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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Timothy Harper:

Swept his daughter up, bringing the visor of his helmet down to carry on. She was a petite little thing anyhow. With adrenaline madly pumping through his veins, Timothy knew they would have to get out. Staying overnight in this city would be a death wish promised. He breathed through the once joyed tears of a moment passed, setting his mind for the task ahead. He had a daughter to care for. He had survivors to find. Fire axe clutched in his other hand, Penelope's arms wrapped around his neck he began to make his way forward, heading out of the nursing home. An iron will pasted unto his features. Harper had found his girl. He'd recovered his faith. "Keep quiet, alright sweetie? Don't look." He whispered, and now the broken soul would force onwards till his last breath. No man could argue the steel of his expression as he stepped out onto the fire of that disease ravaged scene. A city in ashes, no longer a hub of life yet of death. A child in his arms, bloody blade in his hands. Trudging towards an old landrover, to drag out its previous owner stamping upon the carcasses softly growling jaw. Ducking in, he placed his daughter upon the passenger seat, her eyes still shut tight. He searched the pinned walkers pockets for keys, grasping the bundle before hopping in himself. Adjusting the wing mirror.

Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked

Money don't grow on trees

I got bills to pay

I got mouths to feed

And ain't nothing in this world for free

No I can't slow down

I can't hold back

Though you know I wish I could

No there ain't no rest for the wicked

Until we close our eyes for good.

Jae wasn't sure if they were being nice for a reason or not. He just passed a hand through his head when he took out his gloves. "So what got you three here?" He questioned. @femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester
Wayne gave a solemn nod, vacantly gazing into the open road, the white lines that blurred as the vehicle drove along became less frequent. He motioned his head a slight more sprightly whilst he swallowed his own spit, mesmerizing all the details of that day, it hit him like a wave of memories and was overwhelmed though suppressed his vehemence with a shrouded smile.

"Yeah," his tone was deep and solid, "Khe Sahn," he continued, "Vietnam in '68," there was a moment of silence, the engine purred and delicately vibrate as he turned into a back road. The dashboard cluttered and the ornaments, with their loose garments of string, lashed back and forth.

"The Last Kings was our squad, fifteen men including myself, United States Marine Corps and I was the youngest, a heavy machine gunner tasked with reigning hell into the jungles with hot lead," he smiled caressing the memories.

"Here," he turned shambling for the helmet, handing to her on her lap, "see those signatures? All the men and women I met, especially that one there in the love heart," he chuckled to himself, shaking his head.

"Susie," he said, "love at first sight, named the 'Pussy King' due to the amount of prostitutes I fucked, though she wasn't one, she was the true love of my life," he fought back the tears that swelled in his eyes, he appeared disgruntled though deep inside was being torn apart.

"I ain't gonner bore ya' with my stories," Wayne chortled, "wanner' see somethin' Demetra?"

Ethan watched as a group of people drove past and up to the farm, only to drive away again. He threw the truck in reverse and turned it around, following the other vehicle. "Must be them, right?" The truck hit a few undead on the way out, but did not take any major damage. In a matter of seconds they were back on the highway, following the SUV that came and went. "What do you think? Follow them or go back to Jamestown?" He did not know what to do, as the original plan went to hell. The farm was lost. "We can go and get Timothy, or follow these people."

burninglog said:
((Can't until @LostInTime does, he's the one driving the truck lol. I think the only time he's online is when I'm in school or asleep xD ))
((@burninglog - Nope, I am on Eastern Time. Just doing things.))
Demetra listened attentively to Wayne speak. She got the itch to write.

"Your stories wouldn't bore me. I'm actually a journalist... Well part-time, but I'm trying to claw my way up the ranks. I'd love to do a piece on you, I'm sure many people wou-" Demetra trailed off. A bitter smile slowly spread across her face.

"Oh. Right. The world's over. No one gives a shit about what I write anymore," She looked out the window, lost in thought for a moment. She came back to reality a couple minutes later. She gave her head a shake.

"Sorry. I guess I just haven't totally come to terms with all... This," She said gesturing to the world outside the vehicle. She looked back over at Wayne.

"Anyway, you said you had something to show me?"

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Jackson kept glancing ahead at the group of vehicles and back behind them where Jamestown was- and where Tim was. He looked back at Ethan with uncertainty on his face. He really did want to meet those new people, but he wasn't one for abandoning people. Especially people who hadn't abandoned him. Jackson glanced back at Jamestown before speaking in his small voice. "I dunno, I guess we should maybe head back for Tim. It'd be a dick move to leave him for dead in a time like this." The weird boy had never really had any friends apart from his little sister, but if anyone showed him kindness he was instantly loyal.

