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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]


I swing the SUV around so the headlights bathe the battle scene in light.

"We should really go back and help them." I say.

"Sure, whatever, now you wanna help." Joce grumbles. I push in the gas and we fly forward, sending a few not really dead corpses twirling off the hood and through the air.
Penelope Harper:

The drive lasted for a while, scenery changing towards forest. The highway widening with freedom of an open road. She leaned on the window, catching the sight of a shambling creature every now and then. Her father deep in thought, his driving calm considering the situation they'd been tangled in. The dead walked alongside the living, a mortal sin surely. Alas all the child could believe was that hiding beneath the bedsheets was no longer an alternative. Her father couldn't turn on her night lamp, and with a smile paint over the fear that was now rife within the remaining population. Her long hair became the point of her amusement, braiding the long brown locks with a small hummed song to fill in the silence of their journey.

Timothy Harper:

Along the highway travelled, memories became a point of haunting. His wife and son, father-in-law. The aggressive and pale faces of his colleagues after the fever had taken hold. Milky film upon eyes and jagged chipped teeth that had ravaged upon flesh and bone in animalistic hunger. What was this he'd embarked upon? Survival? Or counting down the days till he'd get killed. Surprise was soon registered upon his features, in the distance a red pick up seen. Two figures milling around it. Speeding up he approached yet came to a hesitant stop. "Ethan? Jack? What the hell you two still doing all the way out here? Huh?" He questioned, obviously overjoyed although seemingly worried.

@burninglog @LostInTime
Wayne hadn't realised his disorganised flounder of gunfire had struck Demetra. His lone presence had emerged with a grinding sensation of something being oddly misplaced, his nerves swelled with anxiety and he paused turning his head and peering into the now enraging darkness. Wayne trust his gut feeling and stormed back, utterly pissed. Yet shock overcame his body as the sight he saw made his stomach drop and heart skip a beat, his experiences in 'Nam hadn't taken effect on him, yet he felt warm near Demetra, and to have someone whom was already influential in his life beckon near death was something else entirely. He dropped his equipment and supplies rushing to Demetra immediately applying pressure to her wound despite the agony it caused her, he couldn't let her go. Not now - not ever.

He frantically waved a trembling hand in front her face attempting to grasp her attention.

"Demetra, Demi!" he growled gritting his teeth, he momentarily checked her pulse. Wayne knew not to waste time as it was of the essence, he struggled to lift her over his wavering body. His bout of uncontrollable rage had done this, it was his fault. He blamed himself not allowing sympathy as he paced into a jog toward the general direction of the motel. Sweat aligned his forehead and moistened his face, the worst feeling to endure. He felt like shit. Yet was primarily focused on keeping her alive.

"Stay with me Dem, you're gonner be fine, you can handle it!" he addressed, informing her she'll be okay. He attempt to reassure her multiple times, now fearing the dreaded worst.
The movement of Jackson's jaw bearing down on those deliciously salty chips came to an instant stop and he turned his head in surprise to see Tim and a little girl in another vehicle. "Oh hey, we were about to-" The goofy boy's words were muffled by unswallowed food and he stopped when he realized he probably couldn't have been able to be understood. He wiped crumbs from his face and swallowed the chewed mush of chips, readying to continue his statement. "We were actually about to go back and look for you." Jackson gave a sheepish grin as he wondered if the little girl was the daughter Tim had set off to find.

@XxLuluxX @LostInTime

As we drive back into the erratic battle scene I see that old guy pick up a girl, wait, that's Ari! I drive over and skid to a halt beside them, rolling down the window.

"What the fuck are you doing you old fucker, trying to kidnap my friend agai- Oh my god! She's bleeding! Quick! jump in the back! I can do something, I was going to uni to be a nurse! Hey! This is like a taxi service! Jaxi's Taxi! I'm so good at names. Shit guy! Hurry up and get in!" I yell erratically at him.

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Timothy Harper:

Timothy grinned wide, drawing Penelope to him with an arm around her shoulders. "You didn't have to worry kid. I found her. This is my Penelope, told you she was a tough 'un." He chuckled, kissing the top of his daughters head a moment. Penny shyly giving a wave, yet rather childishly pressing her face into Tim's side. "I'm glad to see you cared though. Gives me a sense that there could be something to be had out of this ordeal. Whether it be good or bad. I just hope it's not communism" He joked, leaning on the open window of the landrover. "Me and Penny were just heading to a motel. A little ways from here. Thought that finding shelter for tonight would be the best shot."

