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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Striker grabbed Arthur's shoulders again. "That wasn't Amelia Arthur...not anymore. I know how you feel but Amelia would of wanted you to live even if that meant killing bashing in her zombie head. Let's go before more come..I really don't want to find out who else has turned into one of those things." Striker said as he helped Arthur to his feet and continued on the path. @femjapanriceball
Arthur stood up, pale and shaky. He was completely heartbroken. His wife, the girl that he had loved since high school, was now gone. He remembered that energetic spark in her eyes, the way she lit up a room even when all was lost. "Goodbye," he whispered before walking away. He took a moment to become his regular self again, then he nodded. "Right. It's only a few more minutes." He spotted the familiar house he had grown up and raised his two children in and smiled. I wonder if Mattie is still here.

He opened the gate and entered his familiar backyard. No zombies. Good. He climbed up the ladder to the treehouse he had built with his family, clutching his shovel so his knuckles were white. "Hello? Anyone here?"

"Papa....?" Matthew, his youngest son, cautiously walked out, holding onto an arrow.

"Mattie!" Arthur scooped up his son, trying his best not to cry. "Mattie, it's okay, I'm here!"

"Papa! Mr. Hamold!" Matthew sobbed. "I thought you were......when you didn't return....."

"Do you honestly think I would do that to you?"

"Where's Mama?"

"She....." Arthur swallowed. "She didn't make it, Mattie. I'm sorry."

@Solemn Jester
Something terrible occurred to Striker."Check him for wounds!" Striker ordered and bent down to speak with Mattie."Now listen did anyone attempt to enter the house? Anyone at all maybe the weren't acting normal smelled really bad?" Striker asked a look of concern on his face. @femjapanriceball
Timothy Harper:

The city was hell. I don't mean that in an amusing manner. The dead dragged themselves across pathways, fingers raw and horrific grins pasted onto decaying faces. Thick, coagulated blood dribbled from ripped skin and created pools of almost black upon the pavement. Tim slunk along, grasping the fire axe tightly to his chest. Keeping low. The sun dipping in the sky dramatically with orange streaks. He couldn’t leave his Penny here. Not at night. Even if the move cost him his life, he'd do it. Through the jungle of concrete buildings and car alarms he worked his way towards the family home, he'd do another sweep just to be sure. Then he'd see about the babysitters. Yet one thing also struck Timothy. His father in law. A man of ill health, living within a nursing home. Scratch the babysitters, why would she return there? She'd either be home, or at a place she visited regularly. A place she knew like the back of her hand.

Old Oaks Nursing Home.

Reaching the street, he knew so well Timothy pausingly approached that once so welcoming front door. Pushing into the hallway. The stench of decay hit, copper upon his tongue. Passing the living room he stopped to look in. Seeing two blood soaken bundles of sheets, one protectively wrapping around the other. Wife and Son. Forever embraced. His throat tightened, breath hitching a moment before he made his rounds. Calling out softly for his daughter. Alas, there was nothing. It seemed the only course of action would be to visit the nursing home and pray to whatever god was out there, that his little 'un had made it safe and sound.

Penny Harper:

Reaching the nursing home Penny cautiously avoided any monsters, slipping through the jammed automated doors. Silence. "Granpappy" She whispered, intently observing her surroundings before tilting her head around the desk, which that oh so friendly nurse had sat. "Grandpa?" Penelope called again, louder. Vanishing deeper into the corridors. Rattling doors and open windows caused her to jump, petite frame rigid with fear. Determined not to cry out in panic, she clutched the bear closer, holding her breath whilst tiptoeing through the blood stained rooms. Upon meeting a barricade of chairs and old beds she ducked, crawling through the mass of structures, glancing from left to right. "Grandpa?!" The young girl once again spoke out, the volume increasing steadily. She remembered his room number though. It had quickly become her favourite. 105.

Her long locks of hair brushed the indescribable floor she'd emerged on. They were dead. They were all dead. It was a pulp of blood and bone. Military work, alas all the child saw was nightmares. Room 105 wasn't far now. Edging carefully around the sea of soupy bullet broken carcasses. The door to her grandfather room was open ajar, Penny gently pushing it wide. "Grandpappy, I'm scared" She shook, tears welling in her eyes.