((Yeah xD I don't have much to do lol))

@LostInTime @XxLuluxX
He nod at her words acknowledged what she said. Wayne squint momentarily attempting to perceive an object in the road though was merely a misplaced shadow that happened to defy his vision.

Wayne notion with his head to the glove box compartment, it was as if he kept everything in there. It was still open, it's mouth hung exposed with the scatter of contents displayed in a messy pile of junk and shit. Inside was a chain that lined across the front and snaking its way into the debris. He wait for her to grasp the chain and view the dog tags which had the words "37 CONFIRMED KILLS, IF YOU'RE RECOVERING MY BODY - FUCK YOU," it was the hilarity and dark humour that had always pleased him and hopefully Demetra thought the same way. Last he joked about the scenario and events of that day was next to the death bed of his friend whom served with him in 'Nam.

"Have 'em," he said, "they burden me too many mem'ries, thought you'd appreciate it," he glimpsed, passing her a brief smile.

The box Chevy slowed, pulling into a dirt clearing, the whole area was exposed except for a few trees that lined the sides of the road. Wayne turned the key in the ignition and the Chevy quietened down. The SUV pulled up behind them as Wayne stepped out slamming the truck door behind him and leaning against the hood, lighting himself a tab, then offering Demetra one.

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Penelope Harper:

The child sat in silence of what she'd just seen, knees hugged to her chest. Watching the burning city whip past. Creatures jerkingly turning to horrifically grin with ripped lips and chipped teeth. "Daddy?" She softly called, earning his attention with a rough 'Yes darlin'?' Penny, awkwardly shifted, removing her rucksack. "Wheres mummy? Or- Or George?" The young child again questioned, pulling strands of hair from her slender features. Yet she saw her fathers face darken, anger and sorrow combined to create an unidentifiable expression. Fighting one or the other. He eventually responded.

"...Mummy, and George are in a better place Pen. They're up in the clouds, watching over us. Making sure nothing else is gonna happen to you and me. Alright?"

Penelope sniffled, her head bobbing in a nod. She knew what he meant. She'd never see her mother again. Not until the day she fell asleep too. Never to wake under the skies again, yet above them as her mother had told.

Timothy Harper:

He followed the roads he'd taken in the pick up, finding little had changed- apart from the numbers of congregating walkers. Groaning and shuffling like trees in the breeze. Bumping into and running over a few with satisfaction. Penny brought up the question eventually, as to where her mother was. Yet as he'd said, she was a tough little thing. Having the belief of a guardian angel would be best. The loss wouldn't burden her too much. Not that he'd ever reveal how his wife had died to the child, not even in his last breaths. She deserved to remember his wife, Juliet, as she was. Eyes alight with love, her heart filled with care, fingertips soft in caress to wash away troubles.

Yet Timothy was no Romeo. In this play, he'd take life by the reigns. There would be no giving up till the disease had burnt itself out. Like a wildfire blazing through a dry wood forest.

Finally the landrover was released from the city's deathly hold, set free down the highway with a small scowl of focus. Jamestown was history. A battlefield of the dead, where crows would feast upon corpses eyes. Maggots would fester, and men would become monsters. Flattening his foot on the accelerator, the car jolted forward in a burst of speed. Penelope looking toward her father with wide trusting eyes. "We'll make it Pen. You hear? You and me. Thats all that matters now."
Jun idly watched the passing scenery as they drove, arms wrapped securely around her legs. Being in the back of a truck would normally have been entertaining, but at the time... Well, it was at the point where if stabbing herself with a fork would make her heart stop pounding so hard, she would. But it wouldn't. And stabbing herself would just hurt and bleed all over her clothes again.

Sitting up straighter as the car came to a rolling stop, the redhead briefly entertained the idea of jumping and making a run for it before the car door slammed shut, the crazy -as she was now convinced- farmer getting out.

"... What's your plan?" Juniper finally forced herself to ask him, hopping down from the truck bed and doing a quick 360 check for corpses.

@CrystalGoblets @Opium

He steadily kept his hands on the wheel, slowly following the pair of cars, whilst hearing some chitter chatter coming from it, which was considerably not the least of his concerns, as he wasn't trying to eavesdrop upon their respective conversations. Well, at least he isn't a budding killer with nothing except for a knife and an empty wallet, complimented with a stomach filled with human meat and blood, which may may not be infected with a collage of diseases, thus, leading to the world's biggest fuck-up in terms of a clean kill. He narrowed his eyes before looking at the two cars which moved on and on, in a rather clumsy motion, which severely annoyed Hugo, and probably out the driver into some kind of 'cargasm', Before coming to an abrupt stop, to both the cargasm and the shoddy driving, as the car behind that car also came to a stop. And out (of the first car) came a guy... Who looked like a duck. Yep, he was definitely gifted with the ability to mix in with the ducks. Maybe he could also quack like a duck, nevertheless, he did what any socially concerned citizen would do in times like this.