@burninglog @LostInTime
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The motel finally came into view amongst the dark, a harsh silhouette defined against the trees, it was decrepid and melancholy, it's abandoned and neglected structure forbode an eerie presence. Though Wayne did not give a fuck, his intent was to make sure Demetra would live, his heart racing, pounding like an artillery strike against his ribcage. It was an unforgiving, merciless emotion that Wayne struggled to comprehend. Just as he neared closer a truck pulled up and after exchanging wild looks of desperation Wayne set her in the back, knelt down beside her, comforting her in his arms. He gently brushed back the hair from her face, then made sure she was comfortable. Wayne quivered with illicit temptation.
Jackson couldn't help but let a warm smile creep onto his boyish face. He was really happy for Tim, that the man still had a loved one alive and what's more, safe under his care. It was absolutely heartwarming. That and the fact that he acknowledged how he cared, which also felt surprisingly good. Jackson gave a nice thumbs up as if to wordlessly say nice job staying alive. "So should we all get in one car, vehicle, or whatever? Or just meet up at the motel? Cus sticking together should definitely be a good priority." As he said this, he rolled the top of the chip bag noisilly and stuffed it back into his duffel bag, looking back up at Tim.

@XxLuluxX @LostInTime

I kick the door and in its unlocked and ajar state it flies open, Joce and I rush into the room swat style. The man in the room looks up.

"Get your greasy hands of my friend you pedo freak!" I yell and swing the poll around erratically. He narrows his eyes at me.

"I mean uhhh... nice place you got here, very roomy, did you do something with your hair? It's very nice? Have you been working out?"
Wayne leaned in, the candle light flickered as it defined his facial features and cast an intimidating shadow across him, shrouding him in the nightly obscurities. He spoke in a serious, low and cracked voice.

"Watch your shit you gobby little fuck face," he scowled, glaring without averting his eyes. The commotion gathered once more as he laid Demetra on the table after discarding the contents on top as if they were nothing. They clattered around on the floor and sprawled out. Wayne wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand hoping to tackle the accumulating warmth with no avail. He began turning Demetra toward him, exposing her left arm where she had been wounded. The blood was plastered to her arm, an unnatural, sickening colour. The smell of it caused her friends nostrils to flare and choke a slight. Wayne bit into the lower portion of his shirt and tore a lengthy turn of fabric after cleaning the wound with the dampness from nearby moss (have to improvise). He began to wrapcit around her bicep to halt the progression of her bleeding. Wayne had left his items and belongings in the middle of the path, yet he was occupied dealing with Demi. Wayne grasped her friend by the collar, pulling them close and growling words through gritted teeth.

"Listen you stay with her whilst I'm gone, you do not dare leave her alone or I'll rip your fucking heart out, you understand? I fucking swear upon it, you will be skinned alive and I'll wear you as a winter coat," he shoved her friend next to her. He paced out the room, jogging backwards as he firmly point yelling,

"Don't you fuckin' dare leave her!"

Wayne dispersed to venture for this equipment.
Wayne returned, bloodied and fatigued. His exhaustion had rendered him weary and stressed as it was certain he had a cigarette grind between his teeth, the smoke softly billowed and waved, vanishing as it collect with the adolescent winds. He threw his baggage to the ground and collapsed onto the chair, his chest gradually rising and falling as his eyes fluttered. There was a throbbing to the side of his head which placed him in agony, he attempt to suppress the pain by cushion both arms to his head and groaning though was deemed far too much for him and he promptly passed out. Not noticing at first the sides of his vision grew dark, and the room fell inward. It was sickening. He remained unconscious till morning...
"We're going to be late!" He picked me up, placing me over his shoulder. Soft grunge played in the background. I screamed out and flailed as he tickled my side.

"Hurry, hurry!" He placed me in the car.

"Wait! I don't have the letter opener!" I protested and tried to get out again.