The old man sat in his chair facing the window, unmoving. Penelope approached. "Grandad, I want daddy" No sound. Nothing. Just the breeze filling the room. "Grandpa!" The young child shook her grandfathers shoulder violently, and screamed in alarm. The corpse jolted hungrily grasping at her arm and hair, dragging her towards his aggressively twisted features. "NO" She viciously wept, kicking and punching the walker away from her. Yet it didn't stop there with the body of her grandfather lumbering up, his movements wrenching and doll like. Jaunty.

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Arthur nodded and checked Matthew all over the place. "Uninjured. A little shaken, but uninjured."

"You mean like zombies?" Matthew muttered. "Yeah, there was this one guy. I hit him with my bow and then ran up here."

"Good boy," Arthur said, patting his son on the back. "I'm proud of you. Where's your brother?"

"I told you. I hit him with my bow and ran up here."

"Oh. Now I get it." Arthur nodded again.

@Solemn Jester
"Well at least you safe we should really get to that tree house and make our next plan." Striker said his face expression one of sorrow. So many people have died and in so little time. Now they needed to find someway to get out of this hell hole. But how they'd be lucky if they could make it out of Jamestown without getting killed. @femjapanriceball
Arthur nodded and lifted his son up. They ran through the backyard until they found the treehouse (well, it was pretty obvious in the first place). Matthew went up the ladder first, since he was the youngest, then Arthur. When he was at the top, he admired the treehouse for the first time in ages.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.df525b8e5f5a44fef80684cac3b83d25.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.df525b8e5f5a44fef80684cac3b83d25.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"It was a really smart idea to build this," he commented, waving at Striker.

"Yeah....it was."

"Hey.....you okay, kiddo?"

"I....I'm fine," Matthew sniffled. "I'm just happy you're here to protect me now."

Arthur smiled. "Yeah. We'll make it out alive. I promise."

@Solemn Jester



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Wayne approached the two flabbergasted survivors whom warily shuffled back a slight, attentive of his persistent presence. Wayne acknowledged their caution and frowned before blathering on.

"What? What, hm?" his speaking was swift and tone extensive in sense of captivation. He continued his arms spread as if about to hug someone, he leaned forward a slight.

"Ohhh oh oh, right, the blood," he chuckled to himself, "It's not all mine!" he paused, dabbing four fingers into the blood and tasting it, the savoury contents contend with one another in his mouth, he felt the taste of rust.

"Mhhh, shit," he mumbled in a murmur of what they deemed satisfaction, "Well at least this isn't, want a taste huh? Hm?" he extend his arm presenting the crimson concoction that formed around his hand. Wayne paid no attention to their sentiment as they remained unstated, voiceless and trying to comprehend what the fuck is happening. Wayne revolved around to his box Chevy, noticing a clump of gore and cruor (coagulated blood) smeared along the hood and front grill. He remained undisturbed by the horrific scene, instead he lacked common empathy or sympathy for any action he commenced which is "why my wife left me," he would joke. Unpretentiously he loomed to the truck and grasped a handful of mess in his hand before ripping into the meat with his teeth, tearing apart the tendons of the survivor that was struck earlier. He chewed vigorously breathing through his nose as he surveyed the slaughter.

"Mhh this is good shit, mhhh, you sure you don't want some? Fuck we need to cook this, fuck," he contemplate, savouring the nourishment. He turned noticing they steadily backed away.

He yelled out at them,


@LostInTime @burninglog @KaiaWolf @Neuton
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Striker slowly made his way up the ladder one step at a time. Then he heard the groans he turned around to see rotting festering walking corpse heading towards the back yard."Damn how did they find us!?" He yelled as he panicked and made his way up the ladder faster. He slipped and just managed to catch himself as the zombies got closer. He kicked a zombie in the face and pulled himself up breathing heavily as he did."Wow that...was....a close one." He said through labored breathes. @femjapanriceball
Arthur nodded, looking at the zombies on the ground. "Yes. We got lucky." He yanked the rope ladder up, literally shaking them off of it. Then, all businesslike, he dusted himself off. "There's four hammocks in here and I think that there's still some junk food all over the place." Matthew nodded. "I guess we're having trail mix and soup for dinner tonight. I have some cans of soup left from the food drive."