He opened the door in a brisk manner, almost taking it off in the process, before quickly slipping on some shades. Some hipster shades with a very purple tint in it and golden frames.

"Howdy folks, what are you doing in such primal areas such as this?" He said with a friendly tone before inspecting the surroundings and the people.

"What the FUCK Jax! You pulled up right on his fucking ass!" Joce whisper-yells at me.

"Why don't you just fucking get out and re park it? Huh? Oh yeah, you got your license suspended for being a giant fucking knob!" I whisper-yell back at her.

"Fuck! You know what, we don't have time for this. Hold my stick, I need to get my lighter." Joce says and shoves the poll into my hand. She slowly opens the door and crouches out of the car. The almost complete blackness of the late dusk helped to hide her well. I look through the mirrors as she slowly moves towards the back of the car. I jump the seat so I'm right on the other side of all our stuff in the trunk. She slowly pulls the handle and lifts open the trunk. Then half our stuff falls out of the SUV with various thunking and clanging.

"Motherfucker." She mutters.

"Nice one. You've done a bang up job of staying hidden. While you're on such a roll why don't you fucking move the car, I'll just tell them to pretend nothing happened and we can try again." I tell her.

"You're a fuck," she says and throws a bag at me.

I grumble and curse at her under my breathe as i crawl out the back to squat beside her.

"Find your stupid lighter yet?" I ask her bitterly.

"Yeah, right here!" She says and lights it up, pushing it towards my head.

"Hey! Careful! You almost light my beautiful curls on fire! I don't even have my hat on to protect them." I grumble and pat my head near the almost incident sight.

"C'mon, quite sniveling, we gotta save Ari." She says and starts going back around the SUV towards the truck. I follow her.

Suddenly Joce stops quickly and i bump right into her.

"Why the hell did you stop?" I whisper-yell at her. She elbows me hard in the ribs and I yelp loudly. The light chatter at the truck stops.

"Now you've done it," Joce mutters and relights her lighter, I point the stick out in front of myself.
"Mrrghh, arghh fuck,” he groaned stretching his arms and legs whilst the chilled zephyr of the nightly breeze brushed across his face and soothed him to know the area was calm, a desolate, tranquil retreat away from the tormenting ghouls that roamed the great expansions of (as a Serbian can't believe I'm saying this) America. The " land of the free" truly fulfilled it purpose during these days of judgement. Wayne scratched the back off his head and mumbled a hush growl before responding to the girl.

"There's a motel ahead, pulled up here to make certain to not attract those festering assholes," he leant in through the window shuffling around in the back of essentials, throwing the girl a water bottle. He winked and rolled up the window a slight then hoist the rest of his equipment over his back, occupying both shoulders and arms. Wayne traversed the mud and grime, nearing the motel.
Demetra giggled at the joke then thumbed the dog tags and smiled to herself before slipping them over her head. They rested nicely on her chest, the cool metal against skin felt soothing. She accepted the lit tab from Wayne and took a hit. Suddenly many things were happening at once. Jun hopped out from the truck, asked what the plan was, and started surveying the area for corpses. The SUV pulled up behind us and Jaxson and Jocelynn tried but failed to sneak up on us stealthily. Then a mystery man appeared in a vehicle behind us and came out, asking us what we were doing there.

"Well sir we-" Demetra was cut off by a scream that came from her left. Everyone tensed and turned that way, but it was too dark to see much.
Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound of running feet. Demetra grabbed her letter opener and held it in front of her. Another scream. Thump. Thump. Thump. A frantic woman finally came into view. She was being chased by at least 15 corpses. Demetra whistled under her breath and tensed for battle.

"Over here!" She shouted.
Crack! The sound of gunfire. Two corpses went down, but so did the woman. A couple zombies fell on top of her, ripping flesh from the bone. The rest started making their way towards us.