"Sorry hun, there's no time to go back. You won't need it today anyway," He climbed into the driver's seat. Soft grunge played in the background. Heavy fog outside the windows. A day of fun ahead of us. Sharp curve. Light. A blinding light. Two lights. Soft grunge playing in the background. Dad's favourite. A scream. Sound of crunching metal. Pain. So much pain.

"Dad?" Blood.

"Dad wake up!" Crushed glass.

"Dad I need you!" Seat belt is jammed.

"Dad I love you!" Can't help him.

"Dad don't leave me!" Can't cut him free.

"Dad I miss you," I miss you so much.

Demetra moved her eyes behind her eyelids. Everything felt heavy. 'Why can't I open my eyes..?' Soft grunge played in the background. 'Dad?' Demetra whimpered and tried to open her eyes again. 'Why? Why did you have to go?" She slipped back into unconsciousness.
"What kind of question is that?" Matthew mumbled, turning up the volume to his iPod when Striker began yelling. "I live in the house over there, and so does Dad. Well, at least we did before The Walking Dead became a reality."

"I'm still going to have to ground you when we get out of this mess." Arthur returned with as many cans of soda he could carry, only to see an incredibly drunk Striker lash out. "Easy there, Striker. We're not going to die," he said seriously, a look of intent in his forest-green eyes. "Now calm down." Very carefully, he took the pack of Bud Lights from him and moved it away from him. "Why don't you lie down for a moment?"

Striker leaned onto Arthur and got extremely close to his face. He breathed his booze breath into Arthur face with every word."You"re....you're a good friend...ya know that." He told Arthur as he continued to lean on him for support."But I'm so lonlee I needs more than a good frand. Will you be more than a frand Arthur? You smexy beast?" Striker asked flirtatiously. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Whilst Wayne dreamt, a reoccurring scenario that he had nightmares of before, the last he had was after therapy for veterans whom suffered PTSD. This image, the memory came flooding back and drowned Wayne in a deep pit of self doubt and despair. It was vivid. He recalled those days as the photo was forever nightmarishly burnt to him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Marine-raiders.jpg.bfc44b95528a2206b534749117fabeb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Marine-raiders.jpg.bfc44b95528a2206b534749117fabeb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He was amongst the crowd somewhere, both units had coalitioned to enforce their strength in sabotaging Vietcong communications and outposts.

3km from Khe Sahn,

"Galley Jungle",

Vietnam 1968

The reconnaissance squad patrol with tensions rising between them. A squad of fifteen rough-looking and battle hardened men took exaggerated steps of caution, surveying the canopies, glancing from left to right. They progressed farther in dead silence in hopes of reaching the Kem Salat communications outpost for a sabotage operation. All that was heard were the rustling of leaves and foiliage in the winds.

They went further down the trail noticing a major dip in the clearing, Denis and rubble, the hollowed out structure of blown up vehicles were placed along the ridge.

" I don't like this..." exclaimed a soldier in a deep and full voice.

"No one likes any of this Gonzales, want me to put a bullet through your head so you can go home?" another muttered from the spacing in the line.

"Shut the fuck up," the sergeant grunt, his eyes dart across the vacant field as they moved along till suddenly a shot rang out and whistled past the marine behind him.

"Sniper!" roared an infantryman, charging toward the fire in a coordinated row. They all threw themselves into cover.

"What the fuck was that?!" a soldier yelled as the booming barrrage of machine guns and rifles began to assault their position.

"There's too man-" a sudden zip whistled past Wayne and felt only the warm mixture of blood splash against his face. His friend lay in a pool of his own blood, eyes glassed over, staring into the abyss.

"Man down!" bellowed a marine, the commotion of bullets and swarm whizzing past was so instantaneous Wayne couldn't grasp nor comprehend the reality of it.

Another shot reverberated and resonated through the air with a terrifying whistling noise as it struck a soldier in the chest, he lurched back, eyes widened and gasping for air. Wayne revolved around from cover and rose, setting his HMG on the hood of a wrecked sedan, he pulled on the trigger and delivered return fire into the bushes and treeline opposite the field.

"Where the fuck is that sniper?!" thundered the sergeant. Wayne stared in a trance. His innocence lost. The events that followed had traumatised him. He was merely the shell of a man now ruined, deprived of innocence.

Wayne suddenly shot awake with a cold sweat that dampened his clothes. A cold trickle ran down the side of his face, he pant heavily.