"Right. I guess that tonight will be like a sleepover?"

"Uh......yes. Sort of."

Matthew nodded and plugged in his headphones to his iPod. "Cool. Just like in movies."

"Matthew, did you watch—"

"Whaaaat? My friend loves the Walking Dead!"

"Matthew! You know full well that you're not allowed to watch that until you turn eighteen!"

"I'm eleven; that's close enough!"

Well, boys will be boys.

@Solemn Jester
Striker looked at the both with shock and awe."Are you really having this conversation? There are walking corpses out there trying to eat us, and your concerned that your sons watching the walking dead! Which I can only assume will be canceled and replaced with everyday of our lives!" Striker declared as if he had just realized these things. @femjapanriceball
[Literally at the farm with you, u both saw me eat a fleshy mass of a survivor I hit on the freeway getting back to the farm, then offered you some.]
Jae was catiously walking through the woods, spinning the knife as he kept on walking. How exactly did he get here hmm? Well first thing first let's review what he remembers( xD ). He had been helping or volunteering out at the hospital when the dead started coming back to life and people started getting eaten and turning into whatever this thing were called. Being the smart ass he is, he had gone to where his car was located at, dodging any any of those thing that try attacking, and getting his backpack.

Jae had always known that the end of the world was coming but this soon, well fuck, he didn't have a complete set of things needed for a zombie apocalypse. At least he had a change of clothes and uniform to wear so that he didn't get infected. So far he knew that they reanimated when people got bit, scratched, and contagious through mouth or eyes. Than goodNess he had his sunglasses and Bandanna to cover his mouth or else he could had been one of them. He had started the car and driven out yet the gas had depleted quickly. What the hell? How could the car have no more gas? Oh yeah, he had forgotten to fill it out. And bad a bing bad a boom, he was here at the woods, well not exactly the woods but it could be understood. It was the backyard of some people but calling it the woods was more interesting for him. He kept on walking and sometimes hiding when those thing appeared. Now he just needed to find out if anybody was around here or if only those thing we're out here in the woods.
Arthur buried his face in his hands, nodding. "Yeah.....yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be stressing about that right now. We should be worried about the zombie problem." He looked out the treehouse window. "All's clear. Do you think we should create a signal for that?"

"Probably. Like in the movies."

"You are so grounded."


"All right, all right. What do you think?" He asked Striker. But before they could continue, he saw someone through the window. He ran out and pointed his gun at whoever it was. "ALIVE OR UNDEAD?!" he shouted, naturally wanting to protect his son and best friend.

Jae blinked when heard someone's voice and turned toward it. He blinked once he saw a gun being pointed at him and did the one thing he did whenever things like this happened. Hide behind a tree so he wouldn't be seen and become invisible. Yes invisible, he had too many things to do and dying wasn't one of those thing yet. He did the one solution he could do before holding out his hand and giving the person the middle finger before hiding his hand again. No one pointed a gun at him, that was mutiny if they didn't get the middle finger back. @femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester
Demetra froze on the spot and paled. He's. Eating. Flesh. She glanced over at Jocelynn, Jaxson and Jun to try to gauge their reactions. They all looked just as shocked as she felt. 'We have to handle this situation gently, or else he might... End up eating one of us next' She thought anxiously. She tried to smile at the farmer.

"I uh.." She tried to think of a way to please this crackhead.

"Can I... have some?" Rule of thumb: Go along with the crazy person's wishes until you can find a safe escape route.

@SeaSkies @KaiaWolf @Opium
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"Yea because the undead are going to answer you." Striker said laughing at Arthufs question. He stood his arms crossed looking down at the guy."If he's groaning and ugly he's probably either a zombie or unattractive and brain dead." Striker said preparing to attack or run just in case this guy was unfriendly. @femjapanriceball @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Wayne tilt his head at the survivors whom remained present at his farm, in the immediate area of a dirt driveway and in front the farmhouse with a towering silo beside it and a splintered barn opposite. A crooked smile contort to his face as he steadily rose his arm, barely shaking, he offered the butcher to the lady before suddenly snatching it back. He spoke in a gruff yet alluring and calm tone,

"Mhhhh actually noooo," he voice trailed, he appeared to be thinking to himself. Wayne shook his head and dismissed himself.

"Mh, mh sure, here," he stepped close then retained a respective distance noticing he made them feel uncomfortable. It felt cold in your hand, a squashy lump that was... oddly appealing.

Arthur reddened. "Human, then. HEY! SORRY I SCARED YOU! WHAT'RE YOU DOING OUT THERE IN THE OPEN? YOU NEED TO GET INTO SHELTER!" He shouted so the guy, who had flipped him off and ran for it. He hadn't been too affected by it; there were students who did that to him all the time. "COME IN HERE! THEY CAN'T CLIMB TREES!"

"No duh, Sherlock," an irritated Matthew muttered, a little pissed at his father for grounding him. Even in a zombie apocalypse, parents were parents.

Blood slowly ran between Demetra's fingers, curled down her wrist and dripped off from her elbow. Bile rose in her throat and she barely stopped herself from gagging. 'WHAT WAS I THINKING?! THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA! NOW I'M HOLDING ONTO A CHUNK OF FESTERING HUMAN FLESH AND SOME CRAZY GUY EXPECTS ME TO EAT IT!' An intense war was being fought inside of Demetra. The farmer looked at her with glazed eyes.

"Can I uh... Save it for later?" She squeaked. His face contorted with rage and he came towards her.

"I- I- I'M SO-" He shoved her fist holding the bloody meat into her mouth. The familiar metallic taste of blood erupted in her mouth, along with a new taste.
'This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be- Demetra fainted.

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There was a pause as Wayne watched her hesitantly taste the meat, then witnessed her faint. He bawled out in laughter, shaking his head.

"Fuckin' mediocre," he chuckled, walking over to her and tossing the chunk of brutality aside. He extend his arm letting his sleeve drop to his wrist and leniently cleared the blood from her mouth, delicate as to not harm her or display the wrong impression. The groaning and excruciating moans of the undead drew nearer. He glanced up, staring at the party as he cushioned the lady's head,

"The fuck are you waiting for? Move, we're fuckin' leaving!" Wayne bellowed, the members of the party did as ordered, he was unpredictable, they best play along with him as they got back in their trucks. Wayne mindfully lift her up trying to make her comfortable as he ambled over to his truck, he whistled at the kid.

"In the back, my Kalashnikov is there play with it if you want," his words were followed by an incoherent sentence. The truck was a two seater, yet the back contained enough room for four people to sit either side, it was cushioned with hay. Wayne carefully set the lady in the front seat and support her head against the side, drawing the seat belt across her and getting in the driver's side. He browsed his CDs and finally came to a decision.

Pussy Riot - I Can't Breathe blares through the speakers.

Wayne geared the box Chevy as before into drive and the wheels kicked up a dust cloud as they left the farmstead for good. They had no destination.

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"I'm... Not really hungry..." Juniper managed to get out, knuckles white around her knife. It wasn't technically a lie, though she had been getting rather hungry before, but after seeing that... Yeah, definitely not hungry anymore. She had had a bad feeling about the guy, but now at least she knew why.

Glancing at Demetra, Jun watched as she -for some morbid reason- accepted some of the meat. She wasn't really gonna- Oh god. Oh god! The girl dropped like a stone, rightfully having fainted after all that. Juniper could barely react, mouth opening and closing like a fish as she tried to take the information in.

"You- She- Oh my god..."

With wide eyes she swallowed and followed along with the farmer, not brave enough to try and leave just yet. Though honestly, the dead-filled woods were starting to look slightly less terrifying...

@CrystalGoblets @Opium

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