants his neck to go way out of place, and into the stomachs of one very stupid zombie. Pack up and pick up everything you can find in this place. But I really don't think we'll find anything worthwhile here except for some booze or perishable food, but there ought to be some hot pockets lying around here somewhere. This motel denizens are always lazy to cook their own food. then again, we require a microwave to cook it, but we do have fire, shich is technically similar to microwave since they both produce heat." He said with an eerie expressionless face before going off to the kitchen, for some scavenging.

You're in a ragtag group o' survivors now, eh? One of them is crazy, the other has low pain tolerance and another one is way too young. Possibly below eighteen but in some where of the early 20's. You should ditch them or initiate a surprise attack, kill them and pilfer their items.

"Shut up." He silently thought to himself before breathing a sigh of pure wrath. He was growing more angrier of this irreplaceable and untouchable voice that took place in him about like yesterday.

He stood next to the door before unleashing two shots into the lock and knob to open up the locked door. Once he realized that he simply just jammed the door shut and that videogames were not like real life, he started to ram the door with his shoulder. For a few minutes and after a couple of tries, he finally burst through the door.

After some bit of examination and after his eyes got used to the darkness of the enclosed room, he finally found the ultimate jackpot. There was 2 hot pockets right in front of him, in a shelf, safely secured and probably untouched by all these wrecking zombies and looters. It seems like most of the good stuff and essentials were looted, leaving behind two stuff that ain't really worthwhile, to both looters and zombies. To sum things up there was a pair of hot pockets and a bottle of silver 100% blue agave tequila. He immediately dumped them inside his backpack before deciding to pick up a partially used roll of duct tape that lay on the ground.

He backtracked his way towards the group of people in this maze-like motel. There was some dead people lying around the place, too ravaged to reanimate. There was a distinct stench of rotting flesh and flies swarmed around the maggot-filled bodies.

It's the real world, Hugo. That's how everything works. Survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed.

"Fuck." He quietly muttered before finally reaching the people. Who were possible waiting for him.

"Found a pair of hot pocket and a bottle of pure tequila. Obviously untouched, by both looters and zombies." He stated before looking back at the hallway he came from.

"Well I mean, these aren't exactly normal circumstances." Juniper responded, managing a slight smile. "You know, people trying to eat each other and all. Plus you saved me from a nasty bite."

Hoisting her backpack a bit higher, the girl made her way over to the ex-cop. Now that she was closer it was quite easy to see just how pregnant the woman was, and notice the strain on her body. Jun had helped during her mother's second pregnancy, her younger brother, so she had some idea of how hard it was. Oh god, having a baby during the end of the world...? That was gonna be rough.

"But uh, sure. I'm looking for my family, we got separated and said to meet in town if anything happened." She explained, before glancing around grimly. "But by the way things look here, I don't know..."

@Shimakage Thunder
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Wayne nod his head greatly,

"Mhhhhh'yes sergeant!" he mocked, then limply swinging his arms by his side and exaggerating his saunter as he disappeared down the hallway with his possessions distributed in four bags. He shrugged off his clothes and revealed a deep farmer's tan, he was more brown than white in literal sense. Wayne had assessed himself, scrutinizing over his features and determining whether or not certain wounds and injuries that defaced him were recent or not. Apart from his arms and face, most the blood had been washed except for the red tinge that defined his features. Momentarily he adjourned himself from continuing, ceasing to accompany his thoughts to himself. Wayne shook his head and muttered, throwing the a cloth over his shoulder and striding back through the hall.
Timothy Harper:

"You're welcome too kid. I know we ain't met many others your age, and I know that Penny here is a little too young to understand. But know I'm here to talk if you need it. Alright Jack?" Tim smiled, tapping on the door of the land rover a moment, yet turned to glance back at Penny. "Be nice." Timothy joked, running a hand through his mop of slick hair. "Get in then. Lets move before the world ends again" His tired eyes glanced out at the lightening sky. Watching as the sun cautiously raised another day. A few roamers, stumbling aimlessly with soft growls, milky white eyes flickering about with a lost appearance. Not dead, nor alive. This world was... Different. Death was still the same, it had always been the same. Alas no. The people had changed. They would still change, until it all came to an end.

@burninglog @LostInTime
Not to long later striker woke up sliggily."Agh my Head!!! What happened my heads killing me? Did you mistake me for s walker and bash me over the head?" Striker asked Arthur as he attempted to sit up. He quickly fell out of the hammock and landed on his face."Oh god this sucks.......I hate my life." Striker declared annoyed by the events of his awaking."Hey why do i taste trail mix? I didnt eat trail mix." Striker asked confused (its from kissing Arthur xD ) @femjapanriceball @CrystalGoblets
Arthur reddened slightly when Striker mentioned trail mix. "Well....."

"Hahahaha! You should've seen it, it was awesome!" Matthew turned on his phone and pulled up a video that he had taken of the encounter. Every. Last. Second. All the way to the part where it ended. Arthur tried grabbing the phone from Matthew so he could delete the video. It didn't work. Matthew smirked. "Promise you won't ground me and I won't upload it to YouTube."

"Matthew....what?! I......uh......fine." Matthew grinned mischievously.

"Thanks, Dad, you're the best."

@Solemn Jester @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @CrystalGoblets
Striker blinked a bit before standing up and looking towards the edge of the tree house."Alright now if you'll excuse me." Striker said fixing the collar of his shirt."I have to go kill myself. Just do me a favor if the fall doesnt smash my head in be sure to destroy my brain before I come back as a zombie." Striker said before slowly walking to the edge of the treehouse. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @CrystalGoblets ( I keep tagging crystal so she knows what's going on and can have her little girl character meet up with them)
It took a minute for Arthur to process that. Then, upon realizing what Striker had said, he ran after him. "Wait, no!" He grabbed Striker from behind. "Striker, are you crazy?! Have you forgotten your promise or something? Because if you died, I'd see little to no reason to live, dammit! Please..........just......." And the waterworks started up. "IF YOU DIE, I'LL KILL YOU!" Grammatically incorrect. Oh, well.


Josh wandered around the walking dead-ridden roads of Jamestown, mind you, he wasn't really in his best mood that day, and was clearly on the verge of falling down into the abysmal depths of raw fury, although it might've been exaggerated. Yet the only place he had to get stuck in had to be the most infested area. This thoughts still linger in his mind, even though the kill-fest started just about three days ago. He took a seat in the currently isolated penthouse. With a clear view of the distinct landscape of what a very subtle apocalypse would've looked like. The sun was coming up, which produced a light grey-blue on just about everything, and the surrounding areas where slightly misty.

These shitty numbheads are trying to kill me and just about everyone. And already has succeeded in eliminating an estimate 97% of the population. Guess the numbers are slowly dwindling, until it ends to a single digit.

Since it was the beginning of a new day and all, he could hardly stop yawning, mostly because of his sleep deprivation. He coldly stared out the window and at the now gutless carcass on the road, partially torn off, leaving only the upper section intact, but not untouched or so it seemed.

It was truly a perilous nightmare, one from which, there was no escaping from. Although he'd seen more worser stuff, such as Bosnia and Sierra Leone, but this was definitely unparalleled in terms of severity and infectivity.

He decided to kick the desk near him out of sheer frustration, but was stopped dead in his act by the very audible sound of gunfire. Obviously, zombies couldn't even pick up a thing properly, so guns were practically useless to them.

He slowly grumbled before mumbling some inaudible curses, as he stood up from his chair and went down the stairs. And act that was rendered more easy due to his current habit of leaving all doors open, even if it posed a threat to him.

Once he was out on the streets, he walked for a few minutes. Thinking about where the sound actually came from, and using his deep spatial recognition skills. He realized that he... Was not a viable manhunter.

After a few moments of guessing and stuff. He decided to check the clinic right down the block. Once he reached the door, he decided to try the knob, which was locked. This meant two things, either it was that some living human locked himself in the building, or a person just committed a suicide.

Well, somebody ought to break down the door, and it was pretty obvious that one person would have to be him. He triumphantly smirked before furiously kicking down the door and looking at the scene in front of him. A marine in the corner of the room, who was possibly alive and three tragically dead person. Three of them, including the potentially alive one was dressed all up in marine clothes, while the other one was dressed up medical fatigues. He could somewhat try to guess what the scenario was, but it was quite a hazy event.

"Oy sir? Still alive or going to the light at the end of the tunnel, eh?" He questioned him, quite morbidly and humorously at the same time, with a bit of an orthodox tone.
Jackson nodded at what Tim said just before turning to Ethan. "I'm joining them, cya at the motel I guess." The boy gave a simple wave before shouldering his duffel bag and switching vehicles. He gave off a cool vibe, as if this was all just a family road trip or something. And honestly? It kind of was. These people were the closest to family Jackson had at the moment.

@XxLuluxX @LostInTime
Striker scratched his head and turned towards Arthur."Yeah alright." Striker said casually to the man clinging to him like a frightened child."Besides I just realized most everyone is probably dead, or running for their lives. Also I really doubt the internet works, so even if he did somehow manage to post the video literally no one would see it besides us." Striker said as if it was no big deal that everyone was either dead or trying to survive. He sat down on his hammock and looked at everyone. "So what's our next plan? We can't stay here forever, we need to find other survivors." Striker pointed out. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII


Letting a small sigh, Nina readjusted the straps of her bag on her back, she must have been walking for almost a day without a break, she needed somewhere to rest and soon. If she began to slow down she'd be zombie chow for sure and naturally enough, she wouldn't want that. Walking along she kicked a pebble along the ground, dust rising from her feet as she did so, hitting the pebble one last kick it hit of a pole of some kind, making a metal clink noise. Upon hearing the noise Nina's eyes traveled up the pole until she could see the plank stuck to it reading the text 'Motel' and an arrow. Blinking a few tines Nina looked down the road where a building could be seen...A motel?...there's bound to be food there, right?, she had a few things in her bag but she'd still need to stock up on food and who knows, if the place is empty, even rest. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear she began to follow the sign to the building she could see in the distance...

"Well, it sucks. This world went to hell at the worst time possible. I can't even run. I'm packing an extra 30 pounds. It sucks." She said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. "I'm sorry to hear that you and your family got separated. Where were you guys going to meet up?"

When they got back inside the station, the first place that Tiffany headed over to was the break room, where she of course, sat down and continued eating the canned soup that she opened up earlier before saving the Red Head. "What's your name? I'm Tiffany."

Penelope Harper:

She twisted around in her seat, peering over the chair. Seat belt wound around her chest and waist in a restricting manner. Brushing her long locks of hair from her face, she inspected him intently. "Hello" Penelope finally managed, glancing toward her father a moment whom had started up the engine to move forward, waving back at Ethan. "What's your name then?" The young girl questioned, rested her chin upon a pair of folded arms. Her eyes strikingly light against her tanned and dirtied skin. Blood that wasn't hers, caught and matted in her hair, bruises staining her arms and knees with inky blotches.

Timothy Harper:

Smiled at Penny's beginning of conversation, hoping the two of them would cope. Being a father never stopped. Even now, he'd almost adopted another to the little band. Tim had a habit of doing that. Fathering people. Even when they didn't want it, funny thing was they usually needed it. The fireman was all rather soft when it came to that. Although he wasn't weak, for feeling emotion. He'd never describe himself as weak. He'd say he was human. Timothy could be as angered as any man, as violent and as harsh. Yet he chose to remain as peaceful as he could. Protecting the ones he loved. A man whom can love, is the strongest soul you'll ever meet. For he knows what pain is. "We'll be stopping at the motel in around twenty."

@burninglog @LostInTime
Jae sighed when they were finally done with all this drama. Shit was so dumb that he hadn't even said anything. Romance during the zombie apocalypse? How dumb could they be, what would they do if one of them die? Depression would hit and with that, one of them would die. "We would need more supplies while also needing aid kits, I could had brought more, but there were too many of them." He got lucky that he knew the escapes patch on the hospital or he could had been one of them. @femjapanriceball
"Well, I overheard someone talking about a motel," Arthur said, awkwardly letting go of Striker. His face was still a little red from their little make-out session. "Maybe there are more people hiding out there." Matthew smiled.

"Good. Maybe they have more food and people my age."

"It's settled. To the motel!"

"Let's make it more gay-friendly!" At that, Arthur rolled his eyes and glared at Matthew.

"Shut it."

"I'm not gay!" Striker growled at Matthew before beginning to climb down the ladder."I'm just bi!" He explained from the ground. He still had his duffle bag and his razor blade was In his hand prepared for any undead homophoies. @femjapanriceball @CrystalGoblets
If anything, that only made Arthur redder. He didn't say straight.....he didn't say straight......so that means.... He looked thoughtfully at Striker. AGGHHH! We have to go now!!! Blushing furiously, he climbed down the ladder, followed by the devil's spawn, Matthew. He took out his shovel; Matthew prepared his bow and arrow.

"Mattie, all those years of Archery Club had better have had some effect."

"Don't worry, Dad, it has."

"Alright so you know where this motel is? Imm uhhh terrible with directions." Striker said blushing and looking down. He slowly made his way our of the backyard, and into the street. He stabbed a zombie who was alone In the road and attempting to take a bit out of Striker. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @CrystalGoblets
Jae followed them, holding his Machete on his left hand. He wasn't left handed but he would need his right hand to use the knife. It was a Combat knife so it wasn't that big nor was it small. "We need to know the specific Motel, because honestly, there are so many motels out there that if we searched everywhere, we get lost." He wasn't lying on that. They needed to know the name of motel and he really didn't want to waste his batteries just to use his walkie talkie. @femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester
The boy gave a warm smile at the girl and clearly seen her fair share of this apocalypse as well. "Jackson, but you can make a nickname if you want. Heck, you could even call me Jackie if you wanted." He laughed lightly at the thought, remembering his little sister call him that sometimes when she teased him. Jackson snapped back to reality after those sad moments flashed in his mind. He didn't want to be sad or he'd make those he didn't want sad sad. "So what's your name?" He kept the warm smile on his face, trying to hide how much he was beginning to miss his little sis.

@XxLuluxX @LostInTime
Arthur swallowed. "Right. Just look for people who are alive and not undead and let's stick together. Bad things tend to happen when people split up."

"Mm-hm." And just like that, Matthew was all business. He put his arrow into the bow and drew the weapon, just in case. A zombie came towards them, groaning and shuffling. Aim for the head. He loosened the arrow; it went straight through the zombie's head. Matthew took a sharp breath. There we go.
"Well I think I know what Motel to go to." Striker said as the continued through the street."I heard this guy say something about heading north of Jamestown. So if I'm right then we should be heading to a Motel north of jamestown and hopefully people will already be there to confirm that we've picked correctly." @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @CrystalGoblets

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