@SeaSkies @Opium @KaiaWolf @Elephantom
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Opium said:
"Mrrghh, arghh fuck,” he groaned stretching his arms and legs whilst the chilled zephyr of the nightly breeze brushed across his face and soothed him to know the area was calm, a desolate, tranquil retreat away from the tormenting ghouls that roamed the great expansions of (as a Serbian can't believe I'm saying this) America. The " land of the free" truly fulfilled it purpose during these days of judgement. Wayne scratched the back off his head and mumbled a hush growl before responding to the girl.
"There's a motel ahead, pulled up here to make certain to not attract those festering assholes," he leant in through the window shuffling around in the back of essentials, throwing the girl a water bottle. He winked and rolled up the window a slight then hoist the rest of his equipment over his back, occupying both shoulders and arms. Wayne traversed the mud and grime, nearing the motel.
[Oh crap sorry my post was supposed to be before this but my internet went a little haywire]
Wayne turned almost abruptly, glarin at the man whom trailed after the conoy and the exasperation of voices. He bellowed out in a gruff tone, they were unsure he was truly pissed or not.

"Don't swear it's FUCKING rude!" he swept turning back and heading for the motel at a quickened pace.

"Assholes!" he yelled, ignoring the 'hippy-shit' behind him.
[My router is being a jihadi and converting to Islam so I receive all msgs like 5mins late.]

Wayne was caught off guard, he shuddered at the sound of gunfire, his eyes widened and heart throbbed, rage and torment coursing through his veins. The weight of the encumberment only burden his I'll temperament more as he slung the bags to the ground, viciously ripping open the duffelbag that contained his Kalashnikov and yanking harshly on the lever to engage it. Wayne hurried over, his stance and concentration were unnatural for a veteran, which explained the rage he was enduring. He grit his teeth harshly and relentlessly discharged the AK-47, the rich and melodic claps as hot brass spat from the gun. He delivered a salvo of lead bullets into the treeline miraculously gunning down a few corpses.

One came close and knocked Waynejolting the gun from his hands as he lurched back. It gasped him with immense strength, it's unforgiving claws deepening into the fabric of what he wore. This had only aggravate Wayne further as he clenched it by the neck, tightening his grip and slamming its head into his trucks window, which subsequently smashed. A queenly pantheon of glass shards and such trinkled down, reflecting the moonlight as he once again drove it's face into the jagged shards of glass. It wheezed, moaning as it slumped back and fell as if the strings of a marionette doll had been severed.
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With the sudden jump of action all around us I run to the back of the SUV, throwing our shit in and slamming it closed.

"What are you doing?" Jocelynn asks,"We gotta fight these hoes."

"Uhh, you can stay and fight, I'll just be over here, moral support 'n' stuff. Go sista from the same minsta! Hashtag girl power!" I say and i back towards the driver's seat. Jumping in, starting the SUV, rolling up all the windows and locking myself in.

"Let me in you fucker!" Joce yells as she slams her fists against the side of the vehicle.

"Apologize!" I yell back.

"For what?! I've done jack shit to you!"

"Fine, whatever, all that noise you're making is gonna atract them so." I unlock it and she jumps in, I lock it after and we start going ahead.
Timothy Harper:

"Hey, Penelope darlin', look around for a map would you? We better look for a place to stay the night. I don't want to be sleeping in the car or out in the open. See what you can find." He called over with a loose smile, disguising true emotion from harming his child like any good parent. Just trying to protect the one he loved. Penelope took the mission and eagerly clambered over the seats, digging into pockets with a little hum. Easily distracted from the situation when making it into a game of hide and seek. Finally her small hands grasped upon something- A road map to be precise. Perfect. "Dad! Look!" Penny grinned, waving it about before opening the pages to glance upon wild coloured squiggles of roads and rivers. "Can we go eat somewhere nice?" The fireman laughed, a true and hearty one. "Maybe. We'll see. But I'm afraid tonight is gonna be something cold and simple. Daddy can't cook to save his ass. I managed to burn pasta."

"S'Because Mum is a girl and girls are better"

Tim rolled his eyes, sighing "I don't think that's correct evidence you have there missy. Now, look for a map of Dakota and find Jamestown. Alright?" Turning his gaze back to the road, Penny flicked through page after page silence befalling all but the soft whirr of mechanics. Upon finding a correct page, Timothy went about concluding what to do. A motel was marked not far from them and within the limits of his gas tank. Next step would to find another radio, contact others, perhaps an evac base still standing? Who knew.
The remaining undead that clustered near Wayne were his. His face bloodied and clothes dampened with slaughter and gore that dribbled down his chest. Wayne unsheathed his machete he had kept attached to his tool belt since he abandoned his farmstead.

"What the fuck are you lookin' at?!" he roared, vigorously slashing it's face then revolving round delivering a lethal blow to its neck, his flurried moves and unpredictable engagements had near exhausted him yet he remained composed mentally, strategically striking where bone met flesh. He had studied anatomy of the human body, knew the pressure points and how to harvest an effective kill. Wayne clambered toward the second, driving the machete through its heart and twisting the blade, jerking it about rendering the organ to a bloodied pulp of mess from an exposed hole. The third he approached and side stepped from behind, grasping it's forehead and slashing the blade across its throat causing a major gash to appear. He spun it around and harshly shoved it into the fourth, last remaining corpse. The one he shoved made horrific choking sounds as it struggled for breath. Wayne clenched his fist into its shirt pulling it close then letting the machete slide through his fingers, thudding against the dirt. Wayne drove his right hand into where he made the incision and growled as he strained to force his hand in its throat. It shrieked a blood curdling gargle as Wayne tore the esophagus from its throat and held it up like a trophy, presenting it to the survivors whom stared, dumbfounded by his violent actions. The blood ran down his hand and accumulated around his upper arm before dropping it and his arms. He casually turned back, chest heaving as he breathed heavily. He turned and ran a short pace back to it, stomping on its head as finisher.

"You motherfucker!" he yelled, "How fucking disrespectful! This how you treat guests here?! Huh?! Fuck you!"

He ambled over back to his bags and angrily picked them up, continuing down the trail to the motel.
"Well, I agree." Ethan said, giving a smile. He stopped the truck and pulled it over to the side of the highway. ((Freeway?)) "In this new world, we all have to stick together. You can't just leave someone to die, even if they choose that as their fate." He made sure that there were no dead around, then reached for his bag. After unzipping his bag, Ethan pulled out a water bottle, only to toss the bag back onto the floor of the truck. He chugged the contents of the bottle, then tossed it out the truck window. "Before we do anything, you need to give me a definitive answer. Once we go either way, there is no turning back." Ethan spoke, pointing at the truck's fuel indicator. "We have enough fuel for a one way trip. After that we will need to find more."


((@XxLuluxX Possibly?))
LostInTime said:
"Well, I agree." Ethan said, giving a smile. He stopped the truck and pulled it over to the side of the highway. ((Freeway?)) "In this new world, we all have to stick together. You can't just leave someone to die, even if they choose that as their fate." He made sure that there were no dead around, then reached for his bag. After unzipping his bag, Ethan pulled out a water bottle, only to toss the bag back onto the floor of the truck. He chugged the contents of the bottle, then tossed it out the truck window. "Before we do anything, you need to give me a definitive answer. Once we go either way, there is no turning back." Ethan spoke, pointing at the truck's fuel indicator. "We have enough fuel for a one way trip. After that we will need to find more."

((@XxLuluxX Possibly?))
[i'm on my way back out Jamestown, if you want I could pass your characters by or something c: ]
Wayne starts shooting the corpses like a maniac and Demetra runs at them slicing and stabbing along the way. Suddenly the SUV zooms past them.

"What the? Where are they going?!" Demetra shouts. Wayne doesn't seem to hear Demetra as he's in some weird kind of trance. She shrugs it off and keeps hacking away at the living dead. Suddenly, she's on the ground. She hisses out in pain and grabs her left bicep. Blood flows out between her fingers.
'What happened?' Demetra moves her hand away from her arm for a second and sees a bullet wound. Her body tenses and she can't move, can't breathe.

"Wayne," She whimpered before she slipped into shock.
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Jackson slowly nodded although he was sure if they went on foot far away from cities and such, it wouldn't be way too difficult. "Yeah, we really should head back for Tim." A growling noise reminded him that he hasn't eaten in days. He opened up the duffel bag and brought out a bag of sour cream and onion chips. He opened it, taking in the mouth-watering heavenly aroma before filling his face with crispy salty goodness.

@LostInTime @XxLuluxX
Jae wasn't sure if they were being nice for a reason or not. He just passed a hand through his head when he took out his gloves. "So what got you three here?" He questioned. @femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester
Striker squinted his eyes at Jae, giving him a suspicious look."The entire towns crawling with the living dead and your asking what got us here? How have you survived this long?" Striker asked his voice was slurred and his duffle bag was sitting beside him. The duffle bags zipper was opened just enough for him to reach in and take something out. He smelled of beer and was in a unusual mood for him."God what does it matter why were here? Were all gna die anyway! Why not go out partying!?" He yelled and stood up raising his hands In the air and reveling a six pack of bud light all open and empty."Oops my bad you wasn't supposeto see that.....hahahaha!" Striker began laughing loudly amused by the entire situation. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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