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Arthur reddened. "Uh.....Striker?" he muttered awkwardly. Sure, he had been infatuated with his coworker for a few weeks, but he was married....no, wait, he was a widower. He smelled booze in Striker's breath and, unfortunately, fell over from backing away. "You're drunk," he said matter-of-factly.

Meanwhile, Matthew, amused, was taking photos with his cell phone.
"Heh......the books were right....zombie apocalypses can bring out many sides in people.....even the gay sides."

"Matthew, you're not helping," Arthur said, his face red.

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Demetra felt pain in her left arm. Well not just her arm, her entire body ached. 'Ugh... What happened?' She slowly blinked her eyes open. She saw Jaxson and Jocelynn asleep off to the side of the room, and Wayne sitting in a chair. Awake but... Frazzled and... Vacant looking.

"Wayne?" She croaked as she tried to sit up. She hissed and fell back against the table.

"Fuck," She looked over at her bandaged arm, confused. She felt slightly feverish.

"What... Happened?" She asked slowly as she took in her surroundings.
'Last thing I remember is talking with Wayne in the truck, and then hopping out in a clearing...'

"Come on Arty! You know you have feelings for me. I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. Let's give it a shot, better take this opportunity before I pass out. Because I'll probably deny it all saying i was just being a stupid drunk! You know how drunk people get. But I'll be LYING!"He said as he got in closer to kiss Arthur. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
His breathing intensified noticing the door swept open, which left them exposed. Wayne was fortunate enough to not have sustained any damage, he spat the taste of rust from his mouth and inhaled through his nose a varied collection of different smells that weren't foreign to him. He had distinguished the unfathomable smell of birch and morning dew. He exhaled a prolonged and heavy sigh as a psychological reset to suppress the lingering thoughts that ruined him. Wayne avert his gaze into the thousand yard stare and rubbed the tiredness and strain from his eyes with his hand. Wayne gradually rose and staggered over to Demetra, running the back of his finger down her cheek to wipe away a tear that had unknowingly rolled down her face.

"Shhh, you need rest," his voice and tone was calming, though deeper and assertive than before as he'd just woken up without nourishment. He edged back a slight, opening a bag and was fortuanately relieved to endeavour its contents still intact. Wayne retrieved some painkillers, a 350ml water bottle and adhesive bandages.

"Here," he present her with the painkillers and water bottle, carefully lifting her up and supporting her back as she sat upright.

"Try not move your arm and take these," he unscrewed the cap then placed the water bottle to her lips allowing her to take a complimentary sip before handing her the painkillers (or aspirin w/e).

"Knock 'm back hard," he told, resting the water bottle back to her lips and letting her drink to counter the foul taste. He let her hold the water bottle whilst he turned and shuffled about items before taking the adhesive bandages and tweezers.

"Now Demi, this gon' hurt lika' son 'uva bitch okay? I need you to trust me, understand?" he anticipate her response.
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Aaaaand now he was completely helpless. Matthew kept taking photos, a grin on his face. "This is priceless..." Arthur glared at Matthew. "What? It is! My dad's gay! No, wait.....he's totally bi! And he kicked Mom's ass! This is so cool!" Arthur went even redder.

"NOT BECAUSE I WANTED TO, MATTIE! But, Striker, you're joking? I-I-if you'll get off me...fine." He leaned in, shaking slightly, and pressed his lips against Striker's. After a few minutes, though, he got a little more into it. He wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist. Matthew....you're lucky that I haven't murdered you yet.

Demetra met Wayne's gaze steadily.

"Y'know, I once passed out because I stepped on a bumble bee. I've never been very good with pain," Her mouth quirked up into a timid smile. She looked down at her arm and sighed.

"But, I mean it is the end of the world and all. I guess I better man up," She turned her head away and squished her eyes shut.

"Do it!" She squeaked.

Striker began to get into it even more. His breath got joy and heavy and he grabbed Arthur tightly then pulled back only to whisper into Arthur's ear."I want to be inside of you." He then pushed Arthur away and vomited over the treehouse. Then passed out his arm hanging over the edge. The vomit landed on a single zombie who had made his way back into the back yard. It landed in his mouth which had been gnawing at the air in and attempt to bite at them. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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