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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Wayne readied the tweezers and gave her a rag to bite hard on. He composed himself for a moment before lightly tapping the tweezers into the wound hoping to come across a rigid fragment from the cartridge. He felt something strain against the tweezers and he hurriedly yanked it out, a bloodied corrosion lay remnant on the fragmented object. Wayne took her hand calming her down,

"It's okay, I'm here for you Dem, you got me here," he spoke to her, distracting her from the pain as he pulled out a larger piece followed by smaller fragmented pellets. Almost instantly he began washing the wound with the fabric from his shirt and the water bottle. Wayne then applied adhesive bandage around her bicep and tightened it's pressure to make certain no blood would spill. He only hope the wound wouldn't become infected. Wayne clasped her hand in his as she squirmed, writhing and clenching his hand harder.
As the moonlight shined through the window in her hospital room, former Detective and Expecting Mother Tiffany Hyun awakened when it shined into her face, though that only happened because of the angle of the bed she had been sleeping on. When she got out of bed, she heard a strange noise coming from down the hall. Quietly, Tiffany grabbed her small rucksack, holstered her gun, kept her knife in her pocket and tied her hair into a ponytail so that those 'things' would have trouble grabbing her hair. Picking up her Fire Ax, she slowly waddled towards the door. Sleeping on the first floor of the hospital was a bad idea. Perhaps she should have slept on the first floor. But she felt stupid because the Hospital is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places in situations like these.

As she exited the Hospital, the street became really dark and there were more shadows then what she was comfortable with. Without power, there were no street lights, so that meant she had to stay in the moon light and out of the shadows. God knows what's lurking in there. As she exited, she decided to see if she could make her way to the Police Station, since she was running low on Ammunition and believed that it was a well-fortified place. Good thing she had that sweater on, it was a little cold too. Sighing due to a contraction, she kept a hand underneath her belly as she continued to walk, with the Fire Ax resting on her shoulder.
Timothy Harper:

The fireman smiled, yet was drawn into thought. "Good question. Two cars mean double the gas, but they have space combined and a back up. Depends on what you'd prefer, me and Penny got three more seats, the trunk is a good one too. Agh, I have to say the pick ups got equipment we might need on it. For now take two cars, head towards the motel. I'll lead. We'll discuss the vehicle issue when we're all settled down and know whats happening. But if you want to keep Penny company, I'm sure Ethan can manage the pick up by himself" Tim nodded. "Which is another thing. Can you drive kid?"

@burninglog @LostInTime


Hugo was way too dumbstruck to react instantaneously, coupled with the rapid glare and sound of a currently unknown automatic weapon which pierced through zombies like they were cheese, moldy cheese to be precise. Nevertheless, the gunfire decimated his car and the girl, obviously, this guy was certainly afflicted with some mental syndrome or something. Maybe PTSD, Mostly because you can't get an automatic weapon so very easily, but then again, it was the apocalypse, where rules cease to exist. He pondered to himself about how CDC was extremely clumsy enough to let a full-scale ravaging disease go along past them. Most of them were probably dead, beyond beliefs.

He turned on his torch to illuminate the area, so far all the zombies were, there was a crazed maniac holding a girl and towing her away to only God-knows-where. Right, he should follow them, he needed a compensation for his transportation, which is on fire right now. He looked back to confirm his suspicion to find that he was partially right, but there was copious amounts of darker-than-white smoke erupting from beneath the hood. The tires were all punctured, the doors and frame are all littered with holes. The window was shattered and it was now a piece of static car. Never to be driven again, unless there's a lousy intervention along its way to meet him.

Hugo, I think you have a job to do.

"What? Steal their car?" He muttered to himself, quietly under his breath.

No, you imbecilic punk! Follow them, and see if the maniac turns out to be a intelligent cannibal, you never know. Or he might be a jingoistic loony. As a safe measure, you should check it out.

"Fine! I'll go check out that dank people and their even more dank problems." He grumbled, quietly. Before trudging along the road to the house they went in, carefully following them just like a elephant. Ok, he wasn't really that good at being a silent ninja, might as well call him a 'solvent' ninja cause he just doesn't have anything worthwhile to accomplish.

He illuminated the area with his flashlight, only for his eyes to be greeted by a horrid trio of obese zombies who have nothing better to do than try to attack just about everyone with their beer bellies and their stank arm. He decided to ignore those supposedly blind corpses and enter that building, which was, of course, the worst building to perform a improvised surgery in. It was damn motel. And near that damn motel, was a stupid truck with some people doing something.

"Hick, you sure done that wrong, old man. You sure done that wrong." He said as he closed in near them, to confirm his suspicions that they were really performing a surgery. And well, they were performing a radical surgery upon that girl.
"Well damn. Bad decisions are bad."

During the chaos of gunfire and confusion, Juniper had decided to take her leave. She still hadn't made it to town, and being with that farmer guy was gradually becoming much less comfortable than fending for herself. Which, given she only really had a knife, was a very extremely oh my god bad idea.

It was dark, damp, and somehow loud despite it being the middle of the night. Groaning and tripping and leaves moving around underfoot was Jun's only real tell of things nearby, and there were a lot of them.

"Frickity frack..." She muttered, breaking into a run. "Dingle darn- Gah, fuck!" Her attempts at staying calm were just gradually turning into mangled swear words at this point. Half actually cussing, half... Whatever words seemed to fit. The interruption itself was because of a root, catching her foot and knocking her clean to the ground.

Bad decisions.

Picking herself back up with as much dignity as one could muster, Juniper breathed out stiffly and kept going. Thanks to the various -though some uncalled for- rides, she wasn't too far from town and could almost see it. But man, did she regret seeing it. Building were burned, cars were on fire, windows were broken. Countless bodies could be seen, both the wandering kind and the extra dead kind. It was a bloodbath.

Flipping her knife around a few times out of habit, the redhead moved slowly towards the first cluster of buildings, then past it towards the hospital and nearby station. No way is hell was she going inside either, but it was a good place to start and collect herself.

@Shimakage Thunder
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Khe Sahn,

"Galley Jungle",

4 "klicks" from Kem Salat Outpost,

Vietnam 1968

"Where the fuck are they coming from?" the commotion upheaved.

"Keep yer' fuckin' head down!" vociferate the sergeant.

"This is Oscar Mike o-four, Last Kings squad, requesting immediate CASEVAC with multiple wounded, coordinates are two, five-niner, echo, whiskey foxtrot, grid," the signallers voice trailed off.

"Left side, left side!" clamoured a soldier as he met their wailing charge.

"There's too fuckin' many of 'em!" an infantryman yelled sprawling behind cover.

There was a loud blare and clamour of static that cried into the thermal winds of the balmy jungle, a voice was heard over the radio, composed and intellect.

"Kings Two this is King, copy that. A chopper is en route south of your position ten klicks away, E.T.A two mikes, hold them off for now and use evasive manoeuvres to take an advantage on the enemy. Use smoke to mark your position, King out," the broadcast came to an abrupt end, the signaller relayed the message.

"Hold them, we're gonner' evac in two minutes!"

"No shit," growled a marine as he opened immediate fire into the bushes.

Wayne remained phased, in a profound trance, his eyes fixated in no particular direction as the confrontation and skirmish waged around him. He felt the heat garner around his face, massing in his cheeks. He sensed sweat moisten his brow and gather to form a perspiration that ran down the side of his features. Everything was in slow motion. It was as if he could pick a bullet from the air.

Meanwhile the slashing of rotor blades tearing into the breeze caused him to shudder from his stupor and distant daze.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/viet.PNG.4d76be54fa58ddb69eef8e1600b97339.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/viet.PNG.4d76be54fa58ddb69eef8e1600b97339.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Move, get to the chopper right fuckin' now!" the sergeant ordered as the marines gradually advanced, firing into the crowds of disorganized Vietcong troops. Wayne provide supportive fire, covering their extraction before he himself was pulled onto the bay of the helicopter. Gunfire effortlessly struck the chopper causing rapid and swift sparks to emerge suddenly as they pinged off the metal. Wayne glanced down, his expression cold as he saw nine squad members laying face down in the dense grass and foliage, amassed in the crimson gore of their own blood.

The fifteen were rendered to a six man squad.

The chopper buzzed into the distance, humming soundly as it abscond from the horrors.

All Along the Watchtower,

Princes kept the view

While all the women came and went

Barefoot servants, too

Outside in the cold distance

A wildcat did growl

Two riders were approaching

And the wind began to howl



  • viet.PNG
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"Sir, are you stuck in a stupor?" He questioned the guy who was seemingly lost in his thoughts in a trance-like state. That's why they always tell you to back off away from all those drugs. Then again, he too entered into some Frances in times where relaxation is the focal point.

Oi, Hugo! You insane fuck! Look at the guy, he's an insane fellow. Back away from the truck and go away to whatever nature has in store for you.

"And become a primal caveman? No fucking way! In fact, you're the one who convinced me to scour through the lands to investigate and acquaint myself with this heinous fuck-ups." He silently muttered under his breath to himself. This was getting real weird.

Are you a Chinese tiger? A Chinese philosopher?

"No, why would I be either philosopher or a tiger if I ain't even from Chinese descent? Ya know what? You're starting to sound really cynical." He spoke to himself, once again, in a bid to curb his inner self.

Actually... Let's just wait and see what happens. But I'm telling you again, don't blame me if you're on the verge of getting decapitated.

Hugo decided to ignore his inner self and just wait for a response or just about anything that's not about going to the jungle and being a caveman.
Arthur only reddened even more, but, still a little weirded out by what had just happened, followed Striker out of the treehouse. He watched him throw up then pass out. I can't leave him out there in the open. So, kind of awkwardly, he lifted Striker—who was heavy—and carried him back inside.

"Real smooth, man," Matthew teased. "You should've done that when the big boss gave you crap about the dress code on Halloween."

"Shut up." Arthur put Striker down on one of the hammocks.

"Well, do you like him? You know, like-like?"

"Yes, Matthew, I 'like-like' him. But there's no problem with that, right?"


Arthur smiled and looked silently at Striker's sleeping form. He looked sort of peaceful, for someone who had just had to run from zombies. Arthur himself still couldn't believe it. So those neurotic kids who were always playing games in his class were right all along. And they were now dead. He looked over at Matthew. Matthew was his own kin, and he had to protect him with his life. He had to protect Striker, too, and Jae, the guy he had just met. He was the oldest one here, after all, and he had to be responsible.

(I couldn't post last night because of things and now y'all have 5 pages done. Man! Anyways, Where is Ryan because I read all the posts and I can't find where Ryan is in all this action.)
((Well, what was the last page you posted on, look through for that, then go from there @Neuton )

Hearing a voice within earshot, but not exactly close by, Tiffany became a little terrified and start holding her axe close, feeling that someone was close to attacking her. After a good fifteen more minutes of walking, the pregnant ex-cop finally made it to the Police Station. "Finally, a place where I can rest for a bit." she sighed, gently caressing her belly as she slung her axe over her back and drew her handgun. Since it was a little dark, she turned on the flashlight attached to it, so that she wouldn't have to deal with a surprise attack. The place looked pretty ransacked from where she was shining the light. Hopefully there weren't too many of those post-human cannibals in here.

Then her stomach started growling. So the first thing she did was navigate to the kitchen. Not like the stove or microwave were working, so she would have to find a way to cook through different means, but then that would just have to burn the entire station down, which she didn't want. As much as she hated it, she had to go raw. Grabbing one of the cans of soup, she opened it grabbed a spoon from her rucksack and sat down at one of the tables, deciding to eat while she still could, but she kept a watch on the entrance in case someone where to come and attack her, whether it was a looter, raider or one of the infected.
Finally letting herself breath, Juniper leaned against a telephone pole and stared at her shoes. Things were going pretty alright for now. Well, minus the mildly insane detour, but at this point she was just trying to forget about it.

Taking off her backpack, she had just started rooting through her backpack for water before a slight clink made her freeze. Straightening up, she turned slowly around to face a rather skinny convenience-store cashier. Poor guy still had a bloodstained name-tag.

"Uh... Hey-" Jun lowered her eyes to said tag, then back up. "-Jeff. Now I can see you're really hungry, but I kinda need to keep all of my bones, so..."

The infected man growled and hobbled forwards, knocking over an empty garbage can with a loud clatter.

"Aaand nevermind." She muttered, slinging her backpack over her shoulder again. "You do you, dude."

@Shimakage Thunder
Neuton said:
(I couldn't post last night because of things and now y'all have 5 pages done. Man! Anyways, Where is Ryan because I read all the posts and I can't find where Ryan is in all this action.)
[You're at a motel w/ @CrystalGoblets @KaiaWolf @burninglog @SeaSkies & @Elephantom ]

Wayne gyrate his head in a solemn and steady pace, his eyes were occupied with a psychotic glare as he observed the stranger. He was lost, confused with himself and disrupted which triggered his stress - a direct link to his rage. Wayne took one step at the man,

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER," he hollered in a harsh and rough tone before raising his fist and driving it full force into the man's upper jaw. Wayne saw him stagger back and hold both hands to comfort where he struck, soothe the pulsating agony. He yelled in anger, broadly pacing toward a wall and lurching forward, slamming his head against it.

Wayne stumbled before repeatedly doing so to justify his tendencies as he stormed out the motel reception, dissipating into the treeline, he banished himself.
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Hearing a loud clatter from outside, Tiffany became a little worried. She set down her Can of Food and her rucksack, since she was going to be coming back in anyway. Leaving her Axe next to the rucksack, she picked up her Glock and got up with her gun at the ready. Slowly waddling outside, she turned her flashlight off and continued to aim. Hearing the sound of a Garbage can rolling, she walked in that direction. "Hello?" She called out. "Anyone there?" she tried once more.

She would then see an infected man chasing a survivor. Taking aim, she opened fire on the zombie, with the bullet hitting him in the torso, but that didn't take him down. Tiffany fired again and him in the knee cap, causing him to fall over. She fired one last time and hit the infected man in the head. After that, she sure that he wouldn't get back up. However, she still kept her gun at the ready in case the survivor she just saved would attempt to attack her as well.

Wayne had hastily progressed through the shrouded forest as a twilight shimmered through the various branches and leaves. A golden overcast settled within the atmosphere and the air was fresh, he inhaled, contemplating the scenery before pacing through the woods once more. He came to desolate standstill and stood in the clearing wrenching his hands into his bloodied shirt. Seating himself upon a fallen tree, he hadn't reflect on assaulting the man, instead his mind was blank. He smacked the side of his head with an open palm, the flogging grew more intense till he screamed in a raucous manner. Wayne tumbled over into the dirt and lay in the fetal position, though instead grasp his head grumbling mannerisms of detestation to himself.
Turning at the sound of a voice, Juniper was distracted just long enough for the infected to get a little too close for comfort. It lunged at her, aiming for anything it could grab and chomp into with it's blood-filled jaws.

But a bullet whizzed out of nowhere, nailing him in the chest with enough force to stop him mid-lunge. Jun yelped and stumbled backwards, both from the corpse and from the gunshot, fumbling with her knife. More gunshots rang out, the next buckling the man to the ground and the next finishing him off. Swallowing nervously and looking around, the redhead spotted her savior.

"Uh... Hey." Jun managed to get out, not really sure what else to say to the woman. "Thank you."

@Shimakage Thunder
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"You trendy little fuck! Lemme get my hands on you, I'm gonna rip your fucking throats out. You hear me? You're gonna be a dumb and neutered bastard after I'm done with you!" He shouted in agony as he staggered back a little after that insane guy connected a big hook to his upper jaw, once he was done with his shouting, he quickly drew out his large caliber pistol, blindly firing a shot into the tree-infested areas where the damn backstabbing bastard took refuge in. The bullets happily whizzed past over the trees and into the starry night without any hindrances whatsoever. He angrily glared at the forests, thorouglt hoping that a stray bullet hits him in his numb skull. He angrily mumbled some curses when his 'friend' decided to start talking to him.

Le fuck.

"What? You support this gung-ho bastard?" He quietly muttered to himself as he questioned his inner and more cynical self.

You're just so very bad at talking with people. Like I said, this is a very outlandish situation. Shoot to kill.

"Yeah, right... Shoot to kill, how so very convenient! You're a master in the art of survival!" He sarcastically commented before angrily storming back inside the building, before deciding to take another look back into the forests, only to be greeted by a group, a horde to be precise, very much near them. Which effectively put things into a more tangled situation. It was typically the most complex metaphorical knot he'd ever seen. Well, time to warn the rest of the group and their possibly sleazy intents.

Yeah right. What if the zombies don't even know that there are supposed to be humans here. Maybe they're just looking for a gazelle or something?

"You do know that gazelle don't live here, right?" He murmured to himself before leaning against the counter. Waiting for everybody to realize that somethings, or someone, is missing.


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Shortly after saving the red head girl, Tiffany checked her magazine. This was in fact, her last magazine, which was pretty why she was at the police station. To find ammunition. Even though the magazine held fifteen rounds, it only had nine rounds left after she had killed that zombie. If she had run out now, she would probably regret not bringing that fire axe that she had in the station break room. "Your welcome." she said as she holstered her weapon.

Either way, she wouldn't mind if the red head followed her, but if she was intent on killing her, Tiffany would be ready for that, since the Stiletto was still in her pocket. As she turned around, she started holding her back and her stomach as she started waddling back towards the station.

[it's early morning.]

Wayne fiercely pushed himself up upon overhearing the gunshot resonate and thump against a nearby tree. He grit his teeth and violently jerked his head back, leaning slightly backward and tensing his arms beside him.

"Mrrghh, when I find you I'm gonner pull up your stomach through your fuckin' throat, asshole!" Wayne roared a cacophonous yell, he marched harshly back to the man, traversing the terrain and bursting through the clearing, his arms broadly swung by his side. He had completely disregard the approaching horde as he paced further toward the man, raising a hand and pointing straight at him.

"You asshole, fuck you! Do you realize how fucking rude that was?!" he seized the man's collar, clutching him firmly and thrusting him against the wall, Wayne point harshly at him his arm bent at his waist as to properly angle the accusation.

"You don't fuck with me, dipshit! Not me! Have you fuckin' respect for anyone you pathetic- Grrrghmm," he slammed him against the wall, "I've trod in shit with more brains than you! You depressin' after thought!" Wayne stumbled back meeting the wild expression in the man's astounded gaze. They calmed down.

Wayne glanced at the horde.

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE," he raised his arms in annoyance, then letting them drop limply by his side.

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Watching silently as the woman checked her bullet count, Juniper debated saying something else or moving on. She had yet to find any traces of her family, but that could wait. They'd want her to help a pregnant woman anyways, it was the family goodie-two-shoes thing to do...

"A-are you alright, ma'am?" She asked, inwardly cursing herself for stuttering. Way to sound brave, Redfield... Totally selling your helpful capabilities to the stranger, mm-hm.

"I mean clearly you can handle yourself, but..."

@Shimakage Thunder
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Striker shifted and grabbed Arthur's hand gently. He held it to his face and smiled, letting out a soft sigh as he did."Arthur....." Was the only thing he said as he held his hand. He then went to sleep to dream of the old days, when people didn't eat each other. When his life was just going to school and teaching his class, then hanging out with Arthur as friends. When he was even with all those students and Arthur as his friend, still lonley. He never had anyone and his his attraction to the same sex. He doubted the school would of approved much, and he didn't want to take the chance. So he dreamed on, of those days when he was in denial alone. In some ways he preferred the zombie apocalypse, he wasn't afraid to he himself. He didn't have to worry about what people thought, mainly because they were either undead, simply dead, or to busy running to care about his love life. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]He then went to sleep to dream of the old days, when people didn't eat each other.[/uSER]

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Ryan had fell asleep inside the truck. As he begins to stir, he realizes that he was near a motel. Ryan begins to look around and not see the farmer. He stretched inside the car and stepped outside to stretch some more. Ryan begins to look around to see where the farmer went and grabs his bat. He begins to wonder around looking for the farmer.
Arthur smiled serenely. The sight of Striker asleep calmed him down to a maximum. Somehow, it made him feel as though everything was going to be okay. After all, with hope, they would make it out of this alive. Needing therapy, perhaps, but alive. He stroked Striker's cheek for about a minute before continuing to get everything ready for everyone. He organized the food and drinks. He gathered up all of Matthew's arrows (you never know). Then he looked once more at their family photo, determined. Yeah, Amelia, I miss you too. Promise to take care of Alfie up there in heaven, and I'll take care of Mattie. He was silent, then he nodded. Yeah, I'll take care of Matthew, all right. It's my duty to help protect everyone here. Weary, he looked out the window. I wonder.....has anyone other than us survived?


As Ryan approached the motel he heard shouting, a commotion between a dissonant and jarring tone he knew belonged to Wayne and an unfamiliar voice of a man whom attempt to focus Wayne on the horde. He stomped the ground multiple times, heeling up dirt and grinding his knuckles into his palm, then interlocking them into one another as he growled deeply. The guttural and despotic moans of the undead were beginning to harmonize with one another, their shrill cries of pitiless resentment made Wayne 'twitchy'.

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" he bellowed toward them.

@Elephantom @Neuton